Sparking Zero ranked experience

play against someone better than me

lose 2-3 games

play against someone my skill level or worse

win one match no rematch

play against someone my skill level

they ragequit



win one

no rematch


win one

no rematch



lose 3 games

win one


opponent ragequits

lose one but it's close

no rematch

I just play ranked to get matched with people at my skill level but this is getting beyond frustrating. I don't even play meta characters, I just wanna play the game see some cool fisher moves isntead of a disconnect screen. I understand people can't always rematch that's a minor gripe but ragequitting there is no excuse, people are fucking leaving when we are both down to our last bar of health like it's the most fun and intense a game could be and then they just quit. I don't care about ranking up I just want to play the characters I like so when I put in the time playing an inferior character and manage to squeeze out a win I want to actually win

TLDR post mains.

I dont see the big deal in not rematching.

It's a minor critique, games are pretty short in singles and you don't get to play against every character so it's nice to get a chance to learn to play against them once you learn their moves and your opponents playstyle it removes some luck, I want to know I beat you fair and square and didn't just land a lucky super or something. This game is more casual obviously but in most fighting games people would go for 3 rounds unless they are salty. Also at some times in the day queues can take a minute so why not just go 3 rounds and save the time?
I wouldn't mind but when combined with all the ragequitting it just feels like people trying to rank up by skipping hard matches instead of just playing the game

Are you a bejitabro?

I'm not playing online until the update that permabans frequent ragequitters rolls out

having ranked in this game was a stupid idea in the first place


My favorite characters to play are 13, 18 and mecha frieza but the dp adds up to 16 and it drives me crazy. How is that team too strong when I'm up against fusions, ui and 5 character stalling. Frustations aside the games really fun when you aren't fighting against meta skanks.

i haven't played the game yet but you're definitely exaggerating the amount of ragequitters, right?

He's actually not. Its such an issue that Bamco announced they will be making an update to make ragequitters wait longer to match up with people, with the wait time being longer for the amount of ragequits they have, and with enough ragequits they can be permabanned by the wait time becoming indefinite.
Completing matches will reduce the timer until you're back to normal.

I nearly had a heart attack laughing at this. I have never seen an episode of Dragonball once in my life.

The nature of the game means there will always be an objectively best set of characters that everyone at the top will be using with maybe one or two wild cards. It's like competitive pokemon, no real variety, no real expression.

Its a party game

A ranking system is a motivator to play the game. Otherwise it would have died within a week after release.

I wish I was but the last 2 days have been an absolute joke for me, it's literally every other game. I just sidesteped and pulled off one clumsy combo on a Gogeta player and he left

I would hope being a fun game is a bigger motivator to play the game.

he needs a motivator

let me guess, you'd want a battle pass too right?

Gogeta SSJ4 and Super Vegito have been the most consistent rage quitters.

he lets ranks dictate his fun

holy brainwashed brainlets batman

why does that matter? You play against people at your skill level that's the point of a ranked system, you can still play the weaker characters if you want plenty of people do. Ranked mode is just how you play fighting games, yeah there is a competitive meta but it's quite varied especially in DP battles where anyone can work unlike the old games where you played 2 characters every match
it is fun, honestly virtually every game you play should be played in ranked mode. People should be taking it seriously, I'm more of a fighting game player and everything is played in ranked here it's how you learn the game, it's the real game. Where is the fun if nobody is taking it seriously? You think people aren't going to play OP characters in casuals? Also it would make ranked way worse if casual was the main mode, ignore number going up and play who you want. I don't play much shooters but in those you also play ranked every game or you are a retard, you're not playing the real game in casuals.

