They're going for the king
They're going for the king
Commies really do hate honest work
Why exactly? As a consumer steam is just the best bar none.
Didn't Timmy try and fail at this?
they want publicity and to have valve do all the hard work hosting and payment processing for them, but without paying the industry standard 30% cut.
msot promising Disco Elysium successor studio
Which one?
I am selling a product to extract profit from consumers
btw I am also a hardcore communist
Gaben does honest work the same way bankers and landlords do.
Honestly, the one that actually releases a completed game. Everything is just vaporware until I see an actual game.
Take a guess. It's the one that revealed a manifesto instead of a game
As a consumer, GOG is the best bar none but they don't have a cult of personality for people to latch onto.
Is this the first AAA weg?
Not really.
He actually built Steam from the ground up.
That alone makes it different
So just sell it on your own website and don't put it on steam?
I'm sure self-made kikes think the same thing
Rage against the machine.
How very novel
The webhost should be paying for my traffic for me though
the most promising Disco Elysium successor studio
So fucking no one.
If you can't just name them directly in the headline and have to tell us why we should give a fuck about them to begin with, then chances are no one cares to begin with.
I'm considering getting Cyberpunk there when the next big sale hits. They gave me Witcher 3 for free and I managed to hit +100 hours in the game. It's just too good. And I'm yet to finish B&W.
Based commie. Steam deserves to be destroyed for ushering in this dystopian digital hellscape on the gaming world.
I'm going to buy them.
and to follow up, having to latch them onto something bigger and more famous just to grab people's attention.
This is your king
I genuinely don't get how you can possibly argue steam's a monopoly.
Like I get hating Valve, they've done stupid shit. But they have never acted monopolistically. Maybe because they don't need too, that's true, but still.
Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
Valve's 'digital fiefdom'
Let me guess, they work with Sweet Baby Inc or one of its smaller counterparts?
studio with no real achievements and only claim to "fame" is that some of them worked on a game that got swindled by capitalists
they work with Sweet Baby Inc
Valve work with them so no
why does everyone jerk disco elysium off again? I have hardly seen anyone play the game. It has hit graphics and a "non combat focused rpg" sounds gay as hell
Only 10k in total of donation
What a cheapskate lmao
Commies love honest work, it’s why they want the honest workers to control the means of production.
Summer Eternal.
Selling your shit isn’t capitalism. Selling someone else’s shit is.
Gabe Newell didn’t code Steam, he didn’t design Steam, and he sure as shit didn’t make the games being sold on Steam. He just collected the money from the workers who did.
>Honestly, the one that actually releases a completed game
So none of them, got it.
I genuinely don't get how you can possibly argue steam's a monopoly.
You don't get it Anon, their competitors make stupid decisions and exploit the fuck out of their customers which is why VALVe is bad and needs to be stopped for actually providing a professional service.
And yet they did not cave when demands were made. P.S. What did they work on? Nobody knows.
Dota Underlords.
He's literally like us, bros.
Summer Eternal, so not the one that's actually announced a game or the one with Kurvitz and (probably) Rostov
they have a slick website though
Commies love honest work
Haha yes comrade, "honest" work. Incidentally your upstairs neighbor testifies he saw you stealing ration cards out of the mailbox. Face the wall.
GoG is a store, Steam is a store and a myriad of services. Above all else Steam makes it easy to play games with others online, I don't need to use dialup to call them, I don't have to use some third party program like hamachi, nor do I need to deal with some jank service that will get shut down in a few years, I click ONE BUTTON and launch a game, join a friends party, and load into their server. The only other digital platform that functions properly is Battlenet.
These services are why people enjoy using Steam and why it's so successful, this is also why other "storefronts" fail because they lack these systems instead believing that people just want to buy games. No we want to play them and we want you to make it easy for us to do so.
come on gabe...
Dota Underlords
lol no wonder I never heard about it until now
So tell us, how does Hasan get to have a $2m cali mansion. For sitting on his ass and """""""reacting"""""" to videos on the internet.
He owes the proles a cut of his wealth bro.
They don't, they freely allow devs to sell elsewhere provided they don't undercut steams own financial model. Have you seen the competition?
