When your hairdresser starts talking about videogames

when your hairdresser starts talking about videogames

this is even more awkward than with coworkers. i hate talking to normal people about games

imagine what a handsome young man OP is after his haircut!

So, what's your favorite video game, anon?


I fucking hate when hairdressers talk to you. There's no escape and you have to stay on their good side or they'll fuck your shit up.

This is why you should cut your own hair.
And it's a huge money saver as well, at least over here.
40€ per haircut vs 20-30€ for a hair trimmer

Just ask your mom or sister to cut hair
I didn't even know hairdressers talk

Whenever I used to get haircuts, I would close my eyes so hair didn't get in my eyes and the barbers would always think I fell asleep

why hasn't work started on robot hairdressers yet

Im bald and I want to fuck Sakura young tight pussy

If you get little girlfriend she can learn cutting hair on you
Would be handy for your future kids

If I wanted a lobotomy I would go to Anon Babble


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I hated talking to barbers, but during covid I couldn't get a haircut without a vaxpass. Going on 5 years without a haircut now and have no intention of going back to cutting it. Turns out hair only grows so long anyway, so it's stuck at shoulder blade length forever.

Is it normal to go bald before 30?

Been losing my hair since im 26.

Im 32 and bald now.

omg it's sakura!! hi!!!!

went to get my hair cut once

it was a cute girl doing it

she wore a thin summer dress, it was hot

no bra

her nipples were very visible

she was touching my shoulder with her nipples constantly

she was touching my arm with her belly and mound constantly

finishes the haircut

i pay and get ready to leave

her bf walks in and they kiss

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I've cut my own hair for over a decade just to avoid having to make small talk. It's way easier than you'd think, I actually get complements after I do it.

I haven't gotten a proper haircut in 4 years. I hit whatever I don't like with my electric trimmer and I look fine

Skill issue. The secret is to be there coincidentally when the next guy in line is really talkative and takes all of the barber's attention.

Aren't haircuts only expensive for girls? Boys just get a trim for 10 bucks.

Barber near me just raised their prices to $40 for everybody. He got sued for gender discrimination so the only solution was charge men the same as women.

his bf is a cuck



Nothing wrong with becoming Ojisan early

but im also so ugly, they prolly just dont want me opening my mouth

normalfag thread

finasteride NOW
do NOT make the same mistake i did and take Anon Babble schizos seriously.

Why is it always the females that want your life story 3 minutes into the haircut? Most guys don't pry, some do but not all but they'll take the hint if you give them short answers.

my mom used to cut hair so i let her do it
last time i paid a hairdresser, i told her i wanted to keep my length but get it trimmed. she said she would cut 2 inches and she cut 2ft instead without saying anything

I want a refund.

I went to cut my hair near my dad's house and the guy was gay as hell
he touched my hair and said how nice my hair was a little too much

kek, no, the average woman will just do minor shit like that if she can get away with it

when the barber starts talking about working out, and by the time he's done cutting your hair you're having a discussion about the eastern front of ww2

How autistic are you that you can't do a few mins of small talk. Talk about the weather, what you did on the weekend. You guys are weird.

when was the last time you went to a barber? Here it's 20 dollars minimum, even for kids.

Go to barbershop that's all black dudes

I'm pale as shit

They never talk to me unless it's to ask about the cut

Leave after saying maybe two sentences the entire hour

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you're not entitled to my time or my attention sweetie
cut my fucking hair and be silent scissor wagie

people instantly pegging you as a videogame person

its already over for you. may as well embrace it

he follows up with "Boy, only 5k peak players on Steam Count. What a flop!"

I naturally look like megaman, can't help it

I'm low-poly, it's not my fault.

card captors and sailor moon+being raised by women and getting paulie pocket hand me downs as a boy really fucked me up

Here's the real pic.
Just download it, open it with FastStone, zoom out to 50%, turn off smoothing.

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The last time I dropped my mother off at a barber it took 2 hours and cost somewhere around 200€, so yeah, I guess it's still more expensive for women unless they are just going for a trim as well, which they never do.
Trims go for around 30-40€, 30€ at the shitty turkish barbers that cut your hair way too short, into a shape that forces you to use gel or wax and makes you look like a sleazy greaseball no matter what you ask for since they only know the one style and 40€ at the domestic places that get you the same style of haircut you could do for yourself at home with a trimmer that is cheaper than the barbers fee.
It is a bit of a pain in the ass to do the neck by yourself but you do get the hang of it within the first 3 times

i literally just deal with the caveman neck

that's some impressive stupidity
you could've just pressed the search with saucenao button

press button to do thing for me

THAT'S stupidity, stupid.

this happened to me when I was 12-14. I don't remember how it came up but I told the lady I played WoW and she said it was cool but there was a different MMO she played that she liked more. can't remember the name, just that she made a comment about the level cap being 75 or 100 or something instead of 60 like WoW and I remember thinking about how that is arbitrary

not if the button is smarter than you.

Doesn't that give you cancer?

You got extremely good service and complain.

Would you rather have hair and cancer or no hair and no cancer? Life is full of choices

I wish Sakura would give me such good service.

I usually go to hairdresser like 1 sometimes 2 times a year, always to a salon owned by blonde bimbo milf in my hometown I've been going to all my life and she NEVER shut ups, about local gossip and such, often asking me whats going on in my life (wich is awkward because theres not much going on). Sometimes when I'm in a good mood I humor her and try my best to talk but it's tiring. Shes very sweet and gives a lot of advice. Also she ties her apron tight emphasizing her breasts and often brushes against my head with them.

It isn't if the button teaches you nothing

rip thread

Bath services instead

oh my god