Finally the first draft is done

I finally finished my first draft of my plot for my porn isekai harem interracial VN.

52 pages and 18k words so far.

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18,000 words for a VN

Anon that takes an hour to read.

It's not prose.
It's the plot.

Basically a chapter takes 1/3 to 1/2 of a page.

this, way too long. what are trying to make op, a leftist meme?

interracial VN

He quite literally is.

The joke is that is a porn parody, but the parody is that is a serious story with a complex lore and worldbuilding and more than 100 chapters.

The joke is that is also a generic isekai harem porn.

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Let me guess the basic plot is:

I'm a total loser NEET shutin weirdo

My parents hate me and I get bullied all the time but actually I'm smart and sensitive and nice

But I die and then I'm reincarnated into a buff attractive dude

Women fall all over me for no reason because despite me having totally shit social skills in my old life now I really am mysterious and interesting because I'm totally jaded and cynical and women in the new world totally love me

Oh and they're all DD cup broads with fat asses who are all bombshells but also virgins and don't know what sex is but they know their vaginas tingle when I talk

Also I'm really good at video games so I'm actually a good fighter with good reflexes

Oh and I know how to make electricity and computers and stuff and gun powder and medicine because I'm like totally from the future

And magic is real in this world and I'm just naturally gifted in it I can totally do a ton of spells and shit and it's easy for me I don't even have to study because it's so easy but it's hard for everyone else

Oh oh and plus everyone always smells good nobody has to bathe or wear deodorant we all just smell really good and never have to take a shower. Or brush our teeth. And we can just eat chunks of meat all day

Yeah, basically I'm an awesome demigod and don't even have to try women just love me for no reason and I'm smart and cool and strong and don't have to try or anything. I deserve this.

>I'm a total loser NEET shutin weirdo

>My parents hate me and I get bullied all the time but actually I'm smart and sensitive and nice

woah... that is literally me. Can you make him look like Ryan Gosling too op?

post a sample

How do you handle the visuals. Is this AI sloppa or you hire someone. How much that cost? This or Kinda feel like the latter is more on the up and up, but the former always has some legs for marketability unless you're going with dweeb isekai rather than boss-nigga.

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It's a world where the Sun god has to reincarnate as a new messia isekai MC, to cleanse the world from evil energies, so he has to go from the starting town to the first queen, and he's given the task to collect the other 10 crystals from the other kingdoms so he could open a path towards the floating evil island and fight the final boss of the story, and evil queen made from the energies of evil human desires that have been collecting over time.
Basically the sun god has to be reborn at diferent cycles to do a periodic cleanse of the world.

Also, there's not males in the world besides him.
The reproduction of the girls inside the world, follows basically the structure of ants and bees, where the Queens are the ones that carry most of the egg laying where the villagers are born.
They get inseminated by the Sun energy of their God using a magic ritual.

Since he's a divine being, he has a very sexy aurea that makes the girls to be turned on by his presence, like Zeus.


Starting to think I should use AI slop for making something like a first person VN JRPG.

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That's right! It's the perfect scenario

The joke is that is a porn parody, but the parody is that is a serious story with a complex lore and worldbuilding and more than 100 chapters.

The joke is that is also a generic isekai harem porn.

quite literally, nobody is laughing at this """""""""""joke"""""""""""
get a grip on your life. open your window to let your brain get fresh air at least, gotta start somewhere

Protag's skin color?


I think its funny.

"I wish I wasn't halfmulato and asian."I sigh alon again in my room the sounds of skittering my only company. I love you goki."
A circle of light appeared next to my poster of Koharu-chan. A woman that fits all that i want appears with her succulent form she speaks in a hurry"Is this... oh dear god what is that odor?" She visually wretches as my pet goki the 7th or maybe thats goki the 700th crawls on her leg to say hello.With a shriek she stomps the ground wildly killing many more of my friend nakus. "N-no wait." my gravely voice wheezes as phlegm and the lack exercise push me past my limits." Her eyes turn stone cold and I feel my micropenis twitch with desire."DIE ORC!" I feel a sharp pain and keel over a trail of wetness and warmth mess filling my gray sweatpants. I close my eyes.

what tags is gonna have? if it is vanilla shit you should terminate your project asap (and yourself)

You forgot

get bestowed with cheat skill from the gods that nobody in the entire world has

get super strong from the most menial tasks because the world runs on Dragon Quest JRPG mechanics with a "skill" system (because the NEET who wrote the story is an MMO addict who doesn't know how to worldbuild)

never loses a fight, every new bad guy is just there to showcase the protag's new busted powerup of the week

there is an adventurer's guild with a ranking system

all the races are just copy pasted from Wizardry or DnD (the only popular western RPGs in Japan)

there is literally nothing wrong with a """low""" wordcount
terminal idiots will pretend that being verbose the same as being smart, but the simple fact is that being concise is so much more intelligent than rambling with no editing

but muh perfect atmospheric SoL nipponese romance VN, you must have millions of words for them to work

take a single look at the ranobe-mango-japanimation scene, and tell me if you really want every story to spin its wheels, never going anywhere, only to get stuck in hiatus hell after disappointing sales of the 33rd volume
that being said, 18k words is too small for a commercial release, especially if you have proper branching

Good job anon. It's good to be creative.

i started writing too for the first time. I am doing a fantasy novel i already have 10k words

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the underlying pill to swallow is that yes, women will fall over you if you're attractive even if you have bad social skills

I think it would be hilarious to see literature majors discussing porn in a literature or writing class.

