post times when a single png kills a whole game
Post times when a single png kills a whole game
Draft yourself female protagfag.
What hand sign does she make when she sees a gaijin’s cock?
8 inches
think OP's emote is funny
What else?
kek I can't believe gooks had whole fucking protests about this shit
the end game of feminism
It's a good thing Koreans are becoming extinct.
Was this emote actually removed from the entire game or only in Korea?
it was changed to something else
The whole game (and that's a good thing!) here's why:
-Fuck feminism
that is all
r/asianmasculinity incoming to say this is a feminism thing instead of just the age-old stereotype of asians having tiny dicks (they do)
The ricecel population on Reddit is completely unhinged.
It's also funny as hell when they spout their shit on the other subs and just get immediately shit on.
Hating on ricecels is some of the most based reddit behavior.
women spend hundreds of years demanding change
nothing is done
one small (hehe, pun intended) thing gets attention from a bunch of offended chuds in the "man up" feminist era no less
it gets fixed in a matter of hours
kek, men rule the world
The emote was definitely removed because of a feminist movement in korea co-opting the sign to mock korean males. But pinching in itself is not a feminist symbol in itself everywhere like this retard basically tried to claim.
Maybe the koreans shouldn't get triggered over something like this because it makes them looks ad. It's like leftists getting mad over the ok sign.
I'm a dicklet and that emote makes me blush
All these people from the US have fragile egos.
yt "men" problems
>women spend hundreds of years demanding change
Never happened. Women only gave a shit about their "rights" after the industrial revolution screwed up gender dynamics at home. After that it only took about 100 years for women to get everything they wanted and more.
Maybe those women should just draft themselves until male exclusive draft is effectively amounted to zero?
women spend hundreds of years demanding change
Typical US narrative. You've been duped by jewish bankers into going from a comfortable life at home to shitty long-hours work except for a few winners.
You're a whiny bitch. And SK deserves to fall to the North. Everyone calls SK worst korea for a reason.
Draft yourself female protagfag.
Let's not pretend that the U.S. didn't also sperg out when they were calling the OK gesture a white supremacist sign.
People spurge over the dumbest shit all the time
Some are just way louder then others
Actually hilarious that there was/in a massive feminist cult in Korea that signaled with 'small peepee' gesture'.
Like, how does that happen. It's out of a fucking comedy movie.
Yeah, they have nice food but everything else about them is an ugly bootleg of superior asian countries
Is she making fun of the main character's penis size? I don't play this game.
The battle of the sexes are more unhinged in Korea solely because they are one of the more developed nations that still has mandatory military service for males while having excesses in beauty. There is a correlation throughout history that men basically go into military service if times are tough in getting a woman for all ranges of men. If the women aren't having it, military service is often seen as meaningless.
Gesture can be interpenetrated as making fun of penis size and asians went apeshit over it
why don't they just get cock enlargement?
are they stupid?
South Koreans are a type of Hell spawn. Go check all the shit those women did, like plastering bloody pads on walls. The men are no better, being complete psychopaths to other men and women.
Reminder that their female president and her cultist mentor sacrificed 300 kids in that ferry "accident".
Only South Koreans.
You ever watch k-pop? Or korean media in general? Korean dudes are some of the most coomer and genuinely exploitative on earth, and the mere sight of a girl having the slightest imperfection upsets them and makes them complain endlessly or even resort to violence. So feminists just did the exact same by responding with the stereotype of asian males having tiny dicks and also being imperfect. And from the vast overreaction korean dudes had, it seems it was a critical hit.
Or at least that's what I think happened, seeing as I have a fairly big dick and that gesture doesn't upset me in the slightest. I flat out don't feel addressed by it, so I can only imagine everyone who complains about it is getting their feelings hurt for obvious reasons.
You mean like how male exclusive draft is somehow important even if someone who is legalized draft dodger gender is the president?
South Korean incels are genuinely unhinged.
glad to see the anti-spam thing does nothing
Well League is big over there and China so it's no surprise
Reminder that their female president and her cultist mentor sacrificed 300 kids in that ferry "accident".
Source. Because that sounds like complete made up bullshit.
Draft yourself female protagfag.
and the mere sight of a girl having the slightest imperfection upsets them and makes them complain endlessly or even resort to violence.
sounds like Anon Babble.