So lazy their store couldn't be arsed to have a shopping basket for LITERAL YEARS.
All they do is buyout companies with billions of pounds worth of timed exclusivity deals to force people into their store
Offer a lower cut, but don't offer even a quarter of the support and features valve do
CEO is constantly screaming about his opponents fictional monopoly instead of trying to be better
No DRM, literally just a store
Whole gimmick is being DRM free and giving users their own games
Haven't looked up their cut, probably trivially small compared to steams if they take anything
Offer no other real support as they are just a store
Many steam games are available on GOG as well if the dev wants it, valve don't argue
Gamepass is taking a large amount of gaming revenue now because it does in fact have many games most normal people want to play
Aside from gamepass, prices are high and xbots still have to pay for online
Valve allowing crossplay and selling on other platforms should automatically shut these monopoly-tards up. Valve are actually doing GOOD things with their stranglehold on the market and I'm tired of retards pretending anyone else wouldn't have made steam subscription based by now somehow.
It makes more sense when you realize Valve is in washington and they'd start attacking it if he didn't pay the protection money.
probably trivially small compared to steams if they take anything
Same cut as steam basically none of the service quality.
Clearly the first one that will fail, considering the bullshit they're already spewing so early in its existence. Funny how it's never about just doing the best thing for your prospective customers. It's always much more important to lecture the filthy, ignorant pleb.
pretty sure PC game pass is a failure or at least failing to break even
I'll grab whatever game that asshole Kurvitz delivers, but that's it, one chance
I'm tired of retards pretending anyone else wouldn't have made steam subscription based by now somehow.
The first thing that Microsoft tried to do when coming out with their own store was to charge a subscription for online
>Offer no other real support as they are just a store
GOG spends a significant amount of effort to make sure old games are in the best state possible when you buy them, this goes beyond just having all official patches. They include a lot of community fixes and the games just work. If you're buying retro, GOG is typically a better choice than steam.
You could have ended the sentence after the first four words and the message would have remained the same.
The gentry demand that the peasants topple the king for them, so they can be the new rulers.
This sounds way too much like an armchair revolutionary daydreaming.
So they don't actually do anything themselves, they take other peoples work and package it.
Minecraft hosted their own website you could exclusively buy their game from and it went on to be the most popular game in the world, what's stopping these guys?
Calling yourself an accelerationist is basically admitting out loud that you have ideologically dedicated yourself to the destruction of order and stability.
Why are you bringing up some random streamer faggot.
armchair revolutionary daydreaming
the favourite and most productive pastime of commies!
The whole cult around DE might just be the least organic attempt I've ever seen at canonizing something as iconic and classic, right behind Sony shilling Horizon Zero Dawn.
interesting that they go after valve of all companies when talking about digital fiefdoms, and not the larger appstores like apple or google play
the work required to do it
"Life imitates art" is an all-time classic
Well, that, or you recognize that order and stability are on the way out, and you'd like to just get it over with fast so society can start rebuilding in your lifetime.
I liked Disco Elysium but if these fags don't release on Steam I'll just pirate it instead.
Apple and Google are under their contro. Valve is not.
It's a lot like how Tim Sweeney attacked Valve and Apple, but never had a problem with Microsoft and Sony locking down the Xbox and Playstation.
retarded ass communists thinks they have power to do anything against gabe newell
The only Reason that piece of shit known as Disco Elysium sold was because everyone did the opposite the game forced you to do and went full right while the game called you mentally ill for not being a leftard.
I support the liege lord
it calls you mentally ill no matter what you do
That is predicated on the presumption that arrival at the destination is controlled. I assure you it is not. Think about the word "Acceleration." Falling with the velocity of a moving car is one thing. Falling with the velocity of a plane in flight is another.
Probably because Disco Elysium was a PC game first and that's where most of their sales came from and where he feels they were stolen from unfairly by those pesky digital taxes.
aren't they writers, they wouldn't have been managing sales and Steam taxes regardless
sales royalties bad
government taxes good
commies, everybody
They wouldn't manage it, but they would be able to see the final numbers without having interacted with Steam at all as a developer or marketer. They wouldn't see how maybe Steam helped people discover the game with recommendations or by putting a gigantic banner on the front page of the store but still go "What the fuck? Why did they take 30% for just hosting our game? We should have sold it independently!"
