Commander Shepard to return in next Mass Effect

You have to admit that Bioware has to be pretty desperate to basically come out and say it, just as the Veilguard came out.
So now what?

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We'll Bang, ok?

Nigga the first teaser of ME5 pretty much says that is about Liara looking for Shepard

considering it's been a decade since bioware has created anything with even a remote sense of quality i shant be buying

not even that bothered by the faggy stuff, their games always feel rushed and glitchy with terrible writing

The difference is that Dragon Age had multiple writers and directors before settling on a tranny director and a self absorbed writer past his prime. I don't care of a bioware modeler is gay, I care if the director and writer are competent and in sync.

even the flavor text meant to be an easter egg is written like garbage

Now? Now we don’t buy it and it incinerates the last embers of Bioware.

The 2023 N7 Day kinda put a wrench in that. I mean, looking at this, and the inclusion of that Angara in the scene, really threw a wrench in it.

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So now what?

Hopefully EA shuts them down before they embarrass themselves even more

I was thinking no but then I noticed that red pattern on the outer side of the arm. Oh god no they're going to pozz Shep next

Where do you find that armor?

reddit filename

Fuck off and kill yourself newfag cancer.

They'll make femShep canon, make modern audiences happy and chuds really, really angry

That is perfectly acceptable. It's not like Bioware has earned, or deserves the benefit of the doubt, not after Veilguard.

not even that bothered by the faggy stuff, their games always feel rushed and glitchy with terrible writing

I didn’t bother with Anthem but it’s sort of impressive how they’ve not managed to learn at all from their mistakes after 3 successive games that barely function and have largely horrendous writing (plot, characters and dialogue)

Entirely possible, but you'd have to be spiteful to do that.
Not that Bioware aren't, and I don't totally see them doing it, but I don't know if they can afford to do it, anymore. Veilguard was huge. Like, devastatingly huge. There's bound to be repercussions for the people that worked there.

Supposedly Harding finds it, but you have to do some of her quests. It's in the Lighthouse.

we will never again get bioware kino of this magnitude

This is the oldest Anon Babble pic I still have saved. Notice the filename. I've been browsing since 2004.

Yeah, I got the picture off of reddit. Did you see this posted here? It's N7 Day, I went looking for info. I looked at reddit. I looked on X, I looked on facebook, and I looked on Bioware's blog. I would have looked at tumblr too, next.

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If that is their prerogative, they can do that. Chuds will once again do nothing, and win again. Just like with Veilguard.

Bringing Shepard back is the shittiest thing they could do considering its centuries in the future. It shows they have zero faith in their ideas and need to slap Shepard over everything despite his story being over. Then again who cares? ME's first entry was its peak.

considering its centuries in the future

That has yet to be confirmed. The 2020 teaser, with Liara, seems to indicate that it is taking place shortly after the Reaper War.

centuries in the future

They have not said this yet.

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There's a dead reaper body in the 2020 trailer. The game likely takes place at most a couple of years after 3.

next Mass Effect


Regardless its lame and I won't bother with it.

you just get it after you get Solas's magic murder knife

Well, at least until EA shuts them down. I don't understand how they're still here, to be honest. I don't understand why they even bothered making Veilguard. There was no way that game was going to make money, or earn good will back. The fanbase, since 2014 shrunk dramatically, and the damage it did in sanitizing the franchise was irreversible, even before accounting for Veilguard taking a chainsaw through the face of the setting.
They should have canceled it, saved everyone the time, and just made ME instead. I will never understand why they did not do that.

self absorbed writer past his prime

No such a thing. Artistic pursuits are one of the few things you get better at as you age. He was always shit, I wonder what his 'prime' was then

probably gunshy about sci-fi after Andromeda and Anthem were disasters

Gay knight armor

his prime was ME1 and ME2

Just checked it.

Drew left in 2012

Veilguard writer promoted to senior writer in ME3

Makes sense.

Turning DA into Fantasy Mass Effect was the worst decision Bioware/EA has ever made.

Weekes could write some pretty good scenes, and dialogue. Unless I am mistaken, he wrote Javik, Mordin, and ME3 Jack. But it seems that without direction, and when allowed to take charge, he goes off the reservation.

I got the knife, never saw this armor

he was the lead writer on Trespasser which was generally well-received, even here

an old friend

have you patched your game?

It might have gone better, had DA come out 2 years ago, but after Baldur's Gate 3. Hogwarts and Dragon's Dogma 2, it had nothing to offer. Although, even with just Witcher 3, it still wouldn't have anything to offer. Hell, it has nothing to offer, even if DA:O was its only competition.

It's pretty gay. Even in the 2023 teaser it barely looks any different than something you'd see in Destiny 2.

Baldur's Gate 3. Hogwarts and Dragon's Dogma 2

Two out of Three of these sucked ass
I'm gonna let you guess which two

I had a talk with Luke Barrett about it, but he brushed it off, saying that Bioware would never go back to tactical combat. Then they make Veilguard, and melee combat, as I had predicted, is basically unplayable.

if it came out in like 2016, on the original timeline, when it was still a smaller-scale singleplayer game with Laidlaw at the helm and most if not all of the Inquisition devs still on board, it might've turned out ok. But good ol' EA and their meddling cocked everything up.

