This video aged like wine. The message is stronger than ever

This video aged like wine. The message is stronger than ever

whats up with the incessant bait threads specifically disguised as leftard Anon Babble threads lately

Lefties are the clowns of this world

Frankly if you get your lessons on masculinity as an adult and from videogames then your opinions aren't important.

they desperately need to win the election

Maybe of the system wasn't so broken it would be possible.

Kratos was still masculine in GoW 2018 but the boring safe GoW: Ragnarok completely ruined his character and the entire franchise with it.

"Healthy masculinity" is more of a vaguely defined impossible standard than the "toxic masculinity" it criticizes. When men inevitably fail to cleanse the original sin placed on them for existing, they will give up and embrace toxicity upon realizing nothing they do will ever be good enough to satisfy the system. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ragnarok was just badly written IMO. Got infected with the MCU quip virus, too self-indulgent, felt rushed on top of that


Easy way to farm for (you)s or get your thread to 500 posts. We’ve all done it at one point or another. Very few leftists actually use this place. It’s all bait.

If you pay attention, you'll notice there's always a spike in this particular type of shitpost whenever a Major Game Release has its reviews drop. It's the same people that spam threads about review scores that are doing it, and it's to make sure they can still annoy people who have otherwise effective filters.

Women today get away with murdering their own babies.
Don't even fucking try to tell me what I should strive to be as a man when the whole fucking world is against me and women get a free ride.
You should be thanking me I'm not out there killing slags and dumping prostitutes in ditches, faggot.

if they want to annoy people so desperately why don't they put in the effort to craft better bait?

Modern Kratos ia unironically a bad male role model

In Ragnarok there is a dialogue where Atreus comments, doesn't criticize his own mother's promiscuity and Kratos goes on a feminist rant about how no one has the right to slut shame and how a real man settles for a hoe

Ragnarok was just badly written IMO.

It made them record sales so the franchise will go on the MCU trajectory. Every character in it is utter shit. Even gameplay is worse.

im trying to decide who to vote for. i have 2 methods in mind. number 1 is the good ol quarter, first to 5 to decide trump or harris. method 2 is to put a picture of anya and becky side by side on my monitor. whichever one makes me cum first will decide who i vote for. im leaning towards option 2 but idk...

Original Kratos

Responsible father with a driven goal.


a literal cuckold

I don't want to defend this shit but that's obviously taken out of context and has nothing to do with sex.

My fellow men, it's time we took a page out of Kratos' book and stepped up to the plate and took responsibility for single mothers that have slept with hundreds of men and are now very desperate to settle down any man that has a decent job.

Well for the sake of the population then yes men should marry the woman who was a whore but no longer
She should get that sex drive out of her
However the man does not have to treat her like a virgin either.

it get (you)'s.

American elections coming up soon. Both sides are leaving nothing to chance

We must be better men and vote for Kamala Harris in the 2024 USA presidential election

I can't believe Kratos really said this.

The beautiful masculinity of nuKratos

we must be better

something about this disturbs me i can't even explain why, thats like the most retarded thing anyone could say

so now he kills gods but he's sad about it?

sound of a VHS being slotted

lofi starts playing

"Today I will explain to you why early Spongebob is a masterpiece of visual comedy"

God I fucking hate video essays but I love them but I hate them.

smug_lad.png - 358x304, 28.1K



God_of_Oar.webm - 480x270, 2.86M

Not to mention he’s pretty much back where he started being a pawn of others, only now it’s framed as a good thing. The man has little to no autonomy and is just doing what others want him to.

Because “do better” is an incredibly vague and hollow sentiment that can mean pretty much anything. It’s just some buzz phrase thrown around by pseudo-intellectual retards that want to virtue signal. But the second you ask them what being better is, how do achieve it, and how it’s actually better than other ways of being/living you’ll get either nothing, anger, or non answers.

Master Samwise

FSB campaign.

sound of a VHS being slotted

Sounds based.

You must be better.

We reached this point were nearly fucking everything is hyper feminized and men aren't show as being capable in shows or anything like that, thus, further leading to emasculation, especially when they showcase that the women somehow are able to do things better than the men... Yet you have these absolute fucking subhumans going around claiming how men must "be better" without even explaining what they mean for that, it's just a portmanteau for whatever the fuck they want it to mean.

you don't support women using abortions as birth control? YOU'RE NOT A REAL MAN. BE BETTER.

you don't support faggots and trannies trying to touch and indoctrinate your children? YOU'RE NOT A REAL MAN. BE BETTER.

And so on. It's basically just become some weird kind of method of manipulation to try and get young men and boys who grew up without proper father figures to become like the rest of these subhumans by claiming they are the ones who know the truth that will help set them on the right path where they finally have something to look forward in their future now or some shit.

Absolutely fucking disgusting. And the worst part of it all? Jews caused it.

How about women be better? Cuz they've been allowed to be worse than us for quite awhile now.


leftshits are desperate

This is such a retarded take. The reason these narratives have men protecting people that aren’t related to them is because it makes the sacrifice on their part more obvious. Everybody would and should do anything to protect their own bloodline, but this narrative gives room for the relationship to develop from initially discordant to something more paternal, meaning there’s actual growth for the audience to enjoy. When they inevitably sacrifice something, it’s then a mark of altruism rather than “of course he did that, it’s his own kid!”

The Last of Us' popularity honestly ruined Sony as a developer.

Everybody would and should do anything to protect their own bloodline,

Jewish manlet schemer take.

Should King lose battle, his pride, his people to let his son escape battfield and run away to preserve his bloodline in exile? Or should he take battle straight with chance to win but guaranteed son loss?

Except its obviously not made by leftists

Begone whataboutism poster

Did this this dilemma in that retarded Rings of Power show in the latest season where the Orcs had Galadriel taken as prisoner and threatened to kill her so the cavalry that was supposed to charge the orc army from behind and absolutely fucking decimate them and by default win the battle and raise the orc siege of their city just pulled their attack back so Galadriel wouldn't be killed, lmfao.

the X masculinity of X

Theoden, Joel, Kratos. It gets cringier every time I see these videos. how do you not find gushing over masculinity gay as fuck?

I think you are confused, that video completely agrees with you, they don't like gushing over masculinity and use nu Kratos as an example of an emasculated protector without any self-worth or sexual desires of his own as the ideal standard of what men should be.

Too cringe, too gamer

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Yeah there are little faceless in crowd men who can't imagine stakes higher then their bloodline. These run away first from sieged town with a bag of gold coins.

God of fools

God of hope

How did he make that jump?
Why is he talking about himself in 3rd person anyway

I haven't played a single GoW game and I doubt I ever will.

Isn't GoW a game where you raise other man's kid? Aka a bastard.

You should try reading a book once in a while, you seem to have zero knowledge of history. Kings usually didn't have just 1 child you moron and if their eldest son fell in battle, there'd be like 4 brothers ready to be the new successor.

and if their eldest son fell in battle, there'd be like 4 my wife's sons ready to be the new successor.

Why the obsession with balding