Digital fiefdoms like who, you ask, as if you don't already know the answer? "Valve is the most egregious example," says Gavrilović. He hopes for a future where devs, not digital feudal lords, have more power, "but I lack the imagination to envision the replacement of Valve with a community owned alternative. That 'winter castle' will not fall as easily, but we should at least start openly discussing alternatives."
So this dude doesn't even know if itch, why am I not surprised?
I just want to buy games. I don't give a shit about CoD matchmaking or whatever the fuck zoomies want.
Still no clue why the 6/10 game that is disco elysium got overhyped to be a 10/10 best game evar
Because he is your leader. He said so himself.
Did you know Stalin ended up 2x as rich as the Romanovs bro?
It's par for the course for retarded communists.
Watch their heads spin when you tell them why Fraternal Societies died and why healthcare is so fucking expensive in the US.
You need to be over 18 to post here.
The reason commies hate capitalism is that it gives people a choice and when people have a choice, they will never choose communism. Being good for the consumer is against everything commies believe in.
"but I lack the imagination to envision the replacement of Valve with a community owned alternative. That 'winter castle' will not fall as easily, but we should at least start openly discussing alternatives."
to translate that from commie to layperson: I want an alternative but I don't want to have to be the one to make it happen, someone else should do it for me but I should get the credit for thinking of the idea
And yet they did not cave when demands were made. P.S. What did they work on? Nobody knows.
This dude cannot be real lmao
The only way to break steam's monopoly is to sell games at a cheaper rate but the greedy retards in charge of other storefronts are incapable of that.
No, it's predicated on the observation that someone has already removed the airbags and is eyeing the brake line so you smash in the windows and mirrors to force a stop before the car goes careening off a cliff
objectively incorrect and homosexual
If you can't afford a home, you fucked up somewhere in life.
Not him, but your reading comprehension is bad.
Fuck off there's plenty of situations where someone could end up homeless through no fault of their own.
I wonder how much timmy is funding them.
it would be nice if steam had competition, but all the alternatives were complete failure
do nothing
pay democrats
honestly hilarious amount of money for gabe, straight up trolling
t. landlord mcboomer
Why aren’t these fucking commies giving me the game for free? I’m part of the proletariat.
Summer Eternal actually has one of the lead writers of the original game and is working on a game, unlike the others.
right wing doesnt care if donate to democrats
left wing worship donators to democrats
Win win for Gabe desu
Id do the same
Isn't Kurvitz with Red Info?
so you smash in the windows and mirrors to force a stop
Anon that's a panic reaction. Damaging the vehicle doesn't make it stop.
They aren't making a game. It's just rumors. Summer Eternal is the studio that has Argo Tuulik, the main contributor who isn't Kurvitz.
Selling your shit isn’t capitalism. Selling someone else’s shit is.
And thus you can't sell what you make in a communist economy because it legally belongs to the state, hence the guy who made Tetris being unable to sell his own creation for personal profit until after the Soviet Union met the inevitable fate of every communist shithole.
You cant give that money dummy, theres a cap
>right wing doesnt care if donate to democrats
More like sunk cost fallacy made right wingers turn a blind eye for something they would hate if another person did the same
People cant unite for SHIT. they sure as fuck won't come together to topple steam.
and why would they, Steam is the best gaming service ever.
Just like the fat, lazy, Jew who devised it.
they are gonna fail so hard
Is the Disco Elysium Amazon show still happening?
Commies are actually greedy faggots driven entirely by an incessant entitlement to the wealth of others. It was never about equality.
DRM rental service
best service
The most promising Disco Elysium successor studio
This is a hilariously backhanded epithet. It's like saying "the most innovative Marvel movie" or "the most unbiased cable news channel".
