Dragon’s Age Veilguard

panders to the smallest percentage of gamers

includes unskippable cut scenes

40% of the the characters don’t commit suicide like real life

trans characters earn HP every time they use a dilate spell

forced to romance a trans

Why do this? How low to sales have to be in order to get them to correct course?

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gprime85 is worse than dobson

until you prove he has a fetish worse than dobson's inflation then no, he's not.

I understand why this artist doesn't want realism and only wants to look at nice things.

Dobson actually gave a lot of money to children’s causes he deserves more credit imo

Most people prefer believability over realism.

Why can't I make my beard look like a dick, huh?

where's the sus

Better looking than dobson atleast.

Wait for the mods

Reminder that chuds got mad about Origins when it was new.

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No he didnt.


anon 2016 CALLED its at least 58% 58-64% now

characters take damage when they are misgendered


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He's an Israel bootlicker like everyone in the US. Sometimes his comics are funny and at least his art unique.

what is a meat sleeve?

Zevran was an assassin that you could snuff out on the spot that's the difference

Only avail in the DLC.

hint: look at the arms

yeah I did, what the heck is that?

its when FTM trannies make a fake penis for themselves by cutting all the skin off their arms, rolling it into a meat tube, and attaching it to their crotch.

LMAO thats hilarious

I don't get it.
Yes, the game looks bad, and yet its whole fucking thing is on par with BG3, and people liked BG3 for some goddamn reason. Even HERE you can find BG3 fans aggravated at the game's defense.
So why do people hate DAV again? And why do so many people not actually hate BG3?

I just can't fucking understand it, it's kind of fucked up! It's literally fucking gaslighting lmao. It's literally two identical games in terms of content and soi woke content, but for some reason ONLY DAV gets roasted.

Fuck, even one of the main developers of Bg3 praised DAV calling it a masterpiece on the level of a TV series with 9 seasons from Netflix (whatever that means).
Why so?

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You need 1 more surgery, (can only be acquired if you have the game pass) only for $16.70 / month

I don't get it.

it's okay, nobody reads your posts and has any expectations of you

Bg3 developers liked the game. So it means it's good, right?

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the marketing budget for veilguard isnt as big as baldgaysex3 so there are no shills to defend it

This is what we need in games. I don't want to play a cool warrior or a mage or whatever, I want to play as a fag that sucks dick and gets fucked in the ass and eats cum.

but wait, werent we returning to our roots DA bros? i thought thats what all the journalists were saying. if we're returning to our roots... but we never knew what we were... then are we different?

Dobson actually gave a lot of money to children’s causes

So did Peter Bright

fucking KEK

Or just play a game with cool warriors instead of thinking about eating cum?

fuck off dawson, no one cares

you asked

What would that game be, all of the ones released in the past 5 years are about how Groknick the 90-pound twink elf is destined to suck every dick in the lands of Yipdipia to defeat the evil naz- I mean dark wizards.

Just looks like a regular greek dude

oh you're just from pol? yeah so not every video game is hecking woke
I know right? crazy

Yep, I was one of them chuds.

t., a 36 year old boomer (who has never enjoyed a DA game, though I only played origins)

nta but ur obsessed lol

I'm 29 but yeah I've always hated DA too

its the FTM equivalent of the troonhole surgery
they peel the flesh off the arm and use it to craft a weird fake penis thing that they sew to their pelvis

obsessed with what

Oh sorry I forgot the one about Giblik the troon self-insert who is chosen to molest the evil wizard children in the women's bathrooms. My mistake!

play through DA Inquisition

impressed with the strengths and playstyles of three characters

treat them nicely in dialogs to boost stats

end up have three separate instances of very gay sex

There was no gay sex option in KOTOR. Star Wars has always been based

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Those things aren't even human anymore self castrated fetishists

A last a character that represents me.

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He's clearly Turkish

What ever happened to pic related anyways?

