Game inflates the damage numbers to make it seem like you're doing really powerful attacks
Game inflates the damage numbers to make it seem like you're doing really powerful attacks
Why do americans always use some 3rd world tier garbage like measuring in Tyrone's feet
Why do americans always use some 3rd world tier garbage like measuring in Tyrone's feet
Because they are 3rd worlders measuring in Tyrone's feet.
throwing a tantrum over an arbitrary thing
Why are you like this?
Shouldn't this chart be with the round numbers in celsius?
Imperial is easier to remember stuff because you already have a mental image of what to compare it to.
Yes, nobody has ever related any metric measurement to anything.
Fahrenheit is a much more intuitive scale for things like weather.
Also yuros are fucking obsessed. Please remember that you literally invented all the retarded measurements.
fahrenheit is how it feels to humans
celsius is how it feels to water.
this also applies to imperial and metric, metric was made with scientific purposes in mind while imperial was made for human usage in mind.
end of discussion.
my arbitrary measurement system is better than your arbitrary measurement system because...
it just is, ok?
Unironically as metric was rolling out and everyone was adopting, it the standardization wasn't what it should be. A meter was not the exact same everywhere you went. Eventually they ironed out the kinks obviously, but America was put off the idea and stayed imperial. Imperial is based anyway because the increments are more human sized/human related and the weirdness of it always springs up from people trying to force base 10 onto it because "I have ten fingers though" when we all know base 12 is far superior.
That's the most retarded thing I've read all day.
Might as well live in the bushes
its fucking dreadul with internet recipes
specially in cooking where you really want grams for being specific and they just throw you with quarts, spoons and sticks
Americans can't cook anyways. It's the land of the slop
Why are you using american recipes?
watching americans cope about the imperial system is just as funny as watching them cope about circumcision
This is the only imperial bashing I will accept. All recipes, especially baking, should be given by mass when it comes to liquids and powders.
I use english,
googling recipes in english brings with it wacky measurements
Fahrenheit is legitimately the most retarded system ever.
Oh man sure Is hot, must be almost 10c
Nah m8, it's clearly 9c
You ahvin a lark it's clearly 11c
And then a Clown car pulls up with 20 clowns named kelvin
as watching them cope about circumcision
No, that one is definitely funnier
an effective 0-100 scale is too hard
Lmao nigger
Euros live in tutorial mode weather conditions where in neither drops to 0 nor climbs to 100 in the same place. They’re also the same people who lecture you about how to deal with hurricanes.
So how many feets to one mile again? I know I don't have to ask such silly thing to know how many meters to a kilometer, or how many grams to a kilograms
what the fuck are you even talking about...
Yeah i'm thiking i'm gonna make pasta for dinner, i'll just put this water at two hundred and twelve degrees
Statement of the utterly deranged
Americans be like
What does water boil at again? Oh of course 213.47629826431 degrees
Dude measuring that thing is simple just go 6 x 5.17 / 1.04621984 ^ 1.00000000000029
Holy heck that thing is five hundred and four dead fingernails long!!
Water boils when it's hot enough. Simple as.
fahrenheit is how it feels to humans
Really retard?
How does 46 feel to you?
Metric is better for both.
Yeah I'm sure when they build rocket ships they just have some dude comparing his boot to the hull length
americans unironically think like this
I agree brother i fucking love feet
it takes 47 and a quarter human limbs to a cubic mcdonald place
Statement of the utterly deranged
Fahrenheit is scaled at livable human temperatures, it’s a better scale for temperature unless you’re in a lab setting, in which even in America you use Celsius
Complaining about grade school level arithmetic is lmao
It's really hot when it's 100
It's really cold when it's 0
Water boils when I turn the stove on, simple as
celsius is how it feels to water.
What the fuck do you think human are made of
how does 46 feel
Slightly hotter than 45 and slightly cooler than 47. Celsius is dogshit for temperature without decimals since you can feel the difference between 8 degrees C and 8.3 degrees C
specially in cooking where you really want grams for being specific and they just throw you with quarts, spoons and sticks
Those are all very specific, a stick of butter is 8 table spoons worth of butter because that's how it's sold in stores.
As for spoons those are specific measuring spoons
Every burgermutt saying celcius is for cientific use only, you can see it in nature as well. You've seen water flowing in rivers, but after a while it gets so cold water freezes and stop flowing, it stops moving at all, zero movement. Does it makes sense to call it zero as in zero movement or to call it thirty two for whatever fucking reason?
100F is approximately our boiling point
0F is approximately our freezing point
60% water.
but we are also composed of many other materials and have delicate components which work together in shifting our boiling point down.
oh well in finland butter is generally sold in 500g pieces and the package itself has 50g sections shown which you can use in baking to estimate the g amount, of just use a scale.
