
Human? Dwarf?

Hell nah, elves are my main niggas in fantasy Anon Babbleidya.

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kill yourself

t.dirt nigga

Alright, who let the knife-ear make threads?

Mae g'ovannen, my friend.

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hey Tav

Gale here

Look, I am conjuring a face of Mystra using magic! It's funny because Mystra *is* the magic itself, so I'm literally making Mystra using Mystra...

Anyway, I fucked her raw.

And you can fuck her too, if you learn magic you know!

I can teach you if you want

just repeat those gestures...

You're doing it, Tav! You're channeling the weave!

*suddenly a female motion capture actor takes hold of your male character, which you yourself associate with and self-insert into*

*you look at Gale longingly, and he looks at you the same way*

*narrator speaks about intimate atmosphere and anticipation of a kiss...*

*you get uncomfortably close to Gale while your character looks like he's about to go for a kiss, and you have 5 different flavours of how to initiate sex and only one option to stop it*

*you choose to stop it*

*weave dissapears. Both Gale AND you look extremely sad and dissapointed you didn't get some gay sex*

Well, it was good while it lasted, Tav... *Gale goes away sobbing, while your character looks guilty*

*if you try to kill Gale after that you have to resurrect him and have him in your party or it's a game over*

I like the Dragon Au Ra niggas from FF 14.

''give me the chaddest elves please!''

BG3 ''yes me lord!''

People who can reach the third shelf.

thats the only good elf face though

long ears bad

because ughh... umm... uhhhhh.......

someone post the drow chad breaking that girls lute

All unmodded races have like one good face and the rest are negroid/mongoloid/ugly.

Long ears look good on good looking (or cartoony) people.

yes I am playing BG3 as an elf

I think male elves are pretty faggy. So I usually play human to steal the female elves from them.

Foolish are the young who have forgotten dwarves and elves were once brothers in arms.

elves do not tan

don't worry that's her natural skin color

Play Half Orc, Dwarf or Gith

All voices are different flavors of posh britbong so it feels extremely off

We need a cockney accent for orcs and goblinoids!

I thought so too but the default Elf is a GigaChad. Still picked human male, of course.

Ever since elder scrolls I've only played dunmer in every elder scrolls game.

Tall male elf is the chaddest build you can have in this game

cool elf + his cute mutt cocksleeve



Can you genocide elves in Veilguard?


No but you can learn about their pronouns and transition surgery scars! And here's why that's a good thihhsjdjdjdjsosisks

veilguard is a trans therapy session with tacked on combat, what do you think?

I was thinking of going Drow or Half-Drow on my first run, I hear it unlocks some interesting dialog.

not going wood elf

Dood...do you even know how to monk?

and then it will drop immediately after act 1, many such cases


lmaoing at your life

If you want to be a special snowflake at least make a max INT high-elf Eldrich Knight.

m-m-m-make a

Maybe he doesn't want to suffer autogynephilia?

1 buff old man

3 drussy

anyway really happy or sorry about your transition

You are the one advocating for playing as a female because plap plap meme.

but im a wood elf

but you made your character look like a high elf

whats the most kino BG3 class

Just disguise self, everyone including your character acts like they were born drow

so? stop being such autistic

Storm Sorcerer

whats the most kino BG3 class

Barbarian/Monk for mele(i know that people like Paladin but throwing a bunch of enemies around and doing a barrage of punches is more kino IMO).
Sorcerer for casters.
I guess all the rogue subclasses are also neat if you like sneaking(BG3 is probably the cRPG with the most functional stealth mechanics to date).

for me it's the half-elf

Fuck off knife ear

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they're all boring because turn based

Ideal Elf/Dwarf race relations are best bros who are highly competitive with each other and constantly bicker like an old married couple.

There is a sort of work class accent but it's a modern one instead of cockney and they got a nig to do it for male and female.

Are there dwarf companions in this game? I want a dwarf buddy for my elf ranger

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Sadly not, You get an two elves, two half-elves, a gith, tiefling, drow, and three humans.
There are hirelings that you can customise if you don't care for the companion quests though.

If I saw an elf in real life I would FUCKING KILL HIM