What will your video game's world be like?

great strong men and women of history kidnap people to put them complex bondage machines that use pleasure and/or pain to power great works.

it will be random

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1. Racemixing, bestiality, straight shota (Example: Fire Emblem Tellius)
2. Right-wing extremism with Northern European focus (Example: Warhammer Fantasy)
3. My autistic 50000 word plain text file
4. Outsourced

take a common sci fi setting archetype

mash it up with a common fantasy setting archetype

Usually there's some kind of thematic clash between the two, like a knights of the round table-esque group going around a gritty cyberpunk space western setting. It's fun to write settings like these and come up with esoteric details as they come up.

1. AI waifus
2. Anarcho capitalism
3. Magic is acknowledged in the setting, but it's later revealed to be an illusion
4. Protagonists are a wizard who gets recruited into the magic military to fight aliens with fake magic and his AI waifu

If I ever were to make a game I'd set it in my autistic biopunk setting I've been working on for years.

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milquetoast liberal which means the normie ideology that pisses off everyone on Twitter and Anon Babble

magic, like science in real life has the power to alter reality itself

they are all gay and furry



the formula to get 500+ (you's) on Anon Babble

Right winger

Open blacked fetish


1. A lot of TF fetish shit. I didn't even know that it was a thing when I started writing it. I just thought that vampire and werewolves are cool and I wanted to expand on it
2. Surprisingly like to give every single nation different political system and policies. Like there is just a Nazi and Communist country just bordering eachother
3. Can't deny it. I made magic literally based on nuclear fission/fusion processes and made wizard capable of using mana (unstable uranium) to cast magic. Each of those countrie basically have regiment of arch-wizards capable of casting WMD tier spells
4. I have only written the gods. Never even bothered writing about the leaders of each faction

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sounds awfully close to warhammer fantasy buddy

No kink

Complete anarchy

Science and technology based magic

Furry characters

Never ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend


so undertale

I only like white women though

Yeah. Like... it was inherently based on what if DND world progressed toward the modern post-industrial revolution era. Except every technology is based on a very fundamental magical theory
And like it was so advanced that wizardry is had to be taught in public elementary school

And yes. There is gun control type law enforcement where wizard cops confiscate your memory of illegally learned offensive magic

I only like white women though

You are out of luck then. All white women belong to the knot. You humancucks will have to make due with the non-white women.

Completely historically accurate recreation of medival Britain.

Magic is for faggots.

Likes white women

Likes bestiality

Huh? Should I say it? Can other anons say it?

Did you even read my post kek, I fully agree with you

chubby lolis/women with cute bellies

city states in a fantasy/sci-fi setting where basic needs (produce, natural energy, clean water) are readily available pretty much everywhere

A HxH style system where you get to choose the nature and specifics of your power

humans, animals/furries, monsters, xenos, etc

Fuck off, we're not your personal think tank.

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1. public sex, exhibitionism, free use
2. a modern first world nation except people get quietly disappeared at night if they don't contribute to society
3. devoted occultism, magic can only be created through ritual and sacrifice. The more meaningful the ritual/sacrifice is to the user the stronger the resulting magic will be
4. characters start of as normal working class adults but when they look too deep into a secret society they are faced with challenges that bring out their more unique traits

Honestly it would be a disaster never let me anywhere near the worldbuilding for an actual game

Adult women

Soft xenophobic republic


Yeah, I have characters in my story

1. incest, body horror
2. monarchy
3. money
4. Charles XII

who am i?

More of the same setting.

In the format of the image in the OP, it could be summed up as:
1. Pregnancy and impregnation (there is a major faction in the setting that is basically a giant fertility cult) and body modification.
2. Eugenic genetic engineering and aristocratic rule over lesser races
3. Magic based on biomancy and this meme theory being actually right. with a few twists en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgone
4. Picture related, a bunch of characters I drew as an excersise, though most of my drawings for the setting are focused on the major factions of it rather than individuals.

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Vore + Human inferiority


Pseudoscientific Genetics stuff

I think I have a hit game on my hands lads

Fear and Hunger?

It's called colonization. The white man will breed all your women and the children will our children's sex slaves until no non-white genes exsit.