Measuring spoons are a standard in any recipe I know. The amounts are too small for some weights to be accurate on most scales but the spoon is consistent.
you see it in nature
You see it 100 degrees outside and it’s boiling? Mate you can’t win this. Celsius for weather is just as retarded as imperial for measurement.
celsius is how it feels to water
it gets colder than that over here retard, so sure 0 for you is 0 but we get less than even that. like often times water DOESN'T freeze when it's merely 0c degrees outside or else the tops of ponds would always be frozen
When you look up the temperature for the weather what you’re doing is looking at the temperature for dry air what is more relevant to you
a scale designed around the human body
a scale designed around water
Fahrenheit is scaled at livable human temperatures
No it isn't, what the fuck are you talking about?
Celsius is just better for humans and science.
Water freezes at 0. Boils at 100. Very simple.
Well say its below 0c tomorrow, then you know you need winter tires since theres gonna be ice.
wow those are some big chunks of butter, that's like nearly half a stick.
100F is approximately our boiling point
Americans be like
boils at 100
When is boiling outside? Anon you’re around the equivalent of saying km is a better unit of measurement to measure your micro penis instead of mm. It’s objectively, observably false, and there is no argument lmao.
looking at the temperature for dry air
so you need a scale of how much WATER there is in the air. Guess you'll need Celsius then.
So you’re saying you’re not a human being?
you literally invented all the retarded measurements.
Duh? Where else do you think measurements come from?
Are Americans really so fiercely dumb that they cannot comprehend not ranking something mentally "out of 100"? If it's 10 degrees it's cold, if it's 20 degrees it's mild, if it's 30 degrees out it's hot.
The scale of water in the air is humidity. You didn’t know that? You think humidity and temperate is the same thing?
Please stay in school
sticks of butter is perfectly fine, it's no different than saying "juice an orange" or "a can of x." you're just using the entire amount
cooking isn't an exact science, so it really doesn't matter if a metric stick of butter has a different amount than an imperial stick
How the fuck do you even bake if there's a potential 6 gram margin in your fucking spoons
Euros barely have weather
You are the one arguing it is impossible to tell something is cold unless it’s at zero.
Answer the question: when is it boiling outside?
Okay and then you read the recipe in a place where sticks of butter dont exist.
So that kinda sucks
When is boiling outside?
What the fuck does that matter?
Both scales can tell you if it's hot outside, but only one has the convince of water freezing at 0 and boiling at 100.
the human body's resting temperature is 98.6F
when the outside temperature is above that, it becomes harder for the human body to regulate itself.
if the human body is above 100 degrees, its considered a bad fever and gets progressively more dangerous as the fever's temperature rises.
That's true, all things considered we have pretty boring weather.
4 toe nails to an ench
Are Americans really so fiercely dumb that they cannot comprehend not ranking something mentally "out of 100"?
I need it to say zero for me to understand its cold
go in expecting a based inflation thread
get a cringe "US vs the rest of the world" thread.
I'm English and for what it's worth while I'm perfectly happy with metric, Fahrenheit at least makes sense as a human-interpretable temperature scale if you take 50 as being like, average and 100 as too fucking hot and 0 as too fucking cold
when is it boiling outside
When it's 100°C, the same as inside. Retard
The human's body resting temperature is 98.6F
How can you type something like that with a straight face
-1 and +1 are extremely different when it comes to driving outside
A meter is the exact length of an M16. Americans could measure things in guns but they measure things in feet like a bunch of faggots instead.
Those values are rounded up or down for convivence they're not 1 to 1 frenchy lmao. We've got smaller spoons
What the fuck does that matter?
I agree, why does it matter? So why are you using a scale in which everything is created with the boiling point of water in mind?
Again, you’re measuring your third world micro penis in km, it doesn’t make sense.
The Euro mind cannot comprehend multiple scales working in concert. A mile has an equivalent number of feet, but that is not what is at the heart of a mile. A mile is a thousand paces, hence the name. They just have this need to make everything as grug brained as possible. I doubt most of them would understand the concept of a line segment 3π long, they would feel compelled to express it and think of it as 9.42 units long
Zero isn't cold. It's the precise point where water freezes.
They don't bake, they only eat mcdonald's
So instead you mentally rank the state of water out of 100 rather than the weather
farenheit gives a realistic measuring curve where 0 is really cold and 100 is really hot for a human
celsius is 0 is cold and 100 you are long past dead
Farenheit allows for nuanced measurements. It also makes it so you are cooking things to like 165 farenheit to be done instead of 74 celsius which
You're brining up different things and claiming I think they're the same.
Sort your own 3rd world education out.
So you admit you are literally braindead and can’t tell something is cold unless it’s scaled at zero?
The Euro mind cannot comprehend multiple scales working in concert.
