amdsisters what's our response?
Fuck off back instead of posting their shit here.
Same thing happened with last gen. It's designed around beating intel in gaming benchmarks and then exploding (literally every other task for actual adults is a landslide for intel)
Intel is the one who's cpus are actually dying though, according to influencers. Trust me bro one day they'll die. Amd's marketing is second to none, but never buy their unstable stuttery crashy cpus.
Good morning bloody bitch bastard
ok pajeet
have had 2 back to back amd builds and 0 problems. his problem is that he used a shitty msi board. either way, intcels are delusional, enjoy higher temps, worse clocks, worse power draw and a higher cost because the intel tax
1(One) CPU fails
oh no no no
AMD gonna start housefires
just one cpu, please buy AMD please please, they are the fastest at 1080p gaming after all
How retarded do you have to be to fuck up installing a CPU this badly?
The plastics on the socket are straight up mangled
that retard is redditor
At least it's not Intel, that would've exploded on him the moment he typed something anti-semitic.
Hello userbenchmark saaaaarrrrrr
FUCK I'm throwing away my 7800x3D and buying a 14900K RIGHT NOW
I wouldn't have bought the 7800x3d in the first place, but you live and learn
intel themself admitted that their cpus are faulty and dying, are you fucking retarded?
implying this place is any better than shiteddit
just don't buy the 14900k or anything newer. they're fucked
can you get the quote which says all their CPUs are faulty?
please don't fail, I want to upgrade in early 2025...
...is every pin on the right side fucking bent? what the fuck?
go be retarded somewhere else
forget to wipe your ass
blame it on the CPU
nice try
coping intel investor
It won't.
I'm selling my i7 12700/3070 build and PS5 and going for a 9800x3d build and probably a rtx 5080.
We can confirm that the via Oxidation manufacturing issue affected some early Intel Core 13th Gen desktop processors. However, the issue was root caused and addressed with manufacturing improvements and screens in 2023. We have also looked at it from the instability reports on Intel Core 13th Gen desktop processors and the analysis to-date has determined that only a small number of instability reports can be connected to the manufacturing issue, the company stated.
"We have determined that elevated operating voltage is causing instability issues in some 13th/14th Gen desktop processors. Our analysis of returned processors confirms that the elevated operating voltage is stemming from a microcode algorithm resulting in incorrect voltage requests to the processor."
Here's two just for you, anon.
That's a no then, intel haven't said all their CPUs are failing. Got it
man, the CPU failed so badly it sheared off the socket's plastic
only a small number of instability reports can be connected to the manufacturing issue
Yes. so not all then. Not every CPU
Goalpost: Moved
I care
You're better then that anon
Intel CPUs burn down
show proofs
Some, not all, small percentage, a few
lol. cope more.
Turn out the retard didn't properly sit his cpu and forced it to the point it damaged the socket.
His username is fitting for an absolute retard.
You have either bent CPUs or bent Motherboards.
Reddit and Anon Babble are identical. Anon Babble is also one of the most popular website on the internet.
just slam cpu into socket
slam it even harder
force cover down
cpu explodes because improper installation
pebkac, the eternal enemy
retard chinks pushed it wrong way
Yes it was clearly the retard setting fire to his CPU on purpose. He just slammed the CPU in without checking the orientation. He was registered blind too. Suffering with mental health issues. He was a good boy, always went to church. An upcoming rapper.
If all it takes to burn your house down is a retard to place the CPU in slightly wrong they should all be recalled, right? All AMD CPUs suffer with this defect. Clearly a hazard to life.
I think that Reddit post is planned demand erosion for AMD since both Reddit and Intel are largely Israeli. They want you to buy their chips instead of AMD's, despite their flaws.
Kek I knew this would happen. Never bought AMD during the first few weeks. Let some retard be the beta tester for their products THEN after all the price cuts and fix, you can go ahead and buy them.
What do you mean? It literally burnt. If it was unintended it could have killed everyone in the house. Stop playing this off as a none-incident. It clearly is.
Your PC game machine shouldn't kill people
don’t wash your hands before installing your CPU
uh oh saar
jesus did not, in fact, take the wheel
buying MSI
got what he deserved
Buying AMD
got what he deserved
When the FUCK is the 5090 coming out
Seat CPU incorrectly
What a tragic incident.
Which one is it vee?
He installed it wrong. This is like saying people shouldn't be allowed to own scissors because they might stab themselves. Plus it clearly didn't start a housefire, it just melted some pins. God you're tragically retarded.
hi CPUPro
That's on MSI
No - the actual cpu retention design comes from Intel and AMD and AIBs are not allowed to fuck with it. This is user error.
no bro you don't get it, the specs say this chip is rated to run at 110c it's perfectly normal!!! It's working as intended
AMD retards get what they deserve. I had this exact conversation with someone the other day.
You don't know if it was installed incorrectly. You've seen one picture of it. It burnt.
it just melted some pins
"Just melted", and luckily he noticed it and stopped it from going up in flames. Stop passing this off as nothing.
