Queen of Anon Babble: Round 4 (Part 8)

►►VOTE: forms.gle/HiEgpEWRQtwPnQ4b7
—Timer: itsalmo.st/time-for-quarterfinals-qmfa

4tourney.wikitide.org/wiki/Queen_of_Anon Babble_2024/Gallery

►Nominations: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gXNOSYnVY64cbRM4pVxptkwFUeVbTEt-pr1iG14nKmw/edit?gid=0#gid=0
►Qualifiers: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_it7ZYOzxKbsws1k7eVusem2Iz8dLNHQcFVgHJpe4dk/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2_7v2bJqg9EXFYdDAP4x5SyEicmvA3IWWCtoXa-CY6g0OZg/viewanalytics
►Round 2: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2aV67FmvCOvhFATnpLrbWWT7H4C63yjZGfmJAhwWWeqNwww/viewanalytics
►Round 3: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5E0ZvKNcwwYsA38FZtBReiVevY3qDqyy4t0bYYzM9oRnViQ/viewanalytics

►Bracket: challonge.com/queen2024

►Detailed Rules and Info:

No new threads are to be made until this one archives

Anon Babble-tan
Samus Aran


Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly

Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX

PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q

Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Round 1:
►Round 2:
►Round 3:
►Round 4:

OC Anchor

Vote Hood!

red hood.jpg - 1000x1000, 414.9K

BOST of Anon Babble: Quarterfinals

Maiden of Anon Babble Bottom 128 Round 4:

Queen of Anon Babble 2024: Next 128 (Round 4)
Timer: itsalmo.st/time-for-next-128-round-5-qbjv
Bracket: challonge.com/QueenOfVNext128

Barred from Queen Anon Babble: Quarterfinals
VOTE: forms.gle/XcfR1fbcWM8tmLGe9
BRACKET: challonge.com/concordshmoncord

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first for her majesty

Vote for Mado!

Luigibros... the falseflagging was actually in-character campaigning...

smlending.jpg - 1080x1080, 100.64K


i need someone to post that clown princess image, it was cute

Mado has been pretty successful now with a non campaing wtf?

Why are furchads not backing Baba?

The world forced me to be funny

this one?

Hey thats my image from yesterday.

Oh Mario! Thank you for saving me!

...Wait, you have taller and more handsome brother?

no fur
it's just smooth, pale skin
like a chupacabra

thanks for the idea zeldaanon

Reaction.png - 1000x800, 708.95K

And Rouge?

I liked the drawing that anon made of her against Roll Caskett


Are they not?
Only ~150 users of ~1000 are posting
If anything the fact that baba is alive means she has support


Did someone order pizza?

What does your pick do on a typical Friday night?

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The clown image is actually an easter egg in the files/spoiler]

If Cirno is only building level, does that mean we can stop her by putting up 2 buildings which goes beyond her max power? Or do we need 3 to be safe?

the silent faggotry

So is the Princess thread just taking refuge here now or what's the deal?

Password is El Vidyo btw
Next 128's password is Baiken, also Barred's password is Essex btw

BINGOjita.gif - 250x250, 606.56K


POV: You're looking at Princess Zelda's fans when they're up against a character with an ounce of campaigning

Salt.jpg - 350x350, 21.86K

Are there even any Tifa, Morrigan or GladOS fags here?
They keep winning so you would think at least there would be some posts.

She does have a campaign, but it has been more low-key than previous years.

Those are trips, retard.

Working on something. May take a while.

We all know Mario is the real cuck anyway.

animevhs.jpg - 692x389, 102.4K

I'm looking at salt and some assfuck had to spill it all

Wait really!?

Lazy falseflag.

Tifa got some fanart and posters. Can't say I've seen anything for Morrigan or GLaDOS.

Previously on /QoV/...
New challenger
Vote HEX!



Vote for Alipheese Fateburn XVI!

There are at least two Tifa drawfags and in general Tifafags have actually been pretty vocal for once
Morrigan and Glados fags are basically AFK though


What is your purpose here, Princess? If you sought to win you had naught but run and hide yourself away. But then, tell me, child of Black Tabby Games... what does it mean to live in truth? To wage war against the passing days? To pray to the unseen for a few breaths more? To raise grand cities from stone, and spawn new life in turn? Queen of Anon Babble has done this, yes, and more. But is the tapestry you weave truly of your own design?


HE is here

Trips of truth.


Yes, she isn't harmless! This is why she must die, it won't be long before she takes a form that ends this board, so why risk it?!

file.png - 609x612, 391.8K


Delivery for E5

e5 mai 2024.png - 200x200, 25.29K

She's got work

I am once again asking for a download link for the princess vn
no I'm not paying for video games they don't even sell you ownership just licences and even then software isnt even physically real in the first place
the usual place I use only has an old version from 6 months ago

Too many orders.


this took way too long. please VOTE FOR MADOTSUKI!!
i must admit that i was making this during round 3 and intended to put alice in, but had to change it since then and i don't have time to add her back...

AWESOME.webm - 1505x1071, 1.96M

Speaking of Gary Larson and the Far Side, did you know that the spiky part of the stegosaurus' tail is called the "thagomizer", which is a reference to a Far Side comic?
Vote for Lady Palutena for more fun facts!

Hex defeated all versions of Zelda by doing nothing


Kek, Phantom Zelda from ST would just bypass the rest though.


Shantae2.gif - 186x240, 543.41K

morrigan is THE silent pick right now
either that or her matchups havent been as serious as i assume

Just watch it on Youtube ffs

it's the falseflagger
don't give him (You)s

Kind of the boon of a smaller fanbase, you can cram them all into one thread. Also, smaller fanbases tend to be more passionate.

yes I did know this one

finally some kino

Ayla drink lots fire water, like skull-smash! Or "Jurassic Pork Soup" if Anon Babble feel Woolsey


Captcha: NYGGRP


Which boards does Baiken browse?


161335.jpg - 718x783, 43.63K

Kind of heavy spoilers for the princess but many people are only aware of her power tier without realizing that she also has absolutely broken hax
She is the ebb and flow, alpha and omega, the 0 and 1 simultaneously. She is an abstract concept of transformation, change, reality and everything that exists. She embodies every concept that allows existence to be existence. She's the primordial chaos and the Monad of existence, she's everything and nothing at the same time. She is existing paradox that makes no sense to exist. When the shifting mound finally break out of the construct, which mind you housed a infinite amount of realities and universes, they ascend to absolute reality, something akin to Pleroma in gnostic myth

5MB60cO.png - 1319x550, 1.35M

all morrigan fags are either silent majority or doing fseflag operations like the post you just replied to god how could you even remotely believe it's sincere at all

Make this the next thread OP


going against your own games devs wishes

Really nigga?