It does, doesn't it.
Draft yourself female protagfag.
Imagine waging a war against half of your populat- oh.
And from the vast overreaction korean dudes had, it seems it was a critical hit.
Honestly love how the penis size gesture got to them, it wasn't the endless protests or any dumb porn restrictions.
The red one isn't really that bad honestly
He's a dick, he will backstab you probably but he's also brave and somewhat cool for a rat
my condolences to anyone with the misfortune of being born a rice calculator
better luck when you get reincarnated or whatever you guys believe in
It's a conspiracy theory. Hundreds of kids on a field trip died in a boat that sank and the government was really poor at rescuing them and acted really shady trying to cover it up. I don't remember the details but there was something about the date and details having connection to the schizo shit the cult believed in, so some people believe it was intentionally sank and the kids intentionally killed by the government as some kind of a ritual.
They have all kinds of bad influences from Americans.
Sometimes I'm shocked by muttmericans who don't realize it, but US is the source of all the evil in this world , literally.
Ngl if there was ever a sort of feminist protest that ever made me go "based", this is it. It's some serious "can dish it out but can't take it" karma and I'm always up for that.
Dunno about all the rest of feminist stuff I hear from Korea, it all sounds super wierd and like most of it is probably over the top made up bullshit, and the only real reliable frame of reference I have of any sort of gender related topics is some stuff I studied at uni about the life of prostitutes during and after the korean war of 1950 and the bullshit they had to endure from their own countrymen for having gotten business from american soldiers during the conflict.
dick size shaming is an easy target if you're not huge so that's why women automatically go to it every time when they want to piss off a guy.
Asians breed like fucking insects. Clearly their cocks serve a purpose, else there wouldn't be so many. I don't get why they're crying about some vague allusion that (from what I can gather) wasn't even a direct insult.
I'll have to look further into the context behind this and why anyone would immediately jump to dicklet rage
worst koreans butthurt over small-dick accusations
asian women notoriously chase after white men
ergo entire countries hate me for my skin tone, entirely because of the size of my dick
damn, maybe I have more in common with my melanated brothers in Christ than I thought
A few lines to spark your interest
"During Sewol's capsizing, members of the crew drank beer and communicated by telephone with staff from Chonghaejin at seven different times. As passengers stayed in their cabins as instructed, Captain Lee and his crew abandoned the ship"
Meanwhile the kids are locked into their cabins, while a PA system is telling them to stay inside.
The wiki is missing some points like
The first to arrive to the ferry were actually civilians on boats;
The President, and her Cult Mentor/Friend were MIA for 8 hours during this whole ordeal
U.S. Navy asked if Korea wanted them to rescue the ferry and South Korea declined
everything they wanted and more
they still begging men for shit
KEEEEEK get fucked roastie
youtube "men" problems
what's the point of responding to someone who filtered you? he's not gonna see it
implying mods are even bothering to ban him
They don't really care about schizos unless they're flooding the catalog with spam threads.
More like men are too soft nowadays.
Draft yourself female protagfag.
See this shit?
Draft yourself female protagfag.
well we can't hit women anymore.
That has nothing to do with this.
i have literally never seen someone say this until this thread
wtf does that even imply
Does anyone have the big infographic of all the instances of this in that one Korean game and the resulting backlash of the company firing or greatly limiting the roles of all female staff?
The first is that the Automatic Identity System (AIS) data related to the Sewol’s course and position was altered, and some CCTV footage disappeared. Marshaling a mass of evidence – International Telecommunications Union signals, data from decoding software, radar and map plots of the first ship to arrive on the scene and computer reconstructions of what survivors could see from their positions aboard on the day – the film makes a convincing case that the Sewol’s AIS data was exhaustively tampered with by an unknown party.
The film concludes that the vessel’s real course was slightly, but significantly, different from what was made public.
Its second contention is about the cause of the sinking. Official probes by prosecutors and a special investigatory body found a combination of factors responsible: the Sewol, after a refit, may have been top-heavy, and it was overloaded with unsecured cargo.
When the vessel made a sharper-than-necessary turn at the hands of an inexperienced helmswoman, the cargo shifted. As a result, the ferry heeled over, its list became irreversible and it sank.