Somehow that is something they just cannot understand. Every alternative failed because it was a fraction as user friendly as Steam. It really is just that simple.
topple Valves ownership over their own platform
Yes. Feel free to continue seething though, don't let me stop you!
how is there any comparison between them? on one side you have human parasites that feed off the of the working class while causing pain & suffering through their very existence (banks causing ever increasing inflation through fractional reserve banking and landlords artificially raising home prices by owning multiple homes to rent/lease them), on the other you have a guy that just lets you browse, buy & play most of the games you want to play in one convenient place.
Kill yourself
Because that one guy is not from my circle ? Monopoly is bullshit
Let's not be dishonest in our resentment for commies. The housing market is fucked as a fact, not as a matter of ideology.
only response is "u mad" to defend DRM
GOG repackages and sells scene cracks. This was proven years ago.
So all anon was doing was stating old facts.
Shut the fuck up it's literally one of the best games Hasbros has made and is timeless.
As someone who was very excited about the alpha protocol patch they didn't fix many bugs such as cross-hair bloom being tied to resolution and bugged animations freezing your player character until save load.
They also have not released any actual patch notes on what they fixed or even responded to the current known bugs in their release.
GoG is well known for applying the most popular community fixes to a game and shipping it as is.
The one thing I will absolutely give them over valve is they always release old games with the final patch applied, other than that they operate like a grey market vendor.
I say all of this as someone who buys all classic games from GoG and new games from steam.
successor studio
Damn, even the communists behind this studio didn't even make their own shit before taking from the communists that did.
When you are a multi billionaire, 6000 in donation to political candidates is nothing. Thats not even a large donation in general. Also Trump is a fascist and the republican party enables him
There is a cap on donations dingus, even one dollar is too much
The writer sounds like as much of a total fag as the guy he's interviewing.
Kill all communists.
People had to hijack a plane to escape communism
This should be evidence enough that it is a failed system that had a heart attack 80s years in because the people wanted a car painted red instead of blue.
Capitalism says you can fuck off to a desert goon hole and pretend to be communes.
The one thing I will absolutely give them over valve is they always release old games with the final patch applied
This is one of the things I like about GOG, saves me the work of doing it myself
it's pretty funny to me how they're all constantly trying to gang up on valve, but nobody gives a fuck
steam is fucking fantastic for me as a user, and as a user, this is all I give a fuck about
if some group successfully takes down steam, just remember all those people in that group flushed your games down the toilet forever as they will never be successful again
wait why is no one using it help me lenin
we paid our trans commie friend $10 to code the store and it barely works, capitalism caused this
timmy couldnt do it with his billions. how can they even attempt
I mean why should anyone?
Besides GOG and Itch everyone else is shit
Red info > dark math >>>>>>>>>>summer eternal > longue > za/um
The only one that will probably release a game is dark math
And Timmie had the backing of Square Enix, Ubisoft and Rockstar. These guys have twitter supporters, leddit supporters, and a communist manifesto that allowed a group of people from the 1900s to become mega millionaires while everyone else died.
Artists are so fucking retarded lol
artists should be poor like they deserve. It will also result in better art. They'll get their recognition after death if they made something worthwhile, win-win.
well it's not even comparable, that's kind of the point
these retards only see and claim that steam is just a store, it's not
yes, this is where I buy my games, but where are the workshop functionalities on epic or origin?
where are the community groups, the guides, the user reviews?
originVR? EpicVR? can I use epic to stream my games to my phone and play in the bed like I do with steam link?
steam is a behemoth and none of them seem to understand how far below they all are
The funny thing is that the creators of Disco Elysium got the studio stolen out from underneath them thanks to capitalist tricks. I'm not a commie but I think that's kinda nuts
There was a hilarious incident with Koreans a few months ago. The writer and a group of artists from a gacha game left to make their own game, and they all treated everyone else like shit back in the old company. None of the programmers joined them, or the corp services joined them.
They had no one managing accounting, PR, or making the game itself. They had no game to show, no funding, and blundered advertising and pissed people off. Development collapsed.
Disco Elysium is communist
Yes, but not like you think. Disco Elysium was made by disillusioned commies from Eastern Europe, who like its ideals but know that it pretty much always fails in the practical application. They hate naive Western commies for the same reasons you do.
capitalist tricks
no, they were just retarded, as commies tend to be
That's the thing with features people underestimate.