Don't do this even the devs don't want that. That said, I'll try the game if someone provides a link.

Pretty nice anon, I voted for Baba because I liked her game more but best of luck anyway.


i’ll get you a link, the devs support pirating the game

prisoner over.png - 603x755, 316.56K

Then did you know that there is a louse named after Gary Larson? Strigiphilus garylarsoni is its name!
Take hot baths, has Pit do errands for her, reads books, teases Pit, etc.

Tremendous work brother

holy kino

More like get chunky. Easy on the pizzas bitch, you're not a ninja turtle

The Princess

TRAPPED and BETRAYED by The Narrator

RIP Thag Simmons.


Jesus MOGS her btw
Good thing He endorsed her.

The great Zelda civil war of 2024 is truly tragic :(. No more Sister Wars.

obvious falseflagger



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The Doll

Neko Arc

She's had it relatively easy to be honest. Ayla has had some support behind her up untill now but lets see how it plays out.

Who is the honorable mention meant to be? I hate the fact I don't recognise them.

Anon Babble, Anon Babble, Anon Babble, Anon Babble, Anon Babble and Anon Babble

bitin'.jpg - 1175x1000, 339.96K

All right, i'll spoonfeed you, but only if the digit is goint to be an even number.

i thought we were supposed to be posting OCs
how come princess fags only post in game screenshots and recycle through pics from 2023

The only survivor btw

mah gorl.jpg - 640x480, 64.39K



the only one posting OCs here is Hexanon

HexCHAD does it again!

What about THIS digit


EoW Zelda going for the elbow drop


How quickly does she resort to racial slurs when in a thread?


The only survivor btw


Collaborate with anything

why?.jpg - 733x1024, 199.38K

i thought we were supposed to be posting OCs

Original characters are banned actually

RATsuka getting uppity again, I see.

Do it yourself, they are on the booru

kumatora, added her because a lot of rpg maker games have some mother influence

RADCOOL.png - 392x392, 210.86K

It's not really resorting to when it's the go-to.

Love this, Mado is best

alright dude you can stop samefagging it wasn't that great

This is the Queen of Anon Babble 2024 map. Claim a tile and draw! Each square tile is 200x200px and there are 49 in total.

you can request any tile that is adjacent to a completed one. Check the latest update to see which ones are available or have already been claimed

you can draw several tiles, but only claim one at a time. Don't be afraid to draw more than one tile since the map is quite big

try to make your tile connect to those next to it as best as you can

IMG_4194.png - 1798x1798, 1.32M

I haven't played any of their games so I can't really campaign

Did you know that there are slight differences in the item descriptions regarding Vorpal and Jabberwock's killer in Black Souls?
Don't bring this up around BS anons, though, since it's an old controversy.
Vote for Lady Palutena for more fun facts!

Resort? She opens with them

Baiken 03.jpg - 2203x2424, 2.24M

I don't know why people write it as Glad0s

thanks gonna play this now
this better be good

Vote for Princess!
Help her boobs grow even bigger!

Tell me something about your waifu that will have 0 effect on whether or not I vote for here

this is the problem I think, she's just hasn't had any interesting match ups this year, I think Lady could've been one but I don't think it had any traction
I drew something for the match against Plain Doll but nobody really noticed lol

My waifu is the greatest girl ever.
She's not in the contest, so you can't vote for her anyway.

she appeared in Last of the Summer Wine

She is a woman

Her real name is Felina

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they actually post game content

So princessfags were the good guys all this time?

This won’t bring back your dead mom and Kaji will never fuck you

Mad cringe

Design new tests for the enrichment center to fill the enrichment center with new tests

anime is video games

Bazz bros, our response??

Hmmm Hatsune Miku.....how strong.....

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name an asuka videogame

She wears clothes

EoW flying elbow

SS has BotW in a full nelson with AoL squeezed between them

ALttP down with LoZ draped over her at bottom right

FS crying at the bottom

TP pulling at ALBW's cheek while OoT pulls at ALBW's leg at bottom left

Only one missing I think are the toon zeldas, WW and ST
Also who the mystery nigga pulling on TP's hair?

Which one?
Vote HEX! Because she is HEX!

She's not in this contest and not even vidya.
But she loves skating, cheerleading and running. Also she's afraid of ghosts.

Then why do Ratku and Vegita get barred

She's a survivor

Still mad that only 3 people voted for you, 3VOTESuka?

Friendship shit again

Collecting shit from opponents again

God Anon Babble is so predictable

She's strong enough for anything.

B7 update

file.png - 198x200, 30.64K

aAAAaaAaAaa! So cool! So cute! I want to be friends with (you), let's meet next!!

fuck you man

Collecting shit from opponets is KINO, fuck you.
Kirby and Mega Man are awesome.



Retard bro pls


Cute and based!
besides hex is not strong enough to pull something like that

I forgot. Who's THE STRONGEST?

they were TRAPPED and BETRAYED in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for MILLENIA

It was Vorpal, btw.

Hey, I'm supporting Red but you're cute as well! Please show me some love in return!

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I noticed that one, but yeah it flew under the radar.

Potential for a Mado vs Hex fight in the Semis


Let's not get into that discussion now.


Anon Babblecksuckers OUT

which of the Sweet 16 contestants

BEAT Kakarot

JOB to Kakarot

I just copied dill's post, thanks

Miku she has connections to everything

Narrator is approaching me in real life, I thought I was safe phoneposting in my car what do I do he's getting closer

6 and Cirno has to strip for me.



I don't want Hexfag to BETRAY and TRAP Madotsuki though.

Despite much of her official artwork / cutscenes depicting Ayla using a club in combat to complete her ooga-booga aesthetic, Ayla never uses a club or any weapon in the actual game

...You know, I actually got Yume Nikki a few years ago, played it for a bit, but then never went back since it didn't grab me at first.

I think I'll try it again.

I believe I may have a job for you, young Maniac.
I was also informed that there was another knife-wielding youth somewhere close by…




all of them

...but it was Lewis who dealt the final blow

she can't beat airman

Send me your location and i will aid you.

Listen to him anon, he's trying to help you

So out of the remaining girls, who gives the best kisses?

The use of mirrored sprites rather than redrawing an entire new set of sprites for swapping from facing right to facing left in 2D fighting games means that Baiken's missing left eye and right arm swap sides when she's facing left.

file.png - 1438x1080, 3.34M

i don't care about them


fucking based if i wasn't already voting for mado i would now

Shit he won't leave me alone he knows I'm spitevoting against Tifa

well I'm glad you noticed it

Beat kekarot

Princess (Depends on the form)
Zelda (Depends on the version)


Princess (Depends on the form)
Zelda (Same as above)
The yume nikki girl

Might be a tie


I have no fucking idea


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You know what you must do.

