
Inti creates biggest hit ever

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megaman battle chip challenge probably sold more lets be real

Nice tits but how's the gameplay?

top tier, literally the best in it's genre alongside slay the spire

it's tits

the game is too slow and the background is too flashy to make webms that don't look like shit


I know this sounds like a fucking stupid question but do I need to play LAiX before playing this game
The LAiX dungeon is my next one but I kind of dont want to get spoiled by Neon's autistic rambling since I've only played GV1 so far

He explains how Copen plays and that's about it. You're more likely to get spoiled on LAiX from picking up random cards than in its stage.

out of all inti games, LAiX might be the only one that I might be concerned about spoilers for

I don't think there were any spoilers in CeC but I'm not sure

You dont need to but you should

I don't think there were any spoilers in CeC but I'm not sure

Neon doesn't mention anything, but the final boss shows up as both a card and a random boss, so yeah

this retard

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What do you call this the stetching part so I can search it on danbooru?

Sounds like it should be fine then, I'm just gonna hop right in.
I do wanna play GV2 and then LAiX sometime soon but I'm having way too much fun with CeC so far

is a good character

When I first read that translation, I was almost upset, but when I actually listened to what he was saying, I give it a pass.

1) you can play either GV2 or LAiX first
2) at worst just ignore all text, I know I came away from CeC barely knowing what any of the games are cause I was just going from bttle to battle and too focused on surviving to pay attention to the side chatter

When was this said?

what kind of deck do you have

idk I just make a bunch of cards and play them

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Fuck, this filters me.

It's not that bad. I'm not a fan of roguelite deck builder #9000 but this pulled me in with all the music and weeaboo bullshit.

megaman battle network but slay the spire

I liked the demo but fuck me I'm still on my busy period
taut_bodystocking or bodystocking + cleavage_cutout

nice tits but i'm not buying a fucking card game

call out snoy/globohomo

do nothing to combat

compile heart does this now too. modern otaku devs are really annoying. make some fuckin switch exclusive ecchi games if you want to so badly.

made for BWC

Not even their biggest tit ever.

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Its just a joke calm down

literal watermelon breasts are completely unsexy

the retarded niggers have arrived

go play cod then subhuman niggers

How many stages are there?
I just beat Grand Dungeon 2

unironically too hard

12 for the story and 4 extra dungeons that are a mix of random enemies from the rest of the game except the final one which always has the tutorial dragon as the end boss

can't retry on normal

too easy to get fucked up by RNG or a single misplay

I fucking hate this.
I hate losing almost 1 hour of progress and ended up getting NOTHING

you can just flee and run off to heal if you get yourself in a situation where the next turn kills you
obviously ruins your score, but I assume you're not scorefagging on normal

you still get some exp and I've been told that the cards in your deck still go to your stockpile
Also skill issue. I have only had a single run that I truly felt completely fucked by rng and it was in a weekly dungeon and not even a real one.

you got fun!

you still get some exp

barely any, like, 10 times less than if I actually clear the stage

Alcie played Gunvolt on Easy difficulty

LOOLOLOLOLOL just like me

Are you dying on literally the first fight?

it's a not-so-subtle call for help.

But Gunvolt doesn't have an easy mode
What are (You) and Ancie even talking about

Anon, they're the size of planets. Entire civilizations can live on each of them.

search gameplay on youtube

ALL of them use engl*sh dub

why are """"""'weeb"""""" gamers like this?

Gutless mode ported over from GV2, duh

In theory it makes sense for a game where most dialogue happens during gameplay. In practice it doesn't work because the dub is shit.


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I just wanna watch pro gamer plays through Hard+9. is there any video of it?

Thanks bro


カルド instead of カード


Ive been using dub on daily fight and grinding.
Its pretty good.
I wouldnt mind more english songs as well. I enjoy the nungun song


Oh it wasn't there originally
For a second I thought I was going senile

I tried out the demo today but haven't gotten far. While I do enjoy the gameplay, the constant battles just tired me out quickly. Is there really nothing else beside fight and pick cards in the dungeon? I know there's the drop a card and get some dialogue choices but that's it.

you gacha for substantial upgrades

can leisurely beat Normal now

tried Hard

got raped

no Love Above the Rooftops art

japan is dead to me

kek yeah it do be like dat, I felt like hot shit because the game gave me an uber convert deck one particular run and easily scored 3 medals on one of the last dungeons. Then I tried hard and got destroyed in F2

I hate seeing big numbers

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Don't pay attention to the rules for hard mode Grand Battle

Rush to the boss

Get one-tapped

she's perfect

I fucking hate card games

no one asked, no one cares, back to your slop subhuman!

she isn;t real

How do you respond without sounding mad?

i've seen pics like this of small characters being given human legs (in that specific pose) a few times now, is it some new japanese meme or something?

pic unrelated?

what's a weekly dungeon

Sacred sword agleam
Barbarous and bathed in blue
Cleaving right from wrong

Armed Blue: Luxcalibur!

