A Sony Employee just stole the account of the biggest Trophy Hunter on PSN

A Sony Employee just stole the account of the biggest Trophy Hunter on PSN

PlayStation's #1 trophy hunter, Hakoom, has announced that he is retiring from trophy hunting, or more so specifically, retiring from PlayStation, as the company has terminated their partnership with him, all because he found out that someone at PlayStation was allegedly being bribed to sell his personal information, which came with an unexplained ban.

While many may shrug off the news of Hakoom's retirement, the circumstances surrounding it should not be taken so lightly. In a lengthy post shared on X, Hakoom, whose real name is AbdulHakam, explained that after 17 years, he's quitting his trophy-hunting journey and PlayStation. The reasoning? According to AbdulHakam, it's because an employee at PlayStation stole and sold off his personal data, which led to a ban last September and kicked him out of the PlayStation program he was part of. At the time, Hakoom wasn't aware of the circumstances. However, a few days later, he mysteriously received a message saying that his data had been breached, with the user bribing PlayStation employees to steal and sell user data, followed by a ban. He mentions that the image that he was sent contained sensitive systems that were administrative.

Get the fuck off PSN, lads
Your data ain't safe

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your data aint safe

my email and password combinations are already listed in too many databreaches for me to be concerned about fucking psn anymore

serves him right for connecting his irl identity to his vidya addiction
he wanted attention and he got it

Everything I have that matters has 2FA.

someone emailed me my password a couple months ago trying to coerce me into some nonsense and i just slightly altered the password i use for everything and carried on

honestly if all my data gets stolen and i'm ruined by fraud or whatever at least i'd have an excuse to be a loser

see, this is exactly why you don't make (((accounts))) or give corpos your phone number, email, real name, address, etc.


good goy. enjoy getting raped when your phone runs out of battery or breaks, or when it gets stolen

It's OK, they already banned my account for literally no reason a few years ago after i hadn't touched it for a while.

enjoy getting fucked if *preventable fringe case*

how do you live

when your phone runs out of battery

oh, like, when the entire power grid goes down? If I can't charge my phone I'm not going to be in a position to log into steam or whatever, either, retard.

breaks, or when it gets stolen

i use my shitty backup phone and i fail to see how someone is going to steal my phone right out of my pocket



Why should I care about my data being stolen? How will they use my data to sell me products if i dont buy things and ignore advertisements in the first place?

#1 trophy hunter

So like the biggest loser?

Why should I care about my data being stolen?

Because your life can be ended at any moment?
The government can literally look into your history, see something they decide they don't like and arrest you today

[sad news]

Than don't use SMS 2FA??????????

Do it, then.

I am sorry you're a nig but there are good phones that don't suddenly break down like a shitty car

How much money do you earn for being in the world records guinness

Doesn't gaystation get hacked like every other week?

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Why I'm not gonna buy your psn required steam games

Depends largely where he lives since it's taxable income AND considered a "gift" so it's potentially subject to quite extreme taxes (in Finland 40% if it goes over 1 mil bracket) on top of normal taxes.

i have been on there since like 2012 and have never once heard about it being hacked

why do people that hate sony seem to pay so much attention to sony

That era of the internet where every major website tried pushing everyone to start using real names was fucking weird. I remember Blizzard tried REAL hard to force that until their staff got doxxed.

never once heard about it being hacked

pull your head out of your ass maybe?

Its a quite simple but unbreakable spell
I just dont have accounts

They need to start giving death penalty for stealing users information. And it should be livestreamed so everyone can laugh at them.

guy who has his face and name on the internet complains about user data being stolen

I mean what else are they getting?

I've been there since 2012

never heard of Sony getting hacked

he is a known trophy cheater, a cfw user and a account sharer, you cannot just believe this dude

tie account to another account you dont have control over

now you have 2 points of fail

I apologize for not being as glued to current happenings as you people.

I still haven't heard about it, and i'm the one with the account on it.

got banned for tropy autopop (legit tho) account sharing and having multiple dummy acounts (allegedly up to thousands)

cry to customer support

ban got lifted but he's on some close surveillance shitlist and also no more free gibs from Sony (which is extremely fair given he's not even in Top 50 anymore)

proceed to cry on the internet that Sony is stealing his data (and not one of the dozens of his vassals that was playing shovelware for him)

fuck this dune coon and his "my brother was playing on my account and got banned" ass defense, he's a known cheater and drama queen for years

Even Fred studying architecture who only occasionally posted on Facebook knew about the Sony hack, it was front-page news.

it's so front page i'm not going to post it here, it's way too widespread!!!!

then you're just fucking stupid. having an account with them AND not giving a fuck about its security. natural selection at its finest

how has no one made a hakoomer edit yet

Most systems are safe from hackers, but not rogue employees. This could have happened anywhere.

natural selection.

what's happened so far? I'm waiting to get plucked out of the gene pool, hasn't happened.

