Bugs in Games

If so many people are scared of bugs, how come there aren't many horror games with bug characters?

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Because people are cowards when it comes to that type of fear and wouldn't want to engage with it at all

Some games turn into horror games for some people from the simple inclusion of bugs

Fuck off Tad

Wish people weren't such bitches

Like clockwork

fat scolipede

It was more mammal focused but I really liked Small Saga's take on portraying humans as capricious gods, but gods that could very much be killed.

Scolipede belly

I'm actually starting to lose hope bros. I was fine with their silence for years, but I'm finally breaking. I can understand autism and wanting to focus on the game, but if it's been this long and they're still not telling anyone anything I'm finally starting to lose hope. At least I have Nine Sols

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I think they had an engine change after the whole unity fiasco. That's killed many a game, unfortunately.

It's not worth paying active attention to at this point, if there is ever any actual news it's guaranteed this place will light up like a christmas tree because of it, thinking about it otherwise is just a useless endeavor

I really enjoyed Nine Sols, I'm just hoping Silksong doesn't end up like Duke Nukem Forever.

If Psychonauts 2 can come out as a "hey that's not quite what I wanted and the devs are very clearly 15 years older, but it's a damn fine sequel all things considered", I have faith in Silksong doing the same.

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Why does that leavanny have such big thighs

that's where the love is stored

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there's a lot of love to store, it goes lots of places

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I can't imagine it ending up that bad, just very underwhelming at worst probably

what about the new pokemon bug?

The beta one from the leak? It's cute in a TDM way but I haven't saved any art of it.

What about it?

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Still waiting on flyknight myself

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Just antennae and weird eyes

It's cute

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aaah bugs so scary

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What a horrifying sight, a bug with breasts

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what sick twisted fuck would draw a bug with breasts, haha

Yeah lol

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might and magic but as a mothgirl


Doesn't look very buggy.

Not seeing much in the way of bugs beyond that "moth"

This thread bugs me

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I wish there were new bug games to talk about

There's supposed to be a few on the horizon but none of them seem to be getting a concrete release date

Wish weaverdev had actually made moth game

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