Rivals of Aether 2 thread

Talk about Rivals of Aether 2

I like watching it but refunded.

lol no one is playing a game called "rivals of aether 2"

The elephant made me lose nnn

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Is this little fella canonically the strongest Rival?

no it's kragg he got rocks


rounding up all the ranno players and throwing them into the incinerator

Finally made it to diamond

Hell yeah, I somehow got through hordes of people with more tech skill than me. Time to go back to casual.

He's a Legendary Pokemon, he's even part of a thematic trio of fish-dogs.
Kragg's Pseudo-Legendary.

the game feels too sweaty for me
I'm in fucking bronze and everyone's still doing crazy shit and I fucking despise ban/picks and Bo3
I just want to press button and fight person

What are his actual complaints? Not mid match "hurr durr shield grab lame" complaints, like what does he actually not like?

Probably just the same complaints everyone has. Edge guarding doesn't exist or is incredibly difficult, risk/reward isn't worth, shields too strong and no poking, passive play more rewarding, everyone lives forever, characters are just gimmicks and some are very strong, etc.

what the hell, just played a super laggy zetterburn? Literally all of my matches even from the beta and demo have been near flawless, even the FFAs. but this dude was teleporting around and going at super speed and shit and some of the VFX were glitchy, shit was bizarre. I just SD'd out and left. We both had green ping but maybe the server was super close to him, idk

Turbo-carried, you have little skill



Zetter, Maypul

Carried by certain strong attacks, but you play fundies so it's ok


Cringe chip damage. you all do the exact same. Carried because it takes no skill to play


Carried by gimmicks, neutral B, bubbles, dash attack, down tilt and nair the character


Carried by combo strings and cheese, but it requires skill so it's slightly ok


Lil carried, but you play fundies so it's ok


Lil carried, cheesy heavy shit and block


least carried, but still cheesy heavy


reminder tech is not a skill, just muscle memory
same with combo execution

if maypul is "carried" why are there like 2 of them in the entire world

hot animal pawjobs!

Not a single character in this game is fun to play against.
Ultimate also has a lot of cringe characters like Young Link,Samus, Bayonetta and whatnot, but this game...there's not a single character it's fun to play against.

sorry but i cant agree with the "hurr durr youre supposed to attack cancel it" garbage with jabs and forsburns shitty smash attacks. i just want my attacks to work. jab 3 is the only safe way to hit someone with an empowered arrow, why the fuck are niggas SDI'ing out?

she skips neutral
dash attack alone carries a maypul to platinum

Now incorporate the following:
just getting a spummel gives a kill confirm.
low hurtbox
tether gives you kill confirm options for free
neutral B allows her to force others to approach on a character that is supposed to be a rushdown.
all maypuls will lilly then dash dance into dash attack, grab or rising nair/bair or falling fair. that's it. congratulations you got free Diamond.

Maypul is mega carried. One of the only few disgusting characters that enjoys shit stages like hyperborean, fire capital or air armada.

have you considered throwing a rock at them
that usually works for me

and hojodojo.
2 bans is not enough in this game when you have 3 giant stages.

ban hojodojo and 1 bad stage for you

maypul just goes rockwall. air armada. etc.

we need 3 stages. Maypul and Ranno get carried by only having 2 bans.

oh yes. I counterpick maypulfags
subhuman creatures. Im glad Kragg does well against them, for all the wrong reasons but still.

I think he said december is the first major balance patch but did he say when? 1st maybe?

3rd I thought

Clairen tipper is so cheesy sometimes but as you rise in the ranking you feel like they deserve them because they space them mid combo to extend so you don't feel disgusted
gold and below they will fish for degen grab fsmash or jab fsmash and it does feel gross that fsmash is semi safe on whiff
Clairen still is actually playing the game and actually approaching so i don't hate her.
The problem in this game is Ranno, Kragg's block being retarded, Maypul, and zetter/orcane killing WAY too early sometimes.

Fleet's feet!

So what is this game?