Opportunist.gif - 640x480, 122.34K

One-shots TARDku

Cirno, Baiken, Hex Maniac, Baba, Madotsuki, Felicia, Red Hood, Palutena, Princess, Tifa, Ayla


Zelda, Hatsune Miku, Shantae, Glados, Morrigan






Oh yeah i forgot Tifa was a thing
She jobs

brolymug.jpg - 425x319, 34.79K


Mado and Hex defy all odds and have their long fated reunion

It would be kino

Baiken angrily pounding out a reply one handed to correct a poster's mislabeling of a part of the katana hilt on Anon Babble

Good morning, one and all, and get that sweet tooth ready, since this is our Sweet 16 show! Just one more after this until Ms. Literally Who? is announced, and there are two puzzling prime contenders in the running! It's going to be a lot of fun finding out who our Elite 8 is this year!




Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4: (New!)

PilgrimPsy.png - 750x885, 691.02K

>Beat kekarot


Gokubros... we're weaker than a torch and a building? I can't support this kissless jobber anymore. I'm now a Bejitabro.

[Slay yourself]

game is about 12GB

thsi bitch chubby

Good to see you well psyanon

I don't know but I do know Hexanon would cook up some very special OC for the occasion so I hope it happens, it'll be like the Wario vs Eggman of Queen

Game has a shitload of art and even some animation
All drawn on paper IRL and scanned

file.png - 99x27, 626

Miku is a nice kisser

1000000374.gif - 220x163, 354.22K

She stays in.

its a shit ton of hand-drawn art and animations
if you 100% it or get anywhere near youll understand why its so big

Princess.gif - 600x338, 933.81K

It's uncompressed audio for some reason, 80% of the filesize is audio
At launch all audio was uncompressed, they pushed an update eventually that compressed it and brought the filesize down, then Pristine Cut added 40% more audio except it's back to being uncompressed
Do not ask me why, I do not know

Get eaten

ciruno (1).jpg - 914x682, 62.93K

I want my fucking keys, Princessnigger.

Have no idea what happened to the Princess thread, but it looks like a lot of us are just hanging out here for now.

Okay, I'm back. Lost my save file since I got a new computer since the lost time I played, so I lost what progress I had, but it's not a big deal. I barely got anywhere in the first place.

1.png - 798x597, 182.44K

Does the Princess even have days of the week in her situation?

Audio folder after extraction: 5GB

Graphics folder: 7GB

Hex has Gengar though so she could actually beat Goku
Also Baba fucking EASILY one-shots Goku

Arranges command blocks to spell out "Goku is lose" or "Baba is win"

Goku loses


Remember to get bike effect.

Goku has Hakai which can kill ghosts and even gag ghosts

It's old information, the game used to be heavier but they compressed the audio again.


Couldn't kill a single green faggot with it


good shit

Pencil Anon what the fuck?!
I'm not mad but still

Queen of Anon Babble 2024: Next 128 (Round 4)

What is the pass word of this shit?

I still have my notes from my first time playing, so I'll try exploring one of the doors I didn't go into previously.
So... perhaps Door #3? My notes called it the "Block Door", since... well, look at it.

No idea where that is.

2.png - 801x599, 197.94K

I was hoping Ayla/Morrigan might get some OC since that's the first straight up brawler combatant she got, thought it would be appropriate for a fighting-gal and they'd get some combat arts


Fucking piss off with this shit already.

Migu Pucci


Goku dies to Gengar

goes to other world and becomes ghost type so he can now beat Gengar super effectively

the green faggot cheated like a BITCH by bringing in a hostage

KYS friendless faggot


You only had to look in the replies
Also vote Hex and Cirno

Yup, this door is weird too.

3.png - 798x601, 94.3K

You made that post already, nigger

Nice use of "Anything Goes", PsyAnon.

Nevermind I figure it out now stop helping me I already voted already.

little lulu.jpg - 259x194, 6.49K

I could beat Goku.

The colorful guys aren't interested in talking, but the clams(?) and dust piles make noises when I step on them. Neat.

4.png - 800x597, 47.32K

The food could. Goku is weak to heart attacks.

Prisoner is eternally /here/

...and what the hell's going on here?

5.png - 799x600, 104.31K

Kill yourselves Kingcuckolds.

How about a quick little quiz? Can you tell me the name of the anon who made wallpapers of himself beating various strong characters in fiction because it aroused him? As a hint, the example he posted featured Goku.

Oh hey, spyanon
I asked this earlier, but could you post a graph of how the Baiken v marina voting went?
curious on when mari got overtaken

And Anon Babble

Cranky because your evil plans were foiled by the power of friendship, anon?

cranky.jpg - 240x210, 6.34K



Ladies first,
and do a flip

Girls I was voting for no matter what

Madotsuki, Felicia, Baiken

Girls I was convinced to vote for by the threads

Ayla, the Princess, Palutena

Don't say your campaigning does nothing.

Some artists really go full schizo

I love moe, gacha, and Bejita.


As Ayla yabba-dabba dooms

Both being Toriyama really don't fucking help either

Keklin.gif - 220x220, 99.19K

Only when she's drunk

It was Spencer-sama wasn't it?

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Girls I'm spitevoting against to null this Anon's votes

Ayla, the Princess, Palutena

vomiting high-cholesterol food into goku's mouth like a mama bird until he suffers cardiac arrest

Correct! Well done, anon.

Ladies first

We don’t describe ourselves here Schizotranny.

Some have no color fillings, some are colored completely, some mix and match. I doubt any of them will talk to me. Not sure if they're standing in some sort of pattern. Maybe I can come back here with some Effects, see if that can get them to react.

6.png - 800x600, 124.39K

That's a fairly small amount of MSG Burger for an average-sized person, I'd say?

Row Row fuck off bitch.

That sounds like a fetish

Simon is a cuck who is too spineless to bring his dead wife back.

Do you know the true reason Eggman lost in 2023?

eggmans plan.png - 1091x248, 70.51K

Wait, where the fuck did this thing come from? It's moving around randomly.

7.png - 802x601, 71.46K

Because sonic crapped in the forcefield

The real winner of Queen Anon Babble
Because he is spending all his time with Felicia. Kind of like how Bloo ended up winning Miss Anon Babble

"Haha funny joke anon she doesn't have one"

Check the files for a different reason

See the name in the voices folder

It's her


Coffee_React.png - 720x384, 191.57K

Got it.

8.png - 800x599, 74.73K

interact with it for something cool

He needed AM to torture discord

Cool but have you considered that Qo/v/ were the friends we made along the way

I’m not retarded so no.

