What killed Pokémon?

What killed Pokémon?

a decline in sexualized preteen girls

Being behind in graphics and gameplay by 3 generations.

they should have just expanded on what you could do with pokemon rather than adding more. There's just too many now.

the consumerbase for not demanding better

Nothing, it's doing more than fine.

gen1, gen 3 and gen 4

this gen 2 erasure must stop

For me its be Rosa!

Pokemon fans be like: which child has the biggest boobs?

Well, what's the answer?

4D gaming will save the series (letting you touch and smell your games through the screen)


not yarisute mesubutaa

lmao did they censor the name?

Probably Hilda.

Technically it's gen 3, the girl in the middle wasn't playable in 1.

May, Rosa, and Serena

On the other end Dawn, Selene, and Juliana are the smallest

Rosa. though May is quite impressive for her age and frame

Serena isn't a slacker though. Could also see Leaf being pretty stacked but more modest

Technically those designs are from gens 3, 4, and 6.

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he should really expand the game by adding actual 8 gyms and an elite four



Gross negligence. They simply stopped giving a fuck about making good functional games.

Should have just stopped making new Pokemon the moment Mega evolutions were a thing. should have just made mega evolutions of underpowered or under used pokemon. Regional variants were a mistake as that's mindless bloat.

The series has literally completely changed it's format over the past few years from so painfully linear that linearity was the number one complaint universally to entirely open progression, so "stagnation" is absolute horseshit.

The series is experimenting, it's problem is simply that the devs have not had the opportunity to keep up with it. If anything it's that experimentation that, for all it's positives, led to the issues it got due to its limited development time like how shit SV runs.

Called the series stagnant when the last two games were Legends and SV is horseshit. Get it right.

I'm playing it and I'm actually enjoying it

Yarimon or Yarisutemesubuta had no right being this kino.
I still prefer romhacks of pokemon games but the tournament and story in the endgame were really exciting. I'm glad to have played this game, some H-scenes were great. (sauna erogame fanatic, the two princesses of the japanese village, your partner)

i need pokegirls on my dick

This but pokemon.


transition to 3d

Gen IV remake being ass is karma for Sinnohbabies who started with DP in the first place and whose only joke is "zomg Cynthia is so hard" making fun of ORAS

It also shines a light on how garbage Sinnoh was in general without Platinum

Now the problem comes with how they'll handle gen V

I'd add that their strategy is working.
The 3 years cycle is perfect to keep getting new generation of kids into the fold and the troubles it cause and bothers gamers are acceptable.

Global homogeneity, brand sanitization and letting Masuda have too much control. Satoshi Tajiri should have continued to lead Pokemon development. Additionally, the yearly mainline release system is a horrible, horrible idea for a franchise like Pokemon. They should function more like Dragon Quest, with each mainline entry taking years before coming out, with smaller side games populating the other years. Get other companies to make them under close watch.

Sinnoh blows gen 3 out of the water retard. Platinum is better than all successive gens.

They shut down the milking farm. You know which artist.

Insecure and it shows.

i don't, enlighten me

It's ridiculously good and puts the standard Hgame to shame. Doujinshi artists need to pair up with programmers more. I'm only at the mid-game and have enjoyed it so far despite everyone praising the endgame. The gameplay loop of new area, new mons, new fights to get new girls is addicting. Disappointed about how easy it is due to the archaic lvl100 system just like pokemon. Wish it was just balanced without leveling at all where trainers are puzzles to be solved via status effects or type use, but it does a powertrip well. And holy shit the cutscenes have this freeze bug 1-3 times every hour that's annoying.

Wrong, you're watching an interactive movie.

I mean, GF never intended to make a Sinnoh remake anyway. They outsourced to literal whos at the last second for people who might not like their shitty Legends tech demo(I think both are dogshit and would they would have went the ORAS route anyway)

making fun of ORAS

??? Gen 3 fans shit on ORAS for not including Emerald content, BDSP does the same thing with nothing new to make up for it

Platinum is not better than Emerald, HGSS, or BW2. Anyone who tries to put Pt as part of the holy trinity is a retard.

Godawful region that's boring as fuck and looks painfully generic with the shitty mountain "centerpiece", terrible regional dex, terrible new mons that are mostly cross gen evos, terrible bosses and gym leaders, one of the worst elite fours, and a godawful OC donut steel "lore" that had to introduce "THE GOD OF ALL POKEMON WOWZERS"


Oh no not you.

holy fucking cringe, platinum mogs the fuck out of hgss and is equal to emerald. can't convince me its dex is worse than gen 3s shitmon fiesta or hgss, or taht the region is more boring than johto LOL. only game better is bw2.