No, I was waiting for this patch to keep playing the game though

The 5 people that even noticed it existed, were impressed, I am sure.
I found out it was a thing in 2020, I think.

Don't care, will be playing no man's sky instead since the normandy is back

the combat is mildly fun for like a 5-level span from 20-25 as a Warrior

the rest of the time it either sucks or you're bored because you've already seen everything it has to offer, but you're still 30 hours from the end of the game

None of those games were worse than Veilguard, two broke records.

Hogwarts didn't really have anything to offer either, it's just another Ubisoft open world sloppa

They lost the plot since "button awesome" happened, but what I hate the most is how protags have to have a voice now. And the fucking dialogue wheel too.

if it came out in like 2016

Bioware had shrunk compared to 2012, by 2016. And there was also Andromeda, which wouldn't come out before 2017. The alternating between IPs was a thing. Had it been a DLC that followed Tresspasser, although shitty and more of a Live Service thing, if I can liken it to something, not to an offline MMO like DA:I was, but it could have worked. But that wasn't the plan. Bioware wanted to make Project Joplin into its own game. Like, with Tresspasser, Inquisition was over.

I have never played No Man's Sky, have no interest in it.

I just meant if they had stuck to the original vision for it, rather than EA forcing it to be a live service game then saying "oh fuck go back" when Anthem Anthem'd all over the place

Ur not missing much

What a pathetic N7 Day holy shit.

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They're also up their own ass and pretentious with insisting a recurring iconic protagonist isn't necessary, because "le thedas setting is the REAL protagonist xD" then wondering why no one gets invested in these shit main characters the way they did Shepard. It's not about voiced or not voiced, it's about development, empowerment and room for advancement. Nobody wants to play some weak bitch for a single game then move on to the new weaker bitch next game. Look what happened when Mass Effect tried to replace Shepard with Ryder.

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I have an issue with the targeting, and the charge attacks. For some reason, I keep targeting the wrong mobs, and instead of my attacks charging, I am left standing there. It's not fun. I understand that the people that made tactical combat left Bioware, but you'd hope that the people that make action combat, which came in, actually new how to make action combat. The jump kick is OK, though.

We have known that for years m8. Can't wait for the mass effect version of veilguard to come out. Mass effect is vastly more popular than dragon age. This board and the internet are gonna implode and hopefully bioware will die with it.

Also Samara best girl.

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People liked the wrapping. The Veilguard wrapping is just DreamWorks/Pixar but without the charm.

Burn it

my issue is the parry timing is insanely generous but the parry indicator is completely inaccurate or gets drowned out by the particle effects vomit

Desperate is their entire audience, which is why they've only made dating sims since day one.

Why is every single bit of writing in this game so fucking stupid? How do you fuck up an easter egg item description?

Inquisition outsold ME3

The dialogue wheel is atrocious in Veilguard. Your character won't even adhere to the tone implied by the wheel. Also, having icons indicate the tone is something I hate. Make better, more descriptive lines, be more accurate to what you say. It isn't rocket science, how many more times do we have to say it? I don't mind the voice, but I also don't care for it.

They will never live down the button awesome thing. It single-handedly killed Dragon Age.

They have not worked on ME at all, over the past year. Veilguard crunch must have been brutal.

Yet people know about mass effect way more. Even people who didn't play the games.

do you have a single fact to back that up

That also plays a part, but it is multi-layered.
Even if Thedas was the real protagonist, you're not even in the same part of Thedas. Imagine if you made a Batman game, and moved from Gotham to ... I forget what it's called, Nightwing's city, and nothing you did in Gotham was shown. That's bullshit. And yeah, it's in the DC Universe, yeah there are ties to Batman, but this may as well be an entirely new franchise. It's either a spinoff, or its own thing, that doesn't matter compared to the previous one.

But the overarching lore point about Gen Harrel

I don't care about your fuckboi Quarian admiral.

It's a free armor celebrating N7 put inside Trannyguard, calm your horses

>We have known that for years m8

There was plausible deniability, Bioware has bait and switched the fanbase many times already, and considering our history with Bioware, we just didn't believe they would actually bring Shepard back. Then the 2023 N7 Day threw a wrench at all Shepard theories. But this is a game changer. Still, a hell of a lot more needs to be established, before we call this anything. All we know is that Shepard will be back, in some form, that remains to be established.

So now what?

It's not happening. They're shutting down and the project is cancelled.

Also, yes, Samama is great. Possibly best girl, ultimate cannot have.

That is also a possibility.

I was thinking no but then I noticed that red pattern on the outer side of the arm

It's an armor released today specifically because it's N7 Day, you're not cracking the code and neither is OP

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When the particle effects light up the entire room like a nuclear explosion, I just stand there, waiting for it all to die down, so I can see what I am doing. >You can turn it down in the settings
Who thought this was a good idea, to include this much fucking light in the first place?
Reminds me of Lada Racing Club

Angarans are in the Milky Way, it's at least 634 years post-ME2

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The clothing look so corny, like how an 14 year edgelord would dress in 1999

I don't care about your fuckboi Quarian admiral.

That's another thing, propping up some literal who comic book or novel tie-in characters at the expense of new or even prior protagonists. It's insane. Just like the new Star Wars characters that get introduced all the time that beat the shit out of Vader.

