When you accidentally say “she”

I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm gonna Barv!

do american trannies really expect obedience like that?

Have you not been paying attention at all for the last few years?

Did you really need your own thread for this

Why do you care?

Of course they do, why wouldn't they? They've successfully made it a crime to not play along with their mental illness. Why shouldn't they expect full obedience and Pavlovian-triggered self-flagellation?

saying the t-slur


weighted ring dips

weighted ring pullups

drop the corn syrup garbage food

thank me later, you do take care of your body right gamers?

It's too late, Anon Babble is gonna be dead set on running the joke into the ground as fast an obnoxiously as possible

In this case, I actually do hope normalfags pick up on the joke outside of 4chins

I do deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, situps, pushups, and pullups while cutting the corn syrup and sugary foods but I don't know if it's a good way to go.

I'll barve your head in with a monkey wrench, troon.

it doesn't matter what you do as long as you are consistent in your training and eating habits, that's all that matters, I think calisthenics is better if starting from 0 because it's almost free, at least here in my eushithole we have a calistehnics park pretty much at every corner
most people still prefer the gym

Why would calisthenics not be free?

I mean if you don't have a calisthenics park nearby you might want to invest in a pullup bar at least, rings are $15 (best purchase of your life btw), plates....

the nose knows

There are no excuses not to Barve every single day.

20 Barves. Now, bigot.

Is barvposting going to be Veilguard’s signature shitpost like Bazzposting is for Concord?

I'm sure they will expect the same behavior demonstrated here. (Probably) not for simply existing, but for all and any infraction. Including whatever they randomly assume or decide is a microaggression.

Can someone explain Barve?

Damn that x10 must be how he made Trunks, Bulma must be a happy woman

Drop and give Ol' Bazzy a barve, chud.

Garrison was right again.

war face.jpg - 1170x847, 1M

I am so hyped Asmongold playing it tonight

Failguard character misgenders freak
Instead of simply saying sorry and moving on she starts doing push-ups, "dropping a barve", explaining a set of ten push ups as a ceremonial apology amongst her former crew
Hilariously she describes the act as being better than a straight forward apology because normal apologies supposedly often make it about you instead of the person you slighted

I think they do, yes

being in the military used to be a respected job, I mean if your brother/dad is a pilot isn't that fucking cool
why do chudcels seethe whenever military is getting mentioned, spare me the "it's da jews/zogbot army/deadmeat" cope please, I want a serious answer


Misgender someone.

Literally start groveling on the ground for forgiveness.

Jesus Christ.

I'm going to pretend you made up that schizo nonsense off the top of your head and disengage completely.

being in the military used to be a respected job

only because you were too fucking dazed to realize what was going on
military has been at the forefront of what you consider degeneracy now and it has been a tool to kill goyim for almost a century now

We will start the rally with the ceremonial Barve

spare me the "it's da jews/zogbot army/deadmeat" cope please

kill yourself, rabbi

what's 2+2, and don't give me 4, i want a real answer

tsk tsk, sounds like someone needs to drop a few barves


mfw chuds start to make a tons of push ups as a joke

they are making the meme real

In genuine awe about how these clowns managed something so blissfully retarded

ugh, a heartfelt apology, that's just a cry for attention

now excuse me while I stop the conversation in its track to do push ups

it was one of many scenes that someone uploaded to yt (it was deleted)

omg,, uh can you just not?

How does a retarded song-and-dance routine make an apology more sincere?

Training at 300x normal transphobia

think of all the energy and money that went into coming up with this and putting it into a game

you must barve every time you misgender a tranny


aaa.webm - 720x404, 385.57K


*pulls down*


*pulls up*


*pulls down*

I'M BRAVING.gif - 320x216, 249.81K

where do you work out?


I wonder if the devs, while working on this game, did this in the office when they did something wrong

me bharving 24/7

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It's xe/xer, you bigot chud. That will be 500 more barves added to your count.


we don't use this word around here, my dear, I want to see that push up

People at Bioware actually think 10 pushups breaks a "sweat" and whoever they had mocap a pushup couldn't even do one right.


Any Anon Babbleizens to tell me how wrong picrel's form is? Shouldn't the elbows be pointing backwards?