I always hated this shit

I'd like to boost my relationship with this companion because he's got good stats and is pretty usefu- NO I DON'T WANT TO FUCK YOU, YOU MASSIVE FAG. WHAT THE FUCK??

meat sleeve

Meat Sleeve

Is that... The arm missing skin?

pol. no one brought it up

yet its whole fucking thing is on par with BG3

You didn't play the game.


You are looking at pure bone desu.

How's it feel knowing that time, society, and eventually history is gonna leave you behind in the dust?

feels good man

Pretty much. The male characters are just way easier to build "friendship" so they end up trying to fuck your character after 15 minutes while the female characters have you jump through hoops. Dragon Age has always been slammed for this

more people hate trannies every year thanks to your own actions

world net daily

That's a pretty big reach

all i know is that from your bones, future archaeologists will identify you as a man. like the rest of the trannies. and thats the last time anyone will ever think of you

For the first time in forever, gay acceptance is going down

time passes

Wow you sure showed them


Mods, ban and delete please.

So why don't I feel like he's a hero?

BG3 is nowhere near this egregious and in your face

Are you talking about the lgbt movement?

and people liked BG3 for some goddamn reason

must be because of the skin condition thing
fucking retard

What do you mean? The only good design decision in DA2 was the qunari.

Yes, I did, and I told you faggots exactly where we'd end up if you kept sucking cocks.
I am vindicated and frustrated at the same time.

You might think this guy
Is being hyperbolic and hateful but he is being the most genuine and honest to you. Dialing it up to 11 only puts people off, it doesn't win over anyone. This kind of thing is the epitome of making skin crawl and people react with the facial reaction of seeing their pet just shit on the carpet and roll around in it. It's really, truly, off putting no matter the intentions.

because the woke shit is background and you can kind of skip it and if you are mad you can just kill every gay person in your way while in veilguard you have to sit through the humiliation ritual because your PC misgendered someone

Is it like that DnD thing where succubi take damage when you say you dont want to fuck them or something?
What stat does it check for?
Gimme some dice chief

complete 100% of Morrigan quests

perfect relationship dialog interactions with Morrigan

design courtyard to please Morrigan

appoint Morrigan to leadership counsel

never get to fuck Morrigan

I hate these games bro

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BG3 is no better though

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The reprobates in BG3 are killable, spontaneously even and not just locked to choices/dialogue, which is where it redeems itself in my eyes.

What's the difference?

literally giving me the power to hurt you with words



Why can't they just have a 'I'm not a weird fag' option when you start a new save that skips all the bullshit?

The progression from sticks and stones to alphabet-based warfare has been fascinating to witness.

BG3 is just shameless omnipandering. It's only woke to the extent that the representation exists in the universe, it doesn't make any real statements about it and the shit is only there to move sales the way that bikini armor used to only exist to move sales. It's not my taste, I dislike quite a bit of it individually, but I can accept that that's the era because most people who bitch about wokeness aren't actually right-wing nuts who hate all gays and minorities but just regular folk who hate being preached down to. In the end it's still another power fantasy game featuring a core cast that's overwhelmingly white-coded who're only as bisexual as the game mechanics need them to be.

Dragon Age makes actual statements and takes a firm stance on what's good and what's bad.

I dont get the joke.

the shit is only there to move sales the way that bikini armor used to only exist to move sales

Eh it's really not the same at all. Bikini armor sells to horny dudes. Wokeshit is about selling the idea itself. BG is more subtle about pushing that shit but it absolutely does.

I still want to know what “meat sleeve” is referring to.

The joke is any society that tolerates this tranny bullshit for even a second.

I was just about to say this
I can't possibly imagine being so mentally unstable that I'm emotionally wounded by something people say, and even more so that I feel like I can preach to people that don't subscribe to my very specific autistic fixation

coping and seething in public

Unbecoming of you

The difference is that the intended audience that actually likes to virtue signal with woke shit…doesn’t buy games. Dustbin failed and didn’t even make it to 100 players on Steam. Concord only barely broke 1,000. The people clamoring for inclusivity and representation hardly ever buy this shit. The virtue signaling is enough to them.

You can report games on the steam store. ;)