DOOM Eternal is dogshit

Lets shit on DOOM Eternal.

DOOM Eternal (base game)

story = shit
Game play = trash and repetitive.

The Ancient Gods 1

story = super shit
Game play = EVEN MORE trash and repetitive.

The Ancient Gods 2

Game play = EVEN MORE trash and repetitive.

Like making the doom guy some god killing entity... while he is a guy who dies to 4 UAC rockets.... And uses UAC manufactured normal human weapons... """"""GOD KILLER"""""".

Gameplay is repetitive shit where it is literally Pokemon

Hey switch to the weapon and mod that is super effective against this demon

LOL we even made stone imps whose only weakens is the shotgun mod no one used in DOOM 2016 (because it is shit) LOL Rockets? LOL NO they do not hurt them.... because stop asking questions!

Oh look it is the ghosts time to use the ghost buster module or you will have a bad day!

This game is trash! And its fanbase are retarded zoomers.

This ruined DOOM games.

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Best FPS of the last decade. Incels keep seething.

Full Auto 2.webm - 1280x720, 3.18M

There are only three Doom games: Doom, Doom Eternal, and Doom: The Dark Ages.

ghosts time

I quit playing when it was ghost time. Can't use the attachments i like because fuck that weapon in particular I guess, have to use the developer mandated retard beam instead.

that or just fight powered up enemies

You can't attack them with your weapons because they're not really an enemy. They don't move or attack.

I agree. It ruined FPS in general. It wasn't fun and was a terrible sequel to the awesome Doom 2016. Fuck Eternal and fuck what has become of id

Actually cares about the story in a Doom game

Not even bothering to read the rest of your post, you sound like such a pretentious faggot

Skill issue

Filtered, seethe and cope.

The game is fun, i haven't even beat the first doc because is fucking boring, even the fight against the 2 marauders was fucking easy


I forgot a "but" in between the phro

No Doom 2? Come the fuck on. It introduced SSG and cool new enemies and is the basis for 99.99% of user created content.

all the modern Zenimax Doom games are utter console-zoomer trash.

No Doom 2

ffffuuuuckkk.gif - 240x240, 809.98K

doom 2 is just an extension of doom 1 chapter 4 and that's not a compliment

One of the best shooters ever made.

Iove how DE exposed the shooter audience as exactly the retards mainstream media always portrays them as.

dude why do I have to think about skills while shooting?!

dude why am I out of ammo I don't understand?!

dude what is this dash and double jump thing it's too much!?

dude I don't wanna think about all this shit while shooting!?

this is supposed to be a power fantasy why can't I just press w+mb1?!

why do I have to swap weapons I just wanna use the shotgun!?

Y'all deserve to be mocked forever.

You're an extension of a birth defect when your mother threw you in the abortion bucket.

You sir just won the interwebs, here's some gold

Edit: My wife left with Tyrone :/

I quit playing when it was ghost time

I understand. I did finish the game and it was more shit. The boss is literally a sequence of quick time events.

have to use the developer mandated retard beam instead.

Notice something when you play DOOM 2 and 1 the 90s games. Notice how everyone uses the super shotgun however it is not like the machine gun is banned. It has its flaws however also some benefits like its stun ability. This is natural weapon optimization. Next time you play DOOM 2 insist on using the machine gun most of the time see how the game feels different however you can play it nice.

Even in 2016 DOOM when it was bland the weapon upgrade paths did get people to suggest

Oh yea try this build next time playing it.

And this did give some verity and natural feel to the games. DOOM Eternal is bland because there is 1 way to win VS this type of enemy and another that is far less optimal this is all.

The game is literally pokemon and you need to switch to your poke-gun that is super effective VS this poke-demon.

have to use the developer mandated retard beam instead.

I was more pissed that they forced a stone imp that only weakness is the rapid fire combat shotgun. The game is infinitely more boring because of this retardation.

They should have done something like in DOOM 2016 not this retardation. Notice that lots of games like Deus EX or Skyrim are praised because they let players do different builds or paths to win.... NOT DOOM SHIT-ternal

that or just fight powered up enemies

Yea and in pokemon you can use a pokemon who is not optimal against practically every pokemon only it will take time.