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Baldur's Gate I&II were some of the best RPGs for over a decade. Alongside Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1&2, Final Fantasy 7, and Gothic 2, the second half of the 90s, to early 00s was just the most golden age of RPGs.

You put the people in charge of Veilguard to write the flavour text, in terms of the in-game writing, in a game where the writing is shit. It gets the point across, though. So hey, it worked. Badly, but it worked.

I promised myself I wouldn't get back into that argument.

The fuck is an angaran

Name 5 straight male companions in Inquisition.

Even the 2 sentence playful description reads like it was written by a total amateur, good lord

If said said edgelord was gay.

didn't know who Patrick Weekes was

How old? He wrote the elevator conversations in 1, the Rebekah & Michael and "Big Stupid Jellyfish" sidequests, Tali and Mordin in 2; Miranda, Tali and Garrus' post-loyalty conversations and romances (not the sex scenes), Ken & Gabby in both 2 and 3, Grissom Academy in 3, wrote Samantha and Cortez, co-wrote Mordin and the Leviathan DLC, the Geth Dreadnought and Rannoch levels, and every "goodbye" dialogue with Normandy characters in the final level including the holo-call conversations

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But what about the implication? That is was worn by someone familiar, an old friend that sheperded.

Drop Veilguard like a stool

It stinks

I don't know what they were expecting to happen. Guess I'll watch all the cutscenes on youtube without even bothering to pirate.

There isn't a single damn thing they can do to vindicate every ending equally, so they're probably going to do what they did in Veilguard and cut off most of the branches so it's just assumed you picked Destroy


DA and ME has different teams

Neither seems competent if Andromeda is anything to judge by.

Nostalgia baiting you with Shepard to make you forget you spent 70 bucks on a shit game

that one dwarf guy from The Descent

That would be a blessing in more than one way.

While true, we know that the N7 armor that is referencing belongs to a character that was fully modeled, animated, and shown to be of importance and rather final, in the 2023 N7 Day teaser. And the flavour text heavily implies, to the point of being unable to deny it, that the person is Shepard.

To put it another way, this is damning enough, that should Bioware go "we never SAID it was Shepard", after teasing it for 4 years now, it's just not going to go over well. And I don't mean people will get mad, or sperg out. At that point, this would be typical Bioware behavior. Like, we are just waiting for them to fuck it up.

Anybody know why there's so much Bull x Cassandra art cucking the Inquisitor?

The Sonic lookalike aliens from Andromeda

Andromeda was made by a new team, BioWare Montreal, that closed down/merged after the game's release. The OT was made by BioWare Edmonton

Cassandra is the only vaguely attractive female romance option and the Iron Bull jokes just write themselves

Mike Gamble said that everything is intentional, but not everything is as it seems. If they take Shepard at least 634 years in the future, this game is toast. It is exactly the kind of fuck up I expect from Bioware. The reason why Andromeda was so dislikes, isn't because we didn't play as Shepard. It's the fact that everything is worse there. Bringing Shepard over doesn't fix it, or make me want to play it.

I never said I liked it. I disliked it from the first moment I saw it. If not for the N7 association, which in Mass Effect means N7 = Shepard, I wouldn't have given half a shit about it.

My bet is they're gonna go for female protagonist, but to have people accept it it's gonna be Shepard and Liara's daughter, and the plot will be about finding out Shepard's alive and finding him as that old trailer suggests. They're not gonna make Shepard the protagonist again.

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Get better taste in porn.

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everything is intentional, but not everything is as it seems

If some Angarans made their way into the Milky Way far earlier than Ryder and co. arrived at Andromeda -like six centuries kind of earlier- it's gonna be fucking hilarious

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we NEVER said you can't just leave the Qun if you want

we NEVER said your choices matter

we NEVER said Solas didn't hate blood magic

Imagine if they actually tried to justify Veilguard's writing lmao

Does it matter? Do you really think Bioware has done anything to demonstrate whoever is replacing Montreal will be any better?

The Sonic lookalike aliens from Andromeda

Never played andromeda just the trilogy. I'm gonna cope and say that's not an angaran but some other species for whom they used the same looks.

literal who comic book or novel tie-in characters

Supposedly, Gel Harden was introduced int he lore, maybe since DA:O? Although I don't remember shit about him, nor am I noticing anything, as I am playing it now.

But Shepard fucked Tali, and they can't have a kid

Nah but you know what the really funny thing is? The Leviathans still being absolutely fucking irrelevant after ominously promising to reclaim their galaxy and (apparently) being one of the most decisive war assets against the Reapers.

and they can't have a kid

Implying shepard cares about biology.

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Referencing a better game made by more competent people isn't going to make the shit they made any less shit. This happened with Homeworld 3 and Cataclysm, and it was also bad there.

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They've made pretty clear multiple times that liara is shepard's canon romance.

Knuckles the Enchilada

You failed. The fifth one is Cole.
Nobody remembers Cole.
Nobody remembers Dragon Age.

The good thing is that most Veilguard writers were fired last year. The problem is that the worst offenders are still working there.