This is exactly what a character in one of your animes would do and you would applaud it as le funny because it’s okay when Japan does it

Is this proper Barve form?

pushups.webm - 852x480, 1.35M

if you are a starter it will destroy your joints

troonal troontasy troonteen

you're the one getting misgendered tho

It's the right form if you're trying to do wide arm push-ups, although his hands should be wider apart. But for regular push-ups it's wrong yeah.

uuuuuhhh so does this hurt or heal trans people??

I've had ENOUGH of this casual transphobism
I'm going to go pro

joke's on you, I got out after the Wuk disaster
why the fuck are trannies everywhere??

This is exactly what a character in one of your animes would do

Name 3.

You are accidentally bringing up a great point here. The current devs were likely brought up on anime instead of proper western (fantasy) novels, so the state of their infantile game can be tracked back to that.


Sadu is not a tranny.

KWAB, chaim

I’m Luke Skybarver, I’m here to misgender you

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except japanese people wont be barving because of misgendering a tranny, they'll barve because they got caught being a "k-kono hentai"!!


this might be one of the best psyop ive seen in recent years
hundreds of men will be discouraged from working out because of it

training with hinako

what, you have that backwards

Hundreds? So.. almost none?

Why would you apologize to a tranny?

ah the joke was you were misgendering in your comment. Very good.

doing push-ups is now transphobic

Honestly what were they/them thinking?

that's LITERALLY the opposite of the reaction
even this fucking board looks at the scene and sees that exercise isn't le bad, it's the performative penance for an absolutely meaningless slip up

inadvertently, they're causing young men to associate doing push ups with being a tranny lapdog

I will keep misgendering them to the end of times
denounce the talmud, anon

i will keep working out thank you very much xir

thanks god no one is buying this shit

How the fuck did this psyop came to be?
Did kamala say pushups bad during a rally?

Then better stop doing pushups or they'll think you feel sorry.

lol no.
People will do it as a joke and actually get marginally healthier, and if anyone actually does it to some tranny’s face, it will be with a shit eating grin and the knowledge that they can’t do shit so long as they keep barving on.
Of course this is all academic, because the second any of them realises that their supposed humiliation ritual just turned into a way to laugh in their face without any bother, they’ll write articles about how the chuds once more ruined a noble tradition

I need motivation to go back to the gym. What do I have to say to a tranny to do 10 squats?

didn't denounce the talmud

kill yourself, tranny

tell him he has no style, nor grace

Rather than offended I'm just so very confused by the scene. How is doing public push ups less self-centered than making an open apology. Like imagine how often the conversation has to shift away to explaining the barv like happened in that scene every time shit like this happens in universe. Or on the flipside, this is supposed to be more genuine than casually brushing it off with a "sorry bro"?

Better get down and do some pushups for me chud.

it's afraid

nice, i can finally say i pump to trannies

it's ma'am

how many barves do you want

taking care of your body is anti-trans


so they're telling me that i can call a tranny whatever shit i want if i do some push-ups?

trying to course-correct this hard

One for every Jew not killed in the holocaust.

that's definitely not what they mean but it's funnier to take it that way

GDQ threads are going to be fucking great next year. Some runs are just going to be a group workout thread.



read the thread nigger

I doubt anyone will give a shit about this shitshow when it's time but imagine a bunch of dudes just dropping down and doing push ups in the middle of a run

I wonder if the trans community will actually throw behind this game or if it'll be one of those situations where they try to distance themselves from the final product.

It's wide for regular push ups, uses more of his shoulders than his chest and puts a lot of sheer force on his tendons. Wide push ups are a thing, and you should vary all your exercises, but that's in the sweet spot of satisfying no one.

I've just watched the scene. What the shit

Yes, in Japan it'd probably be played for comedy while the western indie dev takes it 100% seriously

It would happen in an anime but there'd be a loud guy to the side screaming about how stupid it is. Which unironically, legitimately makes it okay.

what kind of baboon thinks the US military still carries around bolt action rifles with cheap walmart scopes

Spread legs

You didn't beat the game.

Push ups for misgendering
Pull ups for 41% jokes
Squats for YWNBAW (pause during for each word)
Deadlifts for deadnaming (including their tombstone)
Farmers walks for male gazing normal women

Did you just assume my gender
Oh wait I get it...

