How is a yellow ladder different from a red barrel?

How is a yellow ladder different from a red barrel?

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retarded zoomertranny

boomers be like, "we never had visual cues for things in videongames!!!"

Some barrels don't explode so you need to be shown the difference. Everyone who isn't a fucking space alien can identify a ladder in the environment.

A ladder is already symbolic of its primary function of being climbable. A barrel could have anything inside. We've come to the consensus that red should symbolize danger, ie explosiveness in this case.

both of those are logical and based on reality.
throwing yellow paint everywhere to take the player down the hard defined path has no foundation in reality

it's not slathered in red paint

Shoot red barrels from a distance.

Video games are not a fucking job and do not require OSHA Hazard Markings.

Oh... I don't know. Maybe because there's loads of red signs that warn people about explosives? There's no yellow paint on random ladders and ledges.

I love Switzerland they make the best health kits

I recognize this ladder. It's unique, the only one of it's kind. Nice try glowie.

Erm you're gonna want to see this

chat, basedjak this man

don't you mean yellow paint? yeah a ladder can be yellow, but random yellow paint telling you where to go is retarded

There is a difference between a barrel that was manufactured as red vs a a regular window, barrel or ladder that for some reason has a bunch of yellow paint slapped on it.

Its one thing to have clear objects around the world, its another to have directions painted on the map like you're too much of a retard to figure out where to go

That's clearly a shelf. A ladder goes up and down.

That's a yellow ladder. I said random yellow paint on things like ladders and ledges that you see in recent games.

yellow-paint.png - 527x653, 442.33K

Yellow paint is better than all the old games I played that made interactibles sparkle or glow

What's even more retarded is that section is entirely on rails, so the yellow paint isn't even necessary.

I always to ought redditors were pretending to be autistic but lately it’s become evident you actually are nonhuman


this object is red because it is flammable - makes sense

this object has a cross on it because it heals you - makes sense

this object is covered in yellow paint because... uh... yellow equals climb? - not based on reality

red barrels explode, yellow ladders don't?

Old games are full of yellow ladders

But how do I know which direction to hold my thumbstick????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be fair, those rocks can't be painted perfectly yellow like the ladder.

because a red barrel could kill you? you dont need to make a ladder yellow because you know you can climb just by looking at it, regardless of what colour it is

yellow ladder

Don't be disingenuous. Its yellow paint and other obvious markers not strictly ladders.

high vis fully painted metal ladder in a factory OSHA environment versus a wooden ladder in a ancient castle with yellow paint haphazardly slapped on by a evil cult.

Yes, entirely the same, you disingenuous retard.

The cults maybe evil but that doesn't mean they're not OSHA compliant.

people used to make fun of red barrels all the time, anyone over 18 years old should know this

Red barrels have been in gaming since the 80's and while multiple other colors were played around with, red became the standard because for whatever reason players would shoot the red barrels more than other colored barrels.

It's red because it works, but it works because it's red.

you're either for yellow piss paint everywhere or no symbols at all

Black and white autism mentality.

yellow ladder in a factory


yellow cliff face in the middle of nowhere



Oh... I don't know. Maybe because there's loads of red signs that warn people about explosives?

You're mentally fucking retarded, that doesn't mean anything. 90% of people playing games haven't seen an explosive barrel in real life, and you've also hardcore cherry picked because this is Anon Babble and you're a mentally ill retard that cannot contend with reality unless you twist it to suit your bias.

It is genuinely baffling how blatantly fucking stupid you are, and woefully unaware of the concept of confirmation bias...that you literally searched up "red sign".

The signs can come in a number of colours. From Yellow, to Orange, to Black, or Red. And rarely is the background actually highleted red. Only the triangle.

And explosive materials regardless aren't exclusively kept in red barrels.

The real answer is that it's an arbitrary association that we've gotten used to and accepted. Some dude did red barrels first and the rest of the industry copied like bots till we associated red with explosive.

As for yellow paint? Means absolutely nothing. The only time it's really egregious is when it's painted on things that are supposed to be natural, like rocks etc. Otherwise it's just another association.

Ocarina of Braindeads used yellow paint in the Forest temple to tell you where to push a block You're all retarded losers that have no actual principles or values that just want to mindless circlejerk yourselves railing against modern game design.

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yellow ladders are for chicken shits
red barrels are for gun owners

90% of people playing games haven't seen an explosive barrel in real life

pretty sure 90% of players in 90s have seen oil barrels

Are zoomers only capable of dishonest arguments and gaslighting? They sure did learn a lot from their communist democrat overlords.

I have actually seem these signs before on my city by walking on places with gas pipes inside the floor.