Cole is an asexual spirit

Bioware still existing after the three hit combo of Andromeda, Anthem and Veilguard says more about the industry than anything else.
If you want mass effect, play the original trilogy. You are never, ever, going to get anything in the ME universe that ever beats any of them, even the weakest one.
Seriously what the FUCK do you even want out of a new ME game? Do you just want it to release so you can watch every character you liked get destroyed by bad writing and lazily inserted california politics?

Homeworld 3

I still can't believe that a major plot point of the fucking Homeworld series, is the enemy god-queen-space sorceress needing a security blanket and getting hugs after prolonged warfare because apparently you're supposed to overlook all her warmongering and conquest just because deep down she just wanted to be protected.

Backwards-ass DMC V logic, but with a brown woman instead of Vergil.

Incorrect. Bioware has shrunk to the point that both DA and ME are being worked on by the same people. However, while Weekes is head of the DA franchise, Gamble is head of the ME franchise. And while Weekes has Corrine Busche and John Epler alongside him, Mike Gamble has Parish Ley and some other old ME dudes working with him. Everyone else that worked in Veilguard, will just jump onto ME. Bioware has shrunk and has actual issues finding people to staff open positions.

She unironically deserves death for the trillions she murdered casually. The game shouldn't also be so fucking dismissive of the Galsians when their apocalyptic message that leaving the planet would incur destruction of Kharak....WAS CORRECT. THEY WERE 100% CORRECT, AND THE SURVIVING KIITHS SHOULD BE MORE RESPECTFUL OF THAT.

That game pisses me off to no ends.

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some other old ME dudes working with him


when the most notable ones went to Larian

Everyone else that worked in Veilguard, will just jump onto ME

These are not encouraging signs.

Bioware hasn't got a single dime from me, since ME2.

I mean, it was given for free on Origin like every other week, it was free on PSN often, it was free on EGS, they gave it away with GPUs, and the average sale price was $12. A lot of people got it in their hands, not in a way that mattered, though. Actually sales is closer to like maybe 6 million copies sold. Which ironically is less than Anthem. But that was selling for an average price of $5 so ... not exactly a win, either.

lmao it really doesn't matter anon. The majority of the talent left years ago. If you want a spiritual successor to ME with the same themes keep an eye on Exodus. A lot of the team that worked on early ME and DA:O are there.
I stopped expecting anything from Bioware after Andromeda and Anthem back to back following up Inquisition (which sucked dick too). But those 2 proved old Bioware was gone. Nothing good is ever coming out of that festering shithole ever again.

So .. Liara got pregnant, gave birth, raised the kid, taught it how to fight, became an N7, and went to find Shepard, who is still bleeding in the rubble? I mean, you'd think someone would have found Shepard in the meantime. Rescues, paramedics, doctors, someone would have noticed.

Zealots! Worse than the Gaalsien"

Someone needs to destroy Gearbox

Weekes is head of the DA franchise

A king of a dead empire. I really doubt EA will greenlight another DA project.

Shepard's body is not found because someone took him away for whatever so everyone just thought there was no body until now. There you go.

It may be that the actions we will be taking in this game will result in us finding about the Geth, the surviving ones, learning about their research into the Relays and establishing a link to Andromeda, and that is a scene from the far flung future, where after the events of ME:A, Milky Way and Andromeda are connected, and Shepard did it all. It is an interpretation.
But for now, all we know is that Shepard will be back, to some capacity, in some form.

look up Exodus out of curiosity

"You are the Traveler, humanity's last hope"

Fucking kek, is this what kids these days call a trigger warning? Got bad flashbacks to the entire development of Destiny as a whole, and what passes for it's storyline.

Imagine if they actually tried to justify Veilguard's writing lmao

They did enough manipulation to not have to. And they abandoned the game the very next day. Nobody had expectations for this game.

But for now, all we know is that Shepard will be back

We don't know that

That is exactly as stupid as the basis of The Matrix 4.

They will never establish a canon romance.

You don't have to convince me that Bioware are incapable of making anything good. I expected Veilguard to not be worse than Anthem, but it is literally the worst game they ever made.

They can push progressive nonsense as much as they want but they better not come crying when they're declaring bankruptcy because the majority of gamers refused to open their wallets.

Wrong post. Meant as a reply to

Cole is male. Also not a faggot.
Excuses don't matter.

I have rejected everything Bioware has released since DA2. Since everything since has been fanfiction tier shit, I will just reduce that to fanfiction as well. But if they do try at least, and they are going to really work for it, I am open for it. And if it sucks, we all know Bioware is basically already shuttered. So nothing lost.

Mass Effect had xenophobia as one of it's major themes. I dont think current bioware would do that if the softball writing in veilguard is any clue.

I never said it is.
Listen, this is near impossible under the best circumstances. But if you wait for good circumstances, you're never going to make anything. Right now, inside Bioware, we know there's panic. We know there's pessimism, and it is quite likely that because of all that, a lot of people will leave. Possibly more of a good thing, than a bad thing. It's under these conditions that greatness is made. Or utter shit. If it fails, it's gonna be like Andromeda, it never happened.

I have no interest in Exodus. I saw the character designs from that trailer, it's trash. It's more of that cartoony weird looking, disproportionate, ugly shit. I already saw Veilguard, thanks.