So the choices are
A) Pick the super effective option
B) Pick the less good effective option
C) Torture yourself because all other weapons are ineffective squirt guns VS this demon.

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>Actually cares about the story in a Doom game


The story shoves itself into your face with cut scenes and other shit.

DOOM Eternal is bland because there is 1 way to win VS this type of enemy

There's like 2-3 uncommon enemies like that out of 20+.

I was more pissed that they forced a stone imp that only weakness is the rapid fire combat shotgun.

Or destroyer blade, or chainsaw, or the hammer.

Has there ever been a game that has filtered Anon Babble more than NuDoom?

Skips the cutscene

Wow, so hard

Please understand, writing a story for Doom is very hard. You have to come up with a deep reason for Doomguy to kill evil demons invading from Hell or no one will care about what's going on. Also, you're bad at the game and that's why you think the story is so bad.

still coping after all this time

Yup. Anon Babble STILL has not recovered from getting BTFO by Doom Eternal.

Doom games are utter console-zoomer trash.

Remember that DOOM Eternal sucks on the PC. Because despite having all these keys on the keyboard and people literally having mouse with extra buttons.... The combine the blood punch and the glory kill with no ability to have it be separate buttons.

And this can fuck you over when you wast your blood punch or whatever was that thing to generate resources (I can be confused here, do not give a shit to check).

why do I have to swap weapons I just wanna use the shotgun!?

If only the designers had the ability to make different weapons good for different general situations so you would naturally switch instead of feeling forced to.

I liked it. It's just super chaotic to play but not in the way the bigger battles of the originals. In some sort of weird, super unpleasant, bugman type way. Feels like it's tailored to people with short attention spans ie. poos/orcs.

boot up eternal

try to punch first enemy like i do in every doom game

it doesn't work

punch it dozens of times and it doesn't die

turn game off

i recently finished the campaign, like most others i found it very shit compared to doom 4, but now after watching some playthroughs i feel like i played it wrong all along.
the guy i watched just merked everything with the shotgun hook.

I just bought the deluxe edition on Steam for 17$.

Am I in for a bad time bros

Ye but the game itself is shit

If you're shit at fps games you'll hate it if you're good you'll like it or love it. Simple as.

literally the only good FPS in history

There's like 2-3 uncommon enemies like that out of 20+.

WTF are you talking to me zoomeroid?

I can remember there being a minimum of 5 types of demons that need you switching to the super effective weapon on them.

Stone imp

Maykron (or how you write this shit) robot


Arachnotron (to remove turret)

Revenant (to remove turret)

Mancubus (to remove turret)

The green mancubus dies to blood punch

I probably forgot some others.

or the hammer.


or chainsaw

Did it not require more charges? Either way I'm not saving charges and I'm using it to harvest zombies for ammunition.

Your suggestions are retarded.

Or destroyer blade

The what? Post pictures I did not remember all the new names they made up. Once again I'm not wasting useful ammunition on this trash if the rapid fire on the combat shotgun works perfectly.

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the guy i watched just merked everything with the shotgun hook.

It's good.

Nah, it has some fun maps and two expansions (3 if you count NRFTL).

>Skips the cutscene

Still work I need to do.
I will still complain how shit the story is.
I will bitch about the retarded lore.

>Skips the cutscene

TO go back to the bland combat?

DOOM Eternal has nothing.
Story is trash, lore is trash.
Game play is trash.

There is nothing left. Everything is bad in this game.

But that's exactly what they did.

Stone imp

Destroyer blade also works, but mostly yes.

Maykron (or how you write this shit) robot

You can destroy head with any gun. I like to do it with the SSG. Also I think they always drop loot if you kill them with DBlade.


Yes, but it's not an enemy. It's a test of how well can you stall/zone enemies.

Arachnotron (to remove turret)

They die to two SSG blasts. Also multiple weapons can one-shot weakpoints.

Revenant (to remove turret)

Revenant is one of the weakest enemies in the game. Webm related. It's not worth it to remove their turrets past very early game.

Mancubus (to remove turret)

Agian, there are faster ways of killing them.

The green mancubus dies to blood punch

Yeah, I agree.

Do you like following signposts?

