Any dinosaur video games for the modern audiences?
Any dinosaur video games for the modern audiences?
I'm no scientist but I don't think these idiots quite understand what modern feathers are actually used for.
A schizo theory that I believe in is that the feathered dinosaur push is part of a psyop to make boys think that dinosaurs are lame and gay since they're a masculine interest, which is problematic in the current year.
Be honest, Anon Babble....
Yes desu
i'm monitoring
Compound Fracture will be out soon
A-any day now
is he okay?
its really simple you guys, the dino dinos evolved into the bird dinos to stay warm in the ice age.
sorry but dinosaurs are cool again now
Any dinosaur video games for the modern audiences?
Any dinosaur video games for the modern audiences?
kills a fully grown Triceratops
diffuses a challenge by going "we'll bang, ok?"
has sex on screen
Not sure how the Walking with Dinosaurs reboot is planning to follow this dude up
Dino D-Day
Horizen: zero dawn was robot dinosaurs.
Can't get more modern than that.
Could any dino-autist explain how paleontologists can conclude that dinosaurs were bipedal? Could they really not have crawled or jumped using their legs? Is it possible that the T-Rex was an ambush predator like a snake? Were the disproportional arms useful for swimming? Feathers are sometimes used to regulate heat better for semi-aquatic creatures. Is there any evidence that any dinos used repellent feathers to hunt in the water?
i assume you mean theropods like allosaurus / t. rex because there are a lot of quadrupedal dinosaurs like picrel
their front limbs are much shorter and can't pronate (palms facing down)
i'm sure younger or smaller tyrannosaurs can jump, they just get so massive when they grow older that they can no longer jump or run
if a dinosaur swims/has a fish diet, their snouts will probably reflect that. See spinosaurids. So far there's no evidence of that lineage having feathers.
Bigger creatures contend with strange problems. Elephant skin is very odd compared to other creatures', for instance. Could there have been multiple independent adaptations for larger prehistoric creatures' thermal regulations? How are big land scalies even viable? Aren't they bad at thermal regulation?
Dinosaurs weren't cold blooded like lizards iirc but even lizards used to get up to 3m long before the abbos burnt them all to death.
Yeah there was one called second extinction I tried it for free and it was grind and died before it even left early access
I realize that, but when you go beyond big into the 'trily gigantic' territory, heat regulation becomes difficult even for mammals with triglyceride and sweat.
mesozoic climate was pretty warm and giant animals lose heat slowly, so i think they were fine. If anything having too much insulation would cause them to overheat. Some dinosaurs might have kept their feathers in colder climates.
Dinosaurs were never uncool thoughever.
T-Rex was not a giant turkey. T-Rex basically had no reason to be covered in feathers because it was about as large as an elephant. You don't see elephants today covered in fur or feathers because they are so large they retain far more heat as a consequence of their metabolic processes and the fact that as you get larger, your volume (everything inside) increases at a much larger rate than your surface area
There was an relative to T-Rex called Yutyrannus that had feathers, however Yutyrannus live in a fairly cold climate with an average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius
So far no one has found any skin impressions for T-rex with feathers on them
Yes, too much insulation is actually a big problem for bigger animals. Elephants have to cover themselves in water to protect themselves from the sun. What kinds of protection did these big creatures have? Surely they wouldn't have just been big land-crocodiles, right? What theories exist for their heat regulation at this point in time?
Thank you for indulging my curiosity, everyone.
but b-birds are cool... like every other country has a hawk or an eagle as a symbol, birds can't be for girls... right?
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
There is no reason to bitch and moan about feathers because modern studies don't even suggest most of the most popular dinosaurs had feathers. Large theropods like T-Rex, Allosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus, etc are believed not to have feathers. Most of the well known herbivores like brachiosaur, triceratops, ankylosaur, stegosaur did not have feathers. The only ones that got fucked over are raptor fags.
The only ones that got fucked over are raptor fags.
Troods got retconned.
I think scientists nowadays try to stand out (peacock) to secure gibs for their useless research.
Only Dino crisis at home.
There are sick fucks in this world that'd fuck dinosaurs if they still existed
like this 1(Instinction)?:
by modern, i think these Devs r using the newest roars that scientists extrapolated(?) dinosaurs to be most likely producing:
i am not a t-rex beeteewubyew
they already did a humiliation ritual to take him down a peck
Earth used to be covered in giant trees that kept the ground level cool with their giant shadows.
The sun hadn't been invented yet
I dunno about that one
It's been absolute ages and the gameplay still seems barely there
Monster Hunter is basically fantasy dinosaurs
T rex never had feathers
You guys always pick the wrong ones
Just because some had dosen't mean all had
Because dinosaurs aren’t real. Its all just blind guess work based on almost nothing and making a tooth into a trex. Dinosaurs were a ruse to break the minds of the public and get them off the xtian plantation. The lie worked, but now they don’t know what to do with it and dupes who really believe it all with no credulity joined the field and have to make sense of the hogwash faulty data of the past as best they can
What about exertion? Couldn't they still overheat without thermal regulation? Dogs inspire rapidly to combat overheating. I remember hearing that prehistoric lungs were different from modern lungs. Could they perspire without hair? What about environments without trees? Are there no megafauna in areas without dense forestation? If there are, then do they have adaptations for direct sun exposure?
