UN is pressuring Japan, once again, to censor their games and other media because it "incites violence against women"
Will they succeed this time?
UN is pressuring Japan, once again, to censor their games and other media because it "incites violence against women"
Will they succeed this time?
So which cucked EU nation actually started this ball rolling? I'm going to assume Germany.
can boomers do anything right
I hope so. Maybe then the retards on this board stop shilling every gacha and mid tranime JRPG they come across.
Reminder that women will always try to destroy men's hobbies, no matter if it's a old lady in your street, or a woman in a political position at the fucking UN.
incite violence against women and girls
How about they take care of countries that treat women like second class citizens first?
most JP devs are already bending backwards and are compliant with western standards
meanwhile South Korea and China are releasing games and gacha full of fanservice like JP devs used to back in the day
UN boomers are still targeting Japan
Retards. Also why not go after the Middle Eastern countries which actually use violence against women?
They can't bully Middle Eastern countries or China is why.
The funny part is the reason they can't say anything about them is because Saudi Arabia is a close partner of Israel now
Some post the anti-Christ rage-comic
Hello newfag.
It's not about protecting women, it's about taking away shit people like that competes with their trash because muh holocaust.
i swear you guys are retarded.
you know damn well jews are pushing porn, degeneracy, and deviance to corrupt the minds of the young.
then you see shit like this (the exact opposite) and you also somehow think they're behind it.
it's clear what this is. it's useful idiots accidentally stepping out of line.
for example, when they conditioned normies to be negro lovers and now they're supporting palestinians just because they're non-whites.
this is the same shit.
im all for censorship of loli shit, weird fetish anime, and those porn games that are always trending on the homepage of steam should not exist.
Also why not go after the Middle Eastern countries which actually use violence against women?
because they will get punched, stabbed and killed lol
They have been succeeding for years now, anime and japanese videogames are cucked now
Where do you find those charts under? Also can you post one for the cunny spam?
im all for censorship
Go back.
fucking niggers leave my loli hentai alone
The UN doesn't want to and has no power to censor anything
Go back to Anon Babble you dumb cunts
you know damn well jews are pushing porn, degeneracy, and deviance to corrupt the minds of the young.
oy vey, you can't criticize education system like that
im all for censorship
Kill yourself on camera so I can watch you die.
Do you tie your own shoelaces or do you require assistance? Maybe use velcro?
with the shekelshoah that occurred when a small number of big companies started actually complying? not likely. there's already a little bit of self-censorship going on to appeal to the worldwide audience, but insisting that they need to kneecap their entire industry just because ugly women are in power is insanity.
meanwhile they do nothing about shitskins raping and killing women and children in europe
remember those rape gangs in the UK?
well they have only gotten worse since the publicity, yet they just keep crying about anime and video games
UN is an irrelevant joke organization that can't get anything done. Even the credit card companies have more power.
Shut the fuck up you fat cunt
don't mind me, just ripping apart women in Mortal Kombat
wants to control weebshit
3/4 of all media japan produces is pirated
Kill yourself, tradcath and or tranny
It's all one big conspiracy, bro, nobody wants to censor your video games and push tranny propaganda, haha
im all for censorship of loli shit, weird fetish anime, and those porn games that are always trending on the homepage of steam should not exist
it further recommended "effectively implementing existing legal measures and monitoring programs"
This is the key here.
Totalitarian states only aim to grow.
Mom and Dad buy little Johann an ipad to keep him quiet and docile
Don't parent him
He finds Anon Babble porn
It's Japan's fault.
Now I'm against porn as well but there is a more fundamental problem going on. This initiative is both misguided ("protect women") and also incorrectly blaming Japan for something that should be easy for parents handle by themselves.
Because he's a faggot who thinks anything he personally doesn't like shouldn't exist.
Yamada Tarou-san,
direct foreign CC to DLsite is still disabled
please fix so I can purchase リリスの不思議な神殿
H-game market finally starts taking off
credit card companies cuck dlsite
this shit
it's crazy how disappointing everything is all the time
disgusting. how do you faggots even call yourself men? oh wait most of you end up transitioning. im sorry that you had no strong father figure in your life to beat some sense into you.
Every government in the world that has internet access is moving to gain full control over it. They'll get it eventually.
It's weird that they still try to appear legit by letting voters and all that have a stay but I wonder how long they'll keep getting their bills rejected before they just say fuck it and implement the stuff they want no matter what.
Why should you care what I do with my money?