1 litre = 1 kilogram
What now, chuddie?
>a scale designed around the human body
what scale are you referring to?
certainly not fahrenheit where 96 is normal human body temperature and 100 is a fever
and even if it was (it's not), it wouldnt make any sense
hmmm today's weather is... below human body temperature, like it is every single fucking day of the year, wow this gives me no useful information whatsoever!
So why are you using a scale in which everything is created with the boiling point of water in mind?
Why are you using a scale created with nothing in mind that tells you fuck all?
Metric is just better since it at least tells you about boilin/freezing point of water.
While 37°C is considered the average, a normal body temperature can range from around 36.1°C to 37.2°C (97°F to 99°F).
You do realize 37c isn't some magic number for the human body right, scientists just picked that as a nice whole number and then when it got backported to F it got the weird number
no the water freezes at that point
that specific temp has big implications for humans
and that is why the Brits who invented that shit changed, because its was retarded and no one used it.
enjoy your dick cheese
hectare gang
Which is why for you guys 0c is cold but for us 32f is a brisk winter but not that bad
It is your direct argument. The actual difference in temperature with an increase of one degree in Fahrenheit is smaller than in Celsius. It is objectively a more precise, and relevant scale to use for the temperate of dry air.
You are, quite literally, arguing that using km instead of mm for your micropenis is more fitting.
It is objectively a more precise
If only decimal points existed...
with nothing in mind and tells you fuck all
It’s scaled around easily livable temperature ranges for humans
if you are curious, fahrenheit is just base 180, as it was created by an astronomer who wanted some parity between angular degrees and temperature degrees
but then the system was offset by 32 for reasons I can't remember, so the whole thing got messed up
This is the utmost most retarded shit ever. What is heavier, 1 kg of feathers or 1 kg of iron?
We use decimals with celcius. The degree of accuracy in weather is what we need and has never seen issue to the entire rest of the world except the micropenis obsessed land of america
The Euro mind cannot comprehend multiple scales working in concert.
That's exactly what metric is doing.
1L = 1m^3 =1kg of water
fahrenheit more precise
All of the day bro.
hmm today’s weather is slightly below human body temperature
As opposed to
hmm today’s weather is dramatically lower than water’s fucking boiling point
Each argument you dig yourself deeper bro, please just re-read your own point back to you.
If you’re going to argue the high end of the scale from 1-100 isn’t relevant, lmao look at Celsius.
and incase you haven't noticed the human body ISNT FUCKING 100% WATER.
Iron obviously.
Jesus how about a fucking measuring glass instead of a full set of spoons
No it doesn't you retard.
The "middle of the scale" is 50, which isn't ideal for humans.
The ideal point for humans is arbitrarily around 70f.
we use decimals
…..and if you used a suitable method of measurement you would not need to. GG buddy
go on, use decimals to depict your 2mm penis in km
america was meant to adopt metric twice
pirates kept looting the 1kg weight they were supposed to receive
Water can boil when it's cold at low atmospheric pressures.
ITT: butter golems continue to cope and try to defend their retarded foot fetish system. Videogames remain forgotten. More news at 5.
to elaborate on what is meant by base 180, 0 is freezing and 180 is boiling
we have those too
The middle of the scale for Celsius, anon, at 50 degrees is lethal to human
I know I’m breaking your mind here but just step back for one single second
brings up decimals
introduces mm
This is trolling right?
we also have measuring glasses, but the spoons are good scooping EXACT amounts of things like flour or sugar.
about the same weight as a bag with 1 kg of deflated dicks
The "middle of the scale" is 50, which isn't ideal for humans.
Meanwhile in braindead celsius land you’re fucking dead
1 m^3
You mean 1 dm^3
I stand corrected
According to your exact words, mm doesn’t need to exist because “well you can cope with decimals”
god you are braindead
no wonder you are the land of the trannies
Tyrone feet kissing country
Most genitally intact males never get smegma, the penile foreskin is self-cleaning, it has glands which keep the penis clean just like eyelids do to the eyes. The penile foreskin is the most erogenous and sensitive part of the male body because it has 100,000 sexual pleasure nerves. Male genital mutilation is evil and cruel and harmful.
well the point of male genital mutilation is to control their sexuality, make them masturbate less so they are more useful workers and so on
Uh bro, now you’re saying water doesn’t freeze at 0 and boil at 100?
I know I’m blowing your mind mate but just fucking take a step back and think about what you’re typing
Yeah C can be as messy as F at times, hell same as the Kelvin which is just C but stupid
If I need a teaspoon of sugar then its easy to scoop from the container, because its a spoon.
A measuring glass is way too big for something that small in quantity.
We're not getting hundreds of grams worth of whatever it is.