So perfect for bioware

The kicker is that a lot of it was pretty well justified xenophobia. The Krogans have every right to hate both the Turians and Salarians for the Genophage, and those 2 have every right to hate the Krogans for going ape shit and starting shit on a galactic level after the Rachni Wars. Modern writers would refuse to even consider the racist might have good reason to hate someone.

2020 trailer

So this game started development the same time all these woke games that are crashing started huh? It's fucked essentially

If Bioware turns it around with ME"5", they're gonna have to make another game. But the DA franchise just when through ME3, itself. Even though Inquisition wasn't kind to it, either.

This is exactly the kind of fuck up I've come to expect from Bioware. Which is why I keep saying that it matters not to just have Shepard back, but to do everything right.

I've already said, that I want Veilguard to win GOTY 2024, so the good boys and gals at Bioware take their awards with them, when they join the unemployment line.

Never estimate how dumb these retards are. It's like when they write Elves and Dwarves in fantasy stories being hostile to one another and give them logic for it but apply that same logic to the real world and you are racist.

Shit. Got me there.

if you wait for good circumstances, you're never going to make anything

Every game I've enjoyed this year has either come from a proven developer trying something new, or an up and coming developer making a debut after a strong start. Including gameplay footage.

It's under these conditions that greatness is made

I have literally never heard of greatness being made from the specific circumstances of an old and busted company getting roasted online, then trying to recoup it's losses by resting on it's laurels.

the good boys and gals at Bioware

No such thing. Everyone involved deserves to die homeless for this atrocity.

just looks like a nice armor set in destiny wtf are you ripping your dick off about you fucking retard

I've heard a lot about it. Some have even said that Mike Gamble is secretly based, he's gonna put his foot down, and stop all that identity politics shit.
I find it hard to believe. Like I find it hard to believe that they hired Mary DeMarle to make the next ME like more high brow Deux Ex, instead of what they really hired her to do, which is Guardians of the Galaxy. But then again, Mike said that the next ME will be serious, like the trilogy. Nobody was reassured.

Mass Effect xenophobia was brilliantly done though because they weren't afraid at all of showing animosity at a level deeper than "muh racism" but also having genuine histories and conflicts, alien races having treaties, natural allies and enemies among the others.
Asari as a concept and species was written and handled more gracefully in ME1 than anything Veilguard shat out. A race of purely females who can procreate with any species? They refer to themselves as she but find pronouns as a concept silly so they don't engage beyond that.
Skip to andromeda? "Oh yes Asaris and pronouns have a long history, here's a pamphlet of pre-approved pronouns you can use for us so you don't misgender us bigot :)"
If this new mass effect game ever releases, especially if it tries to soft reboot, it's going to be full of this. DA fans are already getting to the end of Veilguard and realising what the fuck the writers had done, it'll be tenfold for Mass effect

Inquisition got shit on and then memory holed the second Witcher 3 came out.

Mass Effect had xenophobia

I saw it more as Commodore Matthew Perry but IN SPACE. Earth going to an established ancient civilization and demanding they acknowledge and respect them.

have literally never heard of greatness being made from the specific circumstances of an old and busted company getting roasted online

It often takes people of conflicting opinions, personalities, and convictions, that often make great things. It usually isn't one person up talk, having all the ideas, ordering people around, and end with a great game. If anything, it is this uncertainty that should push Bioware to not join the local soup kitchen. This desperation, fighting like a cornered animal.
Or, they will all crumble, and fail. And nothing of value was lost.

Gotta love how people easily forget how racist all alien companions were to each other in the first game

Some have even said that Mike Gamble is secretly based, he's gonna put his foot down, and stop all that identity politics shit.

Every man has a price, and that price honestly isn't that high for those in the AAA vidya industry. I would sooner believe pigs fly than that we'll ever get old ME back after Veilguard.

Just gave Exodus a look. Destiny jokes and once bitten, twice as shy caution aside, I actually like the Mara Yama trailer. Looks like what Scorn was trying to upsell itself as.


make great things

This desperation

You're throwing out a lot of trite platitudes without giving any examples where this has actually happened. In my experience, either studios and teams are run well (in which case they make good games like Kunitsu-Gami, or It Takes Two, or Arkham City) or they aren't. And they don't.

Kinda true, but harsh.
The DA community is seething right now, though.
Like, when we waned them about that's going on, during Inquisition, during Andromeda, during Anthem, they didn't believe it. Surely they wouldn't betray all those good Face Palmer romancing girls out to hang, would they? After all, they were loyal, and good to Bioware, unlike those pesky ME boys. DA was Bioware's most successful franchise. They wouldn't treat it badly.
Well ...
How'd that work out?

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I can't even imagine Solasfags being happy, all that hype and he amounts to glorified mission control who spends most of the game seething alone in the Fade until the story suddenly needs a reason for you to survive Elgar'non. Not that, frankly the story does a good job of upselling what a threat either god is when your team's own magic is enough to throw off his.

We're a proud division of Wizards of the Coast

On second thought, yeah I shouldn't let me guard down around Exodus no matter how sweet it's promises.

