Visual Novels

What are we reading during this spooky hour?
For me it's comfy all-ages yuri.

Are you seriously still reading Hanahira or do you just like using it for the OP

he's learning japanese

that's a kid

I know. But it shouldn't take that long.

Kill all pedophiles

Well he picked a terrible place to start.
Hanahira is harder than 装甲悪鬼村正 and 鬼哭街, and in order to understand and appreciate all the subtleties in the script you'll also need to watch 100 hours of various 時代劇 and read countless Japanese history texts. The barrier to entry is no joke.

zoomers see 2000s VN moe blobs for the first time

I am getting really old for this place.

only 1 single kanji in the sentence

literally impossible


I'll see you later.

I'm almost done with Nekopara vol.2.
Right now I'm fucking Azuki

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ama ne

heaven/sky yeah?


you today


sun directly so because


???(someone)-chan with blackboard


(said) shouldn't erase
mysterious rune language makes no sense dude

I summon EVN poster.

I laughed

There is only one good EVN (craptawa shitshow), and no, the other one you're thinking of is actually a GVN.

Anki users be like

But I'm reading Divine Deception right now and enjoying it. I read their previous EVN and enjoyed it too.
I already know purists will dismiss them out of hand though.

I googled it.
I looked at the art.
I will now delete your VN from my memory.

I also knew that attacking the amateur art would be the immediate response.
As if tons of quality jap VNs don't have janky fucking art.

Starter pack. Those are okay.
Narcissu 2 is one of my favorite VNs

VNs don't have janky fucking art.

They do, but they're often stylized in a way that makes them still look cute or interesting.
Hanahira's art is mediocre at best, yet still manages to be infinitely more appealing.

I tried reading ToHeart2 but it was too difficult for me so I'm reading manga (with full furigana) instead

Katawa Shoujo is on Steam now?

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Yeah, it came out back in August

I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books. Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.

all of those are proprietary malware

Was it autism?

Why are you posting on a non-free website? Hypocrite.

He must participate in society, somehow.
His society being, Anon Babble.


Have decent taste in VNs.

Where do you recomend starting? I can read kana a handful of kanji, and can speak basic conversation. It was enough to survive on my trip there, but only in Tokyo.

there's unironically any other way?

The japanese is easy enough. Besides the setting makes it comfy to read at a slow pace

just read a fully voiced visual novel (like hanahira) with jisho open
it's so easy to acquire new vocabs through exposure if you read enough

bro people should just like, do everything for free man


lmao even

Girls/women are incapable of love.

Girls/women are incapable of lov

ing you

couldn't even make it through the first chapter of nanatsuiro drops before getting bogged down with vocab and giving up

anta-tachi... go on without me

not so subtle self-own

nanatsuiro drops is really good in my opinion, too bad about that.


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we have fate stay night at home

Real ones, yeah. But this is 2D, where real life rules do not apply.

I'm reading the Hungry Lamb and ita hyper kino

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It had a decent launch, but it's been all downhill from there.
Also on Itch and Jast.

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have to escape to a fictional world created by the depraved mind of a Japanese businessman who didn't want to work a normal office job

Reality is so... taxing.

I only play Anon Babble ge

comfy all-ages yuri


I don't have the patience to read anything unless there's sex involved, but muh dick is a very powerful motivator so I can't complain.


Disgusting subhuman cuck

why are you gay?

Kindred Spirits on the Roof is comfy yuri but also has sex. Just not very much of it.

I miss sonohana
i miss old peko art

i don't get the meme. Ofc it's no fun at the beggining (kinda)

What do I read next

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babby's first vns

Hurry up and read Tatarigoroshi

Where is Doki Doki Literature Club? THE BEST VN EVER

Labyrinth of galleria.

It's referencing a post someone made on r/learnjapanese about how he learned enough to pass the N1 exam in only a year while reading hentai exclusively. He recommended the game pictured on the left as a "10/10 must read". As you'd expect from reddit, they seethed with disgust and envy before deleting/locking the thread. Unfortunately Waybackmachine is still down, but there's a reddit mirror of it here:

The wojak on the right is just a parody of your typical normalfag language learner who doesn't have the dedication required to learn a language, so they search for tricks and shortcuts to make learning easier before inevitably failing and giving up.

studying for 7-8 hours every single day

Based dedicated learner.

also edging for most of that time

Holy shit.

Unfortunately Waybackmachine is still down

It's just sad hearing this everytime
Also i wonder if the story is real or just an elaborate joke to make redditors seethe

crapwa shitjo unironically the only good one there

damn they really look like that? maybe i'll take the pill

Been relaxing with my yearly umineko replay, got to episode 6 today.

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yearly umineko replay

jesus christ that's like 150 hours a year that you could have spent playing a GOOD game instead


shan't read

I didn't ask, best VN.

still I want to fuck them

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What do you even use to look up for the words in the doujins? Is there any way to just hoover over the kanjis in the picture?

It's actually amazing how much re-readability it has.
I wish I had taken notes and tried harder to figure things out my first time though. That's a habit I've gotten into with any kind of mystery now.

It's extremely re-readable and each time I do I feel like I come away with a slightly different take or feeling for even small things which is fun.
Over the many replays I've gone from hating a few characters with a passion (Erika) to loving them all dearly, Beatrice is still the best though.

it's another episode of detekt0r speaking to himself

still not reading it, shill

Is there any way to just hoover over the kanjis in the picture?

These are all you need:
Cloe is your OCR tool, it can be used to read text of the screen and copy it to your clipboard.
Yomitan is your dictionary tool, it reads text from your clipboard and looks it up on all the dictionaries you have installed. It can also be used to scan text in your browser.

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Fucking based, fuck umitroons

peak tourist


Where to download the non-censored version? I checked the regular sites and I couldn't find a non-steam version.

neneko's game (return to shironagasu island)


what are some translated allage yuriges

Nice, thanks.

Where to download the non-censored version?

Non-steam version

No clue friend. I have them on steam and downloaded the patch from somewhere else.
