Old Anon Babble really harassed her just for being a woman and fat...

Old Anon Babble really harassed her just for being a woman and fat. This is what qualified as a huge industry controversy back then.

i used to make fun of fat women and now i have a fat fetish

Bullying girls you like is a very normal guy thing.

No, it was because she was a frustrated writer who settled for working for a game company despite not liking games.

She said videogames should have a button to skip all gameplay.

Old Anon Babble used to be based.

Old Anon Babble really harassed her just for being a woman and fat

She helped write Dragon Age 2

Doesn't Veilguard have some sort of "story mode" setting where you can effectively skip most of the combat, too?

All fat people need to be harassed until they lose weight or kill themselves.

Nobody from here harassed her. They mocked her, but not harassed her.
Words have meaning, you fucking retard.

You're right. We should have been worse.

She legitimately wrote some good shit.
Better than any of the trash modern bioware has shit out.
Well good thing she was a writer and not a game designer.

she legitimately wrote some good shit


She was fine at her job too. And a decent writer.
Compared to most of the shitters of DAtV, she's practically a god at writing.

mockery is harassment and arguably a form of rape.

She was either in charge of Isabela or Merrill. I don't recall which.
So if you liked them, you have her to thank.

It was mostly for being in gamedev and not liking games
But gaslighting is cool too

i fucking hate video games

i know, i'm gonna get a job as a video game writer

She wrote pretty much everuthing about the dwarves in Origins. Both dwarven origins, their culture and history, and the entire orzimare segment of he game.
Better than anything in Veilguard

i thought they harassed her because she said she hates rpgs and said the worst part of an rpg is playing it...while being an rpg developer.

she was right
RPGS SUCK just read a book lmao

Merrill in DA2 was a fucking retard. I barely even remember any of Isabella's personal story.

She wrote the dwarves in DAO, but it seems in DA2 all the bad shit was also her fault, so it's weird

shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

True. They didn't know how much worse IT will be. If i remember correctly she wrote the whole Qunari passage in DA2. Aka the best part.

Oghren's wife cucks him with her lesbian lover


And the stereotypical tumblr user
Bioware made her the standard for their hires, and that's exactly why nothing they make will be good

for the record, she was bullied because she's the lead writer for DA2, and she went to the public about not liking the game part of a video game.

Just because her replacement was 1000000x worse, doesn't mean her bullying wasn't justified

If only we knew how bad things really were

Yeah, who could have called it that men pretending to be women, have animals in their brains, and autismos obsessed with pronouns would be the new evil

2024, Biodrones missing Hamburger Helper

this wasn't on my bingo card, but I find it amusing

Probably. I feel like Andromeda did as well so wouldn't surprise. Most of this major studios that fellate woke fags put that sort of shit in their games.

her replacement was 1000000x worse

bioware is nothing if not conservatively woke. the only tranny in veilguard is again associated with the qunari. If anything it's highly unimaginative

watching the fake outrage is pretty funny, meanwhile the same people freaking out about the "non binary" (which in lore is just a female that wants to be a fighter) were the ones fightign tooth and nail for Anon Babble to accept bg3 as "not woke" when the entire plot is about transitioning and coming out as gay

Holy fucking asscrackers we have people pining for TORtanic days so bad they'll bring up Hamburger Hepler when she QUIT THE COMPANY OVER A DECADE AGO



This was the dumb bitch that said boss fights were "too video gamey"

I wasn't even talking about Tosh.0 deciding to be a they/them because xe learned that dragons used pronouns for some fucking reason

based illiterate

Keep in mind DA2 came out during the Twilight/50 Shades craze, when legbeards were being as obnoxious about pushing their schlocky romance novels into the limelight as possible, and Hamburger Helper was exactly the kind of fat bitch to be into that stuff. In fact, was it her who was the one who wrote twilight fanfics before getting hired at Bioware, or someone else I'm thinking of?

Jesus Chris boys we aged Hamburger Hepler 40 years. Can't wait to see how the likes of Mercunte and all those consulting grifters age.

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She got hired because her husband worked for them, just meat thrown at the project because EA never cared about dragon age

She also wrote DAO

A large chunk of old Anon Babble were a bunch of parasocial shit heads who gossiped about other people like the normalfaggot highschool teenagers they claim to hate.
I genuinely pity the people who truly wanted to just talk about vidya and keep to themselves.


Fat and ugly woman deserve to die

why do you keep saying this tranny?

it's so convenient to just say "people hate it because of the tranny stuff" huh?
The writing is bad, and I'd webm you samples but I couldn't be bothered to save any of them.

I'm saying the tranny stuff is forced. I don't think it's a coincidence all the pro bg3 threads stopped as soon as footage dropped of DA

Because it's a fact?