Some have even said that Mike Gamble is secretly based, he's gonna put his foot down, and stop all that identity politics shit.

you'd be a fool to believe that. Have you seen the internal comms for bioware? fucking embarassing. Unless you gave Mike a gun and the company allowed him to shoot anyone who showed signs (thats the entire team) you're getting more nonsense IF bioware isn't shuttered at the prospect of 4+ years of dev time after losing EA another fat stack of cash

I don't think there are any western AAA developer making games that are narrative heavy where the story isn't woke nonsense. This just isn't a thing. Story writers are almost all fat white woman and Asian woman with weird colored hair.

You're throwing out a lot of trite platitudes

Having followed entertainment industry news in movies, TV shows, comic books etc. for I'd say decades, some of the best entertainment came out when creatives butted heads.
Not that this also hasn't led to disaster, but often led to greatness. Shows like Beauty and the Beast, with Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton hating each other. Moonlight with Sybil Shepard and Bruce Willis, same. Castle with Nathan Filion and Stana Katic, for TV shows. Great performances that elevated the material they had to work with, because that friction between them pushed them to perform better. Writing rooms are notorious for fights breaking out. Star Trek was notorious for that. Gene was a hard man to work with. Like I said, some great examples out there. Not everyone, of course. And even Bioware, internally, since the 00s have had some pretty big internal differences. Up until Andromeda, they usually kept it in check. During Andromeda's development, there were actual fist fights in the office.
Of course, it can also lead to disaster. See Andromeda.

The fallacy is assuming that Mike Gamble is somehow the exception because...why? Because it's nice to live in a fairy tale where someone important just isn't willing to take the BlackRock money even though he has every reason to?

I'll give you TV shows, but I strongly disagree that rule applies to all media. Look at the new Black Adam movie for an example where behind the scenes friction fucked up the movie, for example. As for comic books, they are in the shitter right now because for decades editors have decided their whims take precedence over what fans actually want.

Listen, we told them. We did the best we could and they just sat there, like sheep. A lot of us, saw the news during DA2's development and saw from there the constant dip in quality, with every new title. We knew. Which is why we burnt the BSN down with ME3. But we had people still suck Bioware cock. We did everything we could.

I'm not an idiot.I absolutely know that we have nothing but dogshit coming. But I appreciate the gesture of so boldly bringing Shepard back. That is a gesture of good will I would have never expected to see.

Yep, they're going to ruin Mass Effect even further than Andromeda. Look at the state of this shit that came out today, almost $500

make a reference to another game via armor inspired by armor from said game


Even something as stupidly simple as this has to be written by a total retard who thinks that his audience is also a group of total retards who can't figure it out themselves.

I am talking largely about the butting of heads between creatives. And sure, Black Adam was bad. The only reason anyone watched that, was to see Henry Cavill back as Superman. It's not exactly a recipe for success, but some really good shit came out that way.
For comic books, we're talking old shit. 60s, 70s, 80s. There were these two that worked on ... I think Flash? That ended in flash point. And the two of them actually got into a fight, at some point, like heads bleeding and shit. They made one of the best stories ever made, in comics, and when it all ended, they lit cigars and smoked them together. Something like that.

That looks nothing like anything Shepard ever wore or would wear.

No such a thing

Yes there is. You do not automatically get better at art just because you get older. And we have literal evidence that he did in fact get much, much worse. So blow it out your arse.

Do you want me to tell you I liked it? I don't. But they did tease this N7 during the 2023 N7 Day.
And this armor is basically inspired, and directly referencing this. Also placing Shepard as having worn this in the 2023 N7 Day teaser.

that geth is either the coolest shit i've seen come out of mass effect for awhile or the cringiest, i cant decide

It's a Geth in a dress, at a night club. Why it's there, is probably because the artist or the new storyboarders don't seem to understand that the robotic creations that have few concepts like parties or drinking or alcohol probably wouldn't go to those places for any reason other than curiosity.

Yellow flag, for now.

Fuck modern writers, even by ME3 the rot had set in with how they tried to whitewash the Krogan and Geth.

i assumed he was that asari's bodyguard and that was just an ominous robe.

I guess this chest got lost in the Fade, and someone warded it from prying hands. Is it just me, or does the armor look somehow familiar - like a little too grey and attached to evil goth whores?

me2, the geth have unique viewpoints and goals that solidify how unorganic they are while still encouraging the notion that they are just as much a lifeform as the other aliens albiet from a different origin and angle

me3, nah they just wanna be real boys

That too. Though they tried handwaving that at least, however dumb it was.

nta and same. He's standing completely still by her side while she has a heated discussion with someone. That screams "bodyguard" to me, like Aria in Purgatory in ME3


It's not and why do you think it's just him writing? These days writers for games are usually a bloated team

Since 100% they're going with the geths gaining individualism like it can happen in ME3 it's not crazy that some geth wants to look more like organics or admires them. I mean you literally had Legion who was wearing parts of Shepard's armor cause he's a fanboy.

...there was a hole.

Cole is an it

The fact that they're sticking with this retarded coat armor design already tells me everything I need to know about me5.

Actually answer the question of why the fuck there's any substance to Mike being the exception for some reason.

Commander Sheperd to return

This means they're out of ideas

Only if you follow Solas approach to his companion quest.

A shame the Pathfinder armor was trapped in a shit game

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Good. Look what happens when they have ideas.