The Roa2 discord is full of retarded zoomers emoji-reacting to everything and yelling trans rights

Where can i go for a mature community?

a platform fighter, so in the same vein as smash bros, but more competitively oriented

I feel like I can punish Marth mindlessly f-smashing my shield by wavedashing OOS, but fucking Clairen seems to get away with everything. She doesn't have the same weaknesses as mark since it feels like some of her moves last forever and cover so much space around her.

I really really say this seriously and unironically.

Is it good? The trailer makes it look a big bare looking. Looks like an early access game

i think so, and most smash players seem to agree
there's only 10 characters right now, but it's planned to be a pretty long-term game with 4 characters added per year, among other things
also the existing characters are more unique from each other than your typical smash character is

If you have Clairen complaints, just don't run at her.

I can't believe how ungodly un-responsive and glitchy the menus STILL ARE. Tab out, jiggle mouse, press the wrong button at all ever? Now your highlighted option is glitched out, or nothing is highlighted, or your shitty is toggling, or whatever the fuck. How can you fuck up something so basic? Its a fucking menu

No idea what you're talking about, works on my machine

Skull emoji

You have never had the results screen have a weird bug where neither option gets highlighted? You've never watched a replay and been unable to pause or something? You've never switched from mouse to controller on the main menu? Do you even play?

I'd argue Wrastor is carried up to Diamond. He's hard to play at a very high level, but absolutely no one up to Plat has any idea of how to fight this character. And every Wrastor in Plat will basically play like Puff with a projectile. If you try to approach, here comes the projectile, and now they've grabbed you. And even if you don't approach, they throw it, and since the projectile starts up frame 8, it's really hard to parry so unless you completely dodge it, now they're fast as fuck and difficult to contest. I've also noticed they're the most likely to spam special pummel because everyone keeps forgetting that's a thing.

The replay thing yes, but that literally says "experimental" on it so it figures that it'll have some issues. Other than that I haven't noticed anything glitchy with the menus, and I've played for over 70 hours.

How are so many people complaining about edgeguarding when half of the people I play online don't even leave the ledge when Im offstage?

they're bad and blaming the game for it

People are complaining that edge guarding isn't good and doesn't result in kills. If it results in a kill, it's a lengthy ordeal that involves like 10 exchanges that you have to win all of.

What is this game called?

They don't leave the edge because they got reversaled too many times trying to edgeguard because it is indeed not worth it to try outside of specific matchups

kraggers of rock wall

mang0 has 1700 elo now.


mang0, a top melee player

did you mistake this thread for his patreon

We love mang0 here, zoomer.

nice cope rivals1shitter. there is a huge overlap between the two communities. one being a top player on the other is relevant.

uh oh the dickriders are angy

its okay rivals1shitter, you will get gud someday

It's funny how smug the Rivalsfags were during the demo week, only for their game to be dominated by Melee and PM players.

doubles teammate pisses away 4 fucking stocks not netting any kills

next match

he mashes A and chooses fucking rock wall for us

chooses fleet and combos the shit out of me with his arrows all match until Im out of stocks

never listen to Anon Babble, doubles queue is shit

match against double fleet

they do nothing but spam fair

teammates keeps smacking me into the blender on top of everything

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Matching against a premade team with a shitty teammate is the worst.

why are you, smashers, and guilty gear players like this?

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forsburn is so bad in FFAs, holy shit kek!

she can approach.

wavedash dtilt

wavedash ftilt

wave dash jab

baby dash pokes

fair overshoots. nair stuffing jumps

bair on shield

the issue is that some characters can just shoot a projectiles and be total fags like Ranno or Fleet so Clairen has to empty movement aorund them to get the poke.

it is. just do FFA.

Sorry bro, you're wrong.

It's not about whether she can or can't approach really, it's more that she's forced to approach, in every single matchup. And sure, she has good movement stats, and a disjoint at least. But in most cases, she's not in control of the match. The other player gets to enforce their gameplan against her, and she is forced to react accordingly. And considering her frame data is slower on average, any button you press is a bigger commitment than the opponent is making by tossing projectiles at you or playing defensively.

