Legitmate masterpiece.
Legitmate masterpiece
All remakes are zoomerslop, end of discussion.
It's not.
Unironically true. RE4 OG is casual babby tier in comparison.
said the person who has bought the same pokemon game released 80 times over the past 30 years
RE4R has Lady Hunk, making it objectively better
she's right
those ballistics anthony cumia bought for her look good in her ashley costume lmao
thats your best counter argument?
an animation taking 0.5 second longer?
Would genuinely let him suck me off and possibly fuck his ass
I am 100% straight btw
It doesnt surpass the original in any way
It will never be a landmark title because it's a remake
It's a net negative to video games because instead of something original, all that time money and resources were spent on this
You could delete this game from history and literally everything would be exactly the same
s(he)'s right
I really like the little finger wiggles in the remake
I didnt buy it because the original is just 10/10 as it is and I have no idea why they felt the need to remake 4 before something like code veronica or RE1. That and I'm afraid its going to be shit.
But I like the new animation more.
magic hands
Stealth segments are tedious.
The upgrade system encourages meta-gaming: "I won't put spend money to upgrade this shotgun because I know I'll get a better shotgun later."
Remake RE1
But anon, it's already remade; it doesn't need another.
upgraded Salazar into a fun boss that actually does shti
Del Lago is still a steaming pile of shit
Guess that boss is just unfixable. At least you don't have to break your finger on the last QTE if you're playing on Prof now.
The last, good resident evil game was 2. The third game was the last one that had zombies in it. 4-8 were action adventure games that only borrowed the title to trap actual fans.
I honestly can't believe how badly they messed up the story and writing, but the voice acting is equally terrible. Ashley went from "haha isn't she so annoying" to "I really wish I could choke her."
Remake Ashley is hot. The original was monke
meta gaming
in RE4
You can literally beat the entire game with the starting handgun no problem. Fuck, you can literally beat the game with just the knife. Fuck off. RE4 is balanced to perfection.
I mean it's a shitter version of Resident Evil 4, so I guess it's technically still a masterpiece.
That will be $40 for your movieslop version of game you already + $10 Seperate Ways DLC that was originally free or part of the base game + Micro transactions in a singleplayer game + tip.
We'll throw in censorship, removing the majority of content featuring Salazar and Saddler, worse versions of Saddler and Salazar, shit removed or changed for no reason, overly detailed environments, no ambient sounds, chainsaw parrying, worse gameplay changes, 10 minute cinematic walking scene, and a le heckin girlboss Ashley. Oh and the game fucking hates the original Resident Evil 4 except when it can use it for fanservice. But at least 32 year old HR representative Ashley is hot when you download a bikini mod!
At least DMC5 and Dragon's Dogma 2 were new experiences that continued the worlds they were set in, hence why I bought them.
They literally took an old game, covered it pretty paint, downgraded every single aspect of it besides the graphics, chopped it up, resold it to you, sold you the chopped up parts of DLC, and threw in micro-transactions. Fucking EA, the most hated video game company on the planet, at least didn't put micro-transactions in Dead Space Remake after the ones in Dead Space 3 were hated. But Capcom gets a pass for how shitty they've become? EA got shat on for microtransactions in Dead Space 3, but Capcom can do whatever they want because they made Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma I guess.
They blundered the Resident Evil 3 remake. I love the Resident Evil 1 remake, it was what I wanted the rest of them to be like. But they they started changing more and more things just for the sake of it, like fucking Demon's Souls . 2 was at least acceptable, RE past 4 started to get mid. You expect me to proclaim this obvious cash-grab as a masterpiece? It's resources could have gone to Dragon's Dogma 2.
I literally have a mod that makes you kill him in one harpoon, he's that insufferable. He's just the same whether it's the remake or OG, he's boring, tedious, and there's zero flexibility in his fight because you never get to use your actual kit. Worst part of the both games, hands down.
Removed all of Salazar's dialogue except for what they can force into his clusterfuck of a boss battle where it makes no sense.
You're supposed to shoot mutant Salazar with the fucking rocket launcher you got earlier in the level retard. The game was rewarding you for holding onto it.
It's on sale right now and I was thinking about getting it. Is it worth $20 at least? I never really kept up to date with the RE4 remake stuff so I don't know and don't wanna go diving into youtube videos.
The original is better.
Just play the original with the mod that fixes the QTE issues. It's literally Resident Evil 4 as a Sony movieslop game like the last of us part 2 or god of war or horizon zero dawn while it actively censors content that is deemed sexist or sexual.
you're supposed to just skip the fight retard
Is that supposed to be in defense of his OG fight? Because it's not fun either way.
Using it on Salazar is a waste, saving it for the Verdugo makes more sense
Yes, if you've played the original to death it's an interesting enough spin on it
Legitimate dumpster fire
That will be $40 for your movieslop version of game you already + $10 Seperate Ways DLC that was originally free or part of the base game
Separate ways wasn't part of the base game original release, hell you can't even buy it as dlc if you do own the original, you have to rebuy an entirely new version of the game on a different console.
it actively censors content that is deemed sexist or sexual.
No sane man gives a shit about your upskirt screenshots or some naughty word that got cut. It's a good update to the game.
For me playing it ranges from tedious to annoying. It deliberately tries to fake you out by making enemies bullet sponges and randomly ignore your shots, among many other things. They made combat revolve around your knife of all things, which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have FUCKING DURABILITY.
Actual skill issue holy shit
I agree
no guy with cheesy voice that says "RESIDENT. EVIL." on the title screen
irredeemable garbage
the absolute dredges
Yeah but parts of of the remake separate ways WERE.
