We must be better men

We must be better men.

God_of_Oar.webm - 480x270, 2.86M


so true wyteboi

continues looting, raping and murdering

relaunch the franchise as a story game

the story is Kratos learns to not be mad at his son, told across 45 hours


moralizing white boys, just makes everyone else more masculine and the end of your nation come faster. especially when those 3rd world apes are streaming in

wait a second, his son is a whiny, racemixing faggot
is that the message? accept faggots and racemixing old man?

Oh so it's ok for Kratos to defile the graves of dead people in search of money and loot but when I'm doing this they keep calling it a "crime".

gay sex with kratos

I get someone wants to make "art" and all that but why preach this shit in vidya of all things?

What your mother did before she came home tonight is her business!

IMG_3836.jpg - 990x990, 113.17K

I wonder what terrible things people who identify with this did in their youth.

you faggot should've let baldur kill his mom
he might've even stopped midway

the problem is that it sold well so it will keep happening

"We need to stop acting like fucking animals and killing each other"

Proceeds to do just that

Starting with you.

file.png - 953x369, 139.3K


but those webms are funny, have another one

gow.webm - 962x540, 1.78M

do not repost pictures

first 6 games feature dozens of memorable lines and bosses, plus the music

can barely remember fucking anything from the two new games

I hate what they did to Kratos. His story ended with 3.


God_of_Boar.webm - 854x480, 2.91M

Get a life, nigger.

i'm going to post that picture a hundred more times just to spite you

the red flag was the games not having sex minigames anymore, starting with Ascension but this one had cutscenes with some nice tits at least.

history about men being more mature/older or taking care of child

becomes a much sad and tired version of original, no energy, suicidal or annoying/pacifist

Im tired of this shit. Same in TLOU2.

god of midlife crisis

instead of killing gods, you sit in the back like a cuck while the stronk whamyn emasculate other dudes who didn't wear the cuck cage yet

You love to see it.