She had 0 industry experience before.
Her only work was a Homoerotic novel.
You couldn't even put an image with her real name in the OP, that's how much you don't actually care.

Anon Babble stopped making fun of fats?

well her name is hamburger helper she did this to herself

hamburger helper is tasty and i am not afraid to admit this.

she literally wrote the backstory for Thedas, the dwarves, co-scripted Sven and Loghain with Mary, and of course Awakening Anders.
She took the fall for DA2 because she's the lead for that game, but she wasn't bad by all means, just a fag like the rest of us here


why do people hate on hamburger helper? ive never not enjoyed having it

being a woman

being fat

Both are perfectly legit reason for harassment on their own

gaider did all of that, she was an intern on DAO
you're a mentally ill tranny that's been pushing this for a while now

i think it's because non-whites all had deadbeat parents that just occasionally force fed them their ethnic slop or fast food so they just view it as poor white people food.

Gaider literally said she did it, you dumb fuck. Did you even watch the making of DVD? You can also just Wiki it.

okay post the source that she wrote the worldbuilding for the entire setting

I'll wait tranny

not even that guy but

make objectively false statement

hehe don't like it prove me wrong!

the burden of proof is on the retard making false claims which is you.
Her Linkedin also dispels your point.

Bayonetta had a difficulty setting that played itself so I wouldn't say it's inherently a woke idea, but when you start using words like accessibility it becomes inherently progressive

Erm, actually it was her writing that was absolute dogshit. Nobody would have given a shit if it would have been entertaining

So you lied? I thought so, you're probably the OP too

moving the goalpost

she wrote Thedas, not the entire world lore. To dumb it down for you it's like writing up Middle Earth and everyone else building up nations in Middle Earth based on the backdrop.
Now take your fucking pills.

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So you misread wikipedia and posted something completely different

you could also, you know... read her fucking Linkedin and not ask to be spoonfed like a sweet baby

Learn to read, favela monkey.




you're a dumb fuck. Thanks for playing

No, she was definitely part of the coming problem. I’m not going to pretend she wasn’t an issue because things are worse now. Getting stabbed is fucking lame even if you are later shot by a fucking cannon

Are you ESL? is that why you're samefagging?

Thank you for the years of laughs, Anon Babble

Nothing like a chimpie ESL chimping out over their own poor reading comprehensions.

Old Anon Babble really harassed her just for being a woman and fat

Nice gaslight you got there, cocksucking newfaggot. This woman right here not only ruined Mass Effect 3, she also accidentally revealed who was behind all the shit woke we are getting to this day.

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Bitches like this BEG for cock

got BTFO'd

stop samefagging ESL!!!!!!!!!

every. fucking. time.

Man, she was way off the mark if she thought a generic fantasy setting with a white guy saving the day was out of touch. Things are way worse now and people want to go back to that time with shaved head white guys. They actually had some thought put into them.

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Like Rowling

Well...I wonder what she thinks about Rowling these days considering every lefitst fag hates her

Nobody wants that. You're in an extremist echo chamber. The majority of people do not care or simply do not want real world politics injected into their games.

Old Anon Babble laughed at her for saying she doesn't like video games.

The most recent "generic white guy that saves the day" was Titus from Space Marine 2. Everyone loved it, and people connected with him. You're the one in the bubble looking at tranny shit and wondering why nobody likes your they/them self insert.

Nazis would make a comeback if people pushed hard enough to go back to the center and were prevented.

I hate fat "people" so much it's unreal.

People need to understand that there exists female trolls and there very vindictive.
It's not always incels.

Christ alive is that really her? She went from looking like a dumpy classmate to my fucking grandma

DA2 was certifiable garbage shovelware and the start of EA exploiting BioWare's reputation. There's still some dumbasses who say n-next game will be better as if bioware hasn't been ass for bout 20 years now bro let it go let it go

You understand the only way to have this out is using quantifiable data and something like Space Marine 2 isn't even in the same stratosphere of sales as, say, TLOU2.

Also hallway shooters aren't even good. All SM2 proved is out of touch retards like you will buy a hallway shooter with like 6 total enemy types and 8 guns and pretend it's the best thing ever

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Remind me how many copies of forespoken, flintlock, dustborn, and unknown 9 sold again? Or TLO2? Or even fucking gears 4?

harassed her

Still don't believe this actually happened. She said people contacted her to say they were gonna kill her sons. Well, have you ever seen on Anon Babble anyone even discuss her sons? Because I didn't. I didn't see it anywhere at all.
Saw plenty of people throwing accusations, know what I never saw? A police statement, or even the police saying they were contacted over the incident at all. Not even "we refuse to investigate" just no indication they were ever made aware.
As a father, if someone threatens my kid, I'm contacting the police to let them know if they don't catch whoever made the threat before I do to make sure the coroner is ready for a double shift because they ain't finding the body in one piece. If any parent would do less, they either shouldn't have their kids or they're lying about the threats.

