Why is it so hard for gamers(tm) to understand or deal with even the most blatant of satire? Is it just a general decreasing of IQ over time or genuine retardation that has always been there.
Why is it so hard for gamers(tm) to understand or deal with even the most blatant of satire...
shut the fuck up tranny
People will always like cool shit, and will engage with most media on a surface level
The satire is very surface level tho
People will always like cool shit
fully automatic mag fed shotguns for home defense
milsurp space suits
everyone gets a rifle at 16
super earth is based
Because people feel little need to engage with satire on an intellectual level when the media in question is enjoyable even at face value.
And the satire isnt cool?
That was also a commentary
Did.. Did you think Jin Roh was fascist reaffirming?
I will simply not look any deeper into a game about shooting bugs than "Shooting bugs is fun (now that all the balance patches have been reverted)"
I thought Jin-Roh had big guys with cool armour shooting domestic terrorists (i have not seen the movie)
we know its satire.
like a broken clock shows the correct time at least twice a day, so too zogbots express correctness when they fail in their own pursuits.
like in wolfenstein where they made a natsoc utopia. 'no you're not supposed to like it' and 'its satire'
Bro, I live in a dump. I would leave to kill those bugs right now.
gamers understand it plenty. They realized they were playing facists and mass uninstalled the game because playing as the bad guy is immoral. Just look at the player count.
Thoughts on this post?
the gameplay is the real satire
I mean... yes? It's a ceremonial rifle. It was shit in the first game too. Do you think that many people actually played on Malevolon Creek too?
He's not wrong, it's a garbage weapon.
It's not great, iron sights are a hit off as well making it a pain to hit anything. Lever action guns when?
We're aware. We still don't like your retarded beliefs, tranny.
kys retard
Death of the author nigga
face the wall automanigger
I understood the message behind it, and I think they're right. You can't do nothing about it except crying
Objectively correct people fighting bugs are actually the bad guys because, because they just are chud! It's all satire! The badass disciplined soldiers are white supremacist chuds and the bugs are peaceful third worlders, and that makes you bad, because WELL IT JUST DOES. MEDIA LITERACY IS DEA-ACKK!
The whole media literacy argument is really, really shallow and stupid. A lot of people will like the "bad guys" if you make them too appealing, think the Enclave from Fallout, or Hunk from Resident Evil. And that sometimes happens by accident because the creator(s) will make a villain so relatable and sympathetic (in other words written well) that it backfired on their narrative. And that's what happened with Helldivers, they spent so much time making the federation cool that now they cant take into that "am i the bad guy" direction without looking like complete retards and possibly annoying the shit out of the entire community.
Well Helldivers took it's entire world from Starship Troopers, which had the same "issue". It's only a problem if you want to make it satire instead of just a campy bug killer.
He thought the Nazi regime was a utopia
I think theres your problem
youre a Nazi
Thoughts on this post?
The Constitution was a meme in the first game and it's a meme in this one. Big surprise.
Anon the Nazi regime in the alt-history Wolfenstein games literally had laser guns and a moon base in the 1950s.
Satire this satire that how about we talk about how much the GAME SUCKS regardless of the stupid setting
And they are Nazis.
it was great in the first game going full constitution squad
No honestly it all comes down to modern grandstanding and moralizing. This fictional government is LE EVIL so you can't indulge in the fantasy too much or you're a HECKIN' FASCIST! You can't point out the positive aspects of their society or culture, that's objectively WRONG.
For instance, Super Earth: Racism gone. Sexism gone. Nationalism gone. Total solidarity by force. Speech and thought are fully regulated. This is the progressive paradise, so why do progressives hate it so much? Because it's "fascist" they say, but what about it is fascist? There is no autocrat. There's no oligarchy.
At the end of the day the problem isn't "media literacy" it's anal retentive moralism. They legit can not entertain an idea without accepting it. Any idea that is unpalatable to them must be rejected and derided immediately.
It's not all gamers, it's American gamers. Theire population has been purposely dumbed down so they can be easliy manipulated and controled. They are the ones who don't understand satire anymore and take anything at face value. Rest of the world is doing just fine.
And they are Nazis.
With a moon base and a space travel program decades ahead of its time. Megacities with impossible architecture. Grand constructions the likes of which are not achievable even in modern day. Put simply: The developers put so much effort into making them cartoonish comic book villains that it made them look better than the mentally ill mass murderer protagonist and his black widow girlfriend that fucked a German soldier just to suffocate him in his sleep.