It's a manufacturing problem, from the time it started, which Intel never revealed, until it was fixed in 2023, it affected every 13th gen CPU.
Oxidation doesn't happen overnight and it's irreversible. The solution was to undervolt the CPU to stop it from crashing frequently, but that doesn't fix the permanent damage that was already caused
it was a motherboard fault and not a CPU fault boyo
I’ve met enough retards in my IT career life to automatically assume this happened.
So why do my CPUs are work fine, they run at max clocks, high temps, full workload for hours a day since launch?
Sounds to me like you don't know what you're talking about
the burn pattern on the cpu and the burn pattern on the board imply he seated it wrong
Looks like a shorted socket.
CPU popping normally looks more impressive.
Will end up in one of those "customer states" img threads for laughs
AMD CPUs burning up are just part and parcel of playing video games bro
that username
checks out
it didn't happen because he has different political leanings
this is what happens when you play games at 4k rather than 1080p on AMD
You've seen one picture of it
There are several more pictures in this thread
luckily he noticed it and stopped it from going up in flames
He, in the very post you made OP, stated "it wouldn't POST" meaning he sat there staring at his monitor for at least a few minutes waiting for a BIOS screen.
The user fault runs much deeper than just the CPU installation.
13900K also has the same rusting issue.
there is one picture of the CPU , and another with the same image but rotated.
he sat there staring at his monitor for at least a few minutes waiting for a BIOS screen.
and it burnt. So it was lucky he didn't switch the PC on and go and get a shower or put the kettle on and leave it alone. - just like I said
AMD completely annihilates Intel again with the 9800X3D
Some faggot fails at life and at seating a processor
Some puzzling brand of Intel bot starts claiming they're just as bad as Intel's complete line of autorusting paperweights
There's brand loyalty, there's embarrassing brand loyalty and then there's this.
Intelaviv-bros getting desperate
it's ok if AMD burns because it isn't Intel
No it's not Rakesh. Last gen it was motherboard manufacturers trying to leapfrog each other for better review results by running the cpu's out of spec with voltages and clocks out the ass. In any case, AMD gets some blame still for not telling them to stick to the fucking specsheet.
the reference triangle on the board isnt clearly visible in the image
i had to really look for it
Ah yes, let's play Russian roulette with our CPU purchases so some brand drone can have some peace of mind. Fuck you to death.
vax status?
upstairs vaxChud is making noise again
The absolute mileage I and many people have got out of pic related over the years.
also go back.
it's ok, it happened last gen too
it didn't happen it's intel's fault
user was a retard
user was a redditor
at least it didn't explode, like Intel
It's ok it burned because he put it on wrong
he was a chink so it's normal
it was MSI's fault
It was only a few melted pins and so that's ok.
it's a motherboard design flaw
I don't like the user name so it's ok it burned
The AMD shill cope in this thread is amazing
Bro it was never going to create a full fire. That's not how electrical components work. Think back to when the 4090 was melting the power ports. That was far more power and even then didn't cause actual flames.
so intel didnt say the thing you didnt say? got it
bro, hot things don't start fires.
Imagine unironically defending 13th and 14th gen intel hand grenades
They are under no obligation to make their CPUs retard-proof. That moron pushed the CPU so hard he bent the socket.
It's ok it burned because he put it on wrong
Explain how this isn't a perfectly reasonable thing to say
You must be the stupidest motherfucker on the planet lmao. How many times has your oven ignited?
bot defending its brand-daddy
issue was the user's fault
AMJeets don't even have their agenda straight
You were supposed to call me a Jew or something.
No dude don't you see? It clearly burned up by itself and could've taken the whole house with it including everyone in it!
Stay far away from anything AMD if you value your life and your loved ones!
My oven is designed to be fucking hot. My CPU isn't designed to melt and go up in flames. retard
But it's hot??? Bro???
honestly thats the fault of all these retards claiming that building a pc is just like legos. its a little more complicated than that and i would never trust a normie with building my rig
Intel collapsing so hard they have to make up fake controversies about the competition
they both suck. this is the downside of PCs.
it's ok if AMD CPU melts because ovens are hot
fucking lol , this is your brain on AMD cock
honestly thats the fault of all these retards claiming that building a pc is just like legos.
It honestly is, socketing a CPU requires the slightest bit of finesse. Some people are just all thumbs.
Why did you put that part of your post in green? That's literally your line of reasoning
he clearly is user error. he obviously didn't run it at 1080p with a 4090
Are you really still this buttblasted over being dog-piled in that other thread? lmao, bitch.
fortunately it happened to someone with tds.
fucking kek
They're pretty close to retard-proof, off center registration notches on the sides ensure it can't be seated upside-down. You'd have to be a very special kind of retard.
You'd have to be a very special kind of retard.
I mean if you read the username of the original poster, that seems apt
Lol, hardwareunboxed did a video where they only test in 4K and max settings to BTFO retards like you.
