[Sad News] Steam Cat Girl has become Steam's official mascot

[Sad News] Steam Cat Girl has become Steam's official mascot

she's cute

Well GabeN was getting quite old



The perfect mascot to sell licenses.


he doesnt know

oh no no no no

She's trans btw

shikanoko the reddit


got proof?

That;'s a female child, groomers.

She's cute, therefore she. Only uggos are trannies.


Steam cat girl is VERY fuckable. Would hold hands with and pump four kids in her.

Yes yes, but where are the lewds?

nice try groons

"Look at us we love Japan!"

Bans ur game

Will she fuck and suck a shota this time too?

Give and take

Compile heart shovelware sloppa that wont even sell gets rejected
Elin kino becomes a huge success
And seems like qureate's learned their lesson with how to get their ecchishit accepted too

No. Chuck went out of business. It's SNEED's now



back to Anon Babble with you faggot

I still don't even understand the whole Sneed meme. I understand it within the show and the joke there, but what are the implications of some random anon simply saying it to someone? It feels like our version of the word Skibidi. You just lel so randumb say it and it has a million different meanings depending on context.

mmmh yeah I would feed & seed that cat

It is a subtle joke.

Forget it, city slicker. You and your fancy German car will never understand.

I don't understand

our version

You're the skibi generation not us (SNEED)

I distinctly remember Steam Cat Girl snogging a black guy on the final day of the event, and Anon Babble seething about it.

Sorry mutilated anons. Trump has taken back cute anime girls. Go find something else to subvert and ruin.

It's a forced meme from Anon Babble. Newfags believe that their spammed buzzwords are simultaneously the height of comedy; and spell incantations to cause physical harm in real life to those who disagree with them in any way.

Humor is dead. There are no more in-jokes. Just in-memes.


It's a forced meme from Anon Babble. Newfags believe that their spammed buzzwords are simultaneously the height of comedy; and spell incantations to cause physical harm in real life to those who disagree with them in any way.

^also newfag shit

bro i think you can't post this bro

Okay but where's my anime h 3d games
The only games there are either obese 'women' or 2d rpgm games for h

What are you going to do about it bitch boy?

She needs to be either a cute girl or a femboy so I can imagine getting someone to cosplay as her before I blow ropes in them.

masturbate i guess...


the character may or may not be a tranny, but wasn't it confirmed to be drawn by a tranny? therefor "she" is shit, because troons always have an agenda to add tranny shit into anything they create.

you can't

he did tho