It is your own fault as an author if the satire fails to reach the viewer
Satire didn't failed. Why does everything have to been dumbed down for Americans?
you get to live in a world where scientific advances essentially solve the majority of humanity's problems
you must speak German
A difficult decision, to be sure.
Anon the more you try and justify the Nazi regime it doesnt remove any doubt of you agreeing or being okay with being a Nazi
you dont get it guys Im not a Nazi I just agree with all their ideals and think this fictional "utopia" they made would be great!
Behold the NPC, incapable of going against its program. Not a single brain cell in this creature's head will ever light up with an alternative perspective.
nigga its current year, people get called a nazi for not liking some shitty shooter, no one cares anymore
meanwhile gen alpha are literally watching ai translated hitler speeches on tiktok
stop enjoying it chud!
it's not made for you!
it makes fun OF you!!!
stop ignoring it!!!
It has no gay flags and no leftoid propaganda, so I will enjoy it.
Well the alternative perspective is Nazism so
Anon I think diving into why the Nazis of fucking Wolfestein of all poeple and writing a paragraph about how theyre understandable is a bit more then not liking a game.
You're wasting your breath. The NPC does not think. It simply reacts to stimuli.
Its NPC to think Nazis are bad now
I wonder what kind of person would get upset at that prospect
What's wrong with being nazi?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. You, on the other hand, have programmed responses. You don't know anything about Nazis. How many books written by Nazis have you ever read? Do you know anything about Rohm or Strasserists? I doubt it. You don't even know what you're talking about.
Entertain the thought of being a Nazi
Thank you for proving my point.
The point that youre a Nazi sympathizer who gets upset that normal people dont align with your Nazi beliefs so you use buzzwords to make yourself feel better about how weird you are? Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, just know you wouldnt survive a day in the regime you praise.
normal people
getting into nazi arguments on Anon Babble
just know you wouldnt survive a day in the regime you praise.
That doesn't mean much coming from someone that doesn't actually know anything about the subject.
Im sure you know lots on the subject Sir Not a Nazi
Helldivers thread
Almost immediately finds itself being Anon Babble lite
every time
I do this thing called reading books. You should try it.
Inspector armor soon, comrade.
I know you dont because anyone whos actually read Hitlers funny book would know its a rambled disjointed disaster of literature
I've suffered through worse.
How many Nazi larpers are going to kill themselves when the game shortly becomes Communist larp
Zero because the Communist LARP is just as enjoyable and one of the Super Store armors that comes with the new warbond looks like this
why would i be upset at being able to larp as another cool fashionable genocider
I'm a simple man, if a faction has good aesthetics, I like them.
I do not give a single fuck about muh morals or whatever, not even irl.
Because the Nazis had better aesthetics than the allies or the soviets did, I think they were cooler and thus I prefer them.
Simple as, moralfags can go fuck themselves.
It's not satire. The game has nothing to do with criticizing anything political. It uses a political dystopia as a setting. Everything is played completely straight. Not everything needs to be commentary.
You don't even play the game, faggot.
Hey, NTA but actual Nazi here. The book was actually a fun read and the second biggest reason why I got into this.
The first was being called a nazi by retards until I just let it stick
it was merely an act!
i kneel
People who make that argument about Mein Kamph have never fucking read it.
It is actually a decently interesting read, especially when it comes to the stuff about how Hitler viewed Imperial Germany and it's failures in geopolitics.
the hero of the federation
OP is an annoying faggot
Fucking kino
Hitler was Anon Babble as fuck
people are aware it is intended to be satirical, but they do not care because it is cool as shit. most people do not give a rats ass about the artists opinion or intention or whether they make enough money to support themselves or whatever, they just want cool shit. I don't know how else to explain that nobody gives a shit about the whole "fascism bad" message when you are running around with jump-packs and flamethrowers on an alien planet with your bros making bug bbq in full armor.
you can't satirize something and also be a fan of it
small-brain take
Because the radicalized Nazi right can only hold to the looks of something and not anything behind the idea of it. It can only latch onto and distort what it can see because Naziism is inherently an Ideal not a real functional ideology. Why gamers? because lonely white unhealthy men (typical gamers) are the easiest group of people on the planet to radicalize into believing anything as long as it makes them feel better. Im sure Gamers can recognize the intended Satire, they just dont care, they see warhammer Space Marines and think "Wow what a totally legitimately way to run the world I wish I was like this" with zero irony. Communists arent any better btw.