Game never needed an update. It's a movieslop cashgrab where all video games have to be fucking movies now that directly ruins the gameplay of the OG.
The OG Ashley was sexier, had pantyshots, was less annoying and had sexier skins.
you’re lying to yourself
on opposite day!
senorita has a name and it's Ashley, chudcel!
you're retarded to yourself
I hope someone was sentenced to castration for this incredible fuck up.
But you can counter everything with your knife. The issue is that it's annoying.
the shooting and moving is objectively clumsier than the original which came out in fucking 2005
Found a RE4 reference in SH2
OG Ashley was sexier
actual bait
Would genuinely suck him off and possibly let him fuck my ass
I am 100% straight btw
if thats a masterpiece what does it make the original?
manna from heaven
I agree. REmake and RE4make are Crapcom's only good remakes.
Og is better overall but if you want Re4 but different it's worth it on sale.
The gameplay is almost as good as og but doesn't have the same arcade appeal
Level design takes a hit after the village, I prefer the old castle and island.
Ada fucking sucks in the remake.
Ashley's AI is more annoying to baby sit.
Weapon lasers and rounds originating from the muzzle hot removed for crosshairs and rounds coming from center screen.
Boss fights are slightly improved with the exception of Krouser who's much better and Big Cheese who's slightly worse.
The movement is probably my least favorite thing about the remake, Leon feels incredibly stiff and slow compared to the original.
slightly improved
They actually made the final boss good.
Shit bosses
Neither RE4 nor Dead Space needed a remake.
Both are still perfectly modern games.
this Gamecube/PS2 game is perfectly modern
Yeah just like how San Andreas hasn't aged a day, right?
Nonstop talking from the bosses was annoying and removed the horror element entirely. The only one that really talked in the original was Krauser and he only had short lines. And it makes sense too, with how they morph into monsters that growl. Having lots dialogue was 5's bag which fit since it was more military action oriented. 4R absolutely ruined the tone.
Neither RE4 nor Dead Space needed a remake.
Games don't NEED remakes
They only got 'em because of how well RE HD Remaster and RE2 remake sold
Only thing that the remake did better than the original is Ashley and the Chief (Considering the Chief didn't do really anything or say much.). Mostly everyone else got downgraded and some harder than others like Ada and Sadler.
No this is my own dogshit opinion, fuck you anon. Modern Ashley looks 30.
give me my ashley back
than we can talk
The tone is something I can't argue with, 4R feels like the originals uncharming brother copying everything OG did but failing miserably.
Slopident Sloppel 4 Slopmake
I remember playing the RE4R demo and immediately wanting to puke at how generic it looked and played. For a moment I thought I downloaded a random UE5 demo made by some furry troon that started xer career in Second Life.
Player initiative based manual combat with emphasis on positioning, awareness and precision aiming is better than reactive parryslop against magnetic enemies with inconsistent stagger properties.
I remember playing the RE4R demo and immediately wanting to puke at how generic it looked and played. For a moment I thought I downloaded a random UE5 demo
RE Engine feels nothing like UE5
It looks and feels as generic as a UE5 game
Positioning is still important and you can opt to not parry, hell during my first run I had no idea that you could parry fleshy or unarmed attacks, movement does feel shit though.
ella freya's nudes get leaked
her tits are fucking terrible
keep the clothes on ffs
Source fucking now
if you can find an archive they're there, don't say i didnt warn you you'll be disappointed.
her tits are fucking terrible
Welcome to most women
lmao oh boy
suddenly I don't feel bad at all about the whole asians only-thing anymore, white guys really aren't missing out
kek, exactly how i feel, the chinks can have her.
Now you know why Leon chose Ada
Alyson Court (RE2/RECV Claire)
just made me remember the old re thread in 2018 where an anon posted sexts he had between him and Alyson
did anyone save them,she's such a crazy but hot milf
stagger resistance is only an issue with pistols and it was a good addition because in og4 they were so fucking strong that they made every other weapon pointless.
it's the worst modern RE game. dynamic difficulty bullshit ruin more now that it did previously. Ada VA sucks. somehow they made del lago the worst. it feels too much of an chore to replay.
there are more problems, especially when you start nitpicking but i feel it's not worth my time to pay any more attenttion to it.
i hope RE5 won't be as shit as this was.
Currently the true and tested ranking of modern RE games is as follows:
RE3 is the best because it's compact package that knows good pacing. It also had the least bullshit on the hardest difficulty making speedrun/replaying most tolerable.
Side note that even if RE8 did also have chore like sequences (beneviento house) the overall package still managed to be better.
This is not me saying any of them are bad games. NO, all of them are good games with good production values. They still have issues, some more than others.
dynamic difficulty bullshit
Any way to get rid of that? Classic RE4 had 10 difficulties and professional was locked at 10.
It was fun. Still playing it from time to time with different mods. I like coming back to the original every so often too
This is a game where you ignore, or run past enemies, and is thus is not sanctioned by the Imperial Cult, the Doomguy, or the Murderhobo IDO
iirc there are two variables which determine everything. "game score" and "action points" or something like that. certain scores affect boss health etc which can make things very annoying.
You didn't play the game
already forgotten
Dead Space was the better remake.
professional in remake only has two ranks and the differences are negligible
Rank 10: 200% damage taken, 65% damage dealt, 135% knife durability loss
Rank 11: 220% damage taken, 60% damage dealt, 140% knife durability loss
Based. Demake 4 is zoomerslop for modern gaymers.
Rank 11: 220% damage taken, 60% damage dealt, 140% knife durability loss
They should have called this No Mercy, ala RE6
I agree, Resident Evil 4 is an 10/10 must play. The remake however is a mere 7/10.
i dont know man, they looks soft and cute to me