>Arachnotron (to remove turret)

Just blast them in the face. Or shoot-blood punch-shoot. BP breaks weakpoints btw.

Still work I need to do.

Press a button

Wow, so hard

>Mancubus (to remove turret)

Literally just shoot them.

CG vs Manc.webm - 1280x720, 3.64M

>dude why do I have to think about skills while shooting?!

Switch to the poke-gun who is super effective VS this poke-demon is not real skill, unless you are retarded.

And no fagot most people here finished this trash game and did not have a problem they found this poke-gun gimmick to be repetitive and boring.

>this is supposed to be a power fantasy why can't I just press w+mb1?!

He says this while the lore portrays the doom slayer as a literal god killer.

why can't I just press w+mb1?!

once again people do not have a problem with doing it is it more repetitive shit. You are confusing people being board with this repetitive mechanism for people being to retarded to do it.

>why do I have to swap weapons

This is actually a interesting question. Because the weapon swapping is definitively something not present in other shooters, not to this level.
Arena shooter weapons have a natural way based on how they work example

Rocket launcher is useless on great distances while being perfect for close combat.

However machine gun is perfect for long distance while being unoptimal for close combat.

What other shooters do use weapon swapping?
DE is closer to a fighting game then a shooter.

It’s a great cooldown based arena shooter, it’s just a fucking dogshit DOOM game. You’ll absolutely love the game if you ever told yourself “I don’t actually like shooters I like 3-D puzzles, Ireally like this color-coded enemy weakness mechanic in DmC, I really like super stylized over the top superhero design and cheesy quips, and if I’m not pressing four buttons at once and constantly moving my characters I get bored”.

You can literally just use the shotgun through the whole game, you just suck

Yes, but it's not an enemy.

COPE! You can not outcope this fagotry!
It makes the combat force you into one weapon. This is repetitive.

Also multiple weapons can one-shot weakpoints.

Yes so
The assoult rifle with scope or bombs from combat shotgun.

Any more Mr genius?
This game has only 8 weapons in total or so. Your argument make more sense if the game did have over 100+ weapons all who are unique and give different weapon benefits VS different demons.

Revenant is one of the weakest enemies

He still can not remove its turret. LMFAO

of the weakest enemies

Then who is stronger? The semi-bosses? The bosses?

Agian, there are faster ways of killing them.

Post WebM.

Yeah, I agree.

So what? The game forces you to do 1 thing and I say it is a problem and you agree?!

general situation

"You are fighting enemy X which has a weak point you can use weapon Y on" is not general.

Game play = trash and repetitive.

Stopped reading right there. Eternal is the only doom that doesn't have repetitive game play. Op confirmed for only having played it on YouTube.

Also, you're bad at the game and that's why you think the story is so bad.

I finished the game.

You have to come up with a deep reason for Doomguy to kill evil demons invading from Hell or no one will care about what's going on

Is this parody?
Look at doom 3 literally better story idea then anything the nu-doom farted out.

But that's exactly what they did.

Pokemon weaknesses are not natural and feel repetitive.

Look at doom 3 literally better story idea then anything the nu-doom farted out.

I too loved its unskippable cutscenes

finished the game

on the easiest difficulty

You can't really get why the story is good because you didn't really beat the game.

I fucking hated this game. Thank god it's only like 15 hours long. The only good part of the game is the fact I was able to place a hex on everyone on the dev team since they plastered their faces in the credits.

arena shooter

It is not. The weapons are nothing like n a arena shooter.
It literally has a retarded pokemon weakens system while arena shooters used logical consequences of weapons.

For example: This rocket launcher has a slow moving projectile that explodes on impact. Logically it is crap at long distances use a machine gun.

Pro players go:
Ha watch me literally make this guy who jumped from the jump pad collide with my rocket since I can feel the right angle to shoot it.


You type in a very submissive way

On what babby difficulty are you playing there DE fag?

Stopped reading right there.

DE can not even lick the shit that comes out of the ass of DOOM 2. If you think DE i better then DOOM 2 you are insane!

the only thing i hate about eternal is the platforming.

Remember when 2016 opened with Doomslayer rejecting the concept of cutscenes? How did they barely make it half way through one game before forgetting that?

