The $70 price tag made me pirate games

The $70 price tag made me pirate games

and this has to do with the black bird because?


Piracy being free is what got me into piracy, too. Crazy.


I stopped pirating because there's no game worth pirating anymore.

I pirate $5 games half the time. I don't try to justify why I pirate, I just do it because it's free. Yes I am stealing, not my problem

all new triple A games should be $50
it makes more sense and will make more money

I pirate free games too, I'll never install Steam

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I seed torrents of games I hate, purely out of spite.

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Tiger. Tiger, tiger.

You're benefiting leechers. Just seed dudebro games.

I don't even do that anymore. Just emulators is fine.

90% of the games I pirate are jap hentai games that would cost anywhere between $4 and $20, learning japanese was a mistake, most of these games suck

At the expense of the publishers and developers.

Based mashallah.

Just dont buy new games or overpriced games. Simple as. Nothing that has been released the last three years has been "MUST PLAY ON RELEASE" anyway

Pretty sure that's a raven

When you put things on a scale, one give enjoyment and costs money, other gives the same amount of enjoyment but is free.
The choice is obvious.

Aren't ravens the big ones with tbe large beaks?

Huh, I thought the beak on the OP pic was large already, I guess I'm mistaken.

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I want a pet raven and a longbow
Life is unfair

you can buy a longbow from a store. you can get a raven from a forest, th e elites dont want you to know this, but the ravens in the forest are free. you can take them and make them your pet.

Yeahp yep yep

Track a raven during roosting season and steal one of the eggs. Now you have a buddy for 30 years, simple as

I’m not sure I’ve ever even seen a raven

I saw really big crow the other day. They were eating something spilled in a parking lot. Barely moved when I drove past them.

Now that I think about, I don’t think I have either. Just crows, wtf…

Games have only gotten cheaper over time. In the 90s games could cost $100 and money was worth a lot more back then. The real reason you pirate is because games are bad.

whats the difference between crows and ravens?

Is crows are extremely intelligent why does driving next to them while they are on the lawn spook them and they fly off?
Surely they must know that the big metal animals don't leave the black streams?
Or do they have some secret communal statistics on how often cars drive onto lawns?

they only like to hang out in wild wooded or rural areas. i see them almost never inside the city i live in. but the woods and rural areas i travel to they are quite common

Wtf i though ravens live for hundred years. Did Hobbit book lied to me?

if you stay on the lawn, you probably won't get run over. if you fly away, you definitely won't get run over. extreme intelligence.

I think that's smart behaviour honestly considering the average driver

anon who live in first world country need to work for few hours to buy game

me who live in third world shithole need to do exact same work but for few days to buy the same game

Developers can fuck off, I ain't paying ten times more (we pay with our lives in the end) for your shit just because I was born in different country.

Only bad games are overpriced.
Good games cost from twenty to fifty euros.

have an australian raven with a wedgetail eagle

poorfag cope thread

They and crows alternate seasonally in migration. Where I'm at, we have crows in summer, ravens in winter. Ravens love it when there's light breeze throwing up snow.

Ravens are the best corvid.

It's a bird thread.

I had a nightmare
The wolf eating the raven.
Entrails of life
On my plate and I ate them.

Black birds steal because socioeconomic factors.

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I still like parrots more.

African Grays are also cool.

Where is all that grey matter being stored to provide such high intelligence? They barely have a head.

But soulless as fuck. I like green parrots more.

i stopped buying random games on steam like a decade ago when sales started sucking dick. i rarely buy anything now and i definitely don't waste my time with modern (last 20? years) aaa pozzed garbage

Whales have a bigger brain than an entire human being, yet they're dumber than us

Are you going to buy crows now?

The $70 price tag made me pirate games

I've always pirated games. I only buy games i first pirated and liked. Try before you buy is my motto.

pirated Cyberpunk 2077 liked it and bought it

pirated BG3 liked it and bought it

pirated Disco Elysium liked it and bought it

pirated Kingmaker liked it and bought it

Never trust videogame jurnos. Never trust Anon Babbletrannies. Trust only yourself. Pirate before buying. Alway buy on GOG to support DRM free games so you can easily pirate in the future. Be smart.

inb4 niggers tell me that i should never be buying videogames on GOG

I am white. I don't care for your nigger ways.

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Games being riddled with mtx and coming out in early beta versions instead of finished made me pirate.
Games being always online and full of California politics made me stop pirating and just ignore them

i play old games in japanese now

I pirate all games, set seeding at 1KB/s and close the stop uploading after download is done

buying games after pirating


I have never paid $70 for a game.

In the 1995 Simpsons episode "Marge be not proud", Bart wishes for the new Bonestorm game.
Marge denies him his wish, because

those games cost up to and including 70 dollars

Now, if we adjust for inflation. A 70 dollar game in 1995 in todays money would be 144.45 dollars.

So games are actually cheaper these days than they used to be. Your point is moot.

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Is this it? The birb thread?

took until $70 price increase to realize devs are jews, and most slop isn't worth buying

if you didn't start pirating in the early 2000s at least, you've been doing it wrong

God I fucking love birds.
I do the same except I don't do AAA games at all.

That not how inflation works moron

It's ok, i also pirated and bought Noita. I am currently getting ready for the GOG winter sale since i have a bunch of games i plan on buying after i pirated them but there are too many to buy them all full price.

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Hello Necky

Games are worth what people will pay for them. The idea that they should cost more or they cost less than ever is a fallacy.

most trackers throttle you if you set upload speed that low

oh my GOD. I never asked. This is a thread about birds.

that's a big crow, maybe it's a raven


holy shit that's a really big crow


i'm playing tales of the abyss

That's a big black and white crow, maybe it's a magpie

orca seen from a distance

Holy shit that's a really small black and white crow


Neuron density>quantity
The reason why corvidae are way more intelligent than other birds or even animals with bigger brains is because of their higher neuron density.

Are you sure bro

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My desire for free stuff made me pirate games.
I don't need to justify my decision.

truth is. Much like ducks. All crows are crows.

Thankfully, no game that costs that much has managed to catch my interest. I guess I'm not part of their target demographic.

I hardly ever pirate new games because if I'm interested enough to play a game, I have no qualms with paying the developers who made it.
I pirated Dustborn for a laugh out of morbid curiosity. That is the kind of situation that motivates me to pirate new games in current year.

Someone dropped the Five hearts under one roof randomly in a thread.
I clicked bc curious and now I am having fun unexpectedly

I love the idea of keeping a bird as a pet but already committed to being a catfag. Seems like something I'll want to try out once I'm retired and my little buddies are waiting for me on the rainbow bridge.

Games have become so shit and boring that I don't even pirate them anymore

Birds can live a long ass time depending on the species, so be mindful there's a decent chance it could outlive you especially if you opt for a parrot.

remember to pirate all Nintendo, EA, Bethesda, Paradox, and Ubisoft games
Its always morally correct

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You forgot Bamco, Sega, Capcom and SE

Parrots for example live several decades.

I don't think I could handle a parrot, mostly for the reason you point out. I could probably handle a few zebra finches.

So crows are basically ravens that self-domesticated?