People literally couldn't play online on PS3 for almost a month

dude I have been posting on Anon Babble for over a decade

never heard about this even though i have an account

pretending to be retarded etc. etc. go kill yourself

PS trophies are the only kind of achievement system that matters anymore so I guess he might just be done with that sort of stuff in general. Nobody cares about Steam Achievements and they’re easily modified, Xbox is going down the drain and misses out on a lot of games you could get achievements from, and Nintendo doesn’t even have a system like that at all

just so you know this is like seeing a post in 2034 saying "yeah I browsed Anon Babble since 2022 and this is the first I'm hearing about this Concord game."

Snoy gets BTFO

Not my problem, glad I never created a PSN account and never will

Again, i'm sorry i'm not like you people. This does not change the fact I still hadn't heard about anything like that.

he's been casual about trophies for more than a year now
not surprising tho, if the ratio of playing good/bad/shit games back then on PS3 was bad, now it's abysmal with thousand of 5 minute shovelware games Sony is allowing on Store

I've seen Sony ban high value accounts for no reason in the past. Don't trust these fuckers.

Again, i'm sorry i'm not like you people.

lol you still don't get it


no more (you)'s faggot


Do consoletards really?

Fair strategy, but consider this. If you start out as a loser than they have nothing to take from you.

Own a PS3

Doesn't realise it got hacked because the PS3 hasnogeams

I believe it, Sony fanboys are retarded

still doing ps3 nogaymes in big 2024

pretty sure that meme is old enough to drink in a lot of countries

it's nearly twenty years too late to pretend cheevos are completely irrelevant, they're completely entrenched in video games across all three major companies and PC

All I said is I hadn't seen anything like that, and was impressed people who hate sony had. That was it.

it's basically just

I have no argument and I must meme

bro just trust me, its so easy see

hey everyone, my name is mark mcretard!

gets doxxed within an hour

who cares

mind your own business

just hunt trophies to set records

some cunt sells your data and ban your account for absolutely no reason

your data ain't safe no matter what you do
best you can do is just stop giving a shit and feed companies data they absolutely do not want

You're brown

the psn employee just goes into the database you idiot and then tells everyone your shit.

he had a whole army collectively signed into his account grinding trophies btw, it wasn't just him

It's 2024 and niggers are still crying about the Bible, what's your point?

i still do not see the harm in that

I was about to type

but the bible isn't a shitty meme

and then realized my grave error lmao


more like HACKEROO lmao

you know steam has achievements too right?
hell, emulationcucks even use a special site to put cheevos on their emulated games

I'm pretty sure account sharing is like number one "things not to do" in ToS

can’t he sue now?

You were being a little faggot acting like you were above others because you were too stupid or actually really underage to not even hear about the major sony/psn hack that took down psn for over a month and had all the sony suits do a humiliation ritual.

I heard this guy account shared with loads of people to get all those trophies

You were being a little faggot acting like you were above others

Literally all I had said was I hadn't seen anything myself.
I made a light jab in like one comment, if that's too harsh then this isn't the board I once thought it was.
Truth still remains.

you know that's a bs rule

he was literally banned from psnprofiles in 2020 for using save hacks, of course he would change how he'd go for this.

who the fuck even is this filthy turdworlder?

How do they "steal an account"? Can't Sony just change the email/password on his account and give it back to him?

Good cases don't exist yet

t. Terminally online subhuman


Yeah but this whole thing was probably a catalyst for the guy to realise he's wasting his life on the achievement grind.

and it's almost never enforced when it's just 2 guys playing on eachother's account, but Lord knows on how many devices was Hacoom logged in
bottom line is that Sony doesn't have some internet detectives snooping around, he got reported by somebody, Sony looked into it, noticed the shennanigans and banned the account, he then contacted customer support and ban got lifted, be it "plausible deniablility" or he just threw a hissy fit about who he is

Tim calling horse shit. The faggot gave his account credentials to other people so they could play games for him and sarn trophies and it just so happened that one of them decided to fuck him over. Then he blamed Sony so he wouldn't be outed as a fraud

Honestly what the fuck did they expect to happen?



This is faggotry pure and simple. If someone stole your personal info, you can call up the FBI since that's a federal crime but he didn't do that, he just cried on the internet so I suspect he made his own bed but doesn't want to own up to it

even the most dedicated snoys are confirmed disingenuous

This does not change the fact I still hadn't heard about anything like that.

ever heard of 9/11

never heard of it; you must be online too much

genuinely if i never had the internet i wouldn't've known about 9/11 so this but unironically lmao

I don't know why you think being an idiot is a brag

you must keep up to date with current happenings, otherwise you're retarded!

prefer to hermit, thanks.

Who the fuck would want only 1 person's data?


Still had internet and shitpost all day

Go back to your cave and never come back instead of larping as a hermit

hermit means no internet

hello, my name is I Coom

not knowing that not all the 2FA apps are complete shit

Trophy's and acheivments are the fucking most retarded thing ever and anyone who actually cares about them and cares about collecting them desever to have it taken away.

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i fail to see how someone is going to steal my phone right out of my pocket

You're gonna feel more than just an empty pocket

My data isn't on PSN. Who would do that?

People who purchased a game.