Just use that book site that sells point codes.
we can all tell your dad beat you already, but no one cares you tourist faggot
Porn put you in your current pathetic state why would you wish that on someone else
governments in the western world already do not represent their constituents at all.
thats why I dont get why they are so dramatic over their meme elections in the first place.
If I have to get put in prison for gooning to hentai games then so be it, you will never stop me
reacts this strongly to people liking things he doesn't like
calls other trannies
Yeah your dad fucked you up the ass.
Isn't it crazy how Liberals have now turned into 90's Republicans in the span of 10 years?
ITT none of you know what the UN is or does
we should all just like... do what we want d00d
wow you solved all the worlds problems so easily, retard
the UN sucks my dick
Anime website.
I'm pretty happy with my life anon. I'm certainly more successful than you. I also don't really watch porn anymore. Why are you projecting?
reductionist strawman
I really, truly am racist against brown "people". I fucking hate them. Genocide when?
So you noticed being happy and not watching porn correlate, and you want other people to fall into a trap and be miserable.
I'm glad i bought violated princess before they stopped allowing western CCs
but how does this affect you personally?
Maybe when you stop cooming into dirty socks three times a day, you'll get up the energy to do it.
No, I was also content with my life while watching porn more regularly. I have been content with my life for a long time. Stop using your tranny logic to connect dots that don't exist. Nobody will ever find you attractive enough to beat their meat to no matter how many times you dilate the axe wound.
Just when I thought this fucking faggot couldn't be any more of a newfag
Leave women out of this, those "people" only rotten holes and nothing more.
you know damn well jews are pushing porn, degeneracy, and deviance to corrupt the minds of the young.
palestine xister? those pixels aren't the reason no one wants to fuck you. kys and roll a face that doesn't make you look like you have down syndrome.
nvm that jew thing btw. i'm not one, i don't give a fuck about them, therefore lets not randomly bring that one up.
then you see shit like this (the exact opposite
see what? the satanic panic, but brought back by the dumbest animals fresh out of academia? this time, completely based on a highly specific type of mental illness that's only present in the minds of certain retarded ape animals, in place of some holy book? i don't have time for your retardation xister.
I think it's funny how people who are against DEI are also against porn whenever it's convenient for them. Hypocritical much?
who needs a future when you have loli?
they take away loli
Why are you so obsessed with the thought of men beating off? It's almost like you wish they would do it to you rather than attractive depictions of women (something you will never be).
they make rap
So how does jerking off to pixels hurt real women?
It doesn't, it makes trannies seethe because they want that attention instead
That doesn't even make sense considering what you quoted. Go back.
trannies are now real women, chud
If the past 3 years have shown anything, its that the UN has no power at all and can't do anything.
I already have several external terabyte archives of this shit saved, thousands of videos, hundreds of thousands of images, I will share it all, I'm prepared for a nuclear attack, come get me feds
Oh ok, and you surely wouldn't be lying on an anonymous forum to win an internet argument right? I guess you're just a super happy successful guy who is addicted to Anon Babble!
its not hypocritical at all, why do you suggest that. My ideology is more correct and stronger, thats it.
brings up gayshit out of nowhere
coom brain at work
notice how mad faggots get when you even suggest taking away their porn. reminds me of the plebs in mad max fighting eachother for water.
the west is going to shit, but as long as i can lock myself up in my room and jerk off to anime. please anything but my porn!!
You're a hero, Anon
its not hypocritical at all, why do you suggest that. My ideology is more correct and stronger, thats it.
It's more like, "Liberals, sex in video games doesn't hurt you.." but ohhhh, whenever it's not a Liberal talking point sex is suddenly bad. You either not fux wit it, or down wit it. Don't be a hypocrite.
Would we combat actual IRL violence from all the immigrants?
Nah, too hard, censor the cartoons
Oh ok, and you surely wouldn't be lying on an anonymous forum to win an internet argument right? I guess you're just a super happy successful guy who is addicted to Anon Babble!
this goes both ways, moron
if you use a site you're addicted to it
What is it with trannies and projection?
Nobody cares about the old kulchur of Anon Babble. All you oldtrannies either killed themselves or cut off your genitals to be more like your tranime "traps".
Newchads run this place now.
I'm not mad I just want to goon in peace
0/10. Your bait can be seen glowing a mile away.
This is the equivalent of going to a Japanese restaurant and saying "I hate Japanese food". Neck yourself.
you know damn well jews are pushing porn, degeneracy, and deviance to corrupt the minds of the young.
then you see shit like this (the exact opposite) and you also somehow think they're behind it.
Obviously it's both.