they see warhammer Space Marines and think "Wow what a totally legitimately way to run the world I wish I was like this"
literally me
quadrillions must die
This is literally how I think
Its better then whatever Israel shits out as a civilization. Envious faggot. If the USA accomplished what it did by being the first revolution of European ideals, imagine what Germany, which was an evolution of the same European ideals that created the USA, could accomplish. Literally corrected most of the faults of liberalism.
Imagine being so jewish, as you snivel behind your computer, you start a sentence with "because le radicalized nazi right", like who the fuck talks like that. Learn English you fucking loser.
Normal people can segregate fiction from reality. Only retards like you OP, who cannot segregate fiction from reality, cling onto delusional terms like "media literacy" or "satire"
Nazi Germany
Accomplishing anything
the only thing a Nazi ever accomplished is under the boot of the USA being forced to work on Rockets for us to win the space race or face the Gallows
Delusional term
This is bait, but well written and emulates the way twitter fags and journos write 1:1.
But you can't post on Anon Babble and complain about white unhealthy men, that gave it away.
Nice thumbnail, dickhead.
well also running nato and most of the us government after the us decided to pluck over a thousand top nazis from persecution in europe
It’s cool being the guy who’s the vanguard of the main force, wielding powerful weapons and beating the odds against inhuman monsters. Suck it, fag. Stop rooting for the evils that want mankind dead like the bug man you are.
Anon if your recognize that then this isnt about you.
Lol. Lmao even.
colossal amount of projection in this post
The historic Nazi party was bad, the discussion is rarely on them. It’s on whatever current group the establishment hates and likes using Nazi as a quick term to describe “you can hate these people without feeling bad about it”
Nice thread
the us literally got a neonazi to run psyops on their own population
Name a group that’s been labeled as Nazis or Nazi adjacent that wasn’t actually filled with Nazis or Nazi adjacent people.
That does sound pretty cool.
But enough about the Orange Man and his running mate Elon Musk the illegal immigrant.
weirdly defensive about the us saving nazis from execution in europe to grant them high ranking positions in the us government
everyone is a pearl clutching faggot these days
I can’t think of any point in history until recently when Nazism would have been in even hear me out territory. People used to actually understand satire like when Starship troopers first released. I wonder what has made us fall so hard.
That's cool (and I mean it), but I like free speech.
From European perspective, the world would be immensely better place had Germany won ww2.
USA and soviet union had worse effects on this continent than anything Hitler even dreamed of.
Wow, you’re kidding. Europeans would have liked to win the war I am amazed. From a purely Southern perspective I bet they would have liked to have won the Civil war as well.
Spoken like a turbo propagandized faggot.
Only utterly brain dead morons can't even entertain an idea if the idea disagrees with their world view and/or values.
No you HAVE to hear me out on Nazism
Okay, sell me on Nazism. Go ahead and try to make it sound appealing in any way.
No shit, retard. I'm an European, specifically a Finn, of course I would prefer a world where amerimongrels had zero say on this continent and where russhits were pushed back beyond the urals or eradicated entirely.
can i marry your sister and live in a hut in finland
Sad, cry about it loser. USA number 1 superstar
How is Musk an illegal migrant?
usury outlawed
financial support for families in the form of housing loans that get shortened per child the family has
subversive political groups like communists banned
race mixing outlawed
tranny, faggot etc degeneracy outlawed and their books burned
public policy promoting active lifestyles, physical health and community
All of the above sounds fucking fantastic to me and if you disagree you are a fucking retard.
Fuck off we're full
Yeah, I bet you'd like that, suomalainen poika. Unfortunately for you, my ryssä ass still here, and I aim to move to your country within this decade.
You amerimuts are the ones that get upset and morally indignant when Euroopans talk positively about nazis.
The south literally did nothing wrong tho. If you think the civil war was about slave trading you really need to read a history book.
Lincoln and his cronies were going to legislate the south out of existence from the outset. His goal was always to take power away from the wealthy southern states and give it to his buddies
Lmao, just like you'll conquer Kiev in 2 weeks, right?
