Spends 40 minutes going through every single customization option and praising the hair for like 10 minutes

Viewer asks to see Body Scars

"Nah, let's not get too crazy"

"We are already past that"

"Chat, we need to move on, what do you think of the hair?"

Number 1
Number 2

I can't, bros. They fucking know.

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qrd what're the implications of this

We really need a proper Gamergate 2

this is the gamergate 2

Nigga he was making black Geralt in the first clip and didn't bother going to body scars cuz he's obviously not using that option.

The implication is that executives and marketers are trying to downplay the "woke" aspects of the game in fear it might deter sales.

They don't want to show the tranny scars because they know wokness flops

the "woke" aspects

Nigga, the whole game is woke, you just need to look at the cover art or any youtube trailer. How stupid are people that they think there are "aspects"?

Would have been the perfect opportunity to shill the customization options as a sponsored streamer
Sure wonder why he didn't

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lmao if true

our game is great and everyone loves it


bravo nu bioware

How did Edge turn to ESG?

every big AAA game is given a review guide by big companes and small streamers. they usually tell them not to focus on negative/controversial aspects.

CDPR quite literally started as a video game smuggling operation to sell stuff on Polish grey markets

It's shady bullshit all the way down and they always intended to sell out

Yes please, I can explain it away. The numbers are because, despite efforts by Grummz-sama and Mangalawyer-sama, no one actually got the memo this game was woke. The chuds are GETTING FOOLED SPREAD THE WORD.

as someone that would rather play games than watch streamers i don't know how we got to this point in the first place

That fluoride stare

This dude has to be shopped.

Does the charactor creator have regular body and facial scars or is it just the masectomy scars?

Just mastectomy scars. You're forced to choose you genitals as well but you can only choose a butchered axe wound or a sad limp skin sausage with a pump.

Why do people watch streamers? Fucking faggot sounds like his balls have been chopped off since birth going on about “Chhaaat”, “Chaaaat”. Kill yourselves

How does this affect me?

just don't buy this garbage

We've been in gamergate 2

Streamers are just the radio talk shows of the current era.
Go back 50 years in the past and ask people why would anyone put on a radio talk show while they do/work on something else, and you'll get the same answers that zoomers give today to "why do you watch streamers?"

but why?
if they're embarassed of the option being there, why even include it in the first place?
if they think including it is the right thing, why try to hide it?
dork world

Corporations are like hydras with none of the heads communicating. Marketing would know they are bad to show because of online discourse. Devs won't really care becausethey live in an echo chamber of good vibes..

Blackrock give huge paychecks for inclusion of woke shit like that, so they do it but they know no one wants to see something as foul as top scars.

You think you know him?

doesn't really feel like it ended, just kind of decreased in activity and it's boiling up again

What's the sauce on that image? I feel like the art style is beyont familiar yet I can't tell the character.
is this from that white demon cat colored comic?

"Gender change" surgeries are fucking horrific and the less you think about it the better.

that game is purple and giga gay, if you dont see it from mile away you are legally blind

we really need to get destroyed by SJWs again


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im still here however.

yeah? and so are all the SJW grifters you were supposed to get rid of.

I accept your concession, thanks.

they destroy themselves, chuds win by doing nothing. plus i get to make fun of trannies whenever they astroturf or raid

How does one actually collect money by doing this?

i hate jews so much its unreal

Same as radio, selling ad spaces and doing product placements.

what if im illegally blind

streamers are legit deranged shills, fucking no better than prositutes

But collecting the cash, in my hand. Anybody can say that facile shit. Where's the money?

They don't want us to create moments that could possibly be clipped and go viral. I understand it from their perspective. Although I don't think it's right.

I don't know if you're being willfully retarded, or you are an actual Tendie.

In the local scale, you go door-to-door to different businesses in your town and offer them your ad service.
I know of several radio shows and streamers that actually do that and get paid in cash. Sometimes they do monthly deals and sometimes just one-offs. It's very flexible.

I wouldn't want a lot of people in my town of 40,000 watching my stream, though lol. Would make life difficult.

advertising a streamer

streamer doesn't want to add body scars

post fake scenario for attention

Maybe you shouldn't be doing something you're ashamed of if you're gonna be such a pussy.