In plotting what they insist was the Sewol’s real course, the filmmakers discovered that it exactly mirrored the underwater topography of the island off which the ferry foundered.
Black box film recovered from cars in the sunken ferry showed the sudden list could not have been caused by cargo shift. This led the filmmakers to assume that it sank due to external forces. They surmise that the Sewol dropped its port anchor, which dragged along the seabed and caused the vessel to heel over disastrously; the anchor was then hauled back up – presumably to hide evidence of a plot – before the vessel sank.
As evidence, the film offers photographs of the anchor taken before the Sewol left Incheon – black, against the white hull – and shots taken during the sinking, which appear to show it corroded or streaked. They sought to examine the anchors when the hulk was raised in March 2017, but found they had been cut away prior to the salvage operation.
It would be best to respect your own time and not ask questions of someone who is either emotionally maladjusted or just thinks that they're trolling. I wouldn't really worry about it too much.
That's because your hands are too soft.
Finally. Someone who feels "rational".
it's on a similar level as big breasts vs small
but the main difference is most men dont consider small breasts to be a deal breaker, despite big breasts being great to look at
for a woman to prefer larger penises implies other things about her personality and behavior and doesnt discount the fact that it's being done out of spite rather than fact
that being said
if penis size really is as big a factor as women like to pretend, then they would be aware their own men are quite well endowed despite not having insane proportions seen in porn
also those porns are usually pretty shit and only good to be viewed as a spectacle
This not even mentioning the Ferry owner, who was also connected to this cult, and who later committed "suicide".
they're well-endowed
except not like porn
and the porn is bad anyway
lmao dicklet cope
It's all real
i think its the hypocricy of body shaming that's annoying as fuck, men aren't allowed to body shame but women are
seeing as I have a fairly big dick and that gesture doesn't upset me in the slightest
yeah untill you get compared to black men, then you lose your shit
if you watch it with a dispassionate and objective eye and couple it with how a porn shoot actually works (they instruct the women to pretend they are enjoying it regardless of whether they really are or arent), youll see what i mean
shuddering uncontrollably isnt the same as "yea aw yea harder yea yea yea yea yea yea"
Bump for help
It’s vidya related
Who will get it
Not even 1 mentioning that South Koreans love NTR. All their Doramas have it, all Manwhas have it, they literally built a statue representing how their women would run to the arms of Japanese soldiers on WWII . . .
So what happened after? It's been 8 years since and I haven't heard if the billionaire bitches retain control, or if the gooks grew some gonads and paraded their heads on sticks down the streets.
brb booking a plane ticket to bugville
Draft yourself female protagfag.
Draft yourself female protagfag.
Explain this meme. Seems kind of unrelated as an insult
What? LoL is dead? Good
This is the first time Ive seen this schizo.
What threads does he lurk usually?
Spotted the Korean dicklet
See this shit again?
Draft yourself female protagfag.
if i was (south) korean there would be no birthrate crisis
take for instance japanese porns
their women get off of those normal sized penises and japanese women are basically one degree removed from their korean counterparts
and this is still taking into consideration the women are instructed to fake it
Kek chat is this real?
I think it's too late to draft oneself for WWII.
they literally built a statue representing how their women would run to the arms of Japanese soldiers on WWII
Lol dicklet
Draft yourself female protagfag.
So it's some beef between you and another specific anon that likes games with female protagonists. You two should just get trips, make it easier to keep track.
You can buy a plastic doll at home. It'll probably be cheaper.
I sincerely have no idea of who the fuck protagfag is. Hell, it could even be me, and I just don't know. Who's the guy?
She (the President) was impeached, but the Gender Wars is still going strong. Last week (I think), apparently, a teenager decided to declare a war against women. There are, allegedly, telegram groups dedicated to men abusing women, really vile shit. Like, even incest is alleged to be posted there.
Megalia are still trying to push for their shit, as also seen recently with a bunch of writers being fired for inserting shit into games, movies etc.
Now there's also a "4B" movement, which is rejecting relationships at all.
4B is based on four principles: Bihon (no to heterosexual marriage), Bichulsan (no to childbirth), Biyeonae (no to dating), and Bisekseu (no to heterosexual sexual relationships)
They've gone on strikes a few times in recent years, but as mentioned above, men are starting to get real angry with this stuff.