I'm tired of Bioware just disrespecting their IPs out of spite so I hope they don't make more ME games.

we know that the N7 armor that is referencing belongs to a character that was fully modeled, animated, and shown to be of importance and rather final, in the 2023 N7 Day teaser. And the flavour text heavily implies, to the point of being unable to deny it, that the person is Shepard.

You're retarded and somehow can't separate the new ME4 protagonist with the Dragon Age armor released on N7 day referencing the one Mass Effect protagonist people A) like and B) actually fucking know unlike mystery trailer dude

To put it another way, this is damning enough, that should Bioware go "we never SAID it was Shepard", after teasing it for 4 years now, it's just not going to go over well

At best people expect Shepard to be involved in the plot in some way. Nobody expects Shepard to be the new fucking protagonist

It's a return to form

If any of you seriously think Bioware is going to last long enough to make ME5, you're delusional.

They're down to 300 fucking employees. After the election, god only knows how many are still alive and/or aren't moving to Canada.

Veilguard sold what? Less than 300k copies according to insiders? Even at a generous 27$ a copy, that doesn't cover the fucking salary for the Studio for an entire YEAR. The last cash infusion they got was LE, and before that they had Anthem which was a flop, and Andromeda which only sold 3 million copies 7 fucking years ago.

Mark my fucking words, 2025 first quarter, EA will close Bioware, and give Mass Effect to some new literally who team to basically take the assets from Andromeda and Veilguard, to crank out some Helldiver's clone because they already have the foundation for an arena based shooter. After that, god only knows what will happen, other than people will finally accept Bioware died along time ago.

You're retarded and somehow can't separate the new ME4 protagonist with the Dragon Age armor released on N7 day referencing the one Mass Effect protagonist people A) like and B) actually fucking know unlike mystery trailer dude

>To put it another way, this is damning enough, that should Bioware go "we never SAID it was Shepard", after teasing it for 4 years now, it's just not going to go over well

Make direct refence to character.

Place them in the armor that you saw

No, you don't understand, you're an idiot

And just like that, your opinion is not respected.

After the election, god only knows how many are still alive and/or aren't moving to Canada.

A fair point about being alive, but ... they already are in Canada. They're in Edmonton.

I like the handgun at least. Very Infiltrator-ish.

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your opinion is not respected

lmao you think anyone gives a shit about being told online by some autist from Timbuktu that "their opinion is not respected"? You come from reddit? kek

This image says cyberpunk to me. Why.

Cyberpunk the game or Cyberpunk the genre? It does scream the latter because scifi + coat = Deckard/Denton/Jensen in most people's minds. It's a sleek futuristic design even by Mass Effect standards where clothing was way more 70s/80s based.

Yeah the later. I was thinking of Jensen as well. I wouldn't mind a detective mass effect DE style. We already had a galatic war we don't need another big scope game.

I just want to know what kind of delusional fucking retard is still picking up Bioware games

The galactic war part was mostly 3, 2 had you going around doing shady shit for a terrorist sleeper cell, and the first you were a glorified interpol agent. A detective would be an interesting idea, but it would still need to be downsized in scope, which also means budget.

implying there wont be time travel

With the focus on Liara, you might be an agent for the Shadow Broker

Just need the threat to be smaller, the entire trilogy is about the galaxy ending threat and andromeda was about the new galaxy ending threat. They need to do more things like the Omega DLC in 3, Die Hard in Space. Cerberus and the Illusive Man were much more compelling villains than the reapers and the geth ever were

Who in their right fucking mind would wear such an ugly fucking thing? Asking to be kicked in the dick.

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The moment they bring time travel into ME aside from LONG fucking space trips to other systems will cause such an uproar.

There absolutely will be time travel. I fucking guarantee it. Its over.

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time travel

not marvel multiverse bullshit

prepare to rescue shepard from another universe and go to the dragon age planet to recruit taash

They already fucked with the universe's rules when they decided to handwave away the concept of curing death at the beginning of ME2

Liara goes back in time to save Shepard

You love to see it

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I can't remember where I heard or saw it, but some writers said that when a budget gets over a million, you have to write a story about saving the world. Or at least it becomes more common to justify such a big budget. Given that most of the money I'm certain for Failguard went to consultancy groups and marketing, deliberately forcing the next ME game to work on a much tighter budget would be a better idea. Keep it small, keep it cheap, keep it reasonable, and even if it doesn't do amazing, it won't be a massive flop and the team working on it will get some good experience on what to do better next time.

Of course, that would be a reasonable thing to do...

Not really. Dragon Age is different. It always had a different character in each game but Mass Effect had the same guy in all 3 games. They tried to make a spin off without Shepard and it failed so it makes sense to go back to the protagonist that people associate with the franchise.

Its funny that time travel is being discussed as there was an alleged leak about the plot posted here like 2 or 3 years ago that said there was going to be time travel back to the time period of Mass Effect 1 and that future technology from the time period of Mass Effect 4 was going to be used to stop the reapers much earlier and immediately with no big war in an attempt to reset the Mass Effect universe for more games.

Jacket's flairs are Renegade red but shaped in the Paragon figure

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A new protagonist was the least of Andromeda's issues

what does it mean

That the Paragon/Renegade system is back after Andromeda made away with it

no trailer on n7 day

announced like 4 years ago

This game is fucked. Its not going to come out till like 2030.

