This is Mikamo Neru, the strongest student in Blue Archive

This is Mikamo Neru, the strongest student in Blue Archive.

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Hod status?

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On all fours

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I used up most pf my materials and all credits to level students and still couldn't do extreme. So hardcore and most likely silver for me.

2t insane

I want to lick her from head to toe

headpat slut

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Comfy Extreme. I don't think I'll bother with Insane.

We modified your Himari and now she looks like this (and has Toki's voice). We hope you enjoy.

Pummeling reminder

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based and comfypilled

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Is this one an actual cripple?

A dragon age thread died for this.

Wait, Himari is larping as a cripple?

1turn insane clear, not very accomplished one but it gets the job done.

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Easy 1T INS

How old is this child?


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Easy as heck

Is she aware she does not meet the qualifications or criteria to wear that outfit?

i dont think

Yeah, she's just lazy as fuck

Total Makoto Domination

insane 1t was fine with the same sChise/double Ui strat from the GA urban Hod, just some restarts due to bullshit with Mika randomly not being in range. no idea what to do with torment though

Womp womp

God it must feel so amazing to cum inside her...

Kaya banner when?

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1T insane plat so far

she needs to be corrected first

I feel like I could 2T insane with some resources but I can never bring myself to invest in students just for one raid, especially when there are banners I plan to roll for on the horizon

That's not Hoshino...


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Hee Hee

God damnit


English stickers doko?


Keep crying bitch nigga

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My daughter.

how I kill on xtreme

I love dog

kill kill
homer and acko on mike

Hmm nyo

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Neru Matrimony

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The strongest AND the cutest

Did insane once, now sweeping EX

A gun that shoots hot sauce

no pubes??

i do not


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I wonder how the fight would have played out if they where not interrupted.

Reminder that Tsurugi fans and Neru fans are allies.

two playable versions of the cute talkative nerd

they're both really bad

I will not forgive nexon

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red nonomiss and discount t.yuuka

Being a kotori fan sucks

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We are not, nerufags are a blight.

I can't 1t hardcore
im level 78

Anon post your team, you know how the raid works right...?

Pitiful Nerufags trying to latch on to anything.

I somewhat know how the raid works but I dont have many stun options
I just level up girls I think are cute / silly

Can this hebe do anal ?

Hardcore beats itself with a borrowed Mika and you must have Hare, Tsubaki, Kayoko...? If you don't care about clearing anything higher that's fine too though, as long as you're having fun.

I just level up girls I think are cute / silly

Such as?


Barley leveled up


I do but I dont think I have her skills leveled up


Barley leveled up

Such as?

Pic related

C.Kotori hardcounters NY.Haruna in PvP


im not a smart person


we know

What Karin alt is this?

Cute daughter

hacutie 5.gif - 480x480, 858.13K

its canonically all she does.

neru op

worse than death

Big words, from a faggot posting in a thread that died one post later.

do kivotos folk see halos in the sky or not?

They can't even see their own halos

I know that
but yet the draw halos even some complex designs

Just extreme. I barely have the relevant students leveled. Fest can't come soon enough, I want Mika.
5th secret rabbit.

I only care about Aru from that group.

Suzumi is enough cc for insane bro.

Sensei would NEVER do that

Yes I would.

I did it to Hasumi and Ako


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This posts were writen by Arona.
I will never get physical with my students.


gacha cucks so desperate they have to invade threads of other games to get their fix

jesus christ you people are pathetic

Here I go, getting raped AGAIN...

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easy comfy ins plat


Shut up

wrong cat

You call that a fox? THIS is a fox

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I just don't want to

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i love gomen

Manslut Sensei

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I admire your commitment to Reisa. She's daughtercore for me


Blue archive thread with the words blue archive on the OP!? Feeling brave today are we?

why do you think we have coomergooner and people that just want to shit post using other gacha characters? literally ALWAYS happens with that thing in the OP it's akin to having some "loli" or whatever up.
Check out what just came in the mail
Some leftover doujins I ordered


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I really want to rape Yume corpse

How much did all of that cost?

Incredibly based

I fucking kneel.