Hey now let's not forget the funniest one yet

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That is pretty funny, you're right.

Fucking finally
Had to fight a crack addict Ranno with my secondary to get enough bucks for this. Fucking christ I hate this fucking game.

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why waste bucks on such a bad skin

He's right, although the complaints are overblown. I have a feeling that there's going to be a lot of bitching when the Dec. 3rd patch isn't some massive overhaul to all of the game's mechanics.

made for BWC

play Ranno, Lox, and Kragg

Kragg is giga-carried

I aggressively edgeguard just because my friend won't stop complaining about there being no edgeguarding. Not every character can do it, but it's laughably easy as Ranno and Kragg.

4/5 of Ranno's aerials are godlike for edgeguarding and he has needles

Kragg can just do whatever the fuck he wants offstage and survive

I've gotten into some fucking insane scrambles offstage as Kragg, he's really fun that way

gets his ass beat by Wrastor

Oh no no no...
Kraggsisters, not like this...

he was aiming for his boyfriend
mission rockcomplished

This is how I adapted to the Clairen MU as Ranno. Do I hate it? Yes. Do I wish I could play less lame? Yes. Am I going to stop? Fuck no, watching Clairen unzip some Easy-Bake combo off of a stray fair is lamer.

Ranno is too good

I no longer find edge guarding to be a problem now that I play Wrastor lol. I really do hope aerials become better on shield though. Like if I do a late aerial or a fully spaced one I should be safe every time, but as it stands now I often get punished which feels really shitty.

Do you think if I kill myself they'll nerf Ranno?

I'm okay at it with Fleet. But I do think some characters like Ranno have wayyyyyyyy too many recovery tools and mixups.

Really, I'd say right now, the biggest problem is the stages. It feels like stages work against certain characters more than others. In the counterpick stage, you can't just try to avoid getting camped, because there's god damn five giant stages and one is a neutral starter. Air Armada is pretty much a guaranteed ban for most people because it's very polarizing in which recoveries become much weaker and which ones suffer little. Some characters like Clairen also don't have a single stage where they do well on. Or maybe that's just her.

ban air armada and merchant port

orcane counterpicks me to fire capital and just wastes my entire fucking life camping with bubbles

i'm about to start throwing these matches

Why isn't Loxodont the OP?

Julesvale is the biggest a neutral stage should be, really. Merchant Port is honestly my least favorite of the big stages, those two top platforms suck ass to reach and make camping on them really easy. I'm not sure what it is but the big stages are way worse to deal with than Dreamland.

I am bad at this game because I refuse to calibrate my controller and it results in me constantly
-dash attacking on accident
-air dodging randomly
-running off the stage when i meant to grab the ledge (leads to me dying a lot)
-generally failing to simply turn around without dashing
-down tilting in the right direction

Some characters like Clairen also don't have a single stage where they do well on.

What? f smash tippers on the plats for Godai Delta and Battlefield gives you good combo conversions.

literally blaming the controller


are you retarded? did you bother actually reading the post?

not really, frogs aren't welcome here

Tipper Fsmash on those stages is very precise, and those platforms have the downside of being too short for Usmash to properly tipper. It's nothing close to someone like Kragg or Loxodont being able to cover an entire platform with their Usmashes.

Where any of Kragg's moves playtested? I thought this game had like a year of beta tests?
Can someone explain how nair, fair, bair, and his down throw are working as intended? That nigger can literally chain grab you without pummeling. Hello? Dan? Is this character your fursona?

His fair messes with me a lot because it looks like a move that should have endlag.

Parry the dumb dog whale into the ground anon. You can dash up parry the puddle bubbles and it puts him in parry stun

I feel like ceiling are universally too high, it's really hard to kill off the top

Fix your sensitivity and deadzone settings. Had the same issues plus 250 SDs to reversed upbs and minimized them with dialed in settings there.
The lack of visualizer for controller input when adjusting settings is probably the most objectively bad thing about this game. You don't actually play rivals until you fix the settings but it's hard to know when it's right, but when it is it's obvious you weren't the problem in a lot of cases

yes but clairen wins the fleet matchup because you can clank her side B like nothing.
camping ranno is toxic for Clairen, but you can also camp him back. just win and be super fucking lame and make sure to not engage with him near platforms so he cannot platform drop bair/nair/fair you.

