A great disturbance has been awaken...
Dead Rising
I want him to make a video shitting on Alan Wake 2.
Isn't that game good?
Dead Rising bros... how do we stop Capcom for digging up the dead just to rape their corpse ?
His arguments would have no grounds to stand on. All criticisms of AW2 boil down to culture war garbage, and by itself it's a very good game, considering >current year politics that had to be shoved in because EPIC (an american company) funded the development.
dood everything new is le bad
people disagree
becomes hyper passive aggressive
folds and temporarily hides videos so people stop disagreeing with him
He's even gayer than dunkey
He's a faggot just like anyone else that likes Max Payne
has to go back for easy prey again after getting fucked up from all the RE4 criticism
by itself it's a very good game
Not really, no.
All of his videos boil down to culture war shit
Look at the current like/dislike ratio dumbass shill
all the RE4 criticism
Still waiting on the evidence that he fucked with the sound
Not really, no.
ok, tell me why. I'm all ears. AW1 was a mediocre game carried by its story and atmosphere. It had soul.
IMHO AW2 still has love and care put into it.
It is known
poggers dood can't wait to watch asmongold react to the video
b-but my upvotes
try a little harder next time troonbcat
Hahaha what is this fucking cope
No those don't count!
End yourself kike
Not really. RE4make vid dives a bit into that niche but his other criticisms are rock solid.
after getting fucked up from all the RE4 criticism
nigger, do you really wanna get BTFO again? There's ample evidence that RE4make has shit sound compared to the original
imaging making people mad despite never saying a single word
The remake has been completely forgotten now
He won
Use to like this guy. He really fucked up last year.
dead rising
weird choice to say the least.
Reminder that during the RE4 debacle, crowbcat exposed himself to being on these threads by posting a youtube screenshot of the RE4 video with options only available to the video creator
my man, have you played the fucking game? I swear some terminally online faggot like you has an opinion on everything despite having literally zero experience in the subject matter
I love detective games where there is one choice and the game picks it for you!
Capcom really made this retard seethe, huh? Sad!
He clearly loves dead rising considering he already covered it before. Maybe he just loves zombie games in general.
die youtube retard.
The video’s original title of "soul vs soulless" was already the smoking gun.
RE4 Remake went on to sell on par if not more than OG RE4. Anytime I see fanart of Ada or Ashley it’s their remake outfits now.
there is one choice and the game picks it for you!
yeah, the detective puzzles were quite annoying. But AW2 is not a detective game.
old good new bad
everything is demake
I hate this faggot
What a faggot contrarian, holy shit. The remaster looks and plays so much better than the original.
Muh commie dialogue!
Muh Chinese butcher!
Muh erotica shots!
Thank goodness. Having to think for myself was getting stressful. I'm so glad Crowbcat's back to provide my opinion for me.
Anytime I see fanart of Ada or Ashley it’s their remake outfits now.
OG RE4 had almost 20 years of fanart. Are you really surprised that the newer commissions are also of the newer designs?
OG RE4 is one of the best game ever made. RE4 Demake is just another game released in 2023.
everything is demake
my man he literally only shat on RE4make and DR deluxe remaster
here's your favorite gaming youtuber bro
wait john mcaffee from max payne voiced the dead rising remake guy????
How did working mirrors become an arcane secret lost to time ?
Changing "sexiest shot" to "funniest shot" will never not be a retarded change just to get rid of the erotica tag. I'll gladly stick with the original thank you.
Give examples of remakes being better than the OGs. You will give a few examples, while the majority of them are just shit.
All the same people are shilling for this as for RE4R
can see screen tearing in a screenshot
You are the one that claimed it was a "very good game", you should elaborate on what exactly makes AW2 a "very good game"
most downloaded mods are the original outfits. Artists just draw whatever in trendy for engagement and probably don't even play the game.
this guy has a personal vendetta against Capcom
Diversity hires or just nu-devs.
its a very buggy walking sim
That's pretty substantial
Watching it now, it's insane the lengths they went to just to sanitize the mere mention of sex existing. So fucking gay
maybe he is a megaman fan
correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the appeal of alan wake games the story rather than the gameplay? from everything i've seen it seems like the schlockiest twin peaks ripoff 2deep4u shit ever
small bathroom with 1 player character versus full gym with 20 characters
Fuck off Shillnami.