OP is a grifting culture war faggot.

More nothingburger, you're really desperate and it's pathetic you think there's some 'cabal' instituting secret rules anon. If it's this bad just call it man, there's no coming back.

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they hate you even more


Jannies are instabanning any and every mention of sweetbaby, we literally have proof epstein and BLACKED.COM are corrupting the videogame industry for propaganda, subversion and demoralization purpose and as usual we are not allowed to speak about it.

You have to be 18 to use this website

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What GayEW does to a man

Purple is based

couldn't prove it


My hate is justified.

Troon women get removed huge parts of xheir forearm in order to create a frankenpenis that will rot permanently ruining your life forever and causing your death either by necrosis or by suicide because of the pain and infections.
All because kike psychiatrists groom weak and abused people into their frankfurt school ideology to ultimately genocide the white race.
Notice how troonism is white aesthetics fetishization for men and "aren't you jealous of men?" for women.

The scar is literally horrendous and mutilating and there's barley a layer of regenerating (some times not even that) skin over the bone.
Frankenstein is child's play in comparison.

It's not shame lol. I already have an issue with my charisma attracting attention I don't want or need that disrupts my plans. Streaming to a significant percentage of the people surrounding me would just exacerbate that issue and I could no longer live comfy. The cult of celebrity here is insane.
Nice projection, though.

Look at the positive side.
If EA doesn't shut down Bioware after this, they are making a new Mass Effect.
We will finally get the Gayniggers from Outer Space adaptation we have been wanting for ages.

Starfield already exists, anon.

The west got psyop'd so fucking hard man

japs are kneeling to the pozz

chinks can't make good games

well, at least I can play old games

Never ended. Game journos and their lefty activist allies are still at war with gamers.

Wukong is pretty solid and Zenless Zone Zero is a better game than most AAA games released in the past 5-10 years.

This is coming from someone that hates chink games and especially gacha shit. It's genuinely over. The West lost.

I'm not playing gacha shit, chang

Nobody is playing whatever AAA woke garbage you're selling either, sissy.

then don't, dumbass. I'm just saying that I gave it a chance and was surprised at how much better it was. Of course the gacha shit rng is dogshit but at least I'm not paying $70+jew tax for a shitty AAA game or an MMO that updates every half a year.

This, but especially Mihomo censoredslop where they prioritize pandering to faggots.

why does his geralt look trans

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I'm not playing neither AAA pozzware nor gacha shit, pedro

How very grotesque that it got hypermasculine features yet does not register to the brain as male. Looks like a Swedish woman at 30.

want a prize or something?


in 2024

I thought this dude an hero like 5 years ago trying to ass creed leap of faith off his balcony

Aren't these aspects hard-baked into some of the earliest parts of the game's narrative though? Skipping the character creation stuff would only buy you like 15-20 minutes before some gay shit happens.

What a return to form from BioWare

Honestly this shit is funny as fuck

But it's already at 67k and growing. I really doubt it's going to flop.

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Kek. You might want to schedule an eye exam if your narrow field of view thinks that aspect was the only woke part and not the entire game and it's presentation

and growing

flop no? make enough money for EA to keep around bioware? doubtful

chuds are still coping

Bro the game is confirmed to be a success
Let it go you and your ideology lost

try to be more subtle, incel

Makes me wonder why they even bothered putting it in the game in the first place if they don't want anyone to see it. Quite peculiar if you ask me.

Gamers feel uncomfortable with these shitty games

Look at all of its disgraced figureheads and ask yourself if GG got absolutely anything done in regards to expelling poz from the vidya industry.

I agree. With that being said the developers are seeking to hide the "scars" option fearing it will deter sales. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

DEI in games gets such visceral reactions out of the average gamer that no streamer wants to touch it with a ten meter pole.

Normies will grow extremely tranny fatigued because of this game going out of the way to be extra gay and extra patronizing, mark my words. Andromeda 2.0 in a time when people who weren't sick of this shit before have begun to find it unavoidable now.

streamers have been instructed not to show body scars options

That's just Lirik being a tiptoeing pussy because he's just your average shill too scared of losing potential sponsorships. Robbaz immediately went for the scars to make the biggest abomination imaginable while having a laugh about it.