Better not look and see what CPU is in your conslow....
they are the fastest at 1080p gaming after all
kill yourself schizo. stop shitting up every thread, faggot
i wouldn't have bought the best vidya cpu on the market...because i just wouldn't okay?!
buying an Intel CPU in the last 5 years
are you retarded?
damn shame it didn't burn down his house and kill everyone in it
Hey. The 12th gen cpus were actually good
best anything
Okay fine, best housefire starter I guess kek
yes. he's the same schizo who is in EVERY SINGLE hardware thread like clockwork. i sincerely pray that he's paid by intel and not doing it for free. if he's doing this for free then that is genuinely the saddest shit i've ever witnessed
They absolutely and objectively have the best gaming CPU for the last two generations.
They're best at not being about to be bought out by Qualcomm.
you do realize how much higher temps and power draw intel garbage uses compared to amd, right?
yeah but there's a layer between me and whoever makes the chips. and if the whole system doesn't work i just return it to costco lmao
Yes sirs, buy Intel over AMD
while using twice as much electricity and producing twice as much heat and noise
Hello, Userbenchmark
At 1080p with a 4090
Wait a flipping minute... this isn't
be Anon Babble, the internet hate machine which hates on everything
have post about AMD CPU melting
nobody in thread owns this CPU
AMD apologists appear from nowhere, "it's not AMD fault"
This thread is absolute evidence that Anon Babble is a major AMD marketing target. You can't deny it now, shills.
any resolution, any gpu. amd mogs intel unless you are paid to try to convince people of the opposite.
why yes, I don't understand why they do this
They made this video for retards like you who keep repeating this nonsense.
when i build a PC i just order parts in local computer store and pay 30$ to a guy there who will put it all together for me
yes im a retard, but it's more about being scared of breaking stuff and wasting my hard earned money, i changed RAM in my computer once and almost died of stress during the process
It's called being contrarian for """"fun""""
No one gets paid here.
You sound like AMD copers when they had to defend their shitty Bulldozer FX cpus against i7s.
building a pc is just like legos
It is. But these people are at chewing LEGO Duplo level when it's actually building black super sports car level.
doesn't know how cpus are tested
kindly kys retard
show me a benchmark on your PC and I'll beat it
Only dalits use AMD
I didn't say they were efficient
we're not getting paid. this AMD shilling is natural. We love AMD. Buy one today folks. Special discount if you use "Anon Babble loves AMD" in the coupon box
Jewish hands typed this post.
Amd's marketing is second to none
Is this actually userbenchmark in the flesh? Lmao
This is why I will buy a PS5 PRO, fuck pc gayming
it is to you. normies are fucking retarded, they are barely able to connect their xbox to their tv but you expect them to not fuck up building a pc? and even if they manage to put the pieces into the right slots without breaking them, what about the things that come later? installing windows, drivers etc. i really dont see a normalfag doing this for the first time without spending an entire day reading/watching tutorials
nobody gives a shit about your cinebench scores you stupid faggot, this is a goddamn video game board you fucking mongoloid
AMD will beat it
but I don't care about scores
what's it going to beat it at then? amount of cores melted?
People like AMD because
-They're not Intel
-They have a better gaming CPU
-You can use their MoBos for more than one CPU generation
So no matter what, intel or amd, we're fucked?
It's ok it burned because he put it on wrong
I mean, yes. There is a correct way to assemble these things. You are given instructions twice - one packed in with the CPU, and once packed in with the motherboard. You are dealing with sensitive, delicate, and at times dangerous components.
Is there maybe an underlying issue that could be fixed by AMD's engineering regarding this heat? Probably. The CPU probably shouldn't get getting so hot that it can burn the silicon. Suggests that maybe they should reconsider how they implement their heat-throttling.
But at the same time, if you install the thing wrong, and it doesn't work correctly that's kind of on you. If I pour windshield washer fluid into my car instead of oil, and it fucks up my engine, I shouldn't really blame Nissan, should I?
People like AMD because
they're cheap
they run at 1080p
they can keep a motherboard and DDR3 memory for a decade
yes , poorfags love AMD and will happily see their homes go up in smoke because they'll just be moved to other rented accomodation
actual video game performance? you know, the entire point of discussing cpu's on a video game board?
amd cpu's objectively run at better temps, moron
My 14900k still got fucked though
But I'll probably stick with Intel since I do more than game
ah yes just project the issues intel has to amd, totally makes sense.
No, the reddit op is a hamfisted retard.
5800x3D with DDR4 beats intel cpus with DDR5 at many gaming tests.
Imagine shilling for fucking israeltel. If AMD wasn't still around Intel would still be selling you 4 core 8 thread i7s, kek.
Nobody mentioned Cinebench little paranoid AMD fag.
it's the only hope this faggot has
seethe fucking idiot put the cpu in wrong and damaged his mobo before even turning the thing on. see his username also, that person is genuinely braindead
now here's the same picture with context
intel shills are so desperate lmao, your 285k is slow as shit retard
I agree with Aaron Rodgers about the vax, but I couldn't tolerate hanging out with him IRL. Politics isn't everything.
imagine shilling Intel
nothing mentioned about Intel at all. Yet you're here in a thread about an AMD CPU melting saying it's fine. lol AMD shill
same but only because my hatred of the p*ckers runs so deeply i can never forgive him. FTP.