Persona 3R and before you cope, the OG isn't FES
RE4 Remake went on to sell on par if not more than OG RE4.
And both have lower sales than RE6.
Anytime I see fanart of Ada or Ashley it’s their remake outfits now.
This would mean something if RE4 didn't have 20 years of fan art already while the only thing RE4R has that's exclusive to it is that dead "Mousely" meme
H-have people forgotten my backpedaling? Can I come out now?
no, he has nostalgia for 7th gen, he's not even human
RE4 Remake went on to be a flavor of the month game that nobody talks about anymore
ftfy, fag
i would say modern graphics are exponentially harder to duplicate in the same way games of old did but they were working with 512 fucking mb of ram so i doubt it's THAT big of an issue for modern hardware to handle. Maybe it's just that every game now uses fucking unreal or some similar framework and that engine is shit at reflections like these? i don't know. i'm not a game scientist. it's shit either way
The RE4make video was hilarious, crowb got so ass mad when he realized that Anon Babble was not real life
People are talking about vidya ITT more than they do in Twitter screenshot threads
He wants to shit talented devs with shit hardware back then
Lurk more, zoomer. SH still has better graphics and character design than many new shit. I don't even like Konami. Fuck them.
P3R is the 5th game that was good every fucking second. So I won't disagree.
sexually abused
genki retard
is that it?
Using AI upscaling for a lot of the textures already makes it a no buy remake for me
that whole censorship section
what the fuck, i didn't know it was this bad. i thought they just hid the booba or something
Would all them.
It truly boils down to this. Not just RE4 but anything where people disagree he gets upset.
The GTA video isn't even wrong but enough normalfags went "no" for him to hide the video for a while.
crowb got so ass mad when he realized that Anon Babble was not real life
Most people agreed with him
Retards like Gman tried to DEBOONKED him made themselves look like retards
Only Zoom Zoom who can't into tank controls or faggot shills like Suzi shilled hard for it
The remake went on to not get a fraction of the originals acclaim and us largely forgotten
The nu-capcom fans came in full force on this one.
RE4 Remake went on to sell on par if not more than OG RE4.
og is still sitting at 13 mil while the remake is at 8 mil
Wish he made a video on RE3 Remake instead of RE4R. RE3R is an irredeemable piece of shit whereas RE4R is kino.
Dead Rising is an unashamedly political game, that's why I like it so much. They completely removed almost everything incendiary about it because...they thought someone might get offended that an old vietnam vet calls someone a commie? What?
he liked some vr game
Anon Babble shit on him for daring to like something
he deleted it
yeah well people weren't drawing the remake designs before the remake came out.
Are you guys retarded? Obviously there would be 20 years of OG art. The point is that the remake designs supplanted the original designs going forward
Fuck RE4D, but it will soon surpass the OG once Capcom cuts RE4D's prices and third worlders start buying it.
game that's been out for 20 years and re-released 10 times vs. game that's been out for a year and a half
that blood
lmao. the absolute state
Why does he trigger Anon Babble so badly?
It was a good game
No it wasn't
Ok why wasn't it
Erm um first tell me why it was a good game
Lol wtf
would take 5 and 8
Fine-ladies is wrongthink and should be censored
unironically what's wrong with millenials who approve and develop this shit, I simply don't understand
Gayer than donkey
He isn't a cuck
you should elaborate on what exactly makes AW2 a "very good game"
you're a dishonest faggot but I'll bite
interesting story
good soundtrack
good atmosphere
decent gameplay
also it's a sequel to a 13 year old game that doesn't entirely suck. That's kinda rare these days.
>It was a good game
Ok, why?
