Are they good?
Trails games
I havent played them, but ive been here long enough to tell you that Anon Babbles opinion will be "old good. New/popular bad"
The best games of all time desu
Yeah they're fun and there being this overarching plot happening over so many games is a fun experience.
Very mid games.
Play Rance instead if you want a long JRPG series with an overarching plot.
Play Rance instead if you want a long JRPG series with an overarching plot.
Shill me Rance instead of trails anon, trails have pic related
Rance has actual porn, not just safe horny
Rance is not even a JRPG in all of its iterations desu, but no one has played the games so they just shitpost with it
Zero and Azure are good
Cold Steel 1-2 are great
Cold Steel 3-4 are ok
Everything else is pure garbage
Why did Rean become white in CS4?
Played through the Sky trilogy (loved it), Crossbell duology (loved it), and the first CS game (it's shit). Dropped at CS2, it was just terrible. Never went back to the series after that.
yes. they get a bit inconsistent starting with cold steel (mainly being too long and more clumsily paced) but still very good and worth trying.
he dyes his hair to look more like his boyfriend crow
Cold Steel 1-2 are great
Any studio that shits out games that fast is not putting any effort into them.
I've played a couple of them - they are basically compilations of ideas stolen from other, better JRPG's, and topped off with atrocious trope riddled shounen-tier writing.
The localizers then ad 150 times more text which bogs the games down immensely.....
Some ok music but nowhere near as good as Falcoms 80s/90s stuff.
atrocious trope riddled shounen-tier writing.
*I should ad. Apparently this is a selling point. because the fans regularly call it """cringe kino""". As if they enjoy garbage on purpose or something.
Kiseki is the Ultimate JP-KINO
I stopped at Azure and I've been saying myself to play Rean's game for almost 2 years already.
i bet you can't even enjoy tokusatsu because it's "cheesy" you joyless faggot
I love Sky 1 and 2 but I never really went past em because I'd rather be sure there's actually an ending waiting for me before commiting to more. Sky 2 gave me a perfectly satisfying ending so I don't really NEED more. Once the series is finished, I'll go back and play more of it.
My friend loves them because of all the world building and politics stuff. I love JRPGs as well but I'm not gonna touch a series where every game is 80+ hours and they get 20 hours longer each title
Sky 3 should also be "Safe" for your purposes as it is more of a Side Story rather than something that you would expect to Continue.
Excellent game if you ever feel the urge to Return before the Series is Concluded.
I got 1 and 2 in a bundle like 10 years ago
According to Steam I played the first one for 19 hours then dropped it
Never even installed the second
Side Story
What's this particular brand of brain damage called?
Extreme JP-KINO Contagion
(Be Careful)
while it is a side story it also introduces much of the setup for the next 6 games so it's not exactly much of a conclusion for the series or several of the main characters.
You might be Correct, it has been a While since I replayed Sky.
This is a troll post
The sky games are great
Zero and Azure is okay
CS1 is good
And going forward from CS1 the gameplay gets really good but the story gets really dumb
this is a troll post
zero and azure are peak fiction
Cold Steel 1 is comfy as a school slice of life intro, the storytelling is pretty garbage and seems to get even worse in CS2 which I dropped (you are supposed to play Zero/Azure before that anyway).
Sky is great overall, very soulful with big twists, satisfying conclusion and the 3rd extras, everything thoroughly concluded, slow burn but comfy.
I started with Zero some time ago, it's feels least as good as Sky in terms of slice of life and writing and I heard the plot is going to be good in this arc.
Later trails seems to have very questionable woke stuff in it while the girls get hotter and apparently the writing has problems too.