Nintendo killed it by being willfully incompetent, like they do all their IPs. Romhacks and fangames are the real Pokemon now.

Is this game actually any good? I thought I heard that your pokemon gets a 1 hit ko gun move or something. Why?

Can't they make a more linear 3d pokemon that isn't a procedurally generated barren wasteland?

terrible bosses and gym leaders

Nah, Galactic commanders, Cyrus, and the League are great fights. Gym leaders are forgettable for sure, but all of them are outside of Gen 1 and 5.



I'd replace BW2 with Platinum

t. boomer

Yes regarding the story, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.
And building my team is still fun as it was back in time.

Turners atrocious designs and GFs incompetent programming. I fucking wish Big N could somehow wrestle the games from them and shove them to any other inhouse team.

us boomers who grew up with pokemon red/blue got tired of the same old shit. black/white was the last one i played. i always hoped the combat would evolve into something more tactical but i guess the devs knew that pokemon was for children so they kept it simple.

1 hit KO gun

So that way you can just get sex scenes fast if you don't want to play pokemon. There's some sort of challenge I'm doing where you don't use it at all besides the tutorial. You have to eventually train at least two other mons to get through the game on normal. The early game is a very tightly balanced experience due to grinding being impossible. But now I'm at mid game and it's a breeze, me being completely overleveled by completing all trainer battles. There's a ton of QoL mechanics too that make it smooth to play.

Novelty simply wore off. They need more Pokeverse titles catered to the adult audience.
The Palworld profit numbers could have been theirs'.

Recommend some romhacks please bro?

I'm not old enough to have grown up during Pokemania but luckily I did still start with gen 1 and progressed through each game in release order, though the only game I did play out of order was Ultra Sun, but I still find the games fun. It's never going to evolve substantially, they'll change things around with regional gimmicks but anything wild is gonna be in games like Legends

Pokemon Unbound
Pokemon Clover (unironically)
Pokemon Gaia
Pokemon Fire Red Rocket Edition

Those are the ones I loved most. Unbound is the most complete and to this day the absolute best pokemon experience for me, official or otherwise thanks to the features it has. Pokemon Clover is really soulful, and has an excellent OST. Memes are hit or miss but if you've been on this site for a while chances are you will enjoy its straightforward humor. The other two are great, Gaia is a new region and team rocket edition is a fun, albeit edgy, shitpost.

I'm waiting for Pokemon Umbra to come out

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its far from dying

it would be vastly improved if they took what worked from each gen and put them into a single game. character design has also gone downhill a lot, in both humans and pokemon

the pokemon issue is excusable since they're up to 4 digits now

Is there a JP version? I hate english.

Unfortunately, no. There's a Portuguese/Brazilian translation for Pokemo'and Unbound but nothing in japanese.

I'm not that guy, but Pokemon Elite Emerald Redux is really fun.

Elite Emerald Redux is all about building a Pokemon team, not about catching Pokemon. You walk into a new area, and you can just view every pokemon you can catch, and you can select to instantly catch them without even encountering them. All Pokeballs are 100% catch rate. Each gym badge, your level cap is increased, and you can just press a button to level your Pokemon to the cap. You can change EVs and nature (IVs are always max) at will, and you can freely switch Pokemon moves whenever you want. Also, all Pokemon are healed to full at the beginning of every battle. It's a team building, trainer battle game.

The selling point is that every Pokemon has 4 abilities. It was one "Innate" ability, of which 99% of Pokemon have 3 choices, which you can freely switch between. In addition to this one selectable "Innate" ability, each Pokemon also has 3 more Abilities which are set in stone - for a total of 4 abilities per Pokemon. Lots of Pokemon are made better, and there are hundreds of Pokemon in the game. I don't know like what % of all Pokemon in existence are in the game, but there are seriously a shit ton of Pokemon. There are also "Redux" variants, which are usually really good. Redux Alakazam, for example, is Dark type and hits multiple times depending on how many allies you still have alive. Redux Umbreon is a fucking monster. It gets something called "Soul Link", which makes it so that all damage that Pokemon deal, they also take as well, making it a god tier stall/kill Pokemon. Pyukumuku is also retarded. It has 250 spDef and Def and if it gets hit by a physical attack, it casts Perish Song. Reuniclus can set Trick Room on entry. Every Pokemon is busted.