The point is that the remake designs supplanted the original designs going forward
No it's not there's also barely any new of RE4R because the game was a FOTM
seems like the schlockiest twin peaks ripoff 2deep4u shit ever
it seems like it but the game doesn't overdo it with the refferences. It's not a parody by any means.
You can optimize unreal to use proper mirrors, it's not that. These developers are fucking lazy, and don't optimize textures or performance. This is coming from an indie dev
Did it for dead rising remake which even capcom shill were already lukewarm on
Didn't do it for silent hill 2 remake that actually deserved this because he's too much of a pussy when it comes to backlash
The point is that the remake designs supplanted the original designs going forward
No they didn't. Just because some rich coomer paid some 3d artist for a few renders of nu-ada and nu-ashley does not mean they are now immensely more popular than the OG designs. Thesy're just easier to work with.
>Didn't do it for silent hill 2 remake
nigger, the game came out like 2 weeks ago. Give him time.
The only people he triggers are the shills.
Kek, you're still buthurt about his re4 video after all this time?
He's a gutless FAGGOT
Theres soemthing funny in that this is the 2nd dead rising video he had to make. capcom fucking blows
seems bad but whatever
get to the texture part
okay this shit is actually inexcusable. like obviously they just ran it through an AI, which is fine in theory, but to not put in the minimal amount of effort to fix the writing is just fucking garbage. some of them aren't even small
new releasrs
jesus christ dude
>The remake went on to not get a fraction of the originals acclaim and us largely forgotten
what did she mean by this?
Anyone who makes “vidya content” online is the enemy. Period. It’s largely because they’re doing something I wish I could do as a job instead of being a useless, unemployed NEET and so I default to hatred towards these people. It’s also why I’m cheering for Billy against Karl in their lawsuit, why I loathe Asmongold, and why the name “Grummz” sends me into a furious rage.
The fucked collision and AI-generated texture upscales that render text completely illegible are already enough to disqualify this remake for me.
I knew it was bad but I didn't realize it was this bad.
Glad to see this.
Fuck Dead Rising 4.
Fuck Shilluxe Demaster.
almost an hour now
can't even break 5000 views
okay wrap it up we're done here
Homomade Cookies
You don’t get it, a lot of Anon Babbleirgins never had friends growing up, all they had were video games. Video games were their friends. So when a title from twenty years ago gets a remake, these retards squeal because they feel like their character is getting attacked no matter how much better the remake can be.
Watch the video retard. Literally every aspect of the game was downgraded. Yes even the graphics.
You don’t get it, a lot of Anon Babbleirgins never had friends growing up, all they had were video games. Video games were their friends. So when a title from twenty years ago gets a remake, these retards squeal because they feel like their character is getting attacked no matter how much better the remake can be.
Holy fuck anon you nailed it. No wonder they can't see how much better RE4R is than the OG.
I'm not that anon, and I've never played it.I just thought you're retarded
I completely forgot Steven Blum voiced that PTSD psychopath. What an absolute VA mogging. Imagine replacing Steven fucking Blum
All that projection because people have eyes and don't like lazy demakes.
It fixed the retarded survivor AI. Literally all we needed.
His arguments would have no grounds to stand on.
Your crying have no ground to stand on, imagine defending a billion dollar company who outsourced to a fucking faggot shitskin.
Not only that, RE4R sold less than RE2R...
That must have been a major fucking let down for capcom...
But why am I retarded?
You don’t get it, a lot of zoomers don't have friends growing up, all they have is video games. Video games are their friends. So when a title from twenty years ago gets a demake, these retards squeal because they feel like their character is getting attacked no matter how much better the original was.
RE4R made RE4 obsolete.
You're so insecure about it you're seething about a year old re4 video in a dead rising thread.
The Gamingcirclejerk nigger think Anon Babble is a concensus.
Hello newfag.