Story changes on harder difficulties


on the easiest difficulty

I did not! I played on this one.

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Why the fuck did this game mindbreak Anon Babble this hard? Its been four years for gods sake. Was it like this with Doom 2016?

It's crazy to me that people do shit like throwing stickies at Mancubus' guns in the endgame and blame the game for forcing them to do it.

The assoult rifle with scope or bombs from combat shotgun.

The ballista primary is the one I use whenever I want to crit a weakpoint because it requires one press instead of 2.

He still can not remove its turret.

Why would I remove its turrets when I can just instakill it?

Then who is stronger?

Snake lady, Mancubus, Dread Knight, Cacodemon even (Cacos are easy to kill but have insane damage output).

Post WebM.

I did.

So what? The game forces you to do 1 thing and I say it is a problem and you agree?!

I agree that BP dealing quad damage to green Mancs makes it arguably the objectively best way of killing them. But I kinda get why they did it. You still have to close in melee and they're at their most dangerous in melee, so you need to avoid damage somehow by stunning them, for example. So there's still a bit of tactics involved.

Regular Nightmare. Enemy health isn't changed with difficulty, btw. This is true of any Doom game I can think of.

How is it less repetitive than DE? Do you understand that I get to launch myself in the air and drop air strikes in eternal?

DE writing team is peak retarded.

Can not write for shit!

Lets skip the previous story and let the fans make up their own thing!

So here is my fan fic.

The doomslayer kills god

He then kills the devil who is the real god god.

Also we dropped some interesting sounding ideas never explained like the hell priests.

Also some lore dumps in the text entries.

And like hell is like taking souls and like torturing them and it like makes juice for the angels or something and then the tortured souls turn into demons after 1000 years.....

I can just instakill it?

Unless you did not get this gun because the game insists on giving you the one at a time (base game)

DE is new, Doom 2 is old, therefore old > new

the tortured souls turn into demons after 1000 years

The souls are destroyed for energy, what's left (soulless humans) turns into demons.

So instead of doing what many people claim they did (making demons the good guys) they confirmed that demons are objectively evil.

>The Ancient Gods 2


Their attempt at a big epic le avengers assemble moment was so unearned it made me cringe

Unless you did not get this gun

Okay? You get SSG at level 3 out of what, 13? 12 if we don't count Sentinel Prime since it's just a boss fight. And both the DLCs start you with all weapons.

So yeah, before you get your entire arsenal you might have to use weakpoints more. But once you get your core weapons back you can just start "being creative" and tear shit up.

Starting to run out of Eternal webms so here's a Doom 3 webm to prove I don't exclusively play DE.

I love the story

my man, lets get high & get naked together

I literally didn't say or even imply that

Noooooo!!! You can't use grenades they are highly effective!!! Pokemon much?!?!?!

Yeah, I know. The real Chads play Doom 3 by trying to snipe with a shotgun and then complaining about it online.

ZeroMaster is a legend of classic Doom speedrunning, and he seems to like Eternal enough to upload several playthroughs of it on youtube.

No no NO NO NOOOO!!! Using the shotgun at close range is giving you an advantage over the enemy, it's extremely OP!!!

How is it less repetitive than DE?

Do I really need to answer this?

Lets see DOOM 1 +2 have

monster infighting

This alone changes the game incredibly.
It is organic and something you can try to trigger or not. You can change the combat based on this alone.

DE has nothing and the infighting is fake since it is forced, animated, and the demons never kill one another. And you never get them to insight when they target you.

Shotgun VS chain gun

You can play the game without a problem and even try different ways to play it. You are not forced to use the punch when on berserk. There is no magic

Use the berserk pack to one kill this enemy type!

Mechanic. The berserk pack gives you super hard fist damage it is on you to decide to use it and this can be smart VS pinkies or suicidal on some enemies it is for you to decide if to use it.

There is a risk reward with it even with the chain gun.
If you want to see real verity it is this room from DOOM2.

What do you do?
Start attacking the barons? And simply fight everyone?
Or do you get the cyber demon to attack the barons and them to finish him (you need to bait the cyber demon)?

How abut taking the invulnerability and trying the chainsaw or rockets?