Sure I don't use 90% of them, but I use some, others use some too, and before you know it you accommodate a huge swath of users who use a little or more of each feature giving something to them in return.
While some stuff like workshop and Steam Input are much more useful then say trading cards, they all add something to someone even if I don't give two shits about it.
No one is forced to release on Steam. They could simply self-host it.
capitalist tricks
commies are bad with business
Color me shocked
if it's on GoG I buy it in gog but a lot aint
Commies will always fail
A store where you don't even own your games is the best for buying games because... because it just is okay??
DE devs are literally walking parodies of what people generally consider retarded commies
somehow DE isnt a commie game and DE cultists will argue until bump about it
something aint adding up here
Besides GOG and Itch that's how all these digital stores are
>somehow DE isnt a commie game and DE cultists will argue until bump about it
Doesn't matter how gay the devs are, DE's writing has enough nuance and perspective to it that makes it enjoyable no matter what political side you're on.
Death of the author, yadda yadda. Arthur conan Doyle thought wizards and magic were real, but always concluded every sherlock holmes story with a perfectly logical conclusion
Single player games on GOG, multiplayer on Steam. This has been my policy for as long as I can remember.
they kill steam
they kill your games
what are you going to do about it?
So correct me if I'm wrong but my impression of communists is it's mostly liberal arts majors that feel entitled to the financial success of those that contribute to society in a more tangible way.
Can't wait to play it on Steam then.
Even in socialism if you make something like a book or a video game and you want it to get out to a large audience you still need to sell it in someone else's store and logistic, who will take a cut of the revenue for their end of the work in maintaining said store and logistic, so this is not a capitalism issue.
my favorite part of the DE saga was how they got screwed over by the mobster producer and now tell gamers to just pirate the game if they want to play it nowadays. screw giving that guy your money
Why is Communism tolerated in any country?
Based, fuck valve
Why is sony and microsoft's digital fiefdom fine?
the least retarded retards say something retarded
Very interesting indeed!
Communists are who gave you rights.
commies make a commie game about theire retarded ideology
studio fells apart due to greed and selling up the ip and studio in parts until hostile takeover was possible
it wasnt real communism, this time it will work
If they actually meant a word they just said I'd be able to find every release on GoG and Itch.
Liberals did that, and no, your annoying ass loud minority screeching wasn't what made them do it.
your shit
nice try kike
there is no "your" in communism, private property isnt allowed, everything belongs to the state and is redistributed according to your position in the state structure
cant even defend communisms without making retarded takes
we must unite and do something tremendously anti-consumer so we can rake in more profits for ourselves
'k, keep me posted
nooooo competition bad not my favorite billionaire conglomerate company!!!
make something more convenient and better then, oh wait you won't because no game publisher is going to commit financial suicide and delist their games off steam without a huge exclusivity payout. and we saw how that turned out for epicgames huh
You have the right to a bread line. * there is no bread left
The Croats, who else is going to write good Commie fiction but the guys that lived in Yugo.
Most modern communists are anarchists.
because steam won't bend to their whims, its not just a distribution platform its the defacto gateway to pc gaming if the libshits had it their way they'd ban all porn games again and delete all groups like SBI detected.
Tankies are the most vocal by far though.
The rest are Strasserists in denial.
they'd ban all porn games
You mean like this, you know since Valve employes woke people?
steam takes 30% from sales which is industry standard for digital retailers
all of them take 30% on their digital stores
the idea that valve is uniquely bad at this is just a lie spread by little timmy on twitter when he tried (and failed) to dethrone steam
no, most modern commies are rich kids who are too lazy to get a job, at lest in the west
anarchism is literally the exact opposite of communism, commies worship the state above all, marxists or what ever splinter ideology they have that in common
anarchist hate the state and believe in individual grassroots cooperation, its literally collectivism vs individualism
get at lest basics right before you try discussing it
valve's infested but its not completely taken over by the wokies yet. alot of the games manage to get through the cracks i can only assume those localization companies are giving the valve employees handjobs and blowjobs behind the scene.