Zero sexy sprite
dont play rance unless you want cold steel but worse. its literally a game over 10 games long where the character only admits he loves his main heroine kinda by the end of it one time. sky is swan song tier compared to this slop, and rean the funny haha man at least is only around for 5 games instead of 14.
this is a troll post
The protag of zero and azure jobs to a random side character from another series
For me it's towa
Ys mogs trails
Ys Felghana+Origin+Ark are good games, Modern Ys are Trails Lite
modern Ys does trails better than trails
I like them even with all the anime thropes, they kind of have souls; it is hard to explain and I am sure these words does not exactly sell it. They are just pleasant to play?
there is something really funny about a guy walking up to a girl in a battle thong and headpatting her and saying some cheesy friendship speech
Same old feel-good animu fast food. I'm playing the first Cold Steel game and only the pleasant aesthetics and the cute sensei keep making me come back to it.
they're the highest form of kino (but only last 2 hours of each game)
Excellent series with a surprisingly steady level of quality given that it's a 13+ game long continuous narrative. Lots of fun, lots of wholesome moments, lots of cringe, lots of pretty characters, and a sprinkle and a dab of pure kino here and there. The gameplay is excellent. Easily one of my favs in JRPG combat and they keep it fresh each game too.
based enjoyer. some of the games are more flawed than others but they're still all great.
As of Daybreak the only one I would say is bad is CS3. And that's in spite of excellent moments like playable Tio in the Geofront. They all have redeeming qualities.
Immersive and detailed towns with characters living there and things happening in them
cute anime girls join your party
travel, solve problems, visit comfy towns, relax at hot springs while learning about characters personality and backstories through naturally written dialogue. It's not written like some epic drama with carefully chosen words, it's very slice of life-like with a lot of useless talking. And that's good because you like spending time with the characters.
comfy soundtrack you could fall asleep to after a long day
strategic and satisfying combat with casters, bruisers, healers etc. enhancing the roleplaying aspect regarding characters strengths and weaknesses
believable world lore, you can literally go to a library and read history books about the world, some of which may be relevant
some stuff is going on -> investigate -> get wrapped up in some national conspiracy and mystery
character has an unexpected dark secret that changes everything
It's not that complicated, its just many good things compounding off from each other and successfully delivering on them.
First five are great, but it all went downhill with the transition to 3D imo
trails is the best, not stop posting about it, the faggots want to start a consulting company and ruin it for us
None of them are more than 8/10 but Idgaf because it's fun
Playing Cold Steel now, it's easily god-tier. Will go back and play the old ones later
Yeah, it’s one of the reasons it’s superior.
Playing the same thing with minimal changes for 14 games is abysmal.
>no one has played the games
I’ve played almost every game, including X, and this is not a shitpost, retard bro.
Play Rance instead if you want a long JRPG series with an overarching plot.
The majority of the games are JRPGs, and those that aren't have heavy JRPG elements.
Looks like you’re the one who doesn’t know anything about them.
One of them had a really good ost
They're good but Cold Steel 3 almost made me drop the series. That game is full of fillers like sky1/zero/cs1 but twice as long.
If you're one of those faggots who puts story above gameplay then you'll love it. Otherwise you'll be so bored you'll go into a coma. Also Altina is objectively best girl.
contradicts himself and reality immediately
the pacing and structure of cs3 is kind of a mess since nothing happens for like 70% of the game but the new gameplay is so fun it mostly compensates. it also has some of the best music in the series and i prefer the new class vii since it's a smaller cast and can focus more on each one.
The first games are not fillers, they are introductions to the locations and characters. It's always the second game with the repetitive filler content (since the characters and locations are no longer new) which gets annoying when you'd rather just have the plot to go forward.
For me, it's Alisa Reinford.
Awful taste
reached the school festival in fc back in may
no motivation to play since
What do
I played the entire series up until Cold Steel IV and dropped off, felt like it was a good conclusion to all three game arcs. Is it worth it to continue with Reverie and Daybreak or just leave it be?
Sky and especially Crossbell are kino. Everything from Coldsteel onwards is cringe.
They're great games but it's up to you desu, if enough is enough then skip em
Japan's favorite
America's most hated
Alisa Won
The writing in Rance games is actually a main draw for the series rather than tacked on filler or a detriment like it is in a lot of rpgs. Very enjoyable.