Even if he was right, he lost all credibility after the shitty RE4 video
Is that why you need an eceleb to validate your terrible takes?
his only good part of this video is the censorship part. Everything else is just nitpicky which is to be expected because that's his whole channel
RE4R was so fucking good bros.
he lost
The only one losing is crapcom. Thanks GOD I watched his vid and save 70$
I mean he faced similar scrutiny (although not to the same extent) with his tf2 video way back
impressive, very nice.
now lets try shooting a door in that stage in the remake
Thanks GOD I watched his vid and save 70$
ESL-kun, they don't need your jeetbux.
Dead Channel
the only nitpick of mine of the RE4R is Krausers VA, that was a let down. Everyone else more or less did good. I'd even give Salazars weird outfit switch a pass, but Krausers VA should not of been Krauser.
The bosses of RE4R are enough for me to say the remake is better than the OG.
For me, it was Ada's VA. Lily Gao fucking sucked and I hate how the fanbase felt bad for her for being harassed so they're overcompensating now by saying she's one of the best VAs Ada has ever had.
The remake of RE4 is legitmately a great game. You don't need to defend it to shitposters.
Nigger did I ask for you opinion?
Scaling the stagger to the power of weapons and true reloads are by far the best most important changes
I posted on an a messageboard where anyone can reply, nooooo don't respond to me
Subhuman 3rd worlder AND retarded, wew.
I have hated remakes of classic games by random irrelevant developers for longer than the 12 months since crowbcat activated your NPC FOMO defence mechanism.
Nigger did I ask for you opinion?
Please get real friends.
crowbcat releases a video on dead rising
RE4R cucks swarm the thread to bring up his re4 video and shill the demake again
utterly and completely mind broken. holy shit i didn't realize he destroyed you this badly
bad remakes are only a big deal if the original is delist as a result like the gta trilogy or the original doesn't have a port that works good out of the box like silent hill 2
person uploads new video
point of comparison is their last video
people talk about last video
huh crazy.
RE4 improves on details and atmosphere in a million ways
Autismos use le breakable doors as a cherrypicked gotcha even though it was completely worthless in the original game
Oh, so you've been retarded for a long time now? Well, I'm not surprised.
H-h-hes lost all credibility! Nobody listens to him! He's a bad bad bad man!
He gained all his credibility back from the re4 video after losing it acting like a massive nostalgia baby about halo
>RE4R cucks swarm the thread to bring up his re4 video and shill the demake again
Classic, the nigger shills are still butthurt.
it wasn't his last video bud
yeah but no one watch that one where he sucks off a bunch of 360 games
She wasn't a bad voice actor, but she wasn't Ada for sure. I didn't play the DLC for assignment Ada in the Remake though, so it might be more jarring than I realize. Krauser hurt me though, original Krauser was the epitome of "Kino" as they say.
I loved RE4R, thought crowb's video was cherrpicked garbage, and I think the Dead Rising "remake" is dogshit and this video is actually good. What does that make me?
Are you looking at 2? r4make sold way less
and indipendent contrairian
Anon Babble only deals in absolutes so they'll call you a shill regardless because you don't hate the re4 remake like they do.
had to wait this long to find low hanging fruit to make a video about
he's such a faggot lmao
Exactly, your judgment can't be trusted.
you're wrong on all accounts but it's ok i love you anyway
they hate you cus you're speaking the truth. RE4R mogs the OG so hard it's obsolete, the first good modern remake Crapcom has made.
how did the voice acting get so much worse? Isn't video game acting serious business now? Did they just not have a voice director on payroll or what?
The RE4 video was his lowest point because the cherrypicking is insane.
get to details section
gas station explosion no longer leaves smoke cloud
wine bottles snap in two rather than shattering
no burst of topsoil when you destroy a planter
mirror in the gym replaced with filler wall installation (the reveal that even the Wii game had the mirror)
tile and metal floor that no longer reflects light properly
blast chillers in the butcher's shop no longer have frost effect
AI upscaled text that looks deep-fried and is completely illegible even on things like PP Stickers which you are expected to look at
clock tower incorrectly place when looking into the park from a window
barbells floating in air on weight benches
guns don't drop shell casings
can't shoot zombies in the parking lot from the roof
zombies fall and get pushed as light as a feather
worse collision with large objects like furniture
This is 100% certified slop. Fuck everyone who bought this.
this kills the "demake" posters.