I am unaware, for the interested, if this only affects South Korean men. Previously with Megalia, they were in part against SK men, and would often harass them by talking about foreign men being better, and obviously, having bigger penises.
And I think one should also mention that South Korea's birthrates are lower than Japan's, which is crazy.
What do you think about that pro rape woman vocalist who sang the latest LoL song?
Because it is literally, unironically one person.
Nobody else even knows what the fuck he's talking about
With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the
backyard to Moloch . . .
what the fuck?
Why do you not just tell people what a female protagfag even is?
Are you saying it's one guy? It's a type of person? What's the point of calling people something if they don't know what you
're calling them?
Like, how does that happen. It's out of a fucking comedy movie.
Because they were smart, if you make your symbol the implication of small dicks then you can deflect all criticism by saying "lol you are just mad your dick is small and feel called out"
It's extra devilish because the demographic who will likely be mad about it the most DO have small dicks, so it's a foolproof way to make everyone laugh at them so they get 0 support no matter if their complaints are actually logical or not(you never hear their complaints, the small dick symbols always takes over the discourse so whatever they bring up is instantly overshadowed)
It's all real
It's literally not. It's a giant false flag created to distract from real corruption that happens in broad daylight. The entire gender war keeps their populace completely contained and it's literally all fake.
qrd on what that means?
Based on the reply you got, is it some Korean incel schizo sprouting his favorite catchphrase?
Stop making fun of KimParkJoon's else is he gonna make blacked porn art now?
still no reply to this
And you wonder why no one takes male exclusive draft seriously.
its less about it being a 'small dick' gesture and more about it being an 'extremist cult/group' gesture.
if you only see it as a small dick gesture, you're missing the point
Wait, this was actually in the game? How did that get past whoever is in charge of keeping politically charged material out?
t. Korean
Draft yourself female protagfag.
tiny eyes fella think he slick for listening to kpop lmfao
sit yo ass down boy
I was distracted by something else.
A woman who's pro-rape sounds hilarious. I don't play League, so I never heard her song. I was just curious what the controversy was about. I'm not gonna ask for an entire history of League threads, I think I get the gist now. Thanks.
Your welcome.
seeing as I have a fairly big dick and that gesture doesn't upset me in the slightest. I flat out don't feel addressed by it, so I can only imagine everyone who complains about it is getting their feelings hurt for obvious reasons.
Is having no empathy for any problem that doesn't personally affect you really the virtuous trait you think it is?
Because you can’t object to it without outing yourself as a dicklet or bringing up race statistics
I mean I'd suggest that it would hurt sales to Korea, probably in the tens of thousands or more in damages. That alone would be a good reason to not put it in the game.
Whatever department at riot approves emotes probably didn't even know about the emotes connotations in S Korea. The emote wasn't even designed by riot staff themselves after all.
Isn't Riot an American company? I always assumed pretty much everything they produce is made by Americans and then just shipped off to the other countries.
I would assume they would at least have a Korean subordinate who could at least flag them down about it. But yeah, I suppose they might be unaware.
The fuck does Draft Yourself even mean.
He's a schizo who has been spamming this for months. He's obsessed with the idea of a ww3 draft and women getting drafted.
Draft yourself female protagfag.
The emote wasn't created by riot, it was created by a professional north american team as part of a contest by riot to let pro teams design and sell their own emotes.
The emote was also never actually released, it was revealed (along with all the other teams emotes) and riot changed it afterwards.
I can only assume how it went was
NA team designs this emote, knowing the joke
sends it to riot, whoevers in charge at riot DOESN'T know the joke and approves it
batch of team-designed emotes gets revealed to the public
this emote gets backlack, riot finally finds out about the joke
changes it before ever actually releasing it into the game
Another team tried to send in an emote that was secretly a reference to a meme about telling people to kill themselves, and that one had to get changed after being publicly revealed too.
Evidently there's something called "The Korean talk" that Asians get. Not sure if it's Asian americans only or Asians too. But it's
Don't date a korean boy
Because apparently they're some kind of passive aggressive abusive shitters. So bad that Japanese and Chinese men are better by comparison. I wish I had saved the moonrune comic, it was Japanese/Chinese/Korean couples in public vs in private. I think it was like:
Japanese one: Wife bullies husband in public, they love eachother in private
Chinese one: Husband bullies wife in public, they love eachother in private
Korean one: Husband bullies wife in public, wife bullies husband in private.