Yo bro, better get barv'ing, better to space it throughout the day

I approve of the Chud routine

misgender someone genderfluid

by the time I finished barving, xey already switched xheir pronouns

barve again

such is life in Kamala's America

Pro lvl 1 misgender = 10 barves

can someone give me a qrd I haven't been on Anon Babble in a while

barving reminds me of that sequence in avatar where iroh gets thrown in jail and he becomes jacked

lurk moar

Nigger the joke started a few hours ago

me n the boys after being transphobic

DBZ.jpg - 800x600, 189.54K

love Frieza saga

>weighted ring dips

>weighted ring pullups

recommends shit that 95% of people here (or anywhere else really) can't do ONCE


"new Dragon Age" is the whole joke

moot actually transitioned

he finally achieved his dream of becoming the little girl

So they start with negatives and work up
It's really not that hard to work up to doing pull ups and dips even as an obese male. Then, when you lose some weight, you can just wear what you lost.

wouldn't his training be better if he increased the gravity instead of using only a finger?

"If you're gonna be a man, do it all the way. NOT half-way!"

Chudsuke Urameshi, KING of the Transphobes

Yes, that's an actual line he says in the show.
After kicking the shit out of a trans "woman".
AFTER grabbing her dick to confirm.
This man... this man is OUR FUARKING HERO.

yes sir

Why do YOU care?

it’s okay when Japan does it


I appreciate your advice friend.

And this.. is an ascended transphobe. I guess you could called it.. Transphobia Level 2

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He's achieving full mastery of what he can do at that level first before moving up to the next one. Its the one single thing he does right when training.
Besides that, it might be the highest level the machine can get up to

don't be antisemitic

When did Anon Babble start hating transfolk? Is this a Anon Babble psyop?

we don't hate the lgbt part of lgbtasdjk69+

guarantee 90% of anons itt will fall for this

But we love traps and twinks here.

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Why does one of the characters say "Bend your knees" when that gook elf starts doing them? Aren't you supposed to keep your legs straight during a pushup?

Dude...everyone is going to be swole on Anon Babble in less than 3 days

not pictured: 20 replies requesting prompt suicide

Push up =/= Barve

Hope so

Barving is funny, but I'm trans. I feel conflicted. I like it too much to be mad.
Barv strong, my friends. May your muscles match your mouth.

That's what you take issue with, really?

Anyone can post, anyone can post 20 times in a row.
Anon Babble is full of faggots and faggots (non gay).

uncontrollable high-pitched moaning

iactually sounds like a morloc impersonation

but I'm trans

Hey cutie.

Exercise seems like an irl exploit

Yeah bro, just crouch in place for a couple of minutes, your STR will go up.

How has it not been patched?

I don't know who this stick is but I would like to put my penis inside of her.

That guy is probably submissive gay and has a raging boner at expense of those poor black gentlemen.
He is reverse buck breaking them.

It can't be helped.
Kill yourself.

Barve physics

*sweat drop*

If you hate a thing and specifically use a slur designed to show how much you hate it, you must be that thing!

Faggots like yourself make up 1% of posters, yet post obnoxiously loudly to try and pretend you're not freaks in a tiny minority.

Bruh, it is a dude, after all, twinks are still guys, cute guys.

this is the birth of a new meme.

this joke would actually work if Mark Hamill isn't a total deranged

If you want a steadier progression then you can use some rings (if you have them) and pull into them while standing at an angle, moving into a deeper and deeper angle for progression until youre just sitting on the floor. Ten reps for 3 sets, making sure to pull back your shoulders and engage your whole back.
Buying a pull up bar and doing negatives is simpler and probably cheaper though. Make sure to engage your back by trying to pull your chest itself to the bar, otherwise all the force goes into your arms. Starting out just do a couple good, slow, controlled declines into a deep stretch at the dead hang (stretching under load is where the real magic happens, issue with bodyweight is keeping the specific muscles under load) Don't try to force shitty sets to happen, just rest and do more later. Eventually you'll be wanting to do activity for its own sake as a red-blooded male just whenever you pass by it, even multiple sets randomly throughout the day even discounting your proper workout. Your first real pull up will come in no time
We're All Gonna Make It

Anon Babble isn't a hugbox, anyone can say anything, you CAN go back you know.
I know chud patrol can be bad for your mental health for weak pussy faggots.
Your Discord tr@nni pals will understand.

ayNoR0V_700b.jpg - 700x1050, 110.81K

when I accidentally call a black man a nigger

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Mark is just an actor, Luke lives beyond.


no such thing as pronoun degeneracy in japan though

sorry wrong picture

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Luke was a hero who did anything to redeem his father.

I am a man, like my father before me

Remains one of the greatest lines in history, and he was nearly barved to death as a result.