That's why it's funny.
It's like I am trolling you with quality over something that should be crap.

I wanted to make him mulatto for extra trolling points, but I decided over time to just make him tanned like 99% of hentai MC.

Honestly what I want is to make a new worldbuilding that hopefully better artists make quality doujins from my shit.

I can't into coomer stuff, so hopefully artists that are good for coomer shit, but lacks good enough ideas, can take my ideas and polish them.

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because the NEET who wrote the story is an MMO addict who doesn't know how to worldbuild

You know what really gets my blood a'bolin'? The people writing all this schlock aren't stupid *for* relying on vidyagaem mechanics shilling "Hero, Dragon, Courier" for unbelievers, go read it, they are stupid *while* relying on them. It seems as if all these epic gamers don't even have a clue how games work, or how "tech" is discovered and mastered. It's because they don't, being stupid is cognitive debuff that affects literally every aspect of life, games included.
It's all either explicit foreknowledge of an exploit (that for some inane reason no native has ever found out) or the befuddling innovation on the level of inventing broth (usually being JUST GRIND LMAO). There is no real skill in those heroes, because there is no real skill in their authors. They are from a branch of SMART PEOPLE ARE WIZARDS school of writing, reducing all complexities of game systems to numbers. No different from DBZ powerlevelfags, whose only understanding of martial arts and combat is punching harder.

first person present

I implore you to reconsider, but if you're dead bent on it please read some other works written in the first person to get an idea of it

it has nothing to do with being verbose, it's about painting a picture with words and crafting a long story, especially if its a VN
to think otherwise would be to discard the whole short story format and that's just as foolish

ca3 studio

dude my writing is so good this is gonna get talked about for years to come, it's gonna be such an epic funny when school students are gonna be tasked to read a porn VN

this really is funny, anon, just not for the reasons you think
this level of delusional confidence borders on autistic, what do you think of frufi and cris and nutriments nigger?

what if he actually is him though? What if op is the next shakespeare?

well, disapointing sorry for that be it, it which may allow me to explain, properly -as he claims it seems- as to what indeed it seems.
That the niggardely of braggarts, seems to imply that the lost and forgotten art of writing figuratively, decoratively, admiredly, the rolls and polls, of faustian literary empires.
Of serious literature.
Are nothing more than a mere fiction, which does nothing but creates a friction.
Of adultery, of idolatry, of worshipping the old and forggoten wordsmith masters.

Which happens to be nothing more an excuse harder to try not.

But I disgress anon.
Beauty must follow, and shellies must be cunnied, and that kunis must shown their pantsu, pantsu, pantsu.

To display and showcase, how literary the sweet rivers of a young maiden be can.

I wouldn't even take issue with "video game mechanics are real" in these escapism stories if they just stuck to the VRMMO setting like Sword Art Online or .hack.

painting a picture with words

you don't need a lot of words for a beautiful picture

crafting a long story

you don't need that for the VN format, nothing fundamentally stops anyone from making an equivalent of a short story in VN form
frankly, most people don't have skills to make a long story, period, so trying to bet on length is overconfident at best, because if you don't have the chops, it will get verbose, that is "needlessly long-winded"
and maybe you are a fan of that, but imho the western kind of text adventure (shorter stories with more branches) are better as far as "interactive text-heavy experience" is concerned

I wanna read it

well aboard the retard train, anonymous
consider getting a trip so that we can all follow your journey along the way

You're literally giving the exact same spiel that the Spielberg-wannabe gives in Boogie Nights in that he thinks the porn he's filming is actually high art.

No, dawg, you're just making the same generic shit that everyone else makes with Yandere-dev delusions of grandeur. So, have fun with that.

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the joke is that is crappy porn, but done with extreme autismo.

52 pages and 18k words so far.

Just post it on AO3 and saves us the hassle.

op still hasnt delivered

you don't need a lot of words for a beautiful picture

that's true, but i'd argue that demands a lot more skill in regards to writing, and if this is OP's first writing project it might be a herculean task
but ultimately I agree, maybe something like a Disco-like (if such a thing even exists) would be better suited for OP's ideas
comedies are funnier when their short and to the point

Use AI Slop


Cool it with the antisemitism.

You don't need to paint a picture with words. You can literally paint a picture because it's a picture book.

Clothing wrinkles is my passion

dont quit your day job op