Or something like that.
I assume some of it is that in the West we've abandoned having to marry because of familial bullshit for half a century practically. While in much of the world it was the norm until recently or even is the norm to an extent. Forbidden love has always been a big literary interest, but it's probably much bigger when you are strictly forbidden from marrying for love (or divorcing). Like even mister Christian CS Lewis said that a fundamental part of courtly love storytelling/culture in ye medieval time was adultery. It was fundamental to it. Nowadays aside of porn I don't think our culture really emphasizes adultery - it might show up in fiction but the emphasis is more true love
Because every time someone joked about praise nurgle during the pandemic it meant they sincerely worshipped the lord of plagues.
Why would it hurt sales in Korea?
why Koreans seethed so much with this lol? are they good?
*white men
We don't seethe it's literally only white americans saying we seethe.
uh, right so they change that because they felt like that, sure pal
The average length between the thumb and index finger of these images is distressingly large.
What the fuck is wrong with jungkooks
Seems about normal for non-erect length, I think?
yeah haha
the size
I have a decent dick and I don't like the gesture. It just implies some sort of hatred of men, and that's really the part that annoys me, as I don't have a small penis.
This thread is just a battleground between 2 bots
country gets split in 2
both of these new countries develop into 2 different kinds of dystopias
That place is just cursed.
that one's going too far id saying
maybe the sorks use lead pipes too?
Outing yourself this hard
This but only because men in the past would literally murder women for the shit they pull these days. Far too soft these days.
yes but in the past arguably knew jack shit about the mentality of women and just passed it off as female idiocy
now female mentality is on display 24/7 and is revealing
that being said once people figure out why women are doing what they do, it becomes easier to forgive them and leave them to god
korean men get mad about something
actually do enough to get corporation to change something
western men get mad about something
corporation doesnt give a fuck, the men probably give them money anyway
So they are lesser men for NOT getting pushed around by women and their enablers?
It doesn't matter. You shouldn't respond to it.
Unironically if North would've won the war the worst thing gooks could've gotten is modern china.
Now we have two dystopias fighting each other about who can make it worse
Its respond to it and get deemed as "outing myself" by outside observers (but the response produces desirable outcome like companies walking back on decisions) vs not responding and getting walked all over anyway.
You could just message the companies directly without sperging out online and making everyone aware of your woman troubles.
And to be clear, we're mostly laughing because you're on the verge of starting your own Taliban over women being women, not because of the dick size thing.
still replying
See you in your next flopkino games.
Why did they do it, bros?
And to be clear, we're mostly laughing because you're on the verge of starting your own Taliban over women being women
This isn't occurring.
You elected a man who ran primarily on "Anti-feminism".
I don't know anything about this thread but I see a koreancel seething whatever ball he has off at military draft or something.
Here's my contribution and also, what's up with the draft thing?
Korean men are drafted mandatorily at a certain age.
This pinching fingers thing is what women do over there to signify small penis. There's an enormous gender war there.
I'm honestly surprised they changed it. Afterall, it's making fun of men, not women.
There is no assassination attempt ever made on female presidents for a reason.
It's a schizo.
ignores the draft part
They only changed it because they realized there was enough backlash that it could impact sales
Westoids can only wish they have this much power over devs.
were korean women antagonising and provoking men or not?
getting harassed 24/7 like that deserves a response
couldnt even leave well enough alone what with succeeding in getting a woman president into office and shadow backed by a feminist cult
You could just message the companies directly
You have to be retarded if you think sending an email or letter does anything. It just goes to the community manager who doesn't even bother reading it
I didn't ask whether or not they deserved it. I said you're on the verge of making your own Taliban, and that's the part I'm laughing about.
That's fair.
I knew you people are a bunch of sensible sissies but koreans are on the whole different level of mental illness
taliban doesnt need to be formed
culture clash will wake women up when they turn to foreign men for relationships and find out they handle women far more drastically than men in the west handle them
bell curve is real
That's every thread on Anon Babble since a year ago
Careers literally have been ruined.