The game could probably do with some party modes or events where like the Yamcha games or world tournaments are availbe through quickplay for a weekend or something to keep things fresh but your take is absolutely stupid I don't see the point in not having it just be ranked. I'm confused why play online with randoms at all, what are you hoping to get out of the game with only casual mode it would be virtually the same game no?

plays fighting game

doesn't want to test his skills as a fighter

Stay out of the Tenkaichi Budokai kid

matchmaking is cancer

find your area of comfort


game becomes harder to make up for it

stop having fun as you're matched with people who wipe the floor with you

drop back to previous rank

rinse and repeat

Ranked system never works in any game, see Remove single battle and ranked and just leave casual dp and team battle

why does that matter?

Because it's boring.

what do you suggest then?

matching against randoms is gonna lead to lopsided matches too

room systems don't have any systems to prevent you from getting stomped

How were you able to type all that shit before but now you can't even read more than once sentence?

what did he mean by this?

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idk ranked seems pretty varied on the default similar skill setting you can go down or up multiple letters, one tier will make next to no difference to who you are gonna go up against. I just can't get into the mindset of hating playing against people that much better than me unless it's every single game, I'm not sure what rank you would be at with that big of a difference. Half the time rank barely indicates skill to me but that could be because rage quitters climbing higher than they should. Ignore number going up and play the game I literally can't see your issue you want exactly what we have now with no visual rank numbers
there would still be SBMM with the exact same system but hidden. It works and there nothing more kino than beating somebody higher ranked than you or coming close learning their moves and tricks to implement into your own games. Goku would never back down from fighting somebody more powerful than him

Get filtered faggot casual.

Ignore number going up and play the game





this nigga funny frfr ::skullemoji:skullemoji:

They said the same shit with Tekken 8 and they didn't do shit

I just want there to be a separate playlist for those of us who are good sports and won't disconnect at the first sign of trouble to preserve their precious rank.

You're right, Goku wouldn't back down. Much unlike the ragequitting favela monkeys infesting ranked.

ranked in a spic button masher party game


spics are le bad

those still rely on matchmaking, except now it's worse because the game can match you against anyone in the entire pool so you're gonna get stomped more often

taking Tenkaichi seriously

Playing ranked in a spike-chun arena fighter

You're a fool, OP.

the problem is caused by ranks and records. take those away and the problem will vanish

Tenkaichi has a skill floor and skill ceiling that are right next to one another
You either know how strings and vanishes and super counters work or you don't
People treating this game like it has matchups and depth and skill is insane. The deepest the decision making in-game gets is whether to continue a vanish war when you have lower ki.

If there was no rank I would still want ragequitters to be punsihed, stop crying asking for less features. You can still play casual mode with the rest of the people who have no friends

If there were no ranked people wouldn't be rage quitting in the first place

Why are you sissies so intimidated by ranked?

Why do you keep quitting out of games because you're playing ranked?

I dont.

Quitttin from ranked the first time should ban you for a month in every game at minimun

You've never played a video game before
zoomers were brought up on nothing but participation trophies, it's all they know. They don't wish to become the World's Strongest, they don't want to push past their limits and fight stronger and stronger opponents. They are very unclear what they are looking for here exactly. It seems like they want a game with no ranked mode where they go up against opponents the exact same rank (but like without the rank somehow) but also win every single game I think? I can't tell

They're not, I just don't particularly enjoy playing with them

They don't wish to become the World's Strongest,

Wrong. I want to become the World's Strongest. I've been training in the hyperbolic time chamber since I was 9. Cope all you want mr. millenial.

People will never rage quit on me because im ass. I like using kakunsa and sometimes I win. I get no rematches a lot tho unless I lose

I want to become the World's Strongest.

Is that so? Please tell me more.

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My knees just shattered on impact with the floor.

So why did he need Goku's body again specifically? How was he even planning on fitting his big ass brain in that cranium?

iirc it's that Dr Wheelo wants to make a modified bio-human army and rule the world, so the opposite of Gero who wanted to turn everyone into robots, he made his brain oversized just because so who knows how having Goku's body would work

Imagine Goku's body but instead of a head he has a giant brain in a jar ductaped to his neck.

learn Z counter and vanish timing

entire game falls apart

getting the first hit/winning neutral/getting behind someone becomes completely obsolete cos a Z counter will be mashed out after 2-3 rush attacks

Z counter gets vanished

vanish war until someone runs out of ki

someone gets a hit again

Z counter into vanish war

repeat 20+ times every single match until me and friends collectively drop the game

Makes sense why everyone is just abusing afterimage, insta-spark and unblockables. The main portion of the combat has already killed itself.