You're implying we haven't been in the midst of one since SBI. The opposition screaming about it being a good thing and running defense has done a good job keeping at at the forefront of peoples' minds who would have otherwise forgotten all about it.

devs will always add trannyshit out of sight or without really telling anyone because they know it's controversial
go look at runescape or terraria whose devs did the same thing recently, despite basically always getting community feedback before changing the games in any way
of course, that rule/agreement doesn't apply to when they want to shoehorn in their politics

this is stupid, if you are not sure if to buy a game just look at the name of the publisher. That's all you need to know

thats why you're losing

woke is winning

nonsense, we all know now that when you go woke, you make bucks
Chuds are literally blowing ttheir tiny little heads off over this game and what few don't have shit-fer-brains are now watching Vaush and Hassan, with a few alt-right chuds watching Destiny as a compromise.

Woke won

Anon Babble

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Hello fellow gamer

Why the fuck would you pay some psychopathic surgeon to cut your tits off, it's not really owning capitalism is it

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What's wrong with purple?

imagine watching faggot streamers lol

they are all corrupt trash

Tranny fatigue

Pretty much. People want the equivalent of old fantasy movies and Isekais but western like, just go to some fantastic world medieval like and with hot people, literally that's it, you make characters ugly AND on top of that talk about le gender that's the biggest boner killer for both men and femcels

detransitioning is a return to form


muh political streamers

obsessed, seething, and mindbroken.
Back2reddit with you, sister.

No, we need the event that never happened but for real this time

That you are a drooling retard and should stop watching anything on the promoted list as its nothing but corporate shills and yes men.
You won't though because you are the goodest goy. Streaming sites and jewtube have all shadow banned non corporate content creators, you won't see them in related listings at all anymore. They only care about corporate backers.

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I take 4 pills and 3 of them are for sleeping and I consider this to be extremely high, but I just can't do anything because I've got pretty severe insomnia.
I literally can be awake for a whole day and don't feel sleepy.

woke isn't winning. it is, however adapting and changing. dei is getting a new name, and the ideology will adapt.
larry fink has unlimited money. for reference he could buy microsoft and apple. and he's the only public facing person that can.
while the checks keep coming, it will continue.
culture war bullshit isn't a one and done deal.

Marketing department is doing its best to sell the game by focusing on positive aspects and hiding queationable stuff. That's what they are supposed to do.

Woke can never win, it can only drag people down to its gutter dead level. That's what it's trying to do.

It worked for Barbie, it's what Harris is doing as well, hide the woke shit they are compelled to push onto people until they know it's too late for people to back down then vomit it onto them.

click on OP’s links

both are drawn out intros of animated cats telling you the stream is gonna start soon

the video itself is 6 hours long

I hate streamers and I hate OP

On days you do fall asleep easily, what stood out? For me I only ever fall asleep when I have a full time job. I think you just have to exhaust yourself enough throughout the day to feel sleepy.

The other thing I observed was I fall a sleep easily during the day. I think some people might just be built to be nocturnal.

retconned generic baddies that were totally there all along behind Loghain's actions and Varric's brother's red lyrium madness

Laughing every laugh

itt OP and others learn "influencers" are paid reviewers, something they disclose almost constantly, and means they're subject to NDAs and other paid review rules

again, something "influencers" and streamers disclose almost constantly

means they're subject to NDAs and other paid review rules

what kind of ndas?
what kind of review rules?
is that disclosed? pointless to try and tout transparency when you aren't actually revealing anything meaningful, all they're '''disclosing''' to their audiences (significant numbers of children btw, who may well not even work out this much) is that they were paid to play it

anon too stupid to copy the timestamp

something they disclose almost constantly

no they don't, what the fuck are you talking about?

did i really just read a "think of the children" complaint for a WRPG having paid marketers

this site is so fucking cooked man

You've never heard a streamer or Youtube reviewer mention their copy was paid for or given to them?

Gamergate is what caused all this shit in the first place.

