he looks like knuckles
oh no
Ape Escape doesn't get much love on Anon Babble compared to Crash, Banjo and others.
Anon Babble doesn't have taste
Weird how PAL had british voice acting
Ubisoft published it in NA rather than Sony themselves, and neither of them shared their localizations.
the husband of kat from gravity rush
no he likes Helga from his own series
how can we weaponize this autism?
She's pretty cute ToT
the one I grew up with is the better one
spikat was a thing since 2017
wait a sec, is that mike inel art? i feel like i haven't seen/thought about that guy for over a decade.
Any games for the ape escape feel?
Also the ost was godly
big catch tacklebox
try the big catch demo, it's got fish catching instead of monkey catching, but it is basically the same thing. can't think of anything else with a similar control scheme feel.
also, don't talk about it on Anon Babble, the thread will probably get nuked,
the thread will probably get nuked
why? I will NOT be silenced
if he posts on pixiv then maybe. I think there used to be more SpikeHelga on there but these are the ones i saved
the reason is the game artist is a degen with some disgusting fetishes, and any attempt to discuss the game devolves into fetish talk.
i ended up looking mike inel and i don't think it is him. his art seems to have degenerated to actual garbage from when i found him on deviantart around 2008. though the style reminds me of some of his earlier stuff.
ugh, this is terrible news! I'm disgusted honestly
can you link me some proof of this so that I can get educated on how disgusting this truly is?
no, i've given you the tools to find it yourself. you know the game and you know it is the artist. now go forth and be a degen away from me.
Helga = Casi > Natalie > Aki > Pink Monkey > Yumi
I wonder how many people play last Sarugetyou
that PS3 one
saru get you was on ps2. ps3 had that PS move game.
yeah, that PS move one
was that good?
Any of you get deep grooves on the analog sticks from spinning it so much? I've been replaying AE recently and noticed that the stick is being ground down where it touches the shell, like pic related. Any way to prevent this?
what in the goddamn? how much pressure are you applying to your controllers, anon?
I'm not being particularly rough with it is the weird thing. I've never noticed this on any of my other controllers, just one of my dualshock 2s.
what fuckin brand is that? doesn't look like a dualshock 2 to me.
I have the opposite problem, it's impossible to keep the controllers clean in general
t. moleman
I don't know, anon. It was the best result on google images.
why are you using google images to show us a problem you have with your controller? just take a picture yourself, numbnuts.
Specter's US voice is so fucking bad lmao
It doesn't matter, you pedant.
it might matter. it's a different model of controller, there could be differences in talking about your issue IF someone does talk about it. why give less accurate information when you could provide more?
I just found out not too long ago Ape Escape had an anime