This game is more casual obviously but in most fighting games people would go for 3 rounds unless they are salty. Also at some times in the day queues can take a minute so why not just go 3 rounds and save the time?

I kinda agree, but I got Tekken 7 recently and I have to admit I usually just go find a new person when I lose. I always accept rematches but I never request them myself. I guess on one hand I just like seeing a bunch of characters and how people have customized them, but then I suppose there's also an element of feeling like a massive scrub if I lose two times in a row to the same guy. Which is very silly I'll concede, but oh well. Not that I'm any good anyway, I'm in the absolute lowest ranks and don't care about ranking up. I'd much rather just keep playing against people who are as bad as me lol

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Since everyone and their mother have been using SS4 Gogeta, Goku Spic (SS4) or Ui Goku / MUI Goku, Jiren, Vegetto, Gogeta in ranked I've switched to Blue Gogeta. I no longer feel bad about it if I lose some matches using him.

On the other hand without ranked, it would be way less likely to find a guy who's at your skill level. It's basically just keeping you at your area of comfort, instead of putting you against people who are way way better than you

Decide to pick Tapion since I've never used him yet

get instantly matched with another MUI Goku player who obliterate me in a minute on the first round.

Playing ranked is an humiliation ritual.

Ranked stuff in games is funny like this, people seem to view it as some kind of prestige thing that you have a badge saying "I am this good". When really it's just there to match you against people who are around your skill level. Literally nobody care's about someone's rank except themselves, so there's no point trying to make it go up just because. Especially in the case of ragequitters, if they quit as soon as they're in the danger of losing, what's even the point? In reality they're not as skilled as their rank implies, and they'll just end up playing against people that are too good and they'll just have less fun with the game. I'll happily sit in 3rd Dan if it means I'm having matches against people that I have a chance of winning, instead of getting put up against some guy who's been playing for years and will just juggle me to death t. the Tekken fag. The only annoying part is that these new Tekkens seem to have these assists for doing a basic combo, and in the low ranks a lot of people just keep spamming those. Which is a perfectly legitimate way to play of course, and I just need to learn to block those, but it's just a bit boring. If I notice someone just keeps doing those, I don't really feel like rematching them

You're just one of them now. Just another shitter.

The only saving grace when faced with a MUI player is that they are all fucking retarded. But if they get one ult or super off on you its pretty much game over.

play as ginyu force

have fun

people who get angry about comp get angry cause they think theyre missing out on something.

there's a sweaty meta in a gimmick arena fighter that was never balanced in the first place and the devs consistently said they were never going to balance for comp

"....Oh it's you."


these people are bananas, i tell ya!

FGCfags think you should rematch the same match 30 times to decide who's really better because they all have fragile egos.




I can see the utility in it, the matches aren't that long and it's faster to just play again instead of waiting to find a new match. So a rematch or two probably makes sense, just so that you can play faster

Sparking zero is not a fighting game, you need to re-adjust your expectations

Ginyu force is pretty strong imo they are insanely good value characters, body swap causing people to ragequit is annoying but I don't use it often

1v1 me kid

not a dbz fan but i bought the game because it looks fun and is fun, who should i use for my team?