In all honesty tho, I despise amerimongrels far, far more than I hate you ruskies. At least you are still Europeans while the people living in USA barely classify as humans
MY socialism is better than YOUR socialism
Socialism is death. Death to all socialists. Socialism cannot exist without stealing and squandering other peoples wealth.
can the game stay dead so i dont have to see these retarded threads again
Hype died so quickly. Another fotm but I hope it has decent player base and live support.
didn’t include all the racial genocid
Why not be honest about it, but honestly it’s funny how even the positives aren’t that good. The only benefit you would get from most of these is if you’re a complete lunatic who thinks giving up your autonomy as an individual is worth it as long as those damn dirty LGBTs aren’t le subverting your world by existing! I should totally become a braindead cog and spend the rest of my life walking on eggshells to not upset my glorious leaders all so I can prevent GASP, Race Mixing.
promote healthy lifestyles
You know you can just, be healthy anon. Do you really need a gun to your head to do that?
dumbass traitor seething
Annoying Orange outlasted the Confederacy by the way.
if you think it was about slavery
It was.
The races nazis allegedly wanted to genocide, like jews and gypos, ought to be genocided.
our glorious freedom governments made it illegal to not wear masks or to stand too close to people for a year just a couple years ago
im not even opposed to mask wearing but our governments dont give a shit about "autonomy" lol
and as for being healthy, nigga have you gone outside, everyones fat and hopped up on drugs
fucking allegedly
We are reaching new levels of pure 5head.
This seems like the kind of game that outright needs a mic. But even if my mic port wasn't broken, I only have a cheap shitty mic I bought for university during the lockdown.
Unrestricted capitalism has led to USA being effectively ruled by jews whose loyalty is to Israel while the living standards and real wages of the average amerimongrel has stagnated for the past quarter of a century if not for longer. Your nation is little more than an economic playground and warehouse for soldier-golems for jews to whom you are merely expendable cattle.
you'd definitely want one, it's a bit hard to type with a billion bugs up your ass, but you don't necessarily need it
complains about the lack of freedom of the government suggesting you to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart from people to not spread a disease and someone confusing that as actual law
he promotes forcing people to live healthy at gunpoint
Which is it should the government not be allowed to do anything or kill anyone with the wrong BMI how can you possibly get mad at Covid regulations as a Nazi.
surprisingly not everyone who dislikes current things are nazis
I'm of the mindset that holocaust never happened but it should have. Jews deserved far worse than typhus and starvation.
You were just arguing for Nazi ideals
i said our governments dont give a shit about autonomy, and that people aren't managing their health
So not only did the Holocaust NOT happen apparently, but the Nazis also didn’t even want to genocide the Jews actually. How deep does this go, did the Nazis even do WW2? Did the Nazis even happen at all? Was Hitler a Jewish plot all along?!?!
Why are people so upset about others having fun and playing along with the campy tone of the setting?
What other reaction do they expect?
Nazis wanted to kick jews out of Germany and settle some territorial issues they had with their neighbors due to the way German territory was divided after ww2. UK and France escalated a border conflict between Germany and Poland into a second world War and the rest is history.
border conflict
All white Americans since at least 2016, after a certain orange man got elected and the hate ramped up in frequency and insanity. Ironically not the actual Nazis in the Ukrainian military, because the people you agree with are all for that war. I guess you like Nazis too when they're doing what you want.
Ah yes, ALL white Americans I’m sure.
Yes, are you even familiar of the situation that preceded the German invasion of Poland and the blank cheque of "security guarantees" UK gave to Poland in order to get Poland to withdraw from the negotiation table regarding the Danzig corridor?
....Yes, not even as a figure of speech. Have you been living under a rock?
ask for examples of groups that are called Nazis but aren’t
Says all white Americans
poke fun at how ridiculous that is
nnn no I was being figurative I didn’t mean aaa all white Americans I really meant-
Kwab can’t even propaganda right
the problem is that for you subhuman animals "making them too appealing" just means giving them cool armors, that's all it takes. That's as deep as your mind can go.
In the book the humans in starship were good. The film they were "satirized"(weakly I might add) into being "unlikable fascist villains" but they accidentally fucked up and they were very likeable and cool. Fuck bugs. Honestly though why the fuck would anyone side with the bugs? You would have to be insane or retarded.
