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Irrelevant dead boomer game lol

that part where those invisible fuckers show up

Nearly made me have a heart attack

Those and an INCREDIBLY FUCKING LOUD paint bucket were the only spooks I had, but they were powerful spooks indeed.



We lost the chance to have a kino paranormal tactical FPS series because of consoles

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To me half the shame of Fear being put to rest was missing out on seeing the number progress step by step through the name




You can't blame consoles for this. Blame Warner Brothers. They destroy anything they touch.

had to put all the focus on Alma instead of turning cryptids into swiss cheese

I'm more mad about how they didn't add this credits sequence would've made the game more memorable and less bland for sure

but fear was on console

fucking KINO

This game is still remembered fondly, unlike you and your dead tranny friends

The home segments were scary as fuck to 17yo me.

The first game came out so well because it was PC first, then console. Crysis is another example.

wow oh mai gawd he's soo f-fast

How could consoles ever handle this super fast weapon limit fps? That's why the sequels were...also slow and had weapon limits cause console. lol

Completely lacks focus. It feels like every week the developer woke up and decided to do something completely different.

clip from the first hour of the game

it's easy

Here we go...fear tardds lol

Yore Dead Pointman

Uh0hh the FEAR tards are getting in a hissy their game is console as f-fuck.. Made for consoles. Play like consoles. But then they tell you "oh yeahh fEAR 2 that's the one that's really b-baaad cause it's ughhh so slow and consolizied" fucking lol like FEAR was some fast game to begin with. Look at the webm.

F2ER b-baad cause it's slow and has weapon limits and is bland repetitive slow corridor dumb action for consoles

oh wait dat's duh first game...ooppse lole

Please take a moment to think about what you accomplished in making these posts.

You motherfucker, now I'm annoyed by this too.

try to flank

enemy yells "HES TRYING TO FLANK!"

the biggest issue I have with this game now is that its a bit to easy even on hardest difficulty.

I can pretty much steam roll the entire game and maybe die once or twice to a exploding barrel or something.

extraction point got a bit harder again in the churches.

I don't know why more games don't do this, it can't be that hard to implement more reactive voicelines

Unreal Engine has no capabilities for this saar

This is actually a really awful and lazily designed fps for people who do not play very many video games.

lots of posercore in that

don't use the slo-mo and it becomes a bit more intense

Hard Reset is shit

Perseus Mandate is the hardest campaign. I remember I even got softlocked at one point because I ran out of ammo and their beefy ass super armored troops kept boxing me in.

ran out of ammo

you missed too many shots

Maybe but it I probably just wasted it on not headshotting them before I softlocked myself and saved at the wrong point

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xbox 360

Nothing poser about, fear is a casual retard game for posers that like slomo aim and shooting weak enemies from the hip. It's made for vapid dullards that only have a passing interest in video games and are easily entertained by pure spectacle. Which is why this thread is mostly people posting quips from the game over and over like some retarded subreddit. FEAR does not have good maps, good weapons, or good encounters, it just has the spectacle of slomo and fake AI that's not even really better than half life 2. This is a casual game for fat turbo redditors.

you know that feel when you want to go the wrong way first so you dont miss something?

yea thats the entire game of FEAR and the hp/reflex boosters

from the hip

consolefag detected, ads is trash, you are a casual baby

go play Trepang2 right now

why? it's shit and only superficially similar

Ah yes, milsims are my favorite console game. Any single player game slower than doom needs ads to not be complete trash, because it's going to be about slow calculated approaches leveraging angles and pre-aim.

DSP tried to play it two days ago and concluded that it's a shit game.


Your reflexes slowed down that much, huh?

The reason these features are necessary are because my "reflexes" are so on point that it's functionally impossible for a game like FEAR to present any challenge whatsoever. What challenge can FEAR present to even the most mediocre counterstrike fan? You're just walking down office hallways and clicking on heads in slow motion. Even without the slow motion its incredibly slow.

Wonder if we could ever get a VR mod for this

fps should cater to quaketards who spent 20 years in their private server "training"

Where did the meme that faster = automatically good even come from with FPS games?