BA just got so big that it's pretty hard to have any good threads about it at all. Anon Babble is an unusable shithole 99% of the time and these threads tend to also derail into ERP or random shit quite often

I'm too lazy to add everything up but I'm pretty sure I spent over a grand every comiket

I have something like 247 unread
I've literally only read Aru's then never touched it again.


wish i had a disposable income, brb visiting a nearby bank

what the hell

spent a grand every comiket

based goonercoomermooner

I need help with HOD.

Some student's CC effects fill up the yellow circle but others don't.

Is there a list somewhere?

Are you sure they are targeting Hod?
And which students are not filling the bar for you?

If i remember you fill with cc time
I know that with 2 ex from my tsubaki can fill the bar so i guess the maximun should be 8 seconds or so

Hope they release her for the anniversary. > Students > Filters > Toggle "Can CC"

Would you want your beautiful, petite, genius hacker to sully her pure soles with the sewer stained floor?

It's her!

Holy shit this is useful.

Imagine knocking her over and leaving her there.


why this emo so obsessed with fucking cats

Kayoko has a "chance" to inflict CC with her normal skill, she can miss sometimes. Her ex skill is guaranteed.

Cute retard gremlin reisa

I wasted 9000 yen on a Chibi neru garage kit with the spinny chair and I have no desire to build it

That is terribly rude, why would anybody imagine something like that?

1T INS clear but dropped to gold...

fuck, that's cute

hey, I know what this is traced over !

us old 4channelers

Just clear faster

I just realized I never upgraded some of the EX skills.
The stun only starts for some students at a certain level.

I've been using like the same 12 girls 90 percent of the time.

She's gourdgeous.



this man is obsessed with retarded pink girls

I supposedly rolled a good account for this game a while ago. But dropped it due to playing other gacha games. Is this slop worth playing still

no, it stopped being worth playing exactly 5 minutes ago because of an update. missed out chappy, you've done fucked up now.

To be fair, outside the raids it doesn't make sense to build shittons of different characters.
For Normal/Hard missions you just need like three tanks, DPS for each damage type, and few healers.



You could just do the main story and events.

absolutely not


When life gives you pink girls you make lemonade.

I don't think that's how that line goes, reddit spacer...

that's a boy

What the fuck is even leddit spacing?

I can't keep up with all this little kids slang.

so the thing Anon Babble loves the most

I HATE boys

I never realized there was a cat back there wtf

Even me....?

No, you'll always be a cute little girl to me, Anonymous.


wtf is this real?

gayest anon itt

I got Band Kazusa, am I missing anything by not getting Band Yoshimi? I like Kazusa a lot but Yoshimi is just a cutie not a favorite.

Yosh is the better unit but it's not like you can't just borrow her.

Yoshimi is pretty much just for Red Armor version of Set. And she needs very heavy investment to work well in that raid.

Kazoos is support and needs less investment, Yosh is borrowcore.

did you knew that SHITlin fucked DICKnin in the ass?

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bitch your post is borrowcore




I'm at 103 rolls, worth getting her? I only have 10k pyro so it'd need some farming.


nigga your fes stash..

Unless Yoshimi is your studentwife you really ought to save up the next couple months


when btw


tree bons

I will interpret your response as "three months"

Yoshimi is sexier than Kazusa, you messed up.

Thank you Reisa. Very cool.

Neru and Rio threesome with I

mooooooooods this guy wants to fuck children

Buruaka gacha rates are slowly starting to make me depressed after playing for a year on and off, I have to either save up 24000 pyro and plan a year in advance with JP server futuresight or I'm shit out of luck. I couldn't get Ichika in time and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get Band Kazusa either...
The one purple I got this entire time so far was Christmas Serina... which I had already been spooked by before... why does Kivotos hate me so much.

Teenagers are not children

just dump everything at fes bro
it's that easy

I have to save up 24k

You should do that to begin with, no matter the gacha. Rather safe than sorry, gambling is retarded and a health risk.

Plan in advance

That's so damn easy tho...

I used to play FGO so it's funny to me when people complain about Blue Archive's rates. You have seen nothing.

A guaranteed banner character every 2 months is still more generous than any of the other big gacha

Not even gentle consensual sex with a student you have romantic feelings for?