The main draw for rance games is the gameplay
source: my ass
From what I saw japan likes Altina the most
if you're interested in them enough to keep going, go for it. reverie is a ton of fun and has an huge amount of side content and minigames to do. the new characters are also great. daybreak is a return to classic arc intro structure of visiting towns and solving people's problems while building up the arc's plot points and characters. could have better pacing, as usual, but i still enjoyed it.
most figure sales
consistently highest votes in fan polls
Sorry anon but Alisa is the top girl in Japan. Altina is pretty high too
BTW Alisa's newest figure sold out again in no time.
play gacha game
have both
problem solved
Alisa was also my favorite girl in cs2. Her events were really fucking good there. Then they ruined her in cs4 by making all her events in that game about post break-up garbage.
But I will add: Agnes might akshually catch up kek, we'll see what happens
Let me describe 70% of the plot from every game
party beats boss
cutscene shows them being defeated by boss despite you winning the fight
character says something along the lines of "I have to use THAT"
someone shows up and says something along the lines of "that won't be necessary"
repeat 100 times until the game ends
They're great, one of my favorite JRPG series.
If you want a story with lots of heart in a nicely fleshed-out world, easy but fun combat and a fuckton of content, you can't go wrong
it's over for you
but really, I would say, that part of the game is the calm before the storm story wise. So if it's because nothing interesting is happening, that's going to change. If the problem is the game feeling like a slog, that's just how the games are like and that's not going to change.
she's also the most romanced in all 4 cold steel games according to steam achievements.
Understandable, a lot of people seem to have that feeling
I am also a loyal Alisa enjoyer however she is for Rean, not me. For myself, I would be interested in a Claire Rievelt.
It's good to take breaks but man up and get back to it. You're missing out on the thrilling conclusion that'll instantly make you want to buy SC.
I did not know this, then I was wrong to say she was the most hated in America kek, my bad
Sigh, why do people lie on the internet?
I bought Azure on switch because it was the last copy being sold in my country and IT makes me happy when i buy something so someone else can't have it.
I found out i have to buy Zero too to understand the story, is that right?
I love them but I admit it is basically a long running shounen anime in JRPG form. But I also ask, why is that a bad thing? Does everything need to be a super serious 10/10 brilliant masterpiece? No.
Even though the story has gone off the rails, I still enjoy seeing where it goes, and having plot points and characters from 1000 hours ago, ten games ago still have parts in the current games is just comforting.
I would say it is a 7/10 franchise nowadays but its MY 7/10 franchise and I love it despite its admittedfly glaring flaws in recent games (the first 5 are actually GOAT games that every JRPG fan should play).
no argument
that was easy
Is daybreak safe to buy on switch or does it run like shit?
Not necessarily, the games usually recap all the important events but playing Zero first definitely makes the story more impactful.
no it's not lol
rance games are not only just sengoku anon
I am also a loyal Alisa enjoyer however she is for Rean, not me.
Based. I like Alisa but I made the choice more for Rean as well. And personally I liked the whole "breakup" thing in 3 and 4. Like she wants to be with Rean but has way too much shit going on with her life. She felt more like a real character with her own problems and agency than just a cute girl at your disposal. It also made her final event in 4 all the more satisfying. Claire is a good pick, I'm more of an Aurelia person myself.
6 9 and 10
2nd rate JRPGs
Play them if you have a lot of time to burn and have nothing else to play
rean above adol
Holy fuck japan has shit taste
Alisa-bros...It's Over.
Alisa breaks up with Rean
Sure, definitely not motivated by game devs desperately grasping for straws to turn Rean into epic harem man, but she regrets it 5 seconds later. Alisa has had tsun appeal in the past and she's understandably overwhelmed by the shit happening in her life at the time. They're sufficiently back together and stronger than ever by the end of the game in my opinion. The bummer is Reverie and beyond not allowing Rean to progress in his life because you might upset someone.
i will give you X not more
10 is just bootleg Sengoku
haha... I can't believe it
isn't adol a fucking silent protag? how he's so high?
honestly these polls mean jackshit. i've seen like 5 different ones and they all have wildly different results.
nta but there is like almost nothing common between sengoku and X tho
dana btfoing every heroine
Alisa always sucked. Rean has his daughterwife Altina now. Not to mention his gay lover crow and Crow's wife Towa.