Stop overclocking your shit fucking poorfags
continues to not acknowledge the fact that the person in OP screenshot installed the cpu incorrectly
the retard doesn't even know how to install a cpu, there's no way he overclocked it yet
fires are fine when putting a PC together
hardware fanboyism is the worst. you go for whats currently the best for your use. this is Anon Babble so right now if you arent mentally retarded you'll buy yourself an amd cpu with an nvidia gpu. maybe in 5 years it will be different but right now you have to be dumb as shit to put intel cpu in your computer
I'm only pretending to be retarded
kill yourself, filthy jeet
just buy the 1080p CPU which melts bro
lol no
not an argument , AMD marketer
show specs
the company with the objective best product at the present time doesn't need to hire marketers. intel stock is in the shitter and hire dedicated damage control.
So many people on this board read a headline and believe it at face value. Doesn't matter if it's the news, a twitter post, or something on fucking reddit.
Anything so the jeets can collect their $0.50 from intel, I guess. Case in point
yet this thread is full of them, See
show specs saar
How retarded do you have to be to fuck up installing a CPU this badly?
The plastics on the socket are straight up mangled
it's over for intel fags
I've even bent pins back with a magnifying glass and my intel i7 still works perfectly fine, but I can't wait to throw it in the dumpster for an AMD
he tried to run 4k with a 3080 lol
Youre jewish
Man who can't install a cpu is allowed to own guns
Deebly concern
and you're Palestinian
Normies probably didn't use the thermal paste.
theres no way youre not the userbenchmark's owner lol, the wording is too uncannily similar
with that said: fuck you retard
Intelaviv and Njudea are hiring Indians to shitpost.
man lol how big is your intel bag
Ok based? Judaism the biggest threat to humanity in the world
You don't know if it was installed incorrectly.
is this the same anon?
it's fine that his house almost burned down because he did it himself
The terrifying part about building a pc, is the realization that you're a midwit, and that you're still smarter than 90% of the population.
It is 100% retard proof. But guess what. Lego sets come with instructions. So do your PC components. READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. I know what I'm doing whenever I'm building a new PC but I'll still rather take half an hour to read the manuals in case I've missed something instead of just j-j-jamming it in.
you just don't have the IQ for AMD
buy stove
don't follow directions
end up burning house down
yeah, retards can't follow instructions and line up two triangles to properly seat a CPU
It's literally impossible to see it wasn't seated correctly, how is it okay for it to fucking melt?
He obviously oriented the cpu correctly.
Also his house was nowhere near burning down because components fail and shut down WAY before there's any risk of fire, retarded drama queen.
Skill issue, git gud loser
It's literally impossible to see it wasn't seated correctly
It's blatant how he damaged the plastic supports and bent the CPU cover. It's not only possible, it's evident. The only impossible thing here is your thirst for attention.
it's fine that his house almost burned down because he's a TDS cuckold
It's been a while since I had an AMD CPU so I don't know if it's true for the current generation but the last one I had to install had a triangle in one of its corners that had to match up with the socket on the mainboard. I don't think it's too much of a requirement to be able to match fucking basic shapes.
t. userbenchmark
Building a PC is insanely easy these days. Its not as hard as most lego sets.
I want to see the psu
He matched the triangle, the problem is that he still put the cpu with an offset, so it sat on the plastic rim instead of inside of it.
Then he slammed the metal part on top of it.
Funny how I manage to see that my cpu is seated properly every time.
yeah that's looking like the cause based on the pictures the retard posted.
We have a real life minority report going on here.
All the AMDtechtubers would just turn this into a content anyway, and you would suck their dick by saying "Thanks Steve" as usual.
I'd hazard a guess that 90% of this thread are bigger retards than melted CPU guy
dumb tech illiterate reddittor fried one cpu
Ok, anyways...
top comment when I searched for OP's pic lmao
All the AMDtechtubers
why do you keep bringing up youtubers? i do not watch jewtube whatsoever, i base my decisions on benchmarks, and news like intel cpu's failing. i could give a fuck what some video making faggot thinks. i simply buy and use the best product at the time. it used to be intel, now it isn't.
try not being a brand loyalist retard. i don't use amd gpu's because they aren't the best.
Poor guy must be extremely schizophrenic now.
housefire bros, we're SO back!
kek this
fucking amdshill lmao
You have to be EXTREMELY retarded to actually ruin a component.
I once tried to boot my PC without a cpu cooler while switching out CPUs so I can quickly update the bios for my new one.
I was to lazy to apply thermal paste and install the cooler every time so I figured what the hell, it will only take a minute.
needless to say the cpu overheated mid bios update and shut down.
Neither the cpu nor the mobo bricked, I just cleared CMOS and it worked again.
90% of the posts in this thread are made by one single retard
Yes. AMD marketer gets about
What this looks like is just a defective socket.
gets about
good morning sir redeem the intel sir
Yes, it got defected by the reddit retard.
Because that's where all AMD's money goes: online shill campaigns to make people believe they're actually good now, honest!