Next time we won't be so merciful
women in korea got their point across, they proved how fucking fragile korean men are
Americans got butthurt from handsign
Koreans got butthurt from handsign
Who else? What a clown world
Jews get butthurt from handsign
That’s a pretty bigoted statement, anon. You’re fired
To be fair, I never checked or know if that particular salute has been widely used before the Nazi does it
Supposedly the Romans used it, also Mexicans salute their flag in a similar fashion
"lol korean men are so fragile about le tiny dicks XDD :3"
meanwhile the country was run by a literal feminist cult shadow government and they've had to deal with radical feminism in the form of terrorism
why are women so retardedly reductive and dismissive
I see. Stupid Jews, they ruin the swastika too
She looks like she fucks white men
I find it really funny that there's a country of men on average that fly into autistic fits of rage over small peepee jokes and if the studies are true (one third of Korean men engage in acts of blackmail against their female friends and colleagues) then I'd say they're entirely justified being made fun of. I can't imagine being that pathetic.
the black mail probably has to do with obtaining sex without the hassle of the courting ritual
the real joke is women keep falling for it
That's not even accurate. There is an expectation of competence from a shadow government. This was a cult who were basically using astrology to run shit.
You have small pp lmao
Gooks are hilarious
I mean, they're having a lot less sex these days and I gotta be honest. I'm with the women on this one, if all you do is just rage online about small peepee jokes, video games not being coomer enough and getting blackmailed into sending nudes. Then why the fuck would I wanna put my pussy out for these dudes?
My dick isn't even big and I would never feel offended by that gesture
I don't know why Koreans have such small dicks
i meant shadow government in the sense of just hiding behind the real government and using the president as a puppet
maybe read retarded fags
One thing is your government being ran by a feminist death cult and another thing is being a complete schizo over a joke a 12 year old would make. It just makes you look hyper sensitive and insane.
I have some sympathy for Koreans when they talk about their awful governnent or insane societal expectations, but this seething over small penis jokes is hilarious and deserves only mockery
the symbol is used by one of the radical feminist groups. that's why they're so touchy about it
anybody have that collage of a bunch of korean artists getting fired because they snuck in this symbol in a bunch of games and shit?
Yeah but the government is gone, they aren't in power anymore. The idea that Korean men suffer from PTSD from some faggy ass gesture is both absurd and really sad. They could use this time to improve their lives but they still seethe online about it and japs. So I dunno, they still deserve being made fun of.
oh so you're just a disgusting woman, np then
they won. the emote got changed. sorry axe wound
No, by being a huge bitch about it, you are giving them power. Their symbol became "u have small pp" because of this seething rage. Their women must think it's hilarious too.
You’re not wrong
Korean men are still a bunch of faggots and they wonder why all their women want to date white guys and japs. Maybe instead of bitching about tits in video games all day they should just get a real hobby or something.
kayn is ionian so not really white
also jesus fuck this art style is ugly. is this an official riot comic?
/thread man, /thread
And I think one should also mention that South Korea's birthrates are lower than Japan's, which is crazy.
Worst Korea is just fucked, even if they all started breeding like roaches now it would already be too late to stop the collapse of their society. Japan is closing in on the exact same thing and the rest of the eastern and western 1st world is close behind them. Even the 3rd world is showing signs of having the exact same problems.
At this point its hard to point at a singular thing and say "This is what is causing all of this!" but in reality I think that it's just the worlds obsession with resources and work that is the primary driver. People can't start families if they don't have (or think that they don't have) enough time to spend on it or enough resources to go around.
It's crazy to think that we live in a world with so much excess (which in reality is just the "now" borrowing from "the future" in multiple different ways) yet most of it never reaches the primary pain points in our society.
It blows my mind how aznidentity is allowed to stay up but even terf subs got pruned.
the worst thing gooks could've gotten is modern china.
So literal demons?
Guess Korea as a whole should just sink into the ocean
What the actual fuck is wrong with worst Koreans? Both their women and their men are batshit insane
I don't understand why anyone would be so upset by a compliment.
Based and trve
Heavy is dressed like little girl.
You are still smallest paaainis.
Uh oh... Gook rage inbound
No tf2 joke here, i just wanted an excuse to post this comic page