On the other hand I hate it when something asks for "a cup of" something. How big is a fucking cup? I don't think I have to cups that are the same size.
Celsius was created scaled at 0 freezing point of water and 100 boiling point. 50 is in the middle
That's fucking evil, it's like cutting off someone's tongue so they can't enjoy food.
What the fuck is this "human" thing about farenheit? If someone told me its 65 degrees outside, I'd laugh at them because it would be unliveable.
eh, most of human civilzations advancement goes hand in hand with controlling male sexuality
it is what it is
Climate change, chuddie
The "middle of the scale" is 50
The scale is designed around temperatures in which humans can live without fear of deaths with zero being cold enough to where you need to take precaution and 100 being hot enough to where you need to take precaution
Uh, yeah. Let me get uh...a thirty point five centimeter turkey sandwich. That sounds good.
for cooking and baking
choosing 232 choices over 418
50 is the middle
I have a 38.3333333 fever I’m really sick right now
zero being cold enough to where you need to take precaution and 100 being hot enough to where you need to take precaution
Zero degree is not that bad while at one hundred you'd cook yourself to death if you stepped outside.
100 being hot enough to where you need to take precaution
Euros never got the memo on that
..that's length not weigh moron
You’re completely broken lmao, 50 is the middle of the scale. You know the unit of measurement
What you just did is post the heights of the tallest and smallest people that have lived and said
heh 50 cm isnt .5m
It's fucking evil is what it is, genitally-mutilated males aren't more efficient workers than genitally-intact males. On the contrary, genitally-mutilated males suffer more from depression, aggression, suicidal ideation, relationship problems. All of the societies which have rampant genital mutilation are fucked up, such as Muslims and Jews and Americans and Africans.
What part of scale for *livable* temperatures did you not get?
On the other hand I hate it when something asks for "a cup of" something. How big is a fucking cup? I don't think I have to cups that are the same size.
a cup is as standardized as a spoon retard
Let this be a learning opportunity by the way it’s free real estate dunking on incelsius, it’s literally as easy as dunking on imperial measurement
Controlling human sexuality by societal norms I understand, because we humans can think. But controlling it by mutilation should be reserved to those that can't think, like pets, like when dogs get castrated.
You mean to tell me americans can't follow societal norms or simple order and thus need to get mutilated?
Not in my country.
Europeans don't season dey weather
Farenheit allows for nuanced measurements
You are retarded.
Normal body temperature on Celsius is 36.6. How much more nuance do you need?
If you’re using a retard system perhaps
Fahrenheit himself based it on humans. His original parameters were having the bottom end be the temperature of a bine mixture and the top end be the temperature of the human body which he understood to be 96 degrees. He just wasn't hung up on base 10, he was more concerned with 1/12 and 1/4 relations. The freezing point of water is 1/4 of the way between the low temperature and high temperature he started with and then once the algebra became clear it could be figured beyond those initial numbers. It changed a bit later to make the difference between freezing and boiling a clean 180 degrees
well it goes to show that men who masturbate with their intact penises are mollified and porn addicts dont feel the need to go out and rape women, since why bother
but the flipside is since people who lack the ultimate pleasure of masturbating with a non mutilated penis are more likely to seek women for sex, form marriages and maintain population via having children so its probably a net positive
It does?
But that isn't the entire scale.
Genital mutilation doesn't "control" sexuality, it degenerates it and perverts it, see .
The Human mind has evolved for thousands of years to combine sexual pleasure and sexual desire with romantic pleasure in relationships, if you steal someone's capability to feel sexual pleasure you ruin their lives.
Meanwhile F is a clean 101, one degree above 100 is bad news. And you’re still being more precise than your single digit decimal C
-30°C is cold, 0 is nothing
Okay you're making this overly complicated
The "Legal" cup is the one legally defined in US legislation as being exactly 240 mL. The reason the "legal" cup is different is because US measurement legislation uses SI units (sometimes called Metric units,) and the common cup is a really ugly number in SI units - it's 236.5882365 mL. So the legal cup rounds it up because 240 mL is a lot easier to measure and reproduce than 236.5882365 mL.
No one uses "legal cups" in baking it's politician bullshit. Look if you're having such a hard time following internet recipes why not just buy some American measuring tools
Unironically, most euros do not know math past an elementary school level.
Only americans deal with cups because they can't figure out actual measurements
You are confusing range with how the scale was created, this is the second time, you also did it here
Where I explained how that is simply not correct
F will never be "more precise", if it were the it'd be used by scientists
he can't just eyeball the ingredients
You're a fucking retard. 2/3rds of all males alive are genitally intact, and the 1/3rd of genitally mutilated males are from the most violent, degenerate, backwards, poorest countries in the world. Sexual pleasure between a man and a woman strengthens their bond and deepens their love for each other which makes them more likely to raise happy children, if you mutilate men they'll be sad, depressed, unsatisfied and disappointed with sex, and sex with genitally-mutilated males is a lot less enjoyable for women as well.