The actual, unironic problem is that you're spending an hour on a stage. You're fucking around too long and yes RNG can occasionally fuck you. Fight fewer battles and be less invested per run

There are daily and weekly dungeons where everyone get the same layout and card pool and you compete against other players for score.

is this under a separate menu or something

Its under Network

Makes sense, I never check the network menu cause I only play the solo parts.

The girls look cute, but is the story good?

it's whatever. It's mostly a framework for the protagonist to visit all the different game worlds, talk about them a bit, then leave forever. The in-between bits are nothing special and the villain is a stereotypical "muh entropy" evil dude who wants to destroy the world except actually he's just doing it to try and revive his waifu which is kind of funny
there's a bad ending and good ending but nothing too interesting.
It's a gameplay first kind of game.

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You just know rent goes up near the areola

The game characters don't sacrifice themselves to create a portal that seals away the villains

Missed opportunity to kill Joule again

if this is based on an actual game i'll play it

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it's apparently based on an anime, gunslinger girl

As someone who put thousands of hours into Slay the Spire and found Chrono Ark to be one of the better games of the year, this game is a bit too rigged in your favor. Maybe I'm too experienced in these types of games.

Nah you're right, that's just how Inti designs their games. It's easy to win and the real challenge is often in the score autism.

This is not how fabric works.

Its not fabric.

I hope chrono ark goes on sale soon, I'll pay like 6-7 bucks max for it

i didn't realize how lewd hew outfit was

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I hate Chiaki is 8 meters so fucking much. They axed the wrong fucking series.

Why is reincarnation the only good song in this game

final Lv.6 upgrade

Make a certain Muse appears in a specific dungeon

Who? which dungeon?

Rita in all the extra ones.

NTA but games are gay anyway.

which one? Extra Dungeon SP?

card game



Just look at what muses are available in the dungeon from the menu bro.

What determine how much HP you have in the Grand Stage?

roguelike deckbuilder


roguelike deckbuilder, inticreates


is it not based on how many cards you have? i know they're technically separate values, but i figured your initial HP is equivalent to your starting card count at least.
though i didn't pay much attention on the one grand battle dungeon i've done so far so maybe i'm totally wrong.

The amount of cards you have in stock.
No not unique cards, but actually the total amount of all the cards in your stock (but based on your level there's a limit to how many dupes per card)

Makes fun game

I play it

Simple as

I think I'm done after ~15 hours
Played through everything on Normal mode, got almost every card, except some higher rarity ones I guess
It's an ok 7/10 game, but I don't feel like minmaxing and grinding to buy all upgrades to challenge Hard+9 as I don't find HP and damage bloat interesting challenge and most upgrades / cheat codes are so substantial and boring.
I don't really like deckbuilder game, the only deckbuilder I actually like are Slay the Spire and Balatro.

Onwards to Botworld Odyssey and Voidwrought

am i supposed to start grinding after clearing grand battle 3 once for the 2nd ending?

That one just got axed too, it's ending in a few chapters.

You don't technically need to grind, but it sucks ass when he can easily kill you in 1-2 hits with how long the fight takes

yeah i didn't want to risk redoing the dungeon after he got me down to half health in 1 hit
i guess i'll try easy mode and see how it goes

it requires an RGB chair for hard+

There are multiple endings?
what's the difference?

you sound upset snoy got called out

He talked like that in Gunvolt too so it's not really a surprise.

You would have to go to the new site to get fanart.
Both pixiv and twitter are dead by now for that.

which new site

he doesn't know

Chrono Ark

what in the absolute fuck is this thing
i will still play it but damn
guess its a matter of time before the roguelite rts becomes a thing

be honest, how probable is a DLC for this game in the future?

you are far more likely to see a full sequel if anything, i dont think inti really does dlc outside fairly minor stuff

it's basically a roguelite RPG where the cards are the abilities of your party members. It's really good, GOTY contender for me.

I wouldn't put it past them to add new muses as dlc

If you want a hentai StS then try RJ01274096 out. Idk how to translate godot games but you can stumble through it and have a good time.

tried to beat Hard+5

got absolutely garbage deck

went full retard and rushed to the boss on 2F

activated the trap and had to fight lvl4 guardian covered by Muse.

died in the most pathetic way on the third turn.

So how are you doing with conquering Hard+9?

I don't find HP and damage bloat interesting challenge

Starting from Hard+2 (if I remember correctly) and up guardians gain new abilities and dungeons have additional conditions. It's not just about bloated HP/ATK.

I kinda hate browsing these niche threads religiously and watching vtubers is the only source left to find actually decent unadvertised games.

Every single jewtuber no matter how niche they are supposed to be is just talking about mainstream goyslop now.

Even ignoring politics, twitter/reddit is 0% niche stuff, not even a single shred of niche stuff is to be found there.

No trannyslation like the Gunvolt games?

subscribe to inti creates their youtube channel / twitter

now get to know everytime they announce/release a new game

it's not that hard.

same dev as glory and miserable survivors or is that weird kinda pixel kinda not aesthetic relatively common?

