hey, ya lke video games?

Not since becoming a regular of Anon Babble.

I've never subbed to a channel with them since they got added, why do you bring it up?

Check this out

IMG_3807.jpg - 1024x1024, 173.72K

I like feeling enraged at retarded shit


Is this an A/B test thing? I've not seen or heard anything about it.

It's available to everyone, you find it in your Youtube Studio and it lets you select from any of 6 million different genders. I've only seen it on a handful of channels, you only actually see them if you go to someone's channel page, and it's pretty great to let me know if I'm about to watch some abysmal fucking content.

fagfilter.png - 894x146, 11.39K

libtards will do this and then wonder why trump won

So you're saying Trump winning is a bad outcome?

To leftists it is yes.

what is trump going to do about pronouns on youtube channels?

outlaw estrogen and send all the minorities to camps and this stuff will disappear

Is he going to revoke my naturalization and send me back to China, even though I've been living here for over 30 years?

oh yeah, just like he did in 2016

I'll never understand people who vote for trump because videogames are bad.

He doesn't give a shit about videogames and will spend absolutely no energy fixing the industry. Only people who actually play games can do that


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I was just asking him a question.

i can't fathom they genuinenly do lol. you have to be massively retarded to take him seriously on a lot of things. he's just shitposting for his conservative boomer crowd all of which are like 70+ years old or some shit
i mean imagine how sad your brain has to be to genuinenly believe a politician would give an iota of shit about video games lmfao

he won.

Will leave nato

Europe becomes weaker and succumbs to russians

Europe becomes hammer and sickle territory

America now has to fight europe instead of trading with them

America will be enemies with russia and china, which are on good terms with each other, while also having no allies

It's gonna cost way more money than now

the trump boogaloo will not be fair

I don't see anything on my Studio page
Maybe it's only for USA/NA
Or 500 subs isn't enough for it to appear

Hey, I'm not disagreeing with you, I just wanted more insight into what I was replying to.

I know Im not really accusing you of anything.

I don't believe for a second Trump would have the guts to even try to leave NATO. Sounds more like liberal fearmongering than anything else.

trump won

He lost tho

what would the point be of lfearmongering liberals? they won't be voting for him either way

He literally said he would leave nato if european countries wouldn't start spending more on defense

100% bluffing

US leaves NATO

every European nation withdraws from the NPP and has nuclear weapons within months

US no longer in the position of world police, unable to dictate who we dogpile under the guise of fighting terrorism and spreading democracy

unable to compete economically with a united Europe and now powerless militarily because everyone else has nukes

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losing to russia

after their million casualties invading one country

That's not the right color anymore.

No shit they won't. It's to try to get undecided voters and moderate republicans to vote for Kemala.

what? are you shitposting rn? i can't tell

America has the strongest military in the world retard. We would obliterated a united Europe. Bongs suck shit

no you just misunderstood what i meant by liberal fearmongering

Hopefully he's bluffing, but with his mental state i can't really be sure... And people still vote him...

right right

ivans can't win in ukraine, let alone a US puppet state like poland
worst case scenario we lose the baltics which won't really make a difference

Not the first anon, but i watched a youtube video with a recording of him saying that. It's probably not fake... Probably...

He also said he'd build a massive wall spanning mexico's border

Anon ivans may be weak, but they have numbers and a lack of respect for human life. It's an enemy we are not ready to fight alone yet. We need america for another decade at least

On the premise that Mexico would finance it. That did not occur so the wall was not accomplished.

Europe becomes hammer and sickle territory

it already is