*hits pipe*

Baiken Rev2.jpg - 1280x720, 172.14K

Hell fucking yeah, boys
Mado is officially kawaii

9.png - 800x599, 29.77K


But you also don't have the friends you made along your way either

Vote for Naoto!

w2e7ulyq89081.jpg - 1622x2884, 886.71K

Did you ever hear about "Stony Man Syndrome" aka Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva? It's a rare genetic disorder that causes your tissue to grow back as bone! Eventually, you become completely paralyzed.
Vote for Lady Palutena for more fun facts!

that was a falseflag grab the game here

I know it's a funpost, but it makes absolutely no sense. How the hell AM being present as a contestant (and thus, a competitor) was supposed to make things any easier?

...looks a little mousey. A Scottish Fold, I guess?

10.png - 801x598, 37.53K

I almost pity your sorry ass. Such a joyless cunt must have an awful life.

First Angela mention ITT

But enough about Kingfags who can’t enjoy a tournament unless there’s a character doing the exact same schizo friendship shonen anime campaign for the 500th time in a row.

The rainbow dudes aren't interested in catgirls, I suppose.

11.png - 802x599, 116.89K

There is nothing wrong with fitgirl unless you're a chimpanzee that goes on the wrong site

Trips of lies.

It's a small reference only 2021 anons would understand (it has got nothing to do with the schizo alliance btw).

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late for the party

Palutena.png - 1158x1608, 535.29K

That's not fun.

techno alliance


It should have been me

who will win ? welll, it's gonna be the STRONGEST and this 9 proves it


After following the dust clouds for a bit, Mado finds them and the clams(?) in an unusual cluster, surrounding an ominous object.

12.png - 801x599, 33.52K

vidya. But

You know this also makes Bowser a cuck too.

anchoring sextena


Ok, this is some cool info. now i will have work on a drug that will stone people

I was there during 2021 One of my pieces is featured on Eggman's wiki page and I absolutely do not remember that tidbit.

Eggnic.png - 892x523, 341.94K

holy fucking SOUL

...It's an entrance, leading to a creepy room filled with static and a ladder. Spooky.

13.png - 804x603, 317.91K



how tf did Ayla get this far

Maybe Eggman wanted to use AM as a badnik? it seems like a flawed strategy


Baiken over Cirno 51%

Hex Maniac over Zelda 61%

Madotsuki over Baba 55%

Felicia over Miku 54%

Palutena over Red Hood 63%

Glados over Shantae 52%

Tifa over Princess 50.x%

Ayla over Morrigan 53%

I'm most unsure on Tifa v Princess and Ayla v Morrigan but the rest of these I'm confident about

Long overdue Chrono Trigger rep going long

She killed her opponents with her stinky feet

but that's near neck and neck for my pick

smoke.png - 430x487, 223.93K

Someone who is down to play Gartic Phone or some other game before tension rises again?

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There's invisible walls everywhere, making a maze.
I was curious if Cat mode would let us see them, but I guess not.

14.png - 800x599, 17.64K

AIEEEE Please vote princess

1730510555655.png - 168x196, 32.14K


Extract the sprites for OC making

Everything works perfectly fine, can freely browse those and post them here if i want

Every time i open even one of the sprites in photoshop - windows thumbnail image preview shits itself, vegas downright refuses to boot up and sometimes the system becomes slow as fuck until reboot

This is on a fresh windows install with no viruses on scan

This happens on two different PCs

I've heard of anti tampering measures in some games but i'm pretty certain black tabby is not the one to include it on fucking PNGs of all things

wtf.png - 500x542, 680.04K

More like you can't be happy yourself when someone enjoys the tournament "the wrong way". You started bitching out of nowhere when one dude made a little animation.


magion.jpg - 1000x1414, 2.44M

It was this yeah.

the competition is furfags and pmjobbers. it's a very low bar to clear you just have to be a decent character, also, she has a caveman from the stone age campaigning for her

how much time do I have left to cast my ballot?

Well liked girl from an all time classic game with good posting in threads

I would be happy with these results. That's what I voted for except Glados.



oh so like homestuck

she has a caveman from the stone age campaigning for her


grug.gif - 600x455, 50.86K

After a minute of fumbling around, Mado makes it.
I'm sure whatever is up the ladder will be both worth it and not spooky at all.

15.png - 802x600, 17.92K

I guess "THE STRONGEST" need my help. Take this 9.

I believe in The Princess's strength.
Also you anons gotta learn to not bite the bait. Any character that goes on a deep run will come under a lot of spite and scrutiny. Some of it is genuine from people wondering if the character would make a good winner or elite 8, and some of it is just trying to get you to spaz out in the threads.

The artist drew hundreds of chain links on paper man. I'm in awe of her patience.

theadversary.png - 1500x1500, 918.81K

Dude Batter’s campaign was a one time thing only trust me

Dude Jack’s campaign was a one time thing only trust me

Dude Grimm’s was a one time thing only trust me

Dude Madotsuki’s campaign will be a one time thing only trust me

it ended like 2 hours ago
1 and 50 minutes or so actually

I don't know what that is.

My bet is also being a toriyama tribute.

Did you use RPA Extract?

Virtually NO MIKU hype in the queen v threads

The only non vidya character

Still for some reason in the running

Yeah something is very fishy.
The miku bots need to go back to brazil.


16.png - 802x600, 63.18K

Apologies. How about this: Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was a fan of older women? In a letter he wrote to a friend, he said that they were more polite, had better experience, and were more attractive overall.
It's an absurdly rare genetic disorder, so just making a drug to do that would be borderline impossible.
Regardless, please vote for Lady Palutena for more fun facts!

with good posting in threads

Thankfully her opponents weren't saltyniggers so she missed all the falseflagging.



Did I just stumble into Mother 1 or something?
Regardless, here's a house.

17.png - 803x600, 66.58K

theres a timer in the OP

Schizofags when you tell them to come up with a campaign that doesn’t rip off TTGL

IMG_1879.jpg - 264x264, 15.24K


Who are you quoting, bitch?
Every year untill you like it or finally join the 48%

Speaking of bad posting, you.

Try surviving Mt. Itoi

Why did I click on that
I take minor SAN damage every time that fucker posts
Kill yourself immediately

you heard him, we have to go faster

the falseflaggers are from the girls who have no campaign reyard
that's where their posting time is going

making a drug to do that would be borderline impossible

Not with that attitude.

I know there was that one piece of 2021 OC with Eggman converting AM to his own needs (way after it got knocked out by Kiryu), but nothing else really. If AM once again reaches E8, but doesn't win, I'll be sure to utilize those circumstances in a more proper way (whoever defeats it [preferably Wario] just gives it to Eggman as a hands-me-down, kek).

