Nintendo music is censored

They censored the fire temple

Not like the V1 muslim chants either, They just flat out cut the hymn part out of the revised NA version. the track only goes for 41 seconds of drum beat before looping again even when extended. Whats weird is the shadow temple is entirely untouched and has the same exact parts. so it's not like they removed it because children would find it scary or anything.

Whats the point of giving us a legal way to listen to the music if they're just gonna change it like that?

Even when Nintendo gives its customers what they want they still somehow find a way to fuck it up to make piracy necessary.
Just give me the original content, untouched, or I'll just continue emulating it.
Honestly, at this point, I don't know why they care if I emulate the original version of the game, they clearly don't intend for that to be the version they ever sell again.

they were probably afraid of getting a copyright strike from nintendo

Nintendo music IS nintendo. it's the new Spotify like app they just announced this morning.

only 23 game soundtracks

have to wait possibly a month or two for them to add 1 or 2 games

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It's a joke, retard.

do you guys think there are nintendo fans who simply refused to listen to the game music before now because the only way to do it was technically 'piracy'.

I'd rather anger incels than ambassadors of peace.

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even the gayest nintendo fans listened to the music on youtube. in fact it was common for every channel to use vidya music because normal fag music was copyrighted.
This is unironically going to kill a shit tone of old videos

it's ok for nintendo to censor and subvert media chud

they really are trying to erase the past

Nah I doubt that, but there are definitely some out there getting genuinely excited for this and who will hype up every little 20 year old mp3 nintendo adds onto here
its nintendo, so its as barebones as you think it is. like 8 Nintendo Switch game album, 2 wii games, like 1 gamecube ost, 1 or 2 n64 osts, 2 NES osts, 2 SNES osts, etc.
so yeah just all potential for this to be cool basically ruined.

I don't get why they do this, the already edited version (which was reused for every single rerelease of OoT including the 3DS remake) completely removed the "haram" chants and replaced it with ones that doesn't say any word, they just murmur.

This was for OP

boring flat ass ui

Where's the game art backgrounds and buttons, the skeuomorphic organic diagenic menu, the idle particle eyecatch animations and vanishing transitioning effects? Where's the SOVL?
obviously not for lack of trying as the cover frames the goron as the Kang He rightfully Is.

stop noticing, goy

It's all so tiresome.
And for all the bullshit Nintendo is still the least bad for censorship, how did we reach this point.

Who is the target audience here? Even my most computer illiterate millennial friends were able to download Zelda jingles for their phones.


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Is that some streaming crap? Serves you right.


That's the thing. No one in the following generations knows how to do anything unless it involves streaming a paid subscription service, or playing a live service """forever game""".

Most Japanese are honorable samurai and refuse to pirate anything so it's for them.

good fuck tendies I love watching them suffer

Its just a copy paste of spotify ui

Thursdays are my favorite day of the week.
But I'm also starting to like wednesdays due t the preemptive seethe.

why dont they just upload their music to youtube and take down everyone else? are they retarded?

Thursdays are my favorite day of the week.


That's what you get for being a nintendo shill and consuming even more of their retarded trash.

Why are you even using that in the first place? Are you really so mentally ill and have such an empty life that you listen to the soundtrack of old games and need an app for it? That's fucking pathetic

I hate Nintend𐐬 so fucking much. They turned into such bitches after the Switch exploded. Glad I modded my launch Switch, fuck nintenᥒigger.

It's like a tuesday but after wednesday so you can do tuesday stuff knowing that friday is coming and you're away from monday.

Hope it helps

I think there is nothing wrong with listening to music you liked; just don't be a retard and find it on your own.

Famitsu threads.

nintendo does whatever


mental illness

Nintendo has large investments from Saudi Arabia


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