Are you just coming up with bullshit to try and justify your parents cruelly mutilating you?
But a cup is an actual measurement it's standardized and everything just because it's not the same unit you're used to doesn't make it no different than any other actual measurement. people aren't just reaching into the cabinet grabbing their gamer juice cups for measurement
Bro dont blame him or his parents, I've read about parents facing prison if they don't mutilate their children penis in burgerland.
My favourite is when they measure length via number of football fields.
I've read about parents facing prison if they don't mutilate their children penis in burgerland.
Why do so many retards think knowing the exact temperature water boils and freezes is so important over a temperature range that’s the most commonly seen in day to day weather? Why is it so hard for them to remember two numbers?
Imperial just feels more natural
Shrimple as that
Which countries cup are we talking?
A standardized measurement should have me fact checking where it's from.
Anon, precision is a measured phenomena. Fahrenheit is an objectively more precise unit of measurement than Celsius. In the same exact way using cm is more precise than using km.
You do realize, Americans also use Celsius in a lab setting, because it’s almost like the correct way to live your life is to use the most appropriate tool for an individual job. F is superior for weather, and C is superior in the lab.
More precision isn’t always better. For instance, if I say the distance between London and New York is 5570480000mm that’s retarded. But it is better when the difference between one integer or not easily be perceived, and is relevant. Which is the case for weather.
all this talk about temperature and measurements and you fags haven't even posted anything you've baked what a bunch of faggots
I will blame his parents. If a rabbi told his parents to mutilate their daughters genitals would they do it? Judaism and Islam have to be one of the most evil religions which ever existed.
Which countries cup are we talking?
America's given that we're talking about the American system of measurements since no one else uses cups, are you so retarded context clues are impossible for you?
In a lab setting
You mean Kelvin, right
the temperature water freezes is relevant to the weather
saying "f is better for weather" is just you being used to it
C is better for weather since the number 0 for water freezing or thawing is the most significant temp threshold humans can experience
F will never be “more precise”
just google it bro why use more precise in quotes lmfao
Though most of the world uses the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit scale may be better suited to everyday meteorology. For one thing, it is more precise and less coarse simply because each degree represents a smaller interval.
Enjoy your heat waves, britbro. I hope you have AC
But it's shit for heat, which makes sense because euros don't understand heat
So you’re back again admitting your braindead and can’t comprehend a scale that isn’t centered at zero even though f is also centered at a more relevant zero for humans
Americans are children, mentally.
Scared of the human body.
Scared of punks pubes.
Scared of foreskin.
They say "I'm baby" and "I can't even adult right now" while surrounding themselves with toys.
Their taste receptors are shot after a life of high fructose corn syrup. They eat chocolate with vomit enzymes in it but cry, thrash around and act like they're dying if they taste licorice.
They're scared of fresh fish.
They're scared of fresh fruit.
Is it isn't in a plastic container with added sugar they think it's medicine and icky.
It's a country of infantilized moronic golems, branded like cattle yet less than cows, because cows at least don't share insipid retard opinions or disgusting negro worship online.
How the fuck can genital mutilation exist?
Imagine if rabbis started telling people to cut off their children's tongues so that they don't become obese when they're older
according to fucking whom
you didnt produce an argument tho
Right so you're on about the standardised, customary cup but not legal US cup.
It's important when making measurements that you don't accidentally use the british imperial cup and throw that recipe way off.
Unlike the teaspoon where only one place manages to get that wrong
Yeah it's pretty awful.
No, anon, you don’t get it at all. The reason why I’m dunking on you is precisely because I’ve used Celsius my entire life and it’s fucking retarded. When I was a kid I made fun of Fahrenheit all the fucking time. Like you, I said objectively incorrect things like “fahrenheir isn’t more precise than celsius”. That was cringe juvenile shit.
Right so you're on about the standardised, customary cup but not legal US cup.
I already told you a LEGAL US CUP isn't used by anyone in America it's a political fiction the government made up to work with international companies, god you're such a fucking idiot
It's important when making measurements that you don't accidentally use the british imperial cup and throw that recipe way off.
brit recipes would be using metric dummy
That’s why it’s so easy, it’s all observable, scientific fact. Celsius is dogshit for weather bro, it wasn’t designed for it.