And yet these same self-proclaimed ‘communists’, ‘leftists’ and ‘socialists’ will never attack their banking masters.
Almost uncanny how they will always attack Gabe Newell and never Schlomo Goldstein… very interesting. What happened to Occupy Wall Street btw?
Can't win against a competitor
Whines about monopoly
its funny how they keep talking about wanting to overthrow valve but never what happens afterwards.
Great so are we all going to have a united pc storefront platform where devs get a much bigger cut, ok and are you going to lower the cost of games so consumers get some of that benefit. nope get fcked.
Its just a bunch of self-centered entitled devs, it won't help consumers at all, and frankly i'd rather see western triple a studios burn to the ground and die
also demands consumers lobby for them at the expense of consumers for 0 consumer benefit.
do you even know what a house in LA costs, especially during pandemic pricing. i'm not even a califag and major metro city pricing is insane. the fed broke the housing market on purpose to create a generation of perma-renters
Was a zogbot for 4 years and got a house with a va loan for zero down, anyone who cant get a house can get fucked
Retarded commies aside, a monopoly is dangerous, even if it is convenient.
I remember Stardock was trying to encourage competition and even tried to enter the market but the same retarded commies fucking HATE wardell.
He's a streamer. He doesn't have to live in LA. He could literally live anywhere and do his "job" and redistribute his wealth.
to be 'fair' the psycho steam mods are more anti-japan than anti-porn.
National Socialists invented animal rights, worker rights, and environmental protection laws.
Where did you read this?
the future without steam is a dozen bloatware launchers with 1/4th of the features of steam but all the downsides and more like targeted ads
commies are dumb faggots who deserve to starve to death that is all they are good at
why don't they just host their stuff on their own servers if 30% cut is too much? oh, it would cost a lot more than 30%? wow who knew...
its all in the history of changes to
the developer contract in regards to keys
its how they cut down rivals and exploited developers to do it
Commies want the government to control the means of production. Which fails because governments suck at assessing value.
Nowhere in particular. It's one of those things where the winners always write the history books, yknow?
But as things are, or were when I was studying, it was generally admitted as true that the Nazis were the first political group to pass laws preventing animal cruelty. Worker's rights, that was one of their big things, though people argue that they just did it for political reasons and didn't actually care about it. Hard to draw anything conclusive there. Environmentalist laws, yeah they were all about it, protecting their homelands and other nativist shit like that.
with 80$+ games no forums and no user reviews.
What history book specifically?
the phrase is workers control of the means of production
anyone choosing to interpret workers as the government is an opp
are they going to sell the game on steam?
workers don't control shit, they work their job.
None, directly. If there are any that would agree with me, I'd be glad to read and critique them. Uni books generally summarized, I never got a Ph.D in history or political science there, not my area of study. But when you look at the primary sources enough, you notice patterns.
Yeah well the workers weren't the ones setting production quotas, or deciding what products those quotas were for.
They think they can take down lord Gaben
And no refunds.
lol niggas could not even keep their dev team together, typical commie cringe.
They at least try something different themselves
How do you think your little economic policy is going to be enforced, exactly? Well wishes?
Are you retarded? Theres hundreds of porn games on STEAM.
thats always how it seems to work out, except replace wish with
the good nature of humanity
which is just as fanciful, and before you say it, no of course people can be good, unfortunately, the vast majority of humanity is mindlessly selfish
thats so utterly worthless it has to be a joke
fitting for commies I guess
For me, definitely. I still have over 500 steambux left from selling a single TF2 item in the market. I get games for free.
They whine about a monopoly but monopolies are only bad when they start using their power to kill competition. If Valve was spending 5-10m dollar on yearly exclusives like Timmy was, they would have gotten hit by some lawsuit. Valve just makes its platform better, does sales, and that is about it.
Sold a golden sniper rifles from TF2 for $600.00 once years ago when the gold items just released
God I love desperate retards
This. Kurvitz may be a drunken dickhead that fuck shit up for everyone he knows but it is his writing that made the game any good to begin with.