So you're implying Intel is failing in sales so hard, they don't even have money for shills?
did AMD also bribe intel to make statements about their defective chips?
Broken Intel chips still have less issues than the average AMD PC
Lmao thanks for betatesting
Broken Intel chips
we got an AMD shill here
To me it looks like factory defect.
oh no this square peg isn't going down the circle-shaped hole
what do I do?
ah I know, I'll just force it in
this square peg isn't fitted correctly
What do I do ?
burn house down
but it's ok , it's AMD
That's because you're blind.
Also, even entertaining the idea it's a factory defect, a faulty mobo has nothing to do with AMD cpus. That's an MSI issue.
t. Linus Shill Tips
you're too blind to own AMD
this square peg fitted correctly
What do I do ?
burn house down
but it's ok , it's Intel
Quick question, who founded Intel and what country was it founded in? Where are their headquarters located? Can you answer each question?
the last time I checked it was an AMD melting thread. Do you own a 9800x3d or are you just butthurt your shilling isn't working
AMD is shit.
Why is he still trying?
Finally a real user in this thread full of AMD shills
Legos assume you have the intelligence of at least a low IQ primate.
What wer're dealing with here are troglodytes that will shove the pieces up their assholes, pull them out and then swallow them levels of dumbfuckery.
enjoy your rusted paperweights, faggots. actually who am i kidding, you are both the type of retards still using an 8700k
Are you insane.
literally impossible to see it wasn't seated correctly
You check the triangle and seating its not rocket science.
my most recent PC (about 3 yrs old now) i built with amd cpu and amd gpu when previously i was intel. did it just for price.
havent had issues with it yet compared to the constant issues i had before then with intel cpu/nvidia gpu giving me shit
take this pointless anecdotal experience as you will
Holy shit lmao. This definitely explains why the thing exploded before even reaching POST.
Well yes, that's what I'm saying. That the mobo had a defective socket which caused that the cpu was misaligned. At least that's what it looks like to me.
It was clearly the right way up and it still melted
you are both the type of retards still using an 8700k
2600K actually, it just works
I never had any issues with any of my PC builds, except for one time, very early on when I bought some generic shitty PSUs, that would shut down my GPU, making me think it was faulty, when it was 100% my fault for having a shit PSU that didn't meet the specs.
why is this thread full of people defending a melting CPU?
Those are fresh cuts from the CPU being pressed down on it.
It's not hard to see. Or are you telling me he's a double retard for not noticing his socket was fucked before installing the CPU?
why is this thread full of people defending retarded third worlders?
If I made a phone that would explode and kill the user if they turned it on the wrong way or plugged it in upside down would this excuse spare me court?
why is this thread full of AMD third worlders?
Why is this thread full of retarded shitposters, actually it's just one retard, who are extremely obvious to anyone with above room temperature IQ?
FUCK shitty psus
easily the worst fucking component to deal with because when it fucks up, it can be like a dozen other possible things. and the market is flooded with cheap chinese made dogshit ones with fake 'certifications'
always remember anon
when it comes to computers
never buy from a manufacturer in china or india
those slant-eye cunts can and will cheat you and the supplier with out of specs shit made on the cheap. its literally in their culture to do so. pic related but its about steel and not computer things
Eat shit braindead shill.
It was clearly the right way up and it still melted
He forced it so hard the socket plastic is broken.
I just imagine some dumb fat american mutt with sausage fingers trying to grug it in.
don't rtfm
burn house down
many such cases!
I've had my Corsair TX650 for 15 years now.
And even though it's an American brand, everything was assembled in China.
Some people should just stick to consoles
ITT: damage control
this image would be accurate if this was a thread about GPU's. it's not, however. kill yourself faggot
then count yourself extremely fortunate
Just built my AMD rig last month. Not a single crash. Everything works better than Nvidia.
immediate AMDjeet seethe reply
t's just one retard, who are extremely
hello sars
Got a PSU in 2008
Literally never any issues until I replaced it in 2023
Could have kept going but at that point it was just "eh might as well replace it"
Which PSUs aren't build in China?
Some Taiwanese brand?
so much InTel Aviv and NJUDEA fud
AryanMD is the white man's choice. that's why you never see astroturfed jeet shillfarms spamming misinformation against its competitors. AryanMD is always the sacrificial scapegoat
I don't see how you can rest the cpu on that damaged ridge.
basically yes. you have two options for psus, china assembled or taiwan assembled. every single manufacturer in the world uses these two places and their slave labor to keep costs down
dont get me wrong. taiwanese are still cunts and you NEED to test the shit you get since they share a lot of the same cultural elements as mainland china (including fucking over foreigners)
however, as a protected capitalist society that is dependent on big daddy USA for stopping china from absorbing them, they do have an incentive not to fuck around with US companies making shit on their island
Same, I actually got a new one a few days ago because if was like 50% off, since everyone keeps telling me it's about time all the capacitors on the old PSU should explode.
Still haven't installed it yet though.