146eggman.jpg - 637x480, 57.9K

sits in the basement like a neet

Obviously this isn’t in any way credible but

2 threads’ worth of Tifa voters falseflagging like there’s no tomorrow because they can’t be assed to have a genuine campaign might have actually cost Princess the vote

Sad really. Princess’ campaign convinced me to start the game and I was hoping to see her make E8 at the very least
Narratorfag did better at campaigning Tifa than actual Tifafags

Nobody tell Palutena about James Joyce's fetish

Wrong it's miku

Heh, even the menu is retro. That's cute. Effects still work.
The menu's kind of covering it, but there's stairs leading to the basement.

18.png - 802x601, 18.18K

Is this negative shilling at this point? Everyone who hates vore will not vote red hood out of spite and just do palutena instead

but gurren lagann is peak

posts on Anon Babble for a little bit then Anon Babble

He admits that Schizocucks rehash the same campaign every single year

Both of you guys have a tough fucking matchup
I love Baba, but Nikkifags are respectble. Here's hoping Her Majesty goes head to head.

Fucking kino animation dog.

RESPECTsex, SPORTSMANSHIPbub, and HONORlice CHADS are far too honest to sink that low.
There aren't any Morriganfags here but I'm sure if there were they would also be good sports

This image I saved is now useful!

Where are the Dragon Ball inspired campaigns?

Sad Goku.jpg - 500x707, 47.07K

And you're going to bawl and bleat over it every time.

Maria believes that with this 5 we will all be happy with the winner and we can celebrate in the golden land.

Mar waraia2.png - 453x466, 147.58K

Reminder than Anti-Mikufags are Princessfags.

Look in the files

It's real

What the fuck

It’s ending is shit and makes Simon look like a spineless bitch, most overrated normalfag shit ever made, even more than Evangelion.

Sorry Eggman, I love you but I can't give away a robot like that. He's got how many millions of miles in him? And computers are made using gold, right? I'm going to do some math

Miku took Cirno's 9

Midna 2022 which was kino

Voreanon is simply employing very advanced, post-ironic reverse-reverse psychology.

Tree, big rock, small rock, two doors.
Is this a choice between "big" and "small"?

19.png - 800x598, 11.4K

Why are you like this?

Lol wtf

Snakes get a bad wrap in media sometimes. In addition to this and the Seraphim tidbit I noted before, did you know that Jesus asked His followers to be like snakes? There's also the case of Moses's staff being turned into a snake. They're very fascinating animals!
We don't need to mention one of the original brapposters, anon.
Vote for Palutena for more fun facts!

Schizofags are going to bawl and bleat over it when they don’t get another schizo pick to win this year*
Fixed that for you tranny

Not enough, all campaigns should be inspired by CHADgon CHAD Z

I kneel. How does she do it

Well what if they don't want to? You do it if you don't like it so much.

...or just a maze, it would seem.
Maybe I'll try following the plants.

20.png - 800x600, 8.71K

Hex Maniac over Maya

Fucking coomer retards goddamn

no yeah I think everyone knew it was just one guy going full schizo and samefagging threads into oblivion

Zeldafags, Shantaefags, Gladosfags, Mikufags, and Morriganfags are also falseflagniggers

Their reckoning is near

Cirno... It's over.

Mikufags aren't silent

The concept of Slay the Princess started from a random portfolio sketch in 2018, which makes it the first concept art for the game.
The second concept art for the game, an alternate "dark ascension", was used as inspiration for the Protagonist.

Here's a weird dude.
Not interested in Mado or cats. Shame.

21.png - 801x601, 12.85K

it's a leaffag

Not enough, all campaigns should be inspired by CHADgon CHAD Z

Where are the Dragon Ball inspired campaigns?

SHITgon SHIT only deserves vore faggotry

tranny thread

Money and alcohol are not a problem, brother.

Tifa has a drawfag. Also, most characters have been getting falseflagged badly the round. It's not characterfags, but chaosfags.

This guy could be making cute and comfy Mari art right now if she were still in

Instead we're getting Red Hood hyper fat vore

This is the worst timeline

Vote for fighting game girls!

fite.jpg - 2308x1138, 508.02K

I respect Frogbro, so I'm all for Ayla.

you didn't get it
read the myth of sisyphus RIGHT NOW

SHITperman got raped by Russians.

More like it's really obviously one dude doing the same routine

I want to believe there's a new day waiting for her tomorrow
Vote for Cremia!

cremia_hugs.jpg - 1446x2048, 178.49K

i don't think that's the same guy
it isn't, right?

Pretty sure /tnt/ is the one that does all the seething over schizo shit everytime its tournament season. If they didn't I don't think I would've known their lore

Leaffags are bros they backed Redfags even when Redfags wouldn't do the same for them

He doesn't care, he just draws.

A bunch of wandering has gotten me nowhere in particular.
Perhaps this is what the kids call a "liminal space".

22.png - 800x600, 14.24K

This post inspires me.
What's your contestant's "hair" like?

There were several Mari drawfags IIRC but that was definitely one of them, his artstyle is very distinct

If your anime relies on shit that isn’t the anime itself to have a good ending then it isn’t worth anyone’s time.

reading thread while listening to psyanon and eating cookies and milk

Max comfy rn

For all my Princesschads here in the thread,

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSlay the Princessgameaudiovoicesfelinacabinleaveprincess

files 11 and 12

You may thank me later.

stp240.jpg - 2048x1094, 65.72K

It was just one guy, but you're right.


Historically, falseflagging and spitevoting have made very little impact on the actual results. In the contrary, they usually do the opposite effect and make the chances of the opponent contestant have higher chances of winning.
What tifafags have been doing for the past four years will not help her get a win like this, she's no longer the powerhouse she once used to be.

A quartet of mushrooms, just moseying about.
Also not interested in conversation or cats, but I guess that's to be expected.

23.png - 802x602, 13.14K

Didn't know Santa browsed Anon Babble. Is anyone ITT on the nice list?

She bathes frequently and is quite vain about her appearance, so her hair is smooth and silky. A real L'Oreal model.


Going by her art streams, it's passion project energy

SHITku gets raped by everyone.

Are Anon Babble voters really this stupid or do they hate Tifa so much they refuse to admit she has an actual campaign this year?

kino 9 GET

It's very obvious if you browse through her socials that
She's into guro and is a massive BDSM sub. So this has the combined power of being a passion project with fetish fuel.

Oh shit I'm sorry

24.png - 799x597, 11.5K


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Which one?


oh, so that's why it's a bird

I'm afraid I must vote for Baiken, I am compelled to. But nice work.