Hurr durr they show the sad bug's innocent eyes before Rico mashes it to pieces
Cry me a river bug faggot.
Oh, was the devs patching the fun out of the game satire?
guy in cool armor
a bug
i'll take the guy in cool armor
subhuman animals
Who's supposed to be the fascist here again?
It's pretty simple. Every man with a healthy level of testosterone, regardless of his race or religion, is naturally drawn towards the idea of banding together with other men in the armed forces of a militaristic state. It is a primal urge that has existed since the first brother picked up a couple spears in Africa and handed one to his mate.
nooooo you can't like cool things
if [cool thing] doesn't politically align with the real world and/or is deemed problematic by the progressive masses you're not allowed to like it
you HAVE to always draw parallels to [current year] and reality
it doesn't matter that its fiction
first post
best post
Sois can't into this because from birth they have been outcasts. They side with the anti human forces and thus the sois must be exterminated for the safety and survival of the species.
this is why kamala is going to lose
because everyone supporting her is a strung out pharma-slave retard
You have warhammer gag intellect and can’t recognize the bugs are also bad. What is it with retarded fuckers and seeing everything in black and white
Oh jeez the Fascist regime is the baddies that must mean the mass murdering evil bug monsters are le good?
No. They’re bugs. It’s just that The federation has no business fighting them because they’re literally not doing anything, yet they’re wasting all these resources, blew up a major area of their own people in Bueno Aires to justify the war, and are straight up losing the war by the end having to draft child soldiers, all for what colonization? Because that’s the end goal of Fascism it doesn’t matter how stupid it is, they’re not us so we HAVE to act to our own detriment and expand.
At the end of the day I really just think who wins is whoever Schlomo wants to win. Kikeland is in trouble and needs the big mouthed orange man in to save their skins. The Kamala regime is exactly the same as the Biden regime they have proven themselves to be absolutely worthless on the geopolitical stage. Blinken is an international laughing stock and failkike of the highest order.
schlomo wants kamala to win, the same way they want the public to think their war on the diseased sewer people is just. the golem has finally turned against its master
schizophrenic post
I actually can't even follow this because it looks like you accidentally made contradictory statements
they’re not us so we HAVE to act to our own detriment and expand.
Congratulations you just described the vast majority of human history. Guess humans are naturally fascist and anyone who isn't fascist is an unnatural freak.
deep down, everyone wants to fight for a well organized fascist dictatorship. they want a team with a defined structure.
blew up a major area of their own people in Bueno Aires to justify the war
The bugs did that
and are straight up losing the war by the end having to draft child soldiers
This never happened in the movie wtf are you talking about? Rico captured the brain bug they were winning.
Because that’s the end goal of Fascism it doesn’t matter how stupid it is, they’re not us so we HAVE to act to our own detriment and expand.
This is literally what your democratic uber diverse tolerant capitalist utopia the USA has been doing for 100 years and it's still continuing it's eternal war in the middle east blowing up children as we speak.
You are a joke and any point you were trying to make is just another typical retarded queer liberal strawman.
I wasn't being figurative, leftists are unabashed racists that genuinely believe ALL whites are responsible for everything wrong and regularly refer to anything they do as evil. Nazi levels of evil. Try to keep up with modern day racism, it's only okay if the person your being comically racist to is socially okay to be racist to.
he has never heard of borders before.
If that were the case why would there ever be countries at all, if humans are naturally Nazis at heart why didn’t the majority at the time eradicate the minorities. War mongering is not the same as fascism. Assuming you even know what fascism is or, even the basics of human history, which I doubt.
wake the fuck up, grampa
there's nothing uniquely horrible about nazis, you were just taught to get emotional over them
There's a reason Hugo Boss is still in business.
bugs did that
You actually believe the obvious Federation propaganda? You seriously believe Bugs, a race that only know how to kill things and only form of firearms we see are organic plasma from their bodies, shot a perfectly cast meteor millions upon millions of light years from their planet to earth without the technology to even know where earth is?
he doesn’t know about the child soldiers
Did you watch the film?
brain bug meant they won
Are you an Idiot? Not only is there like 15 billions films after that the point of the brain bug is that it’s such a nothing victory. They lost how much to gain one out of a possible hundred of brain bugs, the only thing they “won” is that it was scared. Meanwhile their units are so thin they are enlisting kids by the end of the film something which was jokers about at the start.