Adol won't even be on this list on the next poll, it's all recency bias
and he still couldn't beat Rean
Ok I will say it. Daybreak 3 or Kai no kiseki they do a timeline reset because the whole franchise the continent has been in timeloop.
and Kevin this guy jobs to picnic squad (Rufus, Nadi & Swin)
pictured: me every time I finish a conversation in the main story
Yeah, Alisa is very well developed and stands out as one of the best characters in the series for it.
I'm more of an Aurelia person myself
She's a fun character despite appearances so definitely a respectable choice. Claire does a lot of questionable shit because she's stuck on the morally ambiguous side but I'm still a sucker for her cool, competent maturity.
Sky 1 and SC are comfymax games. It's the only jrpg that straddles the younger, barely above a kid protag without being weird pedo shit. The stories are genuine and fun.
The dialog is padded with constant exposition and characters talking about their feelings (zero subtlety, just tell don't show) and repeating things they already know because the writers think the audience is stupid (they are kinda right).
Cringe exchanges like this happen every 5 minutes:
“Yeah, it’s...”
“Hahaha. Hello Class 7!!!”
“This presence. What a strong aura”
“As expected from McBurn or I should say The Almighty Conflagration”
After Fight
“He is too strong”
“Hahaha. I was just playing with you guys. Now I will fight seriously”
“He is too strong. I will need to use that power”
“Instructor, no!”
“That won’t be necessary!”
Someone appears to save the characters
“Haha I lost interest. See you later, Class 7!”
Can I play only the games with Tio in it? I have zero interest in anything else except maybe the music
Only cold steel 1-4 since it has the balance of world building, characterization, plot, and the peak gameplay of the series.
Sky trilogy is just a romance vn
Crossbell is just a few steps down from cold steel
Reverie is filler
Daybreak is filler and manages to be just as bad as Sky
Zemuria is 100% filler
Tio is great so sure.
haha that's our estelle!!! She's so bright and shiny!!!!
You can start with Trails from Zero and follow it up with Trails to Azure. At that point you can decide whether you care about anything more than Tio.
Sky is a romance vn
Daybreak is just as bad as Sky
Daybreak is far from a romance vn so I'm not following your "logic" here.
Great games, and it's always funny to see the usual suspects crying about them kek
Yeah Falcom should get with the times and try to live up to the standards of modern Western AAA gaming dialog
"Nobody likes being a woman" (Ultra Cringe): [Streamable] 1. Nobody likes being a woman (embed)
"I can't even be a woman right" Parts 1-3: [Streamable] 2. I can't even be a woman right-001 (embed) [Streamable] 2. I can't even be a woman right-002 (embed) [Streamable] 2. I can't even be a woman right-003 (embed)
"Kay Bye" Parts 1-2: [Streamable] 3. Kay Bye-001 (embed) [Streamable] 3. Kay Bye-002 (embed)
"Ready to talk to my mother about who I really am" Parts 1-2: [Streamable] 4. Ready to talk to my mother about who I really am-001 (embed) [Streamable] 4. Ready to talk to my mother about who I really am-002 (embed)
"So I'm non-binary" (Top Cringe) Parts 1-2: [Streamable] 5. So I'm non-binary-001 (embed) [Streamable] 5. So I'm non-binary-002 (embed)
"The Dragon King" Parts 1-2: [Streamable] 6. The Dragon King-001 (embed) [Streamable] 6. The Dragon King-002 (embed)
"Pulling a Bharv" (Giga Cringe) Parts 1-3: [Streamable] 7. Pulling a Bharv-001 (embed) [Streamable] 7. Pulling a Bharv-002 (embed) [Streamable] 7. Pulling a Bharv-003 (embed)
"You Smell Good": [Streamable] 8. You Smell Good (embed)
Tio is fucking shit
If you want a cool loli character Renne is way better.
Or if you're not retarded Estelle is best girl easily.
It's believe it's the guy who calls Skyfans "Skytrannies" and claims it's only liked because it rips off Sword Art Online or something. Seems to appear most when Trails fans collectively hate on Cold Steel more than the other arcs.
Look at comment
Says filler not romance