Thanks m8
Didn't expect to get two Effects from the same door, but that's not a problem

25.png - 801x600, 12.47K

yeah it's me sorry lol
i do wish mari was still in, her campaign last year was comfy

queenv2024.png - 800x600, 52.08K

Gay fantasies


All OC producers are on the nice list (except for the vorefag, he's getting coal). The rest of you are no good naughty falseflaggers

now this is the sort of OC I can get behind

You've GOT to be kidding.

Voting against Mari now. Sorry, Hero.

He could be making Zelda transformed into household items instead. This truly is the worst timeline...


26.png - 800x601, 11.47K

it's me
I did all the samefagging
this is the third time I confess but it doesn't matter cause you won't believe me
I will keep doing it

goku railed by the bbc

mysterious green dragon

you mean that bitch that got raped to death by CHAD CHADron?


Okay, fine!
I went back and changed my vote from Baba to Mado.

no no i understand..

Immense, untamable, yet somehow soft and flowing like blossoms in the wind

Why are gurofags ALWAYS women?

Back to wandering the basement, we find this sad ghost. Neat.

27.png - 800x599, 14.85K

i'm a tad ashamed to sit at the same table as you anon
please don't
please.... i made that mado animation and i will gladly make a mari one if she gets far enough...

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but who can fuck the most dogs in 24 hours

This match is going to be kino I can tell

its a philosophy book about existentialism

Bro you’re not gonna win over anyone like this.

the vorefag is marifag

top 10 anime betrayals

BS has a dedicated architect girl you know? Please leave Red out of this

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Why are people so quick to blame Tifafags for this when the falseflagging has been going after several characters? I think ignoring falseflaggers is better than trying to pin them on specific characterfags because it gives them power.

Hard like icicles until she uses her power more, because supposedly she warms up by cooling things down.

375.png - 375x444, 132.17K

You should read the Myth of Sisyphus regardless

Did you know that the guy in the "This is a bathtub, not a beach" meme would later quit porn and became a pastor?
Vote for Lady Palutena for more fun facts!

It is a interesting thought on how much Tifa has fallen as a contestant. She used to be one of the strongest contestants in the queen tournaments but ever since she lost to Reimu and Cirno, she has fallen in both results and seed. Tifafags aren't that much better either, they've been universally the most spiteful bunch even for an observer who doesn't even have a matchup going against her.
Why is that?

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But Mossa is man

Has that one guy stopped shilling his own post as some kind of Bible yet?

After a bit more exploring, I find myself coming back to various familiar places.

Is there anything else of note in this area, or should I pinch myself?

28.png - 801x599, 8.83K

Why is that?


is she single?



That is so fucking cool

Bababros stand strong, we can make this
It's not too late to get your vote in for Baba

Remake and Rebirth

what kind of pastor? Validly ordained or heretic protestant?



its over...

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She's married and fat

Square stocks going down both in reality and my giveafucks.

This nigger really did read all that, interpret it literally, then regurgitated and spat it up onto Anon Babble to serve it it to other anons.

and he STILL beats goku 3-0

yeah it's just a chaos enjoyer

She's into guro and is a massive BDSM sub



… in a non canon webseries with a research staff full of pedos and tranny advocates.

i am sorry marifriends, i didn't mean anything by the fatposts
if it's al the same i'll still keep campaigning for her


captain marvel would've beaten godzilla

My pits stink…

Tifafags aren't that much better either, they've been universally the most spiteful bunch even for an observer who doesn't even have a matchup going against her.

You do realize that most of those are falseflagging retars, right? No one was being spiteful in Tifa's previous rounds.

I hope she normalfags the fuck out of your fanbase

HexCHADS how we feeling

If Hex blows out Zelda by that much everyone else might as well give up. If it's a closer margin I could see maybe Cirno or Felicia giving her a challenge, but it's dominating like that this whole thing is a forgone conclusion


the guy better put 3 babies in her then

4 gigs of that is Damsel's tits

Zelda this, Tifa that. Get ahold of yourselves, Men! There's a bigger fish to fry here, figuratively and literally.
I will not rest, I will not sleep for a instance until this canine-offender's head is mounted on the Toppat Clan's wall!

Seetheinald.jpg - 686x386, 37.86K

weeb trash

Having observed tifafags behavior over the years, it isn't out of the question that some of them most likely are behind some of the spite and falseflagging that are present in this round. Not claiming they're the entire problem tho.

It is my hope that the final match is Baiken versus Tifa, so that no matter what happens, the winner will have great tits.

I will, of course, support Morrigan, Palutena, Felicia, and Hex, but only to lesser levels.
Of which, the Darkstalker girls take precedence.

Give us big tiddies. Anon Babble needs more big tiddies.

Well, I decided to pinch myself and return to the hub.

Next, I'll try... Door #11, the "Metal Door".

29.png - 798x598, 198.07K

… in a non canon webseries with a research staff full of pedos and tranny advocates.

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Did you know that the Orthogonal Diagonalizer in Singular Point is just supposed to be the Oxygen Destroyer of that series? Mostly just the initials.
Vote for Lady Palutena for more fun facts!

I see.

30.png - 799x600, 45.8K

"omg i have to fuck the child"

This one won't go well...


Godzilla also solos Goku.

Hot, changing my vote now.

Speaking as a Frankie fatfag, you really revealed your powerlevel way too soon. Everyone knows that fetishposting is wrapped in a layer of irony for security, and that you drop it for your earnest picks. This was not the move, but hopefully they forget.

Zelda doesn't seem strong or relevant enough in the threads to worry if she loses by that much to Hex.

I am in favor of this.

DJ Luigi.jpg - 800x450, 146.04K

after seeing that human Glados fanart, im voting for her. srry shantae

…’s laundry.

Tifa when being transported into the Shifting Mound's dimension
What SM doesn't know is that it's a clever ploy to catch her off-guard and slay her

VRRItYI.gif - 320x224, 1.92M

Leave is the cutest canonest ending and nothing can convince me otherwise

hmmm yes you make a compelling argument

Deep inside this big, weird block land, we find...

...a bathroom?

31.png - 803x602, 57.83K

Nope. Spitevoting Mari and Red until the end of time

Godzilla's lawyers solo every verse

I thought the PS1 version has animated cutscenes

whenever you see someone insulting the opposition, remember: it's a falseflag
and whenever you think a post is obviously a blatant falseflag, remeber: it's a falseflag falseflag

This, Zelda has been almost completely silent until this round and that's just because of shitflinging against Hex, aka the first actually threatening opponent Zelda has had
Plus Zelda's kind of a lesser pick from her own series desu

...along with the verse.

My HERO will do what KWABler failed to and save Beatrice.

If you are talking about pubic hair at least have the balls to fucking say it. I would have accepted bush as well.



Probably shaves it off and doesn't want to deal with it.

Hex Maniac

Obviously rarely bathes so she barely takes care of it.