A good country wouldn't need to make those distinctions with their completely fucking retarded measurements for its dipshit population that can't work out basic measurements.
you didnt produce an argument tho
The argument is Celsius is bad for talking about hot weather
I dont get it. why would a kid say that
it’s fucking retarded.
yeah okay you may use the vocabulary in relationship with F in a way you find pleasing but I don't think thats an issue for the rest of the world using C
Look bro somehow Americans exist just fine with our system so if you can't understand it then you're dumber than every American ever.
brit recipes would be using metric dummy
Thats why it's in imperial. We took on actual numbers and didn't need to refer to cups anymore. There is no metric cup because we simply don't use that daft method. The imperial cup only exists historically.
Anyone who would mutilate a child's genitals is as much a danger to society as a rapist or a murderer, yet the former are allowed to roam free, and alive, breathing the same air we breathe as they keep on mutilating children.
I don’t get it
Then use google
Americans will do this instead of listing the weight/volume.
Learn numbers you dipshits
The point was you're so hung up about how 0 is the Freezing temp and how YOU THINK that's the most significant temp a human can experience BUT THE POINT IS USA GETS HOTTER than fucking europe so 40c being the max human temp means the scale is squashed
Then why are you getting confused over WHICH cup is being used when in 2024 the only cup used is the standard American CUP, God you're such a fucking dumbass getting confused over something this simple
You niggers really and truly believe your own propaganda, huh?
The reality is that circumcision provides health benefits, but those benefits are offset almost 1:1 by their risks, to the point that it's difficult to morally justify the procedure. The incidence of complication from circumcision is roughly on par with the incidence of naturally occuring complications associated with foreskins.
All of the sensitivity shit comes from a gross simplification of how humans feel pleasure and is practically pseudoscience.
Circumcision is a religious, moral, and aesthetic choice, but do not pretend it is some weird sexual conspiracy.
That's imprecise, a spoonful can either be filled just to the brim of the edges of the spoon or it could be doubled above the edges of a spoon like a mini-hill. And that inaccuracy scales up to "cups", so two "cup" fulls can be wildly different depending on how much you filled the "spoons" which compose them.
Because the world doesn't revolve around america, the amount in a cup varies by country and I'll actively find a different recipe if it can't use actual measurements.
The weather is fundementally vague, things are hotter by couple degrees in different parts, things are cooler in a shade, things feel more intense during stronger wind, or humidity is annoying.
I dont get what you think the squashing matters to anyone.
Oh, yurps are sperging out because it's Thanksgiving today. Got it.
Learn numbers you dipshits
Alright say I needed a tablespoon(~15g) of a substance are you telling me I should take the time to weigh it out or quickly get a spoon full of it. Spoons are faster faggot
That's imprecise, a spoonful can either be filled just to the brim of the edges of the spoon or it could be doubled above the edges of a spoon like a mini-hill.
a spoon is leveled off you idiot.
And that inaccuracy scales up to "cups", so two "cup" fulls can be wildly different depending on how much you filled the "spoons" which compose them.
not if you fill it and level it off every time as is proper.
Once again YOU'RE MAKING THIS HARDER than it actually is you fucking retard
are you retards measuring the temp of your water while you wait for it to boil or something? who the fuck temps their water when they are going to boil it?
Because spoons are actually standardised
You're right. So how about you quit being a shit country and use the proper American measurements?
Maybe then we can stop having to measure in dollars how much ass-saving or ass-kicking you need. Fag.
Because the shit that the US was going to use to calibrate everything to the metric system was lost at sea
Because the world doesn't revolve around america
Yes it does
the amount in a cup varies by country and I'll actively find a different recipe if it can't use actual measurements.
Once again what other fucking country is using Cups for recipe measurements in 2024
Be leaf
Wake up and check temperature to see if I need to defrost my car in celcius
Drive to work at 120km/h
Finish work and decide I need a new monitor, get a 26inch one
Go home and make dinner, set the oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit
Jerk off my 7 inch dick and ejaculate 5ml of cum before going to bed
The same people who throw tantrums about there being different measurement systems.
yuros literally cannot comprehend the weather outside of their immediate vicinity
truly they are npcs. No inner monologue, unable to understand hypotheticals behavior.
measurement device
hey let's mound it way above the rim
they have more problems than being able to use a simple measuring spoon
Are we human
Or are we dancer
Because spoons are actually standardised
I thought using spoons was bad anon, are you saying metric spoons are okay but american ones arent?
The reality is that circumcision provides health benefits
No it fucking doesn't. Your rabbi lied to you. Are you going to tell me next that cutting off your eyelids provides "health benefits" to your eyes? Please tell me what possible fucking benefit can you possibly see in stealing 99% of someone's capability to feel sexual pleasure, make that person more luckily to suffer for premature ejaculation since the nerves around the tip of the foreskin regulate ejaculation, make sex more painful for the women that person has sex with since mutilated penis cause vaginal abrasions because the gliding action of the penile foreskin is gone.
And the penile foreskin also has immunological functions, it has White blood cells which protect against sexually transmitted diseases, they release a chemical langerin which literally kills HIV.