I have played FGO too, even with Craft Essences I never felt like I was only getting one set of results every SQ roll but that's how shitty my luck is in BA. Plus I got back onto the game late into this tactical challenge so I'm basically barred from getting any rewards in it due to everyone at my rank having a huge level gap. I don't want to reroll though since I'm invested in my students so I guess I just have myself to blame.


anyone who uses this term in reference to a gacha is a guaranteed shill

I have standarts. For myself and my students. I would NEVER have sex with them.

I don't like having to schedule how I roll from JP server, it's soulless. Either way I'm just sad about my luck, not much I can do about it.

from the JP server

Fuck typo

It IS in fact generous COMPARED to other games of it's kind, you can't deny this simple fact of reality, no matter how much you try to

it's soulless

so is your retarded buzzword using post and gacha as a system in general you dumb idiot

Please elaborate further

I refuse.

Uoh sex ojisan

Imagine rolling on ugly designs
Couldn't be me
Especially when you globalkeks haven't even gotten kisaki yet

ok marketer

I'm mad she beat Toki

BA being more generous than FGO isn't that big of a milestone. Also fuck you I never claimed gacha was a good system, it's not my fault they keep having good stories and characters in these.
Here's your website

Yes, this is redditchan

hmmm.... nyo?

thats me

I have standarts. For myself and my students. I would NEVER have sex with them.

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You will not have sex with them. They will have sex with you

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I, too, have "standarts"

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Stop ignoring my wife, John Nexon

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Post your UE40 Suzumi.

Thats rape! And my girls are pure! They wouldn't rape their beloved teacher


Work harder!!

working is for normies and redditors


I would never complain about the gacha rates at all ever again if I got Arisu...

Just grind out her ligma

Who is your student girlfriend/wife? (Also listen to Out Of Ashes by Dead By Sunrise)

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We live in a society

Skill issue, she spooked me twice

Why must doujins have moralfag redditor westerner sensei if the sex is the point?

How good is BA if you want to be a secondary that just draws the characters? I've been burned too many times by gacha games.

How good is it if I don't actually want to play it

As good as any other gacha I guess?? What kind of question is that? How do you get burned by something you don't play?

I have played them in the past. I love the characters/settings, but the grind is too much.

theres grind if you care about platinum, but im a casual comfy gold

my brain is so fucking full of Reisa love

Which area mission has her eligma? Because that might be my only way of reuniting with my wife. The only student I've gotten so far from enigma alone is Mashiro so far by using the tactical challenge coins

Must've been the desire sensor, I wouldn't be as salty about the recent spook if it wasn't the exact same seasonal alt of a character that I had already been spooked by before. In general I prefer to have the initial versions of a character instead of any kind of alt, but this one was demoralizing.

Seconding this, Holly fuck I do no damage outside of the Mika I borrowed djdywtfjgkgjsgxhchgj


It's pretty generous compared to other gacha and sweeping dailies takes 5-10 min

Forcing myself on Hina

The best part about BA is when you finish the story and level up, you only play for 10 minutes a day

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Ignoring Hina

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This is never true when you account for raids and events...

Besides initial clears events are also sweepable. Assault raids are fine too, it's the drills that take the most time.

Yeah but you still have to read the event stories, the only truly effortless weeks are GA and balancing books with Aoi.

Reading the story is comfy

yearly releases

you're better than this hare

yearly.png - 1600x900, 1.17M

What device should I use to play this game?
I only have a shitty PC

A phone

A tablet is canon

Reminder to buy out the shops before the monthly reset

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Kaho is superior canine blonde


Oh shit. Thanks, anon.


How much is the monthly pack in this and how many gems do I get out of it?

IIRC you accumulate a full 10 roll after a month of rewards from it.

How much was it again? Trying to decide if I want to buy monthly or not

Kanna fat ass with pubes peeking out from the butthole and pusy
Kanna getting full nelson and squirting all over hairy pussy and lactating tits

we should have gatekept gross normies like you out

Trully my brother from another mother
All student should have bushes down there
That does include Ibuki

Mika would solo her

I'm plat right now, but only 30k above rank 2000, I'll enjoy the pretty purple color while it lasts

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Neru is the Rock Lee of Blue Archive

only notable for one decent fight

didn't even win it

annoying fanboys never shut up about it