The only negative of this romhack is that it takes a long time to play, because everything is just trainer battles, and you can spend a long time tweaking your team between areas.

Do jap romhacks even exist? I know of Gensokyo Scenario which is fucking ancient at this point and I don't think it was ever finished by the author, but that's about it.


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the pokemon issue is excusable since they're up to 4 digits now

They had some rough gens like the 6th and 8th but I think they did well in the latest one and gen 7 wasn't bad either.

They keep remaking a 1996 Gameboy RPG. Fans grow up and move on to more complex interesting RPGs. Still great for kids and the girls are some of the cutest.

end of pokemania craze

decay in consistent, original and exciting designs

unable to innovate beyond retarded battle gimmicks every gen

bad graphics

awful power creep

KANTOOOOO pandering

unironically pokemon go is the best pokemon game to have been made in the last ten years

after they went 3d they kept trying to reinvent the art style and gameplay to the point where the series really lost its original identity and magic.

Tl;dr, romhack with customization options, bullshit amounts of abilities and fake abilities and moves.

So it's a balance nightmare no one in their right mind should play.

May’s M cups

So it's a balance nightmare no one in their right mind should play.

False. It's very fun. If you like *playing* Pokemon, you should play Elite Emerald Redux.

Sounds kind of Megaten-ish. It's a neat idea, but I don't think it works for Pokemon where battles are bit more straightforward and usually 1v1.

Yes but the only one I played was Pokemon Altair it was a decent fan sequel to gen 3. No new mechanics from what I recall.
Here's a few screenshots from my old save.

but I don't think it works for Pokemon where battles are bit more straightforward and usually 1v1.

How can you possibly think that if you haven't played it? The trainers you're fighting have these Pokemon too.

If you just want to stomp through a game with your Starter while whittling down wild Pokemon HP so that you can catch it, you're not going to like this game. If you want to play a Pokemon game where you need to think about team building and composition and actually need to switch your Pokemon out or play around abilities and stat breaks and speed, without needing to worry about EVs or Nature or whatever, then you will like this game.

There are even build in calculators in the battle menu that will let you know if your move is going to kill or not, and if it's not going to kill, it tells you the %damage range that it will deal if it hits. And you can check the opposing Pokemon stats in the battle menu for things like speed after buffs and stuff. And if you don't use it, you can just get randomly swept by a Pidgeot or something.

I prefer her mom

minmaxing autism enabling


If you don't like actually playing Pokemon, you're not gonna like it. If you want to use your Starter only to outlevel everything and never need to switch your Pokemon in battle, you're not going to like it.

But for anyone who actually wants to play Pokemon and build a team and battle, I think they would like Elite Emerald Redux very much. It's my favorite romhack. I like it more than Kuray's Infinite Fusion, and I've never really been a fan of the Pokemon romhacks that try to make new storylines with quips and one liners and whatever that's supposed to make the kids say PogChamp out loud.

Name of this fetish?

Fair, but I was more thinking like in your screenshot, if my pogey isn't dealing good enough damage or is taking too much because of its or the opponent's passives, I just switch out to something else. Like regular Pokemon. I don't have an ally Pokemon to use something like Follow Me to draw aggro, or use something like Sunny Day to offset the additional damage my Reuniclus would've taken from water attacks. If it's something like Megaten, then I can possibly keep in my Carnivine when I'm up against a team of fire types because I may have a Golurk that has a passive that reduces overall fire damage or blocks one fire attack per turn. But if it's just standard Pokemon, then all the passives in the world won't matter because I'll just switch out like a normal Pokemon game.
Rather than for Pokemon team building or similar, this seems more for someone who prefers to engage in battle sims like Showdown and wanted some additional features from other JRPGs, like multiple passives and conditional effects, to be thrown into their calculations.

Gen 9 killed Pokemon.
Worst generation ever.

Not enough shota x loli sex

Gamefreak and Nintendo.

Elite redux is fucking based.
I'm too big of a shitter to attempt harder runs tho.
Something that always bothers me is how you can't ever get legendaries until post e4. Like

yeah bro just fucking play the entire game and only play with the pokemon you like when there's nothing left to do lmao

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There are many double battles if you choose to engage them that way, though for overworld battles, you can usually fight them individually if you want to. Some of the gym leaders are doubles battles too.

Rather than for Pokemon team building or similar, this seems more for someone who prefers to engage in battle sims like Showdown and wanted some additional features from other JRPGs

How is this not team building and battling though? That's what it is.

She's 12.