Anon Babble is for Intelchads only
Anon Babble is not using the objectively best cpu for playing video games
yeah, that tracks actually
How retarded must one be to install the CPU wrong, force the CPU into the socket anyway, then whine on Reddit that it burned up?
this is more common than people think
i worked in a computer shop and there are dumbass customers like this especially when LGA socket is very fragile, just pay someone to build your pc instead of ruining expensive parts then post it on leddit for updoods
install electric outlet in house
connect hot wire to the ground hole
money stolen by home depot
Clearly a faulty wire
Also, in that R*ddit thread there's a link to a forum post that shoes the same issue. defective or damaged socket and burnt pins.
he doesn't know
5900x and not upgrading until it won't be enough
Taiwan is Chinese
damn it's still worth 5x more than intel's
That depends what's "enough"
Any good Black Friday deals on laptops for a third world poorfag like me you recommend? I need one for school and would like to play current games (at minimum specs idc). Budget is $1k at most. I'm definitely leaning over to AMD
until i start getting obviously cpu related slowdowns like on previous cpu
all craptops are the same garbage
I need one for school
used thinkpad then put the rest of the budget in actual pc
Google 7800x3d burning
You dont have one btw
I'm curious, where you here when 4090s were catching fire if you didn't seat the psu cable correctly?
coping about another of his shit purchases
imagine defending intel-aviv in basically 2025
Funny how retards keep associating intel with Israel when it has like 50 locations all over the world.
Literally desperate as fuck.
AMD would have some too, if they weren't so fucking poor and tiny to afford any.
Glad you agree AMD is also Jewish since it's based in the US, just like intel and Nvidia.
it's not owned wholesale by pissrael like intcel
it's n-not the same
Intel isn't owned by Israel and you're fucking retarded if you actually believe that
Sounds to me like you don't know what you're talking about
How was I supposed to know you don't fill up this so called Electric '''stove''' with burning logs and use it to warm the house in winter? Clearly that's what that central compartment is for, it's how we did it in the old country. American capitalist stoves just aren't built up to spec is the problem.
zero replies
I never had an AMD CPU. I see the mangled side but how would this happen? When I install Intel CPUs, I just hold it to align with the outline and let it slide in, there's no force to apply except on the lever that controls the retaining plate. Did he insert it backwards or something?
Different parts of the plastic rim are squished.
it's entirely possible 2 retards installed it wrong.
you are cooked
If it's not a user error, but a hardware issue, it's MSI's fault.
never buy from a manufacturer in china
Have fun with that lmao
Intel is the biggest tech employer in Israel.
So it’s actually not too far fetched that the Israeli nerds who post here have also worked at Intel.
willingly buying AYYMD ever
there's no excuse unless you're a brazilian/russian poorfag or genuinely retarded
those puns, while clever, are not arguments
"shitty MSI board". I've been doing builds for 20 years and I've never in my life heard of a motherboard causing CPUs to burn up. what the absolute fuck are you taking about?
User error; moron some-magical-fucking-how jammed his CPU in the wrong angle in there and forced it down clipping into the plastic.
First of all, source.
Second, Israel is fucking tiny and Intel has way more employees in other countries.
And also, why the fuck would anyone who worked at Intel care about a video games board? Your hobby doesn't have to represent your workplace.
Do (You) work for AMD since you are determined to shit on intel?
I'm guessing not, so your logic is completely retarded.
It's an AMD thing
alright, address this, you fucking shekel sucker:
From what I remember there was one Motherboard brand that didn't set the correct voltage and burned CPUs up. I had that particular brand and applied the fix they gave week 1 and had no issues.
According to various sources, Intel Corporation is the largest tech employer in Israel. With a significant presence in the country since 1974, Intel has grown to become a major player in Israel’s high-tech industry.
Key Statistics:
Intel employs nearly 14,000 workers in Israel, making it the largest private-sector employer in the country’s tech industry.
Additionally, Intel’s presence in Israel indirectly impacts the employment of around 25,000 workers, contributing to the country’s overall tech ecosystem.
Intel’s Israeli operations account for 5.5% of Israel’s high-tech exports and 1.75% of the country’s GDP, based on 2022 data.
I’m not addressing any of your other goalposts.
paying higher price for higher power draw, requiring more expensive cooling, for less overall noticable performance.
Just face it, man. This is a low point for Intel just like the Fx series and early ryzens were a low point for AMD. They'll swap places eventually.
I can't refute anything else other than some random greentext from """various sources""
thought so, little bitch.
do retards like this get refund?
They shouldn't, but sometimes they get lucky
redditors need to be banned from technology
This thread is like a commie country.
Everybody knows the truth but prefer to say lies, perfectly knowing that everybody knows they're lying.
yeah intel shills are really pathetic to keep writing all this cope and firmly believing into it
Why shouldn't they? Last time this happened it was the motherboard manufacturer not setting the correct voltage.
i was concerned for a second, but then i saw the redditors username. What a faggot, he's soo fucking retarded he probably screwed something critical up.
