qualifiers proceed smoothly without any issue
round one also proceeds smoothly and great amount of OC is made especially for a new show called Murder Drones
that MD drawfag is comparable to Hexfag but he wasn't alone in supporting his picks
false flagging and spite start against anything that is considered as a zoomer pick with MD taking the brunt of it
round two starts and MD picks were spitevoted so hard one of them lost to a Steven Universe pick
rest of the round is just ZOOMERS BTFO, TOTAL ZOOMER DEATH and generally campaigners and drawfags being shat on and called "campooners"
round three proceed about the same only two remaining "zoomer" picks ENA and Pomni started getting the brunt of the false flags such as being called trannies and campooner picks
round four was probably the biggest shitshow
Chel vs Pomni match happened
Chel I could only describe as Tifa on steroids, mostly running on her sex appeal and she was gonna become E8 member for the fourth time
false flagging and metafaging exploded due to this matchup
from here I believe some Chelfags got butthurt at the possibility of losing to a "zoomer campooner" and probably unknowingly ironically started campaigning using meta reasons like how she could silently win the tournament
someone called this ''effective quietness'' but I refuse to believe this wasn't a false flag
someone started seething about Isaac Clarke for no reason
at this point everyone notable was getting false flagged with some exceptions
Pomni beat Chel by less than ten votes causing a shitshow
false flags continue
people are still seething about Murder Drones and crying at zoomers even more now
every single E8 is being called illegitimate
hosts notice a sharp increase in votes and it was revealed that some faggot called perifag decided to add votes for Pomni for whatever fucking reason reason