The US is just like the federation because Proxy wars
Come back to me when the US is invading to make New New York down there, and since when was the US the good guys.
nothing uniquely horrible
There is actually and they are in fact, horrible.
new new york is already down there
Bro, even Verhoven said the bugs sent the asteroid. Give it up. The Federation had every right to retaliate to a hostile enemy force that had repeatedly attacked independent human colonies before the war had even started. Fuck the bugs.
A white male has been behind every horrible thing that has ever happened yes. Almost like being the majority makes you produce the majority of atrocities throughout time
it's satire
to be honest HD would be vastly more compelling if they actually embraced unironic harsh space war fascism and tried to actually make it work like OG novel Starship Troopers instead of le quirky swedish humor amerikkka bad GWB bad
Congratulations, you've proven the point by generalizing and entire population based on the color of their skin.
not the original author
And I should care about his opinion because?
You actually believe the obvious Federation propaganda?
So you are just going to reference modern soi infused conspiracy theories that were invented in the last 4 years on the internet to drum up interest in an older movie?
None of that is in the film at all they portray the bugs attacking space ships, they have a psychic super bug that operates as the leader of the hive mind.
he doesn’t know about the child soldiers
>Did you watch the film?
Did you?? That was a gag where they had like one kid. They have made sequels and they aren't about child soldiers or the humans losing the war lol
Not only is there like 15 billions films after that the point of the brain bug is that it’s such a nothing victory
What does this even mean?
Come back to me when the US is invading to make New New York down there
Once again is english your first language? your entire style of rhetoric is overly combative without any sense or substance to even back it up. It's literally the language of an angry "fascist" chimp the same type that you enjoy parodying. You are behaving like the leftist strawman of a fascist.
Almost like being the majority
Whites are a global minority that represents less than 30 percent of the world's population
Nazis didn't eradicate any minorities, schizo
Take your meds
Because people only ever discuss the movie? Even if we brought up the book, the bugs are meant to be an example of a communist society with the biological species it could ever work for. Literal bugmen who don't give 2 shits about the individuals that make up the hive, but they were also highly intelligent and incredibly aggressive...and also started the war.
now he's going to pretend we weren't talking about the movie even though his posts and the poster he was arguing with were strictly talking about the film
Desperation is very pathetic it can make man do very underhanded things.
Did you somehow miss the entire SJW thing around 2016? "Feminazi" is just one expression that was wildly used.
I am not making a comment on the groups this word was used on/used by. I just wish to prove you wrong that non-nazis have been called nazis for (atleast) almost a decade now.
Worlds biggest Starship Troopers fan is excited to watch it for the first time
There’s a whole scene before the last battle where Rico looks to the camera and points out that the Mobile Infantry has taken on much younger recruits, they do a panning shot showing how young some of them are. How did you miss this.
Or you could just mention how Trump and his supporters are labelled Nazi's by an endless amount of MSM media shills despite the fact that the trump movement is a pack of kike/nigger loving hicks that literally just want low taxes. "Nazi" is just a colloquial designation for "person who disagrees with me" the kosher right is actually very guilty themselves because every other week Ben Shapiro and his ilk are labelling liberals "Nazi's" for some other act of aggression against freedom of speech or something.
correcting someone's grammar/spelling has literally nothing to do with 1930s german national socialism
Most obvious answer is he didn't actually watch the thing he's arguing against. Other option is he's deliberately lying by omission for not including clear evidence that counters his point.
I like using it for aesthetic reasons but yeah you're gimping yourself hard when using it. Some anon pointed out that the gun's stats were based on pre-buffed Diligence rifle so it might get a damage buff in the future.
Just gonna larp as a krieg in the meantime, kek
Trump and his supporters are Nazi adjacent if not complete neonazis especially over the last 4 years of radicalization.
I mean, the only way you could believe that is if you totally ignored how leftists went full crazy and started burning entire American cities down because the orange man even won. One of these things is worse than the other.
One thing I don’t get. If a bunch of this is just “I like it because they look cool!” Cope then why is the Enclave popular outside of fascist beliefs? The enclave look like fucking dorks.
Worlds biggest Starship Troopers fan is excited to watch it for the first time
More desperation pathetic lowbrow insults.
This doesn't even warrant a response but I'll go anyway. Your argument was that the bugs can't even attack earth. Now you are saying that the federation is losing an intergalactic war in space against bugs that are apparently not smart enough to attack other planets.