User error, skill issue, soi issue, OP is a faggot. All makes and models of all cpus, gpus and motherboards have a small % of dead-on-arrival or close to DOA. If the product is really bad that % is very high, like the Xbox 360 or PS4s lauch models. This is the only time i've seen any complaints at all, the user can RMA it just fine despite his soi-related fuckup, and OP remains a faggot.
fuck off ranjeesh there's enough brand fanboys on Anon Babble we don't need unironic marketers too.
refund for what
redditard obviously failed installing this shit and any remotely competent person can tell this at the first glance like how do you even fuck up so hard that you grind halfway through socket's plastic i unironically have zero idea what even needs to be done to achieve that
motherboards with bad bios' or bad circuitry melt components all the time. My lil bros ancient Asus mobo for an intel cpu, he had to buy wifi cards every 6 months, because the mobo would melt them, didnt matter what brand he bought, cheap or expensive, they all died, so he just bought cheap ones.
Say what you will but I won't ever buy a $500 AMD CPU, neither Intel. Those faggots have been increasing price only because of the X3D meme cache and retards eat it up lmao.
You are being tricked by literal shills. I can game on a fucking i3 right now. You overpaying like a dumb nigger and it doesn't make you cool or smart, you are fucking retarded and deserve to be shafted.
Who the fuck pays $500 cpu + $200 mobo? that's $700 without ram. Nobody.
inb4 muh multitasking
inb4 muh rendering
You aren't doing any of that shit and if you were then you would go for Intel CPU, so AMD loses again.
but anon who buys the new CPUs then?
He could've been less retarded and got a new mobo instead
Who the fuck pays $500 cpu + $200 mobo?
People with jobs
Based, non-shills know Intel is the better choice.
retard proof
Bullshit. I agree that it's easier than most people think and it takes a certain special kind of tardation to fuck up a CPU installation but PC building is demonstrably not retard proof.
I'll share my own retarded example, I only recently learned that mixing PSU cables is a bad idea. You have a generic-looking power cable that on one end plugs into a SATA drive and on the other end plugs into a standard PSU outlet. Three cables can look absolutely identical, the plugs will be identical, things will click in, but one cable works, the other causes a POST failure, and the other fries your SSD. Despite all of the cables plugging in the exact same.
Absolutely not retard proof. You do need to RTFM or you can fuck shit up
Nvidia GPU
what is this type of build called
Maybe tech illiterates with jobs who buy pre-builds out of the blue, that's 0.5% of all customers.
You are poor, jobless and a retard. Go back to your job, jobbing for your overpriced computer parts (you won't). It'll be outdated next year I promise.
Retard, that's the cpu's price by itself.
Don't know why you bring prebuilts into this. Projecting much?
you're jobless
go back to your job
Actual retard
he has the nerve to post a pic of a blend metal like it was normal
Based if 9800X3D/4090, retarded if 3600/3060
pre-builds are overpriced
the CPU in the pre-build is overpriced
buying the overpriced CPU separately makes it still overpriced
You are retarded.
Salam alaikum
the prebuilt nigga who reached for red instead of blue
according to influencers
The top of the socket is bent too. He literally put the chip in backwards, and when it didn't fit because it wasn't seated at all he kept cranking the metal bar until it closed.
It's an impressive level of retardation, almost on par with the guy who cut off the end of his GPU so it would fit in his case.
I haven't built a PC in awhile, but i remember my CPU's just slipped right into the sockets. And if you nudge it a little before tightening the latch it shouldn't be shifting or moving around. Thread is making me paranoid.
It's doubly-retarded because AMD CPUs don't even have the same "oh fuck i'm gonna break this damn thing aren't i" levels of force that you experience with Intel CPUs when you pull the lever. The only time you have to use force is when securing the heat sink latch. So how someone could fuck up an AMD CPU installation before even getting to the cooler is beyond me.
or just don't be a retard and undervolt. only reason people had their shit dying is because they are too retarded to turn off the "GUYS YOU CAN GET 6GHZ ON 2 (TWO) CORES" and set a voltage limit. as long as you have a decent loadline and undervolt any cpu, amd or intel, can last you 10 years. just don't be a retard.
the only cpu that "exploded" for me was the 7700k during spectre meltdown paranoia and I still believe they did it intentionally in collusion with Microsoft so customers keep buying instead of kvetching
Giga based
Not even a good analogy, phones are prebuilt devices. This is like if you made a speaker and someone else made the motherboard of the phone and instead of plugging the speaker in correctly they ignored the arrows and plugged in the speaker to the earphone area and got hearing damage from the loud noise. Completely moot situation if they installed it correctly.
hello mr userbenchmark saar what do (you) think of my build??
if nothing has happened yet then it's fine
Hello userbenchmark owner, Tom Walker!
redditor spotted
Anon Babble is also one of the most popular website
indian spotted
0/10 no mention of critical thinking skills
The work computer
It's called literally me.
more power consumption leads to fried chips
Woah... WOAH! Hold on a second! What the crackers?! No freaking way.
No, they're just mirrored compared to the other side.