Magic is powered by Semen




vital magic that comes from the nervous system + spooky voodoo lovecraft space magic + weird psychological mind over matter stuff

traumatized child soldiers

I should get back into actually making games instead of ideaguying on Anon Babble

Sneed gets reinincarnatd into a dommy mommy monarchy with mind breaking psyonic powers

1. Women who are too furry to be monstergirls but not furry enough to be truly furry
3. Aether is dark matter is mana and you use it to call forth elder gods to fuck with reality
4. My scooby doo gang ensemble cast of freelance ghost murderers


1. Body transformation (don't start, I'm male and I like it that way)
2. Anarchist utopia
3. Basically all magic is based upon a form of telekinesis but you have to understand what you're manipulating and there's no "mana", it's just based upon your actual fatigue/personal health. A small child could move a pebble around or tilt over a chair whereas an adult with some training can manipulate molecules, fly with the assistance of an object, create fire, etc. The most skilled of savants would be capable of extremely complex tasks like manipulating human neurons, teleportation, changing the composition of their bodies, turning large amounts of one material into another, etc. Their training would involve committing to memory the atomic/molecular composition of tens of thousands of substances in addition to physical training, since the more complex the task, the more exhausting it becomes. Someone with poor physical constitution may have the knowledge but trying to turn a boulder into sand would have them passing out or throwing up. As a result the select few considered the most powerful are usually in their late 30s to early 50s before their health starts declining.
4. Organizations of free association with a culture centered around personal growth (it's a bit of a Telvanni ripoff but with less mushrooms). Food and shelter are basically a non-issue given the nature of "magic" in this world so competition over resources is less important. There's still things like big extended families and villages but enormous empires never really formed on this world. All it takes is a couple skilled wizards in your village and you'll just never have anything like poor soil, blight, big fires, etc. Infant mortality is incredibly low so you don't have a dozen kids per family either, so in general the world stays fairly spread out and low population for a long time. Eventually they start getting into things like robotics but I'm out of characters so I'll stop here.

1. gender transformation
2. money is constantly flowing, everyone has something that needs doing though some (read: cultists) are more picky with who they hire than others
3. common magic functions by warping the mind and forcing the body to follow which can be done through mundane means such as hypnosis, gaslighting, or placebo though nothing too unreal on its own
dreams teach you fundamentals for more esoteric magic that requires specific tools and setup to work properly but has little restrictions on what it can possibly do if you know what you're doing
4. your reflection (knows things and reveals truth)
your shadow (deceptive and terrified, constantly looking for threats)
various perverted elder gods who visit you in dreams and grant you missions (which usually involve mentally breaking someone) in exchange for access to forms that should not exist yet do

1. Kidnapping, bondage, damsels in distress, tickle torture
2. Rural feudalism
3. Magical relics as power sources and conduits of magic
4. Lot of cute adventurer girls and ladies in peril in a wilderness frontier grown on ruins of an ancient realm

Lot of "cute" adventurer girls and ladies

Dumb cuck

I always like to imagine what would human society and industry look like in a world where it's simply impossible to harness electricity. What would be the second best thing that society latches on to for utility and convenience? How would we communicate without inventing the telegraph and later the radio?

There's a lack of men in a fantasyland.
That means you, as a man, have to amass a large harem of slavishly devoted and orbiter girls and go adventuring and defeat the big bads. Some quests would involve you beating baddies and some quests would be more focused on making your underlings to the menial tasks like gathering wood or fishing for two days straight, since that shit's boring. Other guys are implied to exist with their own harems, typically as mayors, figureheads or the like.
Most of the worldbuilding is about how gender roles are in some ways reversed and how having so few males actually affects the setting(there's an idea called the semen pipeline for lands with less male presence) - so the women are sex obsessed ultra-horndogs that want nothing more than to steal your cum and optionally protect you, they're working in the mines, as guards, scientists, there's a lot of female jobs around like hairdressers, make-up artists etc. Bandits(female) want to beat your party up and kidnap you for endless rape, your party members insist you should stand back while they tank and fight for you, you can pay for services with sex, generic citizens offer you gold for a night with you, later in the game they're writing/drawing porn involving you, you fucking your harem, you fucking generic faceless girls, obsess over your feet etc.
The esoteric system centers around how much cum you can produce per day(there are upgrades) and managing your resources in smart ways, for example negotiating with an innkeeper to just get her off X times(and doing the sex minigame without blasting your load, even if she wants you to penetrate her you have to remember she's going to leglock with full strength) so you can save your sperm to pay the blacksmith for a better sword, giving up your underwear as a bribe to get out of jail for free, selling off your bottled cum, or letting the alchemist hold your hand and whispering sweet nothings in her ear for an hour to get a discount on potions.

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obsess over your feet

you mean hands

sex without kissing and love

what kind of disgusting degenerate picture is this

I'm thinking monstergirls(lamias, centaurs, but also your average doggirls and catgirls) would be unapologetically obsessed with male feet.

Tranny falseflag

No, I absolutely despise trannies. They actually ruin the aforementioned fetishes.

I already see a revolutionary sect of gay men mages and incel wizards fighting the royalty.

1. Bodysuits, suffering and hope.
2. It's a complete mess plus civil war so there's Fallout shit like factions and scavengers.
3. Bioshock ripoff mutagens, but they're scarce and easy to fuck up. Also aspects of time are paused because they're in an artificial dimension.
4. A fat chunk of the planet who went there to dodge ww3. Many of them still think they're better off.

I've got others but this is the big one.