You can't use something to subvert society if it's integrated into society. It's necessary to cast your tools out of society in order to prevent the discovery of socially enforced limits and safeguards, so that your subversive efforts will be effective.
im all for censorship
You are being a total fucking retard. As per above, society can't deal with problems that it isn't able to engage with openly. Liberty has conquered every vice from alcohol and tobacco to usury and gaming. It will do the same with pornography. We just need to take control of it ourselves rather than leaving it to people who see it as a means of subversion.
The only tranny spamming this thread is you lmao
Hence why this board is absolute shit nowadays. It's full of normalfags with shit taste in vidya, shills, bots and astroturfing/psyops campaigns.
I pity you newfags who never got to experience the actual Anon Babble culture from back then (as aids as it was, it had its fun moments and was a hundred times less aids than what it's today).
you know damn well jews are pushing porn, degeneracy, and deviance to corrupt the minds of the young.
They want to push THEIR porn, they don't want Japan to push theirs because theirs is better. A lot of it is wholesome, it takes money away from their pockets and into the east's, and they don't want that.
They want control, it's not just about being degenerates.
Never ever talk about the UN again without understanding what that body is. It's a Jewish organization trying to control the world.
They want to push THEIR porn, they don't want Japan to push theirs because theirs is better.
Toddler-tier logic. You have lost your mind
itt porn addicted coombrained old men get bullied by young and strong newCHADS who practice strict semen retention and slay solid 9s on the reggie
Anon Babble can't even have a civil porn discussion in 2024...
Why else are they trying to ban it? Jews want everyone to be trannies like their god Moloch. They don't want you looking at unironically beautiful anime porn.
You're confusing two groups of people.
Has never heard of "You're here forever"
lurk more
they're trying to ban porn.. BECAUSE THEIRS IS JUST BETTER.. OK?
You are so fucking stupid.
the country that invented NTR has wholesome porn
yes, the very same country that has obligatory phone camera shutter sound, women only carriages, and first floor apartments that only get rented to men
You're confusing two groups of people.
They're the same people.
So you have absolutely nothing to say, cool.
actually jews are against porn and think it's bad....
Love is messy and they didn't invent those things you retard. They invented tentacle porn.
No, they arent.
reminder that the asia pacific alliance of the west is falling apart and the west is desperately trying to indebt and enslave Japan under their influence.
They will lose in an open market, like their non-porn entertainment is losing to Japanese non-porn entertainment right now. They want to regulate their competition.
True. Guess this image is now outdated.
It's probably OP's fault for not including a lust provoking image. Coomers are notoriously fickle creatures
So do you have any arguments or are you just going to scream like a toddler?
the very same country that has obligatory phone camera shutter sound, women only carriages, and first floor apartments that only get rented to men
So you're trying to tell me women only get sexually harassed in Japan?
Its election year for americans, it gets like this every 4 years and been this way since 2015. Notice how the exact same threads, pics, and rage bait from way back then are brought out now all of a sudden and reused as fuel for whatever agenda election tourist are trying to push.
Not enough space on the catalog for Dragon Age threads, mods?
reminds me of the plebs in mad max fighting eachother for water.
you can't take shit away from me retard. keep dreaming.
the west is going to shit, but as long as i can lock myself up in my room and jerk off to anime. please anything but my porn!!
i still wouldn't do whatever stupid dumb shit that you imagined in your head, to solve whatever retarded problem that you imagined in your head. with or without porn.
i dont know rabbi, are you trying to tell me that japan doesn't have a problem with sexual molestation? maybe you're right, sexual harassment is unrelated to any factor. we should accept migrants of all backgrounds as they're just as likely to rape than anyone else. thank you for showing me the truth.
anti porn
posts on Anon Babble
you guys really need to stop taking the bait
take your meds, tranny
you are the tourist
This thread isn't even video games at this point you stupid nigger.
n...no u!
It really annoys me that this place is now a battleground between marxists and nazis. It's like nobody is on the side of video games.
it really annoys me that tourists like you are allowed to post here
nigger what
m8 you have proof of governments meddling with videogames directly here and you act like the people who have a problem with that are le culture warrior bogeyman.
at that point I can only accuse you of being a bad actor.
this image incites violence against women and girls based on gender or sexual orientation
Look at this retard: >im all for censorship
Well I'm all for video games. God damn. Do you agree with him or what?
yea so heck off chud
I dont agree with him because its absolutely the jews behind fucking with videogames.
Well? Where's your source?
What do they actually want changed?
Video games have turned into femdom simulator already, ryona has been dead since the mid 10's.
More nonsense spewage. It should be allowed to exist as it's not real. No censorship is good censorship.