Sparking zero is not a fighting game, you need to re-adjust your expectations

the devs need to throw this message in the opening credits of the game
BT games are DRAGON BALL Z games first and foremost. all the "fighting" insofar as the competitiveness and "balance" is secondary. always has been, always will be.

never played a fighting game online before

played fucked loads of BT1 back when I was a kid

first game of ranked

I'm using an end of Z goku, a bardock and a raditz

other guy has a Z broly, a max power roshi and a videl

he kicks my teeth in and laughs on the mic the whole time

go to casual, singles

end of Z goku

first guy is freiza

starts in his final form, I'm in base

we fight for a bit, both down to about half health

tells me to transform to SSJ1 over the mic


cause it'll be a cool fight


it's nice knowing some people are actually wanting to play the game for real fun in the casual section

that was not the right image

You're lying through your teeth. No one uses a mic in either modes.

I've met plenty of people using mics. Maybe it's just an aussie thing

This has always been a problem for these games. Power Fantasy + Fighting game is always the most poisonous mix of everything awful from both communities.

imagine if elder scrolls online were made using Morrowind's stat system
wouldn't be as fun as you'd think

Maybe it's just an aussie thing

That's cool if it's the case, mic chats seem to be a dying thing

I'm already a shitter with my usual mains A18 or Ult Gohan.

Actually that does sound kind of fun.

was picking 18 with torn clothes

my coomerbrain just think of wanting to draw the word 'CUM' on her forehead...

I'm a fucked up individual...

I dont understand how people can just play the same character all day every day.

Common coutesy is best of 3 games because being able to adapt is important.

Also the games are short. Every game should just force best of 3.

You must win 5 matches back to back as saibaman to be forgiven.

My experience was

Rush down spam

Dragon dash spam

See maybe one super per match

Same few characters

Actually havent played in a week cause every match just felt like the same thing, rush down and dragon dash spam

Stuck in the B ranks sweating my ass off to win with EoZ Vegeta

swinging between B2-B3 constantly

Switch to Full Power NUly (Super)

get all the way up to A3 winning far more often than losing with a 75% winrate with him as opposed to a 49.76% with EoZ SS2 Vegeta

So Instant Sparking is just the key to Singles huh?

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Deck bros, status on how this runs?

Rush down spam

stop trying to bully people in Sparking Mode you meanie

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There's just too many defense options:



Being able to mash Perception while block or WHILE GETTING HIT in a rush combo

Super Counter (being free btw)

Revenge Counter


Z-Vanishing Super Counters

Why do we need to many fucking defense options?

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you will meet lots of people in A rank who just rely on instant sparking characters, they will literally keep trying to get it off even if you ki blast them every single time to interrupt it. Shit is crazy embarrassing. Broly is the most busted for this strat with his instant sparking, ki blast spam and unblockable ult.
I refuse to be a meta slave but Broly is the next character I want to play, I'm so conflicted
Apparently not the best as the entire game slows down if the framerate is below 60fps but there is an .ini fix that they Linux community can help you out with. Two issues for online is that you can only play against other Linux users and if you do this (presumably kinda necessary fix) you are further locked to only playing against other people with this fix. Even with the fix it's hard to tell as Steam Deck users love to cope with how good the game runs but people seem to be having fun in single player with it

Thank you and appreciated, with that in mind I will just upgrade my desktop instead.

As opposed to putting the controller down as your opponent combos you to death? Vanish and Super counter could do with some tweaking but lots of defensive and offensive options is cool

Too many defensive options =/= no defense options. Dumbass.

what do you want? One button that defends against everything or having quick reaction times and picking the right defensive option at the right time? I'm confused how there is too many

Super Counter is an awful mechanic with how it's implemented and needs to cost something. because yes, I want to be reward for outplaying my opponent with a combo not having it interrupted after 4 hits 90% of the time.

vanish needs to use more ki and speed up after every vanish
character select screen needs to be rearranged and needs more time cause who the fuck is supposed to pick a team that fast
super counter should use a resource, i dont care how strict the timing is, I shouldn't lose my rewarding punish combo just cause the opponent has good timing. They fucked up, I should get to punish

stop button mashing then, you need to switch it up

I know how to not button Mash and "varying it up" is just using sidesteps, charged sweeps or punches, etc which all can be interrupted. There are no true combos in this game and that is a problem. There is absolutely no reward for learning combos in this game.