New characters when

Nice, but I am waiting for this skin myself.

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Clairen is good in hojodojo.
the problem is many are even better (maypul/ranno) which happen to be the bad matchups.
Always Godai Delta as a rule of thumb. Ranno sucks in platform-less stages too.

yeah the more one plays this game the more you realize fighting the charcaters is not really fun.

There are on track to be 5 characters per element currently (1 confirmed newcomer per element, Loxodont, Fleet, La Reina and Slade) for a total of 20. Assuming they add 2 more elemental newcomers characters each:

Rivals 2 Newcomer Wishlist:
Fire 1: Helios
Wind 1: Yono
Water 1: Master Cai
Earth 1: Bhadra
Fire 2: Anubis with PM Lucario's Moveset
Water 2: Astronaut Psychic Human from Earth that utilizes Technology/Machinery derived from boiling water.
Wind 2: Horse Character with Inspiration from Kazegami.
Earth 2: Bee Character inspired by Q-Bee from Darkstalkers 3

holy shit i just started playing and the fact they made actual visuals for floorhugging is insane. they actually purposefully made it this way.

He's not
t.- Diamond Clairen
Ranno will camp clairen because that's how you play the matchup.

if theres a dark void down there im uninstalling this game

It probably wasn't supposed to be this strong. Can any character even get a boosted tilt out of jab guaranteed without someone floorhugging and mashing jab out of the second hit?

the fact i get punished doing forsburn's jab against my friend because of it just blows me away, it just feels off.

but you can also camp him back

How is this possible? If you have a deficit you lose any imperative to force an approach as Clairen right? It's not like ranno who can charge needles and lay down bubbles or forsburn who can start smoking the whole stage if the opponent plays nonaggressively right?

If you have a lead you want to camp Ranno, ideally in an open space without platforms where you can punish poke attempts with neutral B, juke his threat bubble range and punish.
It is possible that the ranno player just camps you with poison damage, but 90% of rannos get impatient. unless it's a tourney for money on the line they won't do this.

*record scratch*

Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation.

The problem with Ranno/Maypul being strong is that we only have 2 stage bans.
Unless you're Marlon or maybe biobirb, all the other Wrastor will be less good than the average ranno/maypul.
Ranno and Maypul have too many good stages.


you always ban air armada (entire stage is a platform for him to approach and platform drop) and hojodo.
This leaves him with Fire Capital, Rock Wall, Hyperborean, Tempest keep. he's a menace in all of these.
Maypul is Hojodojo and either air armada or hyperborean as well. Maypul is good in ALL stages. She likes big stages so she doesn't die. Except harbor because its a lot of bottomless space and she doesn't reach back (but it doesn't matter because he has a plethora of good stages to pick from)

We need 3 stage bans and 1 final destination stage to counter the ranno faggotry.

Is she ok?


Big stages, pummels, shields, and Kragg are currently what's making me seethe the most about this game. I really hope Kragg's recovery gets touched in that December patch. His pillarless up B should have 0 height and if he's in helpless from standing on a pillar that collapsed, he shouldn't be able to grab the ledge in that instance. I think those two things would be enough to make his recovery balanced.

find opponent thats actually decent

lose every round but feel like i can easily figure this out

he leaves after a few matches


Does this game just randomly feel unresponsive online to any of you?

Like I just feel delayed. Even with good ping and rollback.

Multiversus won.


kys, he has the second most gimpable recovery you're just shote

No he doesn't lol.

Go look at ion play him.

He's clearly a troll. When Kragg actually dies off stage it's mind blowing. It's like watching a plane fall out of the sky, it's like woah that's not supposed to happen...

I feel vindicated

Imagine if this game launched with Absa instead of Ranno. Would anyone have complained?

I'd rather have a megazoner than these bait and punish frog faggots.