American spoons are bad because they are a different measurement to the rest of the world, just like your cups and temperatures.
Generally things just seem better when you aren't a part of it.
Literally what is Rankine used for?
the world is American euro gringo
Levelling off might work with liquids, but not with solids which don't entirely fill up the space that contains them.
this scares the euro autist
How are you "leveling off" a liquid lmao
but not with solids which don't entirely fill up the space that contains them.
once again yes it does work with solids.
Alright bro I want 1 tablespoon(~15g) of sugar for my recipe, what's faster
a. taking a spoon of sugar and putting it in my mix
b. measuring out onto a scale and then putting it in the mix
you guys act like you have to worry about measurement conversions in your daily life
Like you're some wacky scientist mixing fuming beakers and test tubes.
Use the measurement system you're used to. It's that simple.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Use the measurement system you're used to. It's that simple.
no anon scary recipes on the internet use THE AMERICAN SYSTEM and I don't wanna have to convert to make the food I want
Absolute temperature (It is the Kelvin of Fahrenheit). I've only seen it used in hvac
5280 feets to 1 mile what the hell hahaha
are there any countries that exclusively use the metric system?
Because from what I can tell they all seem to have a Frankenstein mix of metric and imperial just in differing ratios.
I used to sell weed so i know both
Because from what I can tell they all seem to have a Frankenstein mix of metric and imperial just in differing ratios.
Only English speaking countries have this Frankenstein you idiot
from what I can tell they all seem to have a Frankenstein mix of metric and imperial
Can you name 10 countries that do this?
this whole thread
Most of them. Imperial units are only used in some rare cases like plane altitude and display size.
Interesting, thanks for the trivia.
why should I care what non english speaking countries are using?
Well scientists use things they find convenient, kelvin is used to talk about absolute temperatures, physicists dont really find meters to be useful talking about galaxies.
Displays use inches due to convention and marketing.
People use hours when talking about battery capacities or "up to 50% more than other brands" whatever that means.
But for cooking or measuring distances or weighs metric is pretty handy.
But for cooking or measuring distances or weighs metric is pretty handy.
we all know base 12 is far superior.
Yet your post number is in base 10
a line segment 3πiggers long
And like the imperial system, you all speak American in some ratio because we're #1.
Otherwise, how else would you be here to bitch about it?
1 degree Kelvin is the exact same change in temperature as 1 degree Celsius, it's just that the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero which is -273C.
So C= K + 273
none of this shit matter
also americans use both imperial and metric if you euros weren't aware
now be a good boy and join NATO
Well typically you convert "spoons" type measurements into grams and vice versa.
Like if a recipe says "use 2 spoons" I can use a scale with grams to measure that. Or if a recipe says "use 15g" I can use the standard spoon measurement devices for it too.
But a scale is faster when you want precise amounts for all the stuff that goes in.
put x 5g, y 50g, d 150g etc.
you just pour it on scale, press tare, pour next thing and get it precisely right, tare, etc.
you all speak American
The sheer stupidity of burgers never ceases to amaze me.
So once again you just showed how much faster it is in American
I don't know of any language called American, is it a dialect of Spanish?
15840 hands to a mile
Excellent bait.
I find it interesting that metric vs. imperial discussions are always just metric people seething at the existence of imperial but not the other way around.
If anything metric enters my field of view I don't throw a hissy fit. I just turn around and walk the opposite direction.
well a recipe that has gram amounts for everything you'll end up with more precise and faster result if you use a scale
Burger education everyone
9736 fingernails to a yard.
it has glands which keep the penis clean
yeah i call it my gilfriends mouth not that you would know fucking dork
Adding foreigner seethe to my list of things to be thankful for today
I like imperial but I switch to metric for anything under 6 inches or one ounce.
I am NOT looking for a 5/32ths drill bit.
unless you are baking a very small amount that level of precise isn't really important. Cooking can be even less accurate
Did you miss the part where I said that genitally-mutilated males have lost 100,000 sexual pleasure nerves which were in their foreskin? Imagine if someone burned off all of the taste receptors on their tongue and then boasted about eating fine caviar.
unless you are baking a very small amount that level of precise isn't really important. Cooking can be even less accurate
No wonder Amerifats are so fat
you don't have to pack dry like flour or cinnamon
well imagine a recipe asks for 450g flour
You could take out the measuring cup ORRR you just pour it straight in and not have to think about anything if you rely on the scale, saves cleaning up a cup too.