Didn't they announce a trailer for later this month or I dreamt it

Paragon/Renegade system is outdated and old fashioned.

im older than Shepard was in the ME Trilogy

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It lead to more memorable scenes and actions throughout the entire trilogy then the pussy shit we get now.

I guarantee you that absolutely nothing would make Mass Effect fans soi harder than having Commander Shepard show up in a trailer for this game and saying his catchphrase "I should go" at the end of the trailer. They might as well go full fan pandering at this point.

Destruction ending is clearly canon, and shep lives in that ending so time travel to save him makes no sense

The way it was implemented mechanically was fixed in ME3, and all you need is good writers that understand the nuance that can sometimes make Paragon a naive retard and Renegade the truly necessary evil

yeah well Bioware doesn't have good writers

In which case it'll be fucked regardless of what system they use

They should just have him show up like its no big deal in a nonchalant way. He just pushed the rubble off himself in the destroy ending and was fine, he didn't die.

They clearly hired the Deus Ex woman for a reason. They must at least be trying to make the story not retarded like Dragon age.

2819 is the year Andromeda takes place in. It's joever

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How does one patch... uh... non-store front version of the game?

Have you fucked as many space babes?

What woman

ME5 will be shit
they have no one there talented enough to write a story worth a shit that isn't focused on gay ass shit like trannies, pronouns and diversity and homo shit.

They already said Andromeda will connect to Mass Effect 4. I suspect they will go down the road of building super Mass Relays or something that allow travel between Milky Way and Andromeda. It seems like the most obvious thing to do.

mass effect was ALWAYS bad
dragon age origins is the last good game they made

The second you set your new game six hundred years after the galaxy we know and care about, you've lost me harder than I already am with current Bioware

EA is not above making them start over if they think it will bomb like Dragon Age. EA cares more about Mass Effect than they do about Dragon Age.

I know there have been some good women writers in gaming in the past. But this is 2024, and the average quality of the female and "female" writer is worth less than dirt. Past success don't necessarily equate to future successes, so I don't trust her until I see what she does next.

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This is why they will do time travel.


I assumed it was more a general/cultural outfit they've started to don

EA cares

The setting was nice. Characters were nice. Plus alien babes. I don't need the game to be a 10/10 just give me more ME1/ME2 and I will buy it.

Dragon age was linear skyrim with less sovl. Mass effect let you headbut a journo.

An entire game with an asari protag? I don't think they have the balls.
It also directly mentions Andromeda in that first image.

good lord that description is awful.

You can really tell ME1 was written recently post-Iraq. You have a game where a military commander can punch a reporter and tell 'em to eat shit, and it's turned into a funny trilogy-long meme. The devs themselves confessed in a dev diary that the batarians in Bring Down the Sky were inspired by real life terrorist as well, "you see them come here, kill civilians indiscriminately".
Modern day BioWare nevermind Twitter would be deathly afraid of getting anywhere near a situation like that one. We've lost so much.

I can tell you from personally conducted research that asari do in fact have balls

Are they really retarded enough to link the new mass effect to the game nobody liked and we could all easily forget? What I'm talking about, it's Bioware of course they are.

I've been thinking about that for a while. The amount of dicksucking ME does to the military is something that'd never happen in a modern BioWare game. I wouldn't be surprised if they're ashamed of it now, and Male Shepard being a Big McLargeHuge marine man.

There's like a hundred people on Xitter that actually care about Andromeda and you can bet BioWare directly listens to them.

Which is funny, because James Vega is the literal example of a Big McLargeHuge character and they did a decent enough job fleshing him out as more then a dude bro. Another character type we're not to see again from modern Bioware.

"if we cave in and ignore one of our games the chuds win"

...or something like that

I mean yeah, veilguard clearly shows who they care about. Apparently it's not the people who have played and spent money on the original dragon age origins and the ME trilogy like me.

ME1 Garrus especially. He's a cop that hates rules and wants to be able to beat up and imprison anyone he suspects damn proper proceeding, and uses as an example how C-Sec denied permission to blow up a shuttle for fear of the debris killing civilians with him saying he would've done it anyway. Today he'd be a "police brutality/ACAB" example.

He wanted to do that because of a serial killer/organ harvesting doctor who was using the civvies on the shuttle as shields to avoid arrest. On this one Garrus would definitely be in the wrong with a rather concerning lack of care for the people he is ostensibly meant to be protecting. Being a paragon Shep teaching him that "any means necessary" has greater consequences meant a lot.

You can still disagree with Garrus, Bailey's a funnier case because he talks about beating suspects and taking bribes and then he becomes the head of C-Sec.

Bailey is based

Based on what?

Answer mine racist

Corrupt city cops as envisioned by Hollywood?




female protagonist

Shut up, bigot, the protagonist will be non-ninary

Goddamn Fallout 4 had more game innit then Veilguard.

So now what?

they will drag the ip through mud and journos will repeat the usual lies.the same stuff has happened with so many other devs over the last decade and nothing will be learned from this.



saints row

dragon age

ubi slop

feel free to add more this list

everything in the castle is exactly what women wanted out of a harry potter game. the open world is tacked on and a waste of time.