I didn't know Capcom was so invested in manufacturing a consensus here of all places.
Capcom is scared of unions so they hire people from fiver and tiktok now, no joke. Claire's VA in RE2R used to make shitty tiktok impression vids.
Nobody cares about some AI garbage ripoff with Overwatch graphics
Crowbcat caught flak because he was wrong and disingenuous
Don’t care, survivors aren’t retarded now.
This, lost respect when he folded like an absolute imbecile by changing the title of the video. The moment you cave in on what you supposedly represent, you lose your audience. He'll never live the DEmake 4 video down not because it was wrong, but because he pissed his pants at the reception instead of owning it.
The new RE games have had really good voice acting though, barring a few standout bad performances (ada in re4 lmao), but in Dead Rising demake it's total amateur hour from EVERYONE
b-but RE4R
One animation change
This is some serious desperation coming from shills.
just flops over stiff as a board
Wow 4make is so fucking good BROOOS
based tldr
saved me a click
lmfao no
ok, how about the gameplay?
Skill issue.
Don't spam the call button.
Set waypoints.
Learn the routes.
Also you have a tiny rice-grain dick.
collisions are "one animation"
alright buddy
Gee, I sure wish RE4 had
A tacked-on parry mechanic
A completely boring "realistic" art style
The stiffest animations known to man
Input lag on movement
Yellow paint everywhere
Nonexistent ambience
Part of the original game's content separated off into a 30 dollar "expansion" to milk money from retards
A bunch of dialogue changed around and cut out for no reason
Leon drained of all character and turned into a mopey shithead
Remarkably bad voice acting on Ada
Interiors that look like they're made out of generic Unity assets
Literally none of the charm
I hate AIslop so fucking much
The Remake looks noticeably worse here. Are you even trying?
Sir that will be seventy dollars plus tip sir bastard
I don't play games to look at furniture
Everything about the remake is AI
Except the censorship, that part they put effort into
This shit is beyond parody
you're the one who made the claim that it sold more lol
oh hey it's OLD GAME GOOD, NEW GAME BAD channel
Based. Is that actually him?
>Gee, I sure wish RE4 had
>A tacked-on parry mechanic
The parry is fucking awesome, you just suck.
>A completely boring "realistic" art style
Not the best art style ever but it's serviceable, original was brown and dull.
>The stiffest animations known to man
>Input lag on movement
Does not exist.
>Yellow paint everywhere
Yeah this sucks.
>Nonexistent ambience
Ambience is great in RE4R.
>Part of the original game's content separated off into a 30 dollar "expansion" to milk money from retards
I was mad about this but when I played SW it was so much better than the OG SW and iterated upon a largely dogshit fight that was in the OG game.
>A bunch of dialogue changed around and cut out for no reason
Dialogue in 4R is fine.
>Leon drained of all character and turned into a mopey shithead
Leon is better in the remake and still makes jokes and quips.
>Remarkably bad voice acting on Ada
Lily Gao is a fucking terrible Ada and Capcom should never have cucked and recasted her just because a white woman was playing her.
>Interiors that look like they're made out of generic Unity assets
Interiors look gorgeous in 4R.
>Literally none of the charm
Your opinion. Also wrong btw.
Might as well state you don't play games to look at mirrors or labels on the walls as an attempt at defending Dead Rising. Detail and atmosphere is lost. Artistic vision is dead. And you will forever be a consoomer that gets the ick at the thought of playing a game older than 2016. (You)
didn't read. stay mad capjeet
remake was dumbed down for casual babies.
faster movement
slower zombies
passive zombies
can easily dodge/block attacks without getting hurt
bosses are slower and dumber
can now skip time in infinite mode
can save in infinite mode
recoil physically moving your camera up is so fucking stupid in a third person game
no it's an unrelated streamer
They are just as retarded as the original, they're just coded to walk through stuff now instead of getting stuck on it, pathfinding is the same.