If you don't need precise measurements just use a random spoon lol
And you can use metric-graduated spoons outside of the US
UK is terrible for this. every bloke above 60 works in imperial, a lot of standardised building materials are in imperial (for example some steel beams are marked and sold as 178x102mm, but known as 7"x4" historically) distance is miles and feet for most things. centimetres seems to be the standard for everyone who doesnt work in construction too, im a fabricator welder and almost every tape measure ive used has had both feet/inches and metric in cm. you need to know both to understand what makes both worthwhile
i think the US should uproot their entire infrastructure and education system to switch the populace to metric all just to make Eur*peans feel better about themselves.
Seems reasonable.
Not interested in debating with some bro science retard.
Im more offended by the fact they unironically watch sports like handegg
we can't even get rid of daylight savings lol
I always wonder if europeans can even tell time since it's not in base 10
Is the EU Getting Rid of Daylight Saving Time?
In 2019, the European Parliament voted to remove Daylight Saving Time in the European Union. More than 60% of the countries in the world use year-round standard time. The vote was passed and progressed to the European Council, but this is where it faltered.
The European Council has still not started negotiations as other issues, such as Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the conflict in Ukraine, complicated matters further. Thus, it seems unlikely that any changes to DST in the EU will take place anytime soon.
Oh well, I guess 3rd worlders starting shit does take precedence over that small issue.
Your claims are based on pseudoscientific Jewish lies. I can give you multiple scientific papers backing up my claims.
lmao even
Pick one
So is that a yes? Or would you prefer to believe the lies that your childraping rabbi told you?
Charge your phone.
Maybe I should say "charge your phone when you can find a source of electricity", thirdie.
My phone is at 74% charge
I hope you're aware nobody is reading your posts and even more nobody is reading the images, you obsessive loser.
Every base is base 10
I am thankful for your posts and your images
Because you know you're wrong.
You're welcome
67 minutes of players standing around
That's not even the worst part, they have to endure 63 minutes of LGBT, BLM and miscegenation propaganda mixed up with burgers and other niggercattle food commercials in between player standing around shots
No, because I don't dedicate my life to other men's penises.
British pirates killed the frenchmans who were supposed to meet with Thomas Jefferson to discuss a better system than the dogshit imperial one
The eternal anglo strikes again
C makes sense at 0 and 100
F makes sense for everything else
46 is pretty chilly. Sweatshirt territory I'd say.
It's such a shit arbitrary system. Here's the formula for converting Fahrenheit into Kelvin.
K = (F − 32) × 5 ⁄ 9 + 273.15
And here's the formula for Celsius to Kelvin for comparison:
K = C + 273.15
but the amerimutt adopted the british imperial system
And the 11 minutes of 'action' dwarf anything in povertyball where the 'action' is mind numbingly slow. How many shots on goal are there again? The highest in Bongland is 6.5 a match, yet they're 90 minutes.
Yeah, measuring things based on the ebullition/freezing point of water makes a lot more sense than... what the fuck is Fahrenheit based on again?
Water boils at 100 Celsius, freezes at 0 Celsius, you're then able to guess how hot/cold anything is based on how close its temperature is to these two measures. If it's bellow zero, it's freezing outside, to cook something to a boil, you bring it to 100, a refrigerator is kept close to 0, usually around 4-5 degrees, to keep things fresh but not frozen.
insult someone with "room temperature IQ"
forgot that he uses imperial
can't believe he got away with that
Too cold? My thermostat is set to heat when it gets below 67° and cool when it gets above 71°. I had the heating threshold set to 66° but it was getting a tad chilly since I have a big window in my room.
that meme phrase is either a compliment to the average american or an insult to the average european
F makes sense for everything else
such as?
Room temperature is around 20 degrees celsius, which is still only 68 in fahrenheit, so severe retardation.
Still works as an insult desu
Kelvin is based on Celcius, retard.
Hmm, I want to measure something
Should I calibrate everything around the most common substance on Earth aka water?
Nah, let's use brine, the very variable size of feet or whatever the fuck a mile is to calibrate our units
Everyone can accurately reproduce metric units with little to no tools, while practically no one can accurately depict imperial units without a bunch of heavily calibrated tools.
No? America runs the world.
He's throwing a tantrum because it seems arbitrary. More arbitrary than 0 < water freezes, 100 > water evaporates, at least.
Americans have small cocks and get AIDS from unprotected sex with nigger trannies and botched circumcisions.
For how much Anon Babble is obsessed with the roman empire, they sure dislike their units of measurement.
You mean that you don't care that your fellow males are horribly mutilated when they're defenceless children
Why do Brits measure things in stones? Why are all Turkish people furries? Regional questions that boggle the mind sometimes. Its better not to worry about others anon, start to think of yourself.
Kelvin is based on absolute zero though
11 minutes of action
You mean 11 minutes of fat men crashing into each other chasing an egg
100F is approximately our boiling point
If you people really cared about scientific basis above all else you'd only use Kelvin.
the best fat men crashing into each other sport is sumo