That's just one dev.

what do you think?

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browse steam randomly or get friends with good taste in video games

Different dev and artist. The guy you're thinking of does all those touhou animations. My guy just does vanilla


im out

There's still like half a dozen fake games with no stages, and Inti only has DMfD before delving into their older and more obscure stuff (which they already did with Kingdom's Return) or 3rd party games they've developed like BMZ or CotM.
Making a full sequel would basically mean commissioning a lot more original songs and artwork, which they can't simply reuse from their older titles.

browse steam randomly

At this point I'm convinced steam actively hides JP games with their algorithm just like jewtube does when they can get away with it, it's easier to find chinky or gook games even.

get friends with good taste

Good luck with that lol, it's easier to just browse niche threads.

Ooooh I know I know I know! We can play catch and then afterwards get snacks and maybe polish off that bottle of lemonade ( ^.^ ) d

You can just try the demo

Too bad is a boring card game slop. It also get ridiculous and tedious in the ending part of dungeon where you have like 6-7 muse cards triggering in every battle. Not sure i will play past the first boss dungeon because its just tedious as fuck

Inti only has DMfD

That's owned by Marvelous.

I wish women were such an easy sluts like Ancie. MC could just ask for a boobjob and she would probably already do that after 2nd mission

Ancie is just developmentally challenged and thinks of it as benign, harmless activity
Basically Your Oblivious Mother cameoing in some card game

she's just an anime slut who will suck your dick if you say that milk is coming out of there and is good for diet

I guess it makes sense when it's revealed she was supposed to be the main character of a waifu game; she's literally designed that way

the grind in this game is disgusting, clearing a dungeon only gets me like 3 lv.3 decode unlocks and i hear there's 7 levels

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literally made to be a wife, but was all alone for who knows until neon showed up

No shit she wants his dick, every cell in her body demands it

well, she is quite cute.

that sounds weirdly specific to the point it comes off as projection
what are you hiding bro

someone tell him

Seeing people cry about this nothing grind is comical, you babies wouldn't survive even modern disgaea.

don't modern disgaeas have auto grind features nowadays

That's the joke.

Why is Ancie so horny for you?

it's t h e c h a i r

She reminds me of that one hentai game

I've done the first dungeon (Ys IX) in the demo, but can you skip the card rewards after battles?

MC is calling himself a genius who didn't need school and she ate it up. She's a dumb whore who would fuck and suck people like Andrew Tate

She's a normal traditional woman.

Holy fuck I think I'm in love.

Easy women like this are liability and often NTR their boyfriend

I'm glad the main villain is not just another "I'm doing bad stuff just because I'm evil" guy. And yet this character is so... flat. I'd prefer 3 more dungeons and extra IRL dungeon to move the story along a bit.

Only of japs

you sound like you're either projecting or a mutt femoid (so projecting)
once a traditional woman imprints on a male it's basically set for life and it will be ride or die until the end

and you're a nigger who would cheat on her first if it meant getting your dick wet an hour earlier than usual

If a slut want you for no reason like Ancie or for such shallow reasons like game skills then she will cuck you the moment she meet an actual artist, scientist or athlete

I don't think it'd help, the story clearly was an afterthought.

I like card games, is this good?

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If you dont mind grind and constant flashing animation interrupting your game when you trigger a card sequence

I used to feel bad at westoids for trying to project their "realism" on other people but these days I can only laugh at their misery and enjoy it.

ate suspend
ate self damage
ate install
luv other archetypes
simple as

The Muse mechanic is so annoying. Late game sound like little child playing with radio changing the soundtrack every 5 seconds. After 1 hour of play you want an auto skip or block animation option turned on forever

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It's only a problem during grand dungeons

men are disgusted by you

oh no I don't like grind
whatever I'm already pirating it

You should had been able to only "equip" 1 or 2 Muses in inventory screen. This shit only make me want to avoid fighting them which is against the aim of the game that want you to see it as a advantage

not quite since the battles in battle network are actually in real time as in you can move around during the fights

guys are the gunvolt games like the megaman zero games? i've been kinda curious about those games for a while

Not really, they are score games first, if you dont play for score they arent really worth playing

well that sounds kinda fun, im gonna give them a try

what the fuck is this face

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the poker dlc is coming out soon. Maybe wait for that. It might go on sale.

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In Gunvolt I recommend going into equipment and unequipping the pendant right away, most of them give you "prevasion" including the starting one which is basically easy mode

what is that? like auto evade?

yep, only works when you arent attacking and it still lowers your points even if you take no damage but it still makes the game too easy

yeah sounds like something i would've taken off right away

The face of a man who is firmly confident in his gaming chair.

I was told October release date and the month is almost up, where is it?

Those tits look like boltons

watch less porn

people complaining about the ""grind""

what grind?????????
the decode thing? you guys call that a grind???

2 more hours, trust the plan

Megaman fans usually dont like Gunvolt games