This. Fucking DoD and kikes pushing their way into games.

least obvious samefag award

GG was over a decade ago

Shortest grudge held by a talmudist award.

no, usually when the play stuff like star wars outlaws they're spending more time trying to convince people they're NOT paid while sucking the game's dick

Zoomers worship these people like humans worship gods.

zamn, two forced memes in one post

did i really just


CDPR quite literally started as a video game smuggling operation to sell stuff on Polish grey markets

nigger are you really implying fall of communism and rampant hypercapitalism with no brakes of the 90s are in any way relevant to what CDPR is in 2024? Retard

anon too stupid to infer the links are already time stamped

yes, thats what i said

do you want to know how i got these scars?

my doctor was a liberal...and a jew

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I think most of the issues, apart from me not burning too much energy, came from the psychiatrist putting me into some tablets that made me be a walking corpse for a lot of years, so that basically fucked my body and now I have severe insomnia.

So you're literally spreading conspiratorial personal conjectures based on your interpretation of two anecdotes now...?

Yes. Are you some sort of antisemite?

holy based

if they were instructed not to show the scars why would they even read those messages out? i think they just skipped the scars so they don't spend 5 hours on the customisation screen
the second one doesn't even say "body scars" just "scars"
this conspiracy brain bullshit just distracts from the real issues like the wholesome happy clappy onions writing. the fact you even watched that deeply into two separate streams about a game you hate implies you're too far gone though. just go and play something good

scars are cool though
normal ones not mtf ones

wtf where did you find this picture of me?

thanks doc

Holy retard

conspiratorial personal conjectures

conspiracy brain bullshit

interesting, interesting...

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Body Scars

Show them.

Gamergate was the beginning of all this wokeshit

bioware is akin to dice where they can fuckup as much as they want and ea will keep them around for whatever reason. bioware has released back to back major flops and EA has closed studios for less

No, the repeal of Smith-Mundt in 2013, legalizing domestic propaganda, was the start of all this. Gamergate was just one of the first public reactions to noticing the results of that legalization.

glowniggers legalize propagandizing citizens

autists immediately sniff it out with incredible efficiency

cue the autist vs. glownigger war to this day

Those are the eyes of a man with everything to lose.

theirs is more justified, you are useless and easily manipulated into being openly anti semitic, using the same drone like sentiment to then shame any criticism. theres a reason most criticism against jews is on the down low, on an anonymous site that already collaborates with the FBI

Bioware committed a grave sin when they knelt down and kissed the boot, submitting to the globohomo and trading the soul of their company for some sweet, sweet BlackRock cash.
Now is the time of their reckoning.
This latest game will be a critical failure. They'll lose everything.
And thank God. Because now we'll never have to see what they'd have done to the Mass Effect series. Andromeda was disgusting enough already.


in fear it might deter sales.

if they fear it impacts sales so much why did they push for them in the first place lol

Bro everyone was pirating shit in the former communist block in the 90s, it's just how media was shared. Most of the VHS tapes I watched as a kid were pirated. Many had shitty Romanian live dubs over them, even though I knew English even back them.
Before the fall of communism pretty much all Western media had to be smuggled in, that's not gonna change immediately when communism falls.

I think even the shilld and anti shills have been instructed to not post that because i haven't seen it in a thread today. Maybe more pople should post it since EA doesn't want people to see it

The surgeons performing these surgeries are ironically often disgusted by their clients. In the same way pain specialists are the biggest sceptics of chronic pain patients. These gender reassignment guys charge huge fees and usually under-perform in actual surgical specialities. It's something of a grift considering the success rate and post op complications.

This, a friend who does esports commentary was invited to demo some games (I think it Harry Potter and a spider-man game) as part of an event promotion. He received hundreds of pages of documents relating to exactly what he could and couldn't say, scripts, prompts, confidentiality, legal repercussions, even the facial expressions he was allowed to make, clothes he could wear and the proximity of other conversations on particular topics to discussion of the games.

I jerk off to futa and it makes trannies seethe because they will never be drawings

hates guns

makes a fps game

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we were laughing at ea trying to stop people from showing the scars you braindead smug troglodyte

Kek troons btfo

so why did they add that shit in the first place