Is covered in it and is an animal.


Is also covered in it but probably has the courtesy to groom herself a lot.


Probably has some and but no one will ever know.


Is a Robot, so no.

The Princess

Probably the type to trim.


Cavewoman so she has to way to trim at all.

And just for the fun of it.




Probably trims.


Probably trims


Shaves clean


Shaves clean

Bejitabro btw

Why would I try to convince you of falsehoods?

Mr. Copperbottom, you seem like a headstrong individual who gets the job *done*. I propose a very necessary alliance, one that concerns the fate of the board, which would naturally include your Toppat Clan.
How experienced are you with a Pristine Blade? And do you have any predispositions towards violence against women?

...is was indeed a bathroom. With sound effects and everything.
It didn't seem to have any lasting effects, however.

32.png - 801x600, 30.59K

you are, right now

… in bizarro world where Godzilla isn’t a city level jobber.

...which is every world in existence

DS has those cutscenes

Tempting argument, Baikenfag. I do love me some mega milk.

every last inch of her is covered in it

gaston.png - 1260x710, 748.07K

Alright doc, you're the scientist so you'll have to correct any mistakes in my math.
According to the HATE speech, AM has 387.44 million miles of circuits. We can reasonably ascertain this is a combination of computer parts such as PCB boards, chips, and cooling components.
Now, the average computer contain 1/5th of a gram of gold. As AM is described as a "complex", it's likely he is many integrated computer systems, and is not simply a single gigantic Hewlitt-packard. There are many standard panel sizes for computer PCBs, and seeing as AM certainly needed mass production to build, it's the most likely outcome.
As board panels measuring by 12 inches are a common size and it's easy to calculate. If we apply the same computer standards to AM, that means using a metric of 1 computer per foot, there is a fifth of a gram of gold time the 5280 feet in a mile. Ergo, every mile of computer has 1,056 grams, just over a Kilo of gold. This is assuming they're in a straight line, and not square miles.
With this in mind, 1056 times 387.44 million equals 409,139,640,000 grams of gold. Or in industrial terms, 409 million kilos. There's currently estimated to have been 200,000 tons of gold. Converted from kilos, that 450,845 tons. That mean currently, with the CONSERVATIVE estimate for AM, there exists more than double all of the gold ever minted in Human history in that robot. I NEED to get inside that Robobussy.

I still think giving falseflaggers strength over any character doesn't help things and I wouldn't be surprised if some are doing it to continue the Tifa jobber joke to dunk on her for being too cocky when she loses.

Where am I lying?


if i'll be honest i thought mostly everyone already knew, i probably would have kept silent if i knew i was causing mari 9/11 :L

An invisible dude with a hat and scarf took us by warp for a high-up view of the entrance.

33.png - 800x600, 73.16K

...within a mirror as Godzilla being the concept of hell murders SHITku with a blink.

I will vote

booba.gif - 450x359, 410.14K

doesn't mention cirno

The Princess

Probably the type to trim.

Couldn't be more wrong
Also depends on the version

`13`2.jpg - 347x477, 67.23K


NTA and I'm not digging through ten years of her socials but it's all real
Imagine having a wife that draws the waifu Disco Elysium fanfiction you wrote into a game

Let me guess, you're a Sh*ftyfag.

RTHku babble

Godzilla gets ladies.
RAPEDman and KISSLESSku? Not so much.

She wrote a BDSM safety comic for people who made that cuckold meme comic.

He let us down after talking to him again, but not where we first found him.

A bit more wandering, and... Mado's bed?

34.png - 803x600, 80.55K

Baiken won the tit-off in Round 2 vs Kanna, would be happy to see another

nepeta vibes

i dont hate tifa but i relate her to the 3d waifu spam threads so im against her vote


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So she and her hubby are a cuckold couple? I'm reconsidering my vote now

bitches love the lizard

damsel begs to differ

Haha, guys where's AM
Hahaha, I just want to see him for something, it's not a big deal
Haha please, It's really important I need to meet him now

JOBku died to a ring laser

Godzilla shoots nuclear level lasers

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go get em killer

1731612138169.jpg - 2048x982, 241.57K


is everyone a cuck in this shit?


Well, I guess just laying in bed when you're already dreaming won't do anything.

35.png - 801x600, 94.31K

Wet virgin pussy

8ff.jpg - 500x316, 23.35K

Goji TANKED that btw
The weakest version of Goji in terms of durability btw

please don't do it anon. look at how sad this mari cat is, do you really want to make her more sad by spitevoting her?


1701235174343.png - 607x335, 52.42K



trips of truth

Voting against all picks heavily associated with BBC:






fed hood... MY QUEEN

No, she just has her nipples electrocuted between art streams

Marina only had one chance to get more votes before getting overtaken

guess she didn't get off her hook

Well we haven't had a schizo queen yet have we?

Another odd doorway! But how do you get up there?

36.png - 799x601, 51.24K

vtfags how long until she drops it?

SHITku and JOBzilla babble

Both get neg diffed by CHADulk.

fed hood


Not sure about the BDSM part, you certainly get that feel when you play her game that she likes drawing gory scenes. There's so many and they're all good.
I even recall her mentioning during a livestream that she got most of her references from working on old animal cadavers in Biology. She also bemoaned the current availability of lifelike gore references on the internet

prisoner cdss.png - 360x360, 225.42K

Tenma has been in for like a year


roshi stare.jpg - 467x568, 30.75K

Those lips are hypnotizing.

Baiken and Tifa shave

How the absolute fuck did you come to that conclusion?
Because her and Modotsuki are children.

The save the princess people worked on THAT comic? Oh god, please tell me they didn't draw that horrible one with butt licking. I die inside whenever someone posts that to Anon Babble

Women are fucking weird about him sometimes

We haven't and I will not let there be one, we've had enough schizos in King
Spitevoting against Madotsuki

I’ll remember your sacrifice anon-kun.



Goku caps at TREElevelku in Tracetaro's manga

1671237417886.gif - 640x360, 1.81M

Mado's fine, calm down anon

Bingo. It took me two tries, but the invisible man finally took us up to the doorway.

37.png - 802x603, 29.65K

Which one gets cucked the most?

Has to use feats from the promotional toilet paper


Most iterations of the princess don't wear shoes.

how shantae? she's the BWC queen
also where is hex bro


wire a car battery to your nips

shock yourself if you can't draw a page per hour

take notes /agdg/

...I change my mind, get me outta here

38.png - 799x600, 35.28K

Could Goku and Godzilla beat Bazz?

TARDku thinks paper is a character

The Narrator, who watches as the player lays the princess
This 5 says so

how many Bazzes?