Which is it though?
If Buenos Aires was a false flag and the bugs are not capable of attacking earth then how are the human losing the war and secondly why did the bugs rip the mormon missionary colony to shreds?
You keep harping on this cutaway gag scene about child soldiers as if it's part of a larger narrative it's not. If it was it would of been in the sequel. The book does not have child soldiers. It's almost like you watched some idiots youtube video on this film and drew conclusions from it.
>Worlds biggest Starship Troopers fan is excited to watch it for the first time
You mean read it for the first time?
Jin Roh 100% put the goverment/police in the right. Imagine thinking the resistence fighters in that film were anything other than violent terrorists simply because they happened to have a cute girl on their side. Literal simp behavior.
Yea I remember all those times Donald Trump went on stage and kept talking about shutting kikes mouths and destroying Israel.
Oh wait no I don't. Oh wait actually the only thing he does is brag about having the lowest black unemployment and soijacking over niggers in maga hats whilst sucking circumcized jewish penis.
Can you show me 1 video of any rhetoric from Donald Trump that is anything like Hitler? Just 1 video that's all I'm asking.
Burned down cities because Orange man won
You mean like how when the Orange man lost he threw a pissy fit (something he is constantly flip flopping about if he believes he did or didn’t) and drummed up his rabid supporters to the point they stormed the capital in defiance.
Whatever you want to say about the modern left doesn’t change the fact the modern right is near indistinguishable from Nazism at this point or at least Nazi lite.
Bandwagoners continue to be apex retards, with the worse takes imaginable
Par for the course with HD2.
Because it's not really very effective as satire. The fact that it is satire is probably what helps players really get it into. It allows them to cosplay and talk about "freedom" and "democracy" without feeling too silly, since otherwise it would be too over the top.
It's also the case that the actual gameplay doesn't really engage with the satire at all. It feels fun and heroic to fight missions, and there's never really anything in the actual gameplay that tell you you're the bad guys. This only really shows up if you talk to the NPCs, which no one does, since they want to play missions.
If you start a riot then you are a nazi
looks at shitlibs
You really haven’t watched the film huh. Geniunely how did you miss that scene before the battle when Rico starts acting like his mentor and has to be pulled aside to mention that the cadets look younger, there’s a whole panning shot showing the different ages of the kids in the core now before Rico tells them the classic you want to live forever line. Either you’re retarded, forgetful, or didn’t watch the film at all.
Look at that Nazi, walking around with her mask not on properly and wandering around the White House that the police let her into carrying that neo-nazi flag.
It makes me sick.
Only completely out of touch, hysterical retards actually believe that.
I fucking wish Zion Don was actually a nazi but in reality he's just a retarded 90ies Democrat with his policies and views.
I had fun using it. Perhaps the poster is retarded. Not every weapon needs to be OP. There are a million weapons in this game, so it's fun if there are interesting or unique ones. Use them on challenge runs or low difficulty runs.
Not over the top.
They're teenagers. So was Rico when he signed up. That scene works visually because they cast middle-aged men to play the stars but when you think about it for a second it's actually a scene where an 18 year old is looking at 17 year olds going "Who are all these kids?"
bugs bad
bots bad
blowing up both with 500kg bomb good
isn't any deeper than that
Stop making them sound good Anon!
Verhoeven AND Heinlein said the bugs sent the asteroid. The only retard peddling this false flag reddit theory is (YOU)
They weren't "Child Soldiers" Did you know that the US fielded soldiers as young as 15-16 in WW2 who lied about their age at draft offices? They aren't "Child Soldiers" and nobody would accuse the US of fielding child soldiers in WW2.
What I mean is that if Helldivers didn't have any satire, players would be ridiculous going along with it. It's the fact that it's so over the top that allows players not to worry about it and just have fun playing along.
Do you think that many people actually played on Malevolon Creek too?
I did, it was fun
keep irrationalizing them while the rest of us laugh at you then
Nazi this
Fascism that
What's ironic is that Helldiver's satire has nothing to do with either of those. It feels more like a satire of actual representative democracies, rather than any 20th century dictatorship.
And considering that they even call bugs 'fascists', it technically makes fun of antifa types who call everything 'nazi', who are ironically the same group who flaunt their 'media literacy' cards.