These retards really made DA watch threads thinking people weren't gonna buy it KWAB

Because every big budget game NEEDS to have a specific type of messaging in order to get funding, and HR will only hire people who agree with the agenda.

They are so dumb kek



*Gets 20k more people*


Reminder that Metaphor, a brand new anime RPG from Atlas, hit 85k. Dragon Age is barely to clawing out 60k on the best day it'll have.

playercount already peaking at 60k


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Not helping your case lol

metaphor also lost

ratings: mixed

Just like the troons making these threads

Metaphor isn't a AAA game.

the peak will be on sunday it always is

Chuds are too stupid to realize that most gamers don't want to be lectured about how "woke" a game is. We just want to enjoy good games without right wing incels screeching about women and PoC.
Chuds are wrong every single time and they still don't learn. It's actually amazing if you think about it. They can't stop losing and being wrong.

30k peak by sunday

yes sister let's play a round of concord

why do you always raid and spam? on second thought, i'd rather you waste your time here than grooming kids on discord

Why do chuddies always lo-ACK!!!!!

When did this site stop caring about video games or any other board topic and instead become retarded wannabe finance bros?

What's woke about FF7R? I played this game twice for 200 hours and if Anon Babble didn't point out those few gay npc's I would have no idea they were even there. It's pretty tame as far as woke content is concerned and there is zero of it in the main story and sidequests.

3k more than BG3 rn

Swen won. Even Todd won

62% on launch

It's about to get ugly.

Ok but do you think the game’s good?

What's woke about FF7R

Nigger NPCs in (old) Nibelheim and some same-sex couple NPCs walking around in populated areas. I think that's all. The main characters weren't altered (Cloud was always a crossdressing faggot).

It's just more tranny rage along the lines of the fake and gay little list they made in response to SBI Detected, where instead of indicating woke games they grasp at straws to justify calling it woke and pretend people actually care about their gay little list when normies often haven't even heard of it.


I forget, why did chuds call FFR:7 woke?
Was it because Barret's black?

I dont care. DA: VG looks boring. I'm too busy playing hentai games. fuck off.


For a AAA game

It's not a Concord level flop, but Bioware is bleeding money again.

Grummzcord insider here:
Grummz told me if this game sells well, he'll probably commit suicide.
He says this was supposed to be his meal ticket so he went all in on it, but if that gamble fails, he'll be left with nothing.
His wife left him this year, his daughter hates his guts, he can't pay his mortgage.
Please support him by boycotting this game, my fellow gamers.

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right wing incels

i hate using this faggy reddit word, but lefties are the real incels. sodomy isn't sex.
go back, faggot

Actually Cid """might""" have been altered into a wimp but I'm not sure if it's due to DEI niggardry or just alternate timeline bullshit.

I forget, why did chuds call FFR:7 woke

Squeenix was in Sweet Baby's client list. Niggers and gay couples are prominent.

These are just random NPC's standing around in Golden Saucer. There's like a hundred of them in that area.

are you seriously trying to imply there's no problem with that image? kill yourself faggot, miscegenation as a white person is the biggest crime against humanity you can commit

Donald Trump just announced he's dropping out of the race due to the overwhelming commercial success of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. he said "it's over, we lost"

what do we do now fellow chudbros??????

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This is the only real thing I can think of. Cid doesn't smoke and is all to nice. Him not smoking might be more due to retarded CERO ratings in Japan than anything else though.

I hate woke shit, but this game isn't it.


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my troon game is doing better than your troon game!!!

The absolute state of chuddies.

see All the gay shit Anon Babble complains about is relegated to random NPC's that just blurt something out as you walk past them. FF16 was much more in your face with this stuff yet Anon Babble never complains about it as much.

Like I said, I might have been due to timeline bullshit. Yuffie wasn't that much of a bubbly retard either. She doesn't call Tifa "tits" or steal your materia.

dude the gay kiss in FF16 is infinitely less pozzed than that one single image in rebirth. white women breeding with niggers is the most disgusting abomination shit imaginable. i will never play that cucked shit. why isnt it a white guy with a black girl? oh yeah, no ESG points in that

Promotes racemixing and LGBT faggotry



Just like the OG did.

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Can you retarded number niggers shut the fuck up already? Holy fuck

We should just transition.

IMG_1651.png - 2288x1748, 1.87M

tranny pretends AA numbers for an AAA game is good

Why do trannies always deny reality?

Cope: DD2 was 200k

game headed by Atlus' top talent with 8 years of development isn't AAA

Implying atlus has been working on metaphor the whole time and there is no persona 6 impending

The dropoff will be faster than you've ever seen, in a handful of days the election will be on and no one will care about this crap.


2 different studios

Ironically this looks like chaser art.
I thought fetishizing trannies was transphobia ?

60K is good for AAA?


So you? You're the one making the threads. Why are you fighting yourself?
It's not healthy.