But I do see one bent pin on the bottom left
The real madlads are the dudes running Windows 11 and an Intel CPU with an AMD GPU.
inbred redditors can't install a cpu
Anon it's really not that hard. All the hardware manufacturers make it retard proof like oriented notches for slots and cable names and headers for everything. Literal teenagers do it without any problem, if you're super scared get something super cheap second hand, take photos of inside, cables and components before taking apart and take apart one by one. Then put it back. That's how I learned at prime age of 18
The anti-Semite
put cpu in wrong orientation
force the socket to close
it catches on fire the moment you turn it on
aaaah help me KAMALA HARRIS
t. Trumppoopoopants (the retard in screencap)
you forgot your thermal paste retard
make it retard proof
apparently not retard proof enough judging by the redditor nigger in OP pic
Anon Babble is also one of the most popular website on the internet.
I refuse to believe normies visit this barren and rotten place and then moral LARP on reddit and twitter.
I like amd because they are not trying to fuck me in the ass (yet)
If they do I will just get a tablet for emulation and that's all
a la reddit
too stupid to install CPU correctly
not surprised
I miss it when for a cpu to burn YOU had to go and fuck around with it in the bios, now it's the other way around, it burns if you DON'T go and fuck around with it in the bios.
We need China to save us and teach these old ass companies what progress is really like.
don't buy shitel and you won't have to diddle with bios or buy water cooling for your 300W housefire
Kek as if every single YouTuber doesn't suck cock of cucktel. Intel pays more than amd to market their cpus
Why lie?
You laugh yet you'll end up buying their shit in a few years.
i'm not in the eu
dont update bios
after being told to update it for over a year
after everyone at AMD and its partners telling you to update it because voltage settings are not correct for X3D cpus
because they never had time to test them at launch
still dont update bios
fry cpu
This dude got fucking dumpstered. An absolute gorilla retard hamhands the install like an idiot and then posts his shit online expecting sympathy for it. Bet he's the guy posting on Anon Babble about how le hard it is to build a pc.
Lel I have a 6 core amd and play almost anything coupled with an 8 gb Radeon. And to think I got the case, motherboard, cpu, 16 gb ddr4 and gpu together for 215 dollars. People are really retarded
Had to get a new ssd and another 16 gb just cause it was on discount tho
if you are too lazy to change a few options that takes less than 5 minutes than you shouldn't have a pc
Just paid 500usd for one how fucked am i bros
Intel is the one who's cpus are actually dying though
13th and 14th gen are tho. they literally oxidize and break down
you weren't buying a new cpu and mobo every year goyim so now you VILL have to, whenever you want it or not
all this cope and butthurt over AMD releasing better CPUs than Intel for two generations now
What would even be damaging the plastic? It's impossible to put it in the wrong way. You wouldn't even be able to smash it down without straight up breaking the CPU. Like, physically there's no way to do it.
shut the fuck up userbenchmark, even intel's ashamed that you like their hardware. you cringe ass retard, fuck you.
You always have that one idiot forcing the square peg into the round hole and claiming the toy is defective. That shouldn't stop anyone from recommending things to other people.
The rust on the lid
"I only play videogames like a manchild"
the midwit opportunist
hello userbenchod fellow sir can i have intel udemy
True dat. The original GOAT CPU i5-2500k was $216.
It's not about being too lazy it's about knowing that I have to do that at all in the first place.
After building about 5 PCs without issue I fried my old main drive the exact same way. Fucking PSU cables, the port and cable are molded so that you can't plug them into the wrong PSU slot so it made sense to me that they would just be standardized but no, different brands have different cable layouts within the same plug shape just so you can fry your shit. RIP my desu folder, backups are for pussies.
this was proven to be user error because the retard was fucking with the latch
go back to you nigger
obvious bait is obvious yet again
I don't get how this is possible when the arrow shows you how to align and the cpu literally sits flat when it's right
Funny thing: my i7 7700k with broken pin was able to pull 60fps in dragons domga 2 with fg.
There's data delivery pins and power delivery pins in the socket, my 2600k was sitting in a socket with two missing pins for years and worked just fine because they were power only, although I did only attempt a modest overclock
do i preorder now since stellar blade got announce for pc? this would also work for MHW
Just build a pc bro, what could go wrong
they couldn't specify batch numbers, that means ALL of them are compromised
Guys. Guys. Listen to me. Anonymous. I'm an expert.
[Brand I Have Not Invested In] SUCKS. like you wouldn't believe how bad it sucks. Stay away!
But [Brand I Have Invested In] fucking rocks. Flawless CPUs. You don't want [Brand I Have Not Invested In] like some kind of poorfag! Everyone who are something only use [Brand I Have Invested In].
[Brand I Have Not Invested In] will melt your PC.
[Brand I Have Invested In] will give you a career and the kind of status that attracts women. You'll get a wife and kids.
[Brand I Have Not Invested In] will destroy your future and eventually leave you on the streets.
[Brand I Have Not Invested In] bad.
[Brand I Have Invested In] good.
That is all.
Intel Aviv
anon my 5700x3d was $180 and my am4 b450 board was $60, but yeah the new gens are ass.