So either she doesn't care enough about her children's lives to report threats to them to authorities (but does care enough to quit her job) or she made it the fuck up. What sounds more likely?

TLOU2 killed the franchise and was almost universally panned by audiences. It would have sold 3x more if they didn't subvert the whole story and sour the word of mouth

he majority of people do not care or simply do not want real world politics injected into their games.

do not want real world politics injected into their games.

real world politics

games don't sell by word of mouth anymore, people don't actually go outside and socialize to find out what games to play. They watch youtube and twitch shills and see how many updoots something on twitter gets

"real world politics" = "today's shitass socio-politics"

This highly successful sequel that wrapped up the overall story killed this game that was never striving for a franchise. now here is my wage neet armchair financial analyzation of what would have happened if they ignored hundreds of thousands of dollars of consumer research

tell me more, chud.

okay? regardless coming at me with games that I very explicitly stated were not what most gamers want isn't a gotcha. it's being a disingenuous fag.

that you expect was written by some old white guy

She was jewish, too.

she's right, CRPG gameplay is ass. people who disagree should be sentenced to 100 years of Planescape Torment without parole

never intended to be a franchise

is a sequel to a closed story

has a sequel hook

Um, anon... I have some news about the intent behind Last of Us.

Go educate yourself on the word franchise and then never engage with me until you're no longer -40 IQ points my junior.

Nope. You look different today btw. Did you get a haircut?

I'm raping you with my words right now you silly goose.

I dunno much about what she did outside of her of her stupid "skip gameplay" comment and her commentary on Isabela and Merrill. But based on the latter it seemed like she was what we could call today a femcel coomer but not in the insecure prude way, surprisingly. Course I could be wrong but Isabela had big 'ol tiddies so there's that.

never intended to be a franchise

also has comic books, failed movie adaptations, a TV series and a fucking board game

educate yourself

Hey how about you research the topics you have opinions on, you absolute fucking reprobate.

You lost, kid.

no its because she unironically talked about the romances which such memorable lines as "Virginal girl next door)

That fake mass effect post

Man that takes me back

That's not exactly wrong to say though is it? One of the most common female romance option archetypes can be described like that, including Tifa who is the most popular vidya waifu of all time.

How's that waistline coming along, fellas? Does your cardiovascular system appreciate your lifestyle? Will you be able to get up off the ground on your own, without grabbing onto anything, as you grow older? You will grow older, right?

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old women are so sad man

She was one of the leads for DA2 and DA2 is where the problems started.
The hideous artstyle changes, the faggoty anime combat moves, a literal tranny in the brothel. This fat bitch has probably cut her tits off and calling herself xim now.

You will grow older, right?

certainly hope not

Many many modern games do

Anon Babble taking credit for reddit's accomplishments

How pathetic.

IT was because she proclaimed that she wanted an option to cut the gameplay part out of the game so she could just experience the story. Now look where we are today.

Lmao yeah THE FUCKING AWESOME WRITING OF MERRILL. Do you retards even read the shit you write or are you so high on your perceived grandiose existence?

bioware is nothing if not conservatively antiwhite.

meanwhile the same people freaking out about the "non binary" (which in lore is just a female that wants to be a fighter) were the ones fightign tooth and nail for Anon Babble to accept bg3 as "not antiwhite" when the entire plot is about transitioning and coming out as gay

Just a quick fix friend

This woman right here not only ruined Mass Effect 3, she also accidentally revealed who was behind all the shit antiwhiteism we are getting to this day.

Minor correction.
And her remark on 'stories by old White dudes' is very telling they hate Whites, especially males.
So yes infact she did spell everything out for us.

So why do devs keep forcing antiwhiteism into their games, despite those games failing enmasse?
Dumb fuck.
The last of us 2 didn't even do good, it barely made profit if at all due to so many sales being bundles or discount bin sales.
Same for niggerman2.
Purge the industry of antiwhite ideology and we get good games again.

death threats sent to her children

doesn't contact police

instead, contacts an anti bullying charity

Big think, boys. Big think.

Bioware fans played Mass Effect 3 and praised the writing. What do you expect their taste to be?

i remember her only getting a job at bioware due to her husband Chris Hepler and everyone digging up her acclaimed literature which were romance novels that word for word copied twilight with an injection of tumblr and everything rated 1/5.

Rewriting history doesn't work when most of us were actually here when it happened you retard. Try again in a decade.