No it was a guest feature with just the artist. Who drew the BDSM safety comic. There's nothing of real note there besides her partner in the scenario being a vampire BF who spanks her.
So, pretty milqtoast by that comic's standards

M-My hero jobbed to KEKllin?...

-16 min

How do I make a complete schizo dream game like yume nikki. Vote Mado btw

Fax she built to birth half white blue eye genies

I say....yes.

1392782051166.jpg - 950x1237, 100.03K


A single Saibaman and Baby Godzilla would be enough to nodiff JOBazz.

Mado predates the whole schizo alliance though. If anything she'd be the one to kill it for good

he reads the FANFICnga instead of watching the CHADnon CHADnime

Bake me some tacos.

shitku remains shit

...in my delusions

She literally started it

On further inspection, it's not so bad. After the disjarring first impression, it's basically just a weird white desert.

39.png - 800x599, 24.69K



Wasn't this year supposed to be the worst in tournaments?

need a list of vidya dogs for king to pair with our new queen Red Hood, help me out bros

Not even Ultima Godzilla and God Fusion Goku would be enough to pose a challenge to BEASTazz.

i appreciate the story you're doing here anon. I hope Mado gets redemption this year


I'm not supporting a gamemaker character

Give it time. We're not in the E8 yet

Do i have to fuck my kid, it's a baby it just came out

Now i remember why i love tenma

Koromaru from Persona
Blaidd from Elden Ring

Oh hey, it's the girl that turns up in Yume Nikki animations.

My mains are all gone, so I figure I might as well offer something up to another girl I'd like to win.

40.png - 797x601, 11.23K

... on opposite day.

Holy FUARK is this art from the actual game?

Just get her to 4th and she matches with Courage

Is such a thing even possible? Yes it is.

1707084474655.png - 1920x1080, 1.99M

Loads right to left instead of top down

What fucking sorcery is this?

AdmechScreech.gif - 268x268, 314.75K

i always found it a bit odd that there's only 3 girls besides mado that frequently appear in animations despite a few other NPCs existing, especially the hat and scarf girl

You need to be a Japanese man who knows way too much about psychoanalysis and pre-columbian funerary art for his own good

Deflowering material

no? People were pretty excited for this year. Ms. Anon Babble was the one people were dooming about because of Pomni

me on the right

Doesn't have an Effect for me, however.
Also doesn't react to Cat or Oni.

41.png - 801x600, 11.13K

JOBulk, SHITku and PISSzilla babble

BEASTnic solos all of them without even needing to use the Chaos Emeralds.

Why are all fairies evil?

file.png - 1000x500, 466.95K


trauma ingrained into their genes due to the demonic nature of males :)

CHUDzilla would job to me btw


it would be funny

JOBnic who was captured for several years

dies from touching a badnik without rings

But enough about ROUND3ATBESTrio.

It's sorapoi the Dark Willow evangelist

... on today.

So, just like every year?

I don't know what this means. Is it the artist that drew it? It's not form the game?

It still is

I was going to drop a nude as image 301 but alas

everyone jobs to Plastic Man

We weren't talking about ALWAYSTHEBRIDESMAIDNEVERTHEBRIDEman, though

if your pick jobbed and I like them then it's ok they jobbed

Is it the artist that drew it?


It's not form the game?

of course not

B- but what about Red

She fucked Courage what do you think?!

Realistically speaking, if Goku and Superman decided they wanted to become serial rapists... Who would stop them? Who COULD stop them and would also WANT to stop them? Let's just say Goku and Clark wake up one day and decide they were going to go to West City to do a bit of raping. Then what? There is literally nothing that anyone in universe could do about it outside maybe Whis, Beerus, and The Presence. And they probably won't have any interest in stopping him.

And I'm not talking about a situation where Goku and Superman are going to want to delay the raping. Let's say they are 100% intent on becoming serial rapists and anyone who tries to stop them is going to be met with 100% not fucking around Goku and Superman. They’re going straight to their maximum available power and ending the fight so they can get back to the raping.

The candidates


Wouldn't be interested


Literally can't without also dying

The Presence

Also not interested

Vegeta and Batman

Ultra Instinct > Ultra Ego and Superman at max power > Hellbat suit

Bulma in some sort of time machine

She'd be raped to death before she had a chance

Then what?

They are supposed to be mischievous. Touhou lore is based almost entirely on a bunch of folklore, myth and religion souped into an otaku urban fantasy setting, so even the fairies sort of follow the MO of mythological fairies. They can't mess with you really badly but at least they are nearly all retards.

Mario reached R4 in 2022

Damn. That's a shame. Nice art though.

Can mess with you really badly*

ab4.png - 1200x1200, 1.45M

KISSLESSku raping anyone


GAYSONman raping anyone

total fairy victory

C-Cirno... i can't believe you did this to Shaggy.

No one will know i'm gay for baiken

Shaggy, grab a torch.

Schlick it up, funbaps

You've been hit by, you've been tricked by a big fairy mob


buy slay the princess

slay the princess

game is over in 5 minutes

Is this campaign some kind of elaborate fanfic or...?


All kneel to ME. Say my name.

hot cate is hot


Based Maichad. Next year will be her year hopefully

he fell for it

Cirno is building tier. That means she would job to 9/11.

Alex YIIK...

Way to precious

Feels a little awkward to shake on something like this on a dime, but I'll hear you out on this one. If I recall correctly, one of your kin was able to outsmart a Tyrannosaurs Rex, so you definitely have some skills... Hhhm.
It's a little last minute, but I can look into it. I'm pretty sure there's some "Pristine" weaponry locked away in our vault that you're looking for. Granted I'm not well equipped with the art of Sword Dancing, but I'm sure someone like Barbershop Bill could wield it just fine.

he doesn't know that Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, which states this, is a biased anti-fairy publication made by Hieda no Akyuu, the biggest fairy hater

he paid for a 5 minute long Anon Babblertoon pilot


Gojo Satoru

... got raped and gaped by Sukuna.

Not if she goes Super Nigger Fairy.

...definitely didn't say this

Alien X...

Mado was graped

Try to go the cabin again.

...thought JOBkuna as mahoraga did all the work

FRAUDkuna babble

9/11 was an inside job so she is now killed to push race wars.


Why does powerlevel faggotry amuse me so much

...didn't make it as a smash character

He slayed the princess

You monster

Ushiromiya CHADler...



it's perpetual elementary school

won /cov/ and cucked out the /tnt/ darlings

Multiversal STACYmu STACYrei? Oneshots building level SHITno.

Brainrot due to /dbs/

Hex CHADniac...

But enough about TOOBIGFORSMASHley.

Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater


Cirno with this 9

Is this true?

Tell me where can i find this "Hieda" person so i can rip her a new hole.

I don't know about all that but Jiren LOST to DOORCHAD.