I have a bevy of questions, but they come from a place of genuine curiosity. Sorry if I seem annoying.
Not only is it highly debateable if dinosaurs ever existed, but if they did they certainly did not have feathers, nor did they "evolve" into birds. The Earth isn't billions of years old, that much is a fact.
I give it 10 years after Anon Babble shuts down before kids start seriously arguing that it never existed.
really funny how chuds try to turn paleontology into some schizo political agenda
Anon Babble has never existed. It's all in your head.
Remember to take your meds, bro.
The jury is still out on just how warm-blooded most dinosaurs really were. For big ones like T-Rex, the square-cube law as you mention is actually beneficial and is known as gigantothermy. Once you get that big, you can retain enough heat throughout the night especially in warm areas that you simply don't need to spend 6 hours basking in the morning like most reptiles, you can hit operating temperature just by doing your daily rounds and looking for food. So they were likely able to be much more active than crocs whose metabolism heavily limits them.
Guys, look. It's a real-life Christian!
Isn't it strange that not a single dinosaur feather has ever been excavated?
based on smaller versions (birds)
Reminds me of this cat meowing.
It is beneficial...for heating. For cooling it's a massive problem. Homeostasis goes in both directions. Did these creatures not have big problems with exertion? If they were massive, hulking mounds of muscle, then shouldn't they overheat easily? Surely they had some methods of cooling off. Brains are very susceptible to high temperatures.
False dichotomy. Even if you're a reddit atheist you should eventually figure out that you're not descended from an ape. That's jew shit.
I just looked it up. Apparently, it is all in their heads. Their sinuses, to be exact. I found a few articles about it. Lots of variety, though.
Christianity is literally jew shit. Kill yourself, science-illiterate punk.
What about exertion? Couldn't they still overheat without thermal regulation?
They solved these problems the same way modern animals do. Large animals rest/move slowly during the hottest time of the day and hunt/travel during the cool temperature of night and early morning/evening.
I remember hearing that prehistoric lungs were different from modern lungs. Could they perspire without hair?
Birds have 3-part lungs instead of 2-part lungs like mammals. I'm not sure if scientists have been able to discover yet which lung type dinos had. It's possible to perspire without hair, but it's unknown if dinos had that ability.
What about environments without trees?
In dino times trees were almost everywhere and deserts were small. Large deserts of modern Earth are a human-made problem dinos didn't have.
Are there no megafauna in areas without dense forestation? If there are, then do they have adaptations for direct sun exposure?
There's multiple adaptations in modern megafauna. Elephants use their ears as fans and cover themselves in mud for sun protection, zebras have black-white stripes generating air flow on their skin and many animals can pant similarly to dogs. Even birds can do it, so it's very possible dinos could just breathe with their large open mouth to rapidly lose temperature.
Ostrich can exist on savanna even though they are feathered and pretty large so it must have been possible for dinos of similar size too. The largest dinos probably lived in forests and cool areas with possible snow.
its just return to tradition
not schizo enough anon
Several years ago in an article about pangolins I transiently mentioned the argument of evolutionary geneticist Gene McCarthy that pangolins and armadillos might be living descendants of stegosaurs and ankylosaurs, two related dinosaur families whom McCarthy contends were synapsid proto-mammals, not reptiles.
McCarthy also contends that pterodactyls and pterosaurs were ancestrally related to bats. McCarthy believes that placental mammals emerged much earlier than paleontologists commonly suppose.
In our direct correspondence McCarthy has hypothesized that triceratops and the other ceratopsian horned dinosaurs might have been giant chameleons––which, while a heretical notion, might be possible within the full context of McCarthy’s ideas about how genetic traits evolve.
The ''dinosaur'' fossils that they are finding are actually from dragons.
more like hybridization events, stabilization theory is more sensible than Darwinian evolution one
Earth used to be covered in giant tree
yep and the Earth isn't billions of years old
most are mass produced in china, not even joking
The same way modern animals do...
The most reasonable assumption. It seems to be corroborated by what I have read. Panting was even mentioned in one of the articles. It is probably something we can never see the full-story of without a live specimen considering how unique modern animals' methods are.
I appreciate your time.
Earth is a plane with more land beyond the Ice Walls of Antarctica. A LOT more land. Also, we never been to the moon and there's a dome above us 75 miles high. Thanks
Prestige-thirsty scientists have wet dreams about being able to disprove huge finds like the amber-encased feathered dinosaur tail.
If it makes you feel better, "dinosaur" is such a broad category of beasts stretching so many millions of years that it's likely that not all of them were feathered.
Based fellow Infiniteplanechad
that tree jerked out a giant spunk of tree sap that day. I wonder what the pron was like back then.
sent from iphone
prove it
i seen it in the dream
There's also no such things as ''aliens'' as we see them in movies and fiction. Extraterrestrials look exactly like us with very subtle differences
we all come from the same space oceans
This is a standard Anon Babble thread
Imagine thinking aryan scientists and natural philosophers are wrong and instead believing hebrew fairy tales.
How do flat earthers explain lunar eclipses and mars going retrograde?
aryan ''scientist'' and ''natural philosophers'' are Jew controlled too