I have heard that Evil Within 2 is far superior and even more underrated
It is not far superior in any way.
The Lost have worse designs than the Haunted and only The Lament, Obscura, and The Guardian look interesting in any way with some people also liking Anima.
Outside of the rare Stefano museum trips everything is generic suburbs, pure white underground areas that are reminiscent of a hospital or business room, and innawoods campgrounds until the last third of the game. The first half of that last third sucks so much ass while the second half is actually good.
Barely does the weird TEW1-esque visuals or weirdness, it constantly feels way too straightforward with the occasional Anima or Stefano moment, and once you get past the half way point it tries to be weird but fails so hard until literally right on the home stretch.
Everything is a damage sponge even with upgrades and the further in the game you get the spongier they get which is why they want you to backstab them constantly.
Since the enemy AI is extremely dumb you can run into a bush in their line of sight and they have no idea where you went, and later on you get an upgrade that lets you kill them around corners meaning you can get seen, run around a corner, crouch, and stealth kill them.
No matches.
Crossbow feels weaker and worse than the original with bolts that don't feel as powerful.
The general rule of thumb is if you dislike TEW1 you'll like TEW2, but if you like TEW1 then TEW2 will just be okay or you'll dislike it. I find it "okay" at best.