Why is 2B so popular?

Why is 2B so popular?

2B_241.jpg - 576x1024, 63.28K

lust-inducing image

Gee, I wonder.

white hair


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Youth is wanting to fuck 2B.
Teenage years is wanting to fuck 9S.
Adulthood is wanting to look like 9S with a pair of tits.


It's not even that big, it's just shapely

Youth is wanting to fuck 2B.

Teenage years is wanting to fuck 2B.

Adulthood is wanting to fuck 2B.


Now this is big, big and fat, she looks obese

I never played her game, thoughbeitever. I hear it gets existential.

2b8.jpg - 1000x1579, 131.37K

beautiful ass


dressed like a maid

Basically the perfect fetish character straight out of the box.

Proportions are always important when it comes to attractiveness of women.
Most men would say they like big tits but they'd usually be repulsed by a lardass fatso that technically has huge breasts.
Same principle applies to ass.

It's her costume/design. Very high level of aesthetic and coom.


It's a mystery.

Also an easy cosplay for ethots.

beat the game

cool now beat it again, exactly the same but with you as the shota instead

lol lmao

I'm jealous of all the attention 2B gets from you guys ... i wish i was 2B to make everyone fall in love with me!

This one's a real headscratcher


We all know why you wish you were 2B, don't try to fool us.


im about to

nghhhh more

Why is there no KaineX2B doujins

I'll coom to this

Built for BBC

not enough fart porn of her

what kinds of friends


shes hot

again i have to explain this:
original b2 models ass is literally perfect, round tight etc
all fan art is nigger lard asses

You want to marry MULTIPLE people?

Big tattoos are horrible. Is not erotic, but disgusting.

I'm going to force this anon to dress like 2B and serve my FUBC (fat ugly bastard cock) forever


why are white men like this

blacked.jpg - 1185x2560, 384.06K

Okay rajeesh

yes im trash keep going nghhh


so close to quads of truth

post your whole TND 2B folder please i beg you

but I replied to based nazi 2b

truth nuke


why.png - 413x339, 139.89K

The next two panels where Kaine gets a giant throbbing erection against her will from 2B's relentless teasing and then ravages her ass are really hot.

Kaine_3.jpg - 1280x1882, 316.06K

I dunno

People only care about the porn, not the games, which were mediocre.

Because amerimutts are obsessed with nigger culture and went insane over something that barely appeared in the game to the point it even warped their perception of it
Basically amerimutts hate boobs and worship nigger asses, exactly like the one in your pic.
Just look at this thread.

aw... was hoping for prone bone
still good

AGP fetish a lot of people wish they could be 2B!