This alone is a far more intelligent challenge then

Use the weapon you know is super effective VS this demon type and win

On every map of DE.

Ah yes you see you where wrong !

The actually overpowered gun is the Balista !

So this changes from using the weapon I named to using only this one....
How is this not repetitive?

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Sounds like filtered to me.

You really make it sound like you need to use those specific weapons to make any damage whatsoever, when anyone who has played the game knows it's just for ammo efficiency

The actually overpowered gun is the Balista !

Yeah, but also no. The Siege Cannon in D2016 was OP because it was hitscan and the Mastery allowed you to charge it by moving. The Destroyer Blade is also OP, but it requires more setting up since you are painfully slow while it's charging or charged, so you need to get airborne, or learn bunny hopping, or just pre-charge it before some big demon or demons spawn, choose an angle to hit most of them.

It's the thinking man's OP weapon.

Also it's very funny to me that you posted a Tricks and Traps map that basically have a single intended way of completing at as an example of Doom 2's versatility. You're supposed to use invulnerability. You can avoid it, but that would be like avoiding shooting stone imps with autoshotgun in Doom Eternal.

Do you understand that I get to launch myself in the air and drop air strikes in eternal?

Not really. Either way you are compering a game made after 2010 to one made in the 90s....

Who did not figure out how 3D controls are supposed to work and did use auto aim for its vertical axis. You will seriously blame it for this? The only game who did try crazy jump pads was rise of the triads. And the game pushed its engine to the limits.

We did not have a unified PC control scheme until 1998.

Do you understand that I get to launch myself in the air and drop air strikes in eternal?

Look like discount idea of what we did in Quake 3. Cry harder zoomeroid.

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Look like discount idea of what we did in Quake 3.

Cool, can you do that in Doom 2

its just eye candy for redditors


Noooooo!!! You can't use grenades they are highly effective!!! Pokemon much?!?!?!

LOOK the DE fagot speaks.

Grenades are super effective

1) Doom 3 is shit and is ridiculed to this day.
2) This is not Pokemon effective you retard. Notice that you are exploiting the spawn mechanic and the grenades work like advertised you can try to beat the game with grenades only however if you do not get to see them while they spawn using grenades becomes far more difficult.

Grenades have a natural benefit

Pro big damage

Pro AOE explosion

CON take time to detonate

CON need to know how they are thrown.

CON AOE can damage you


When did this happen?

>The actually overpowered gun is the Balista !

Also SSG (huge damage up close), Rocket Launcher (Lock-On Burst is insane for melting down strong monsters), Chaingun (makes you invulnerable + big damage), Precision Bolt (super effective and works in combos).

Honestly not bad for a game where the traditional method of limiting OP weapons (ammo scarcity) doesn't work because you always have a tool to get more ammo.

Armor drops.webm - 1280x720, 3.93M

>Pro big damage

Their damage sucks, actually. I was just using them because Doom 3 ragdolls are hysterically funny.

Don't you (You) me kid... i played real Doom, and not your baby game... don't make me mad....

was so unearned it made me cringe

You are talking about the sentinels army VS demon army? Or what? The moment that did come out of nowhere?

Yea all this time this was a single player game unlike halo

You VS the demons

The sentinels where all dead or something

Either way here is the le army of good VS le army of demons.

IT was so strange like the fighting of the demon AA canons was so forced and past it is unreal.

that entire week when all of Anon Babble was getting filtered by the Marauder

knows it's just for

If the demons die faster then it is the better option.
You can not argue this.

Reee you can use a stone pokemon VS a water pokemon it will only take longer to kill it

DOOM Pokemon!

>Reee you can use a stone pokemon VS a water pokemon it will only take longer to kill it

So every game ever made?

So is Doom(2016) still good? I haven't played any of the Reddit Doom series yet but it's on sale for $4 right now.

but that would be like avoiding shooting stone imps with autoshotgun in Doom Eternal.

Nope! Literal skill issue you zoomer.
You can literally win this fight by never picking up the invulnerability and bait the cyberdemon into more barons of hell.

See what I'm talking about?

It is like le stone imps

The change is that it is far more risky to not use it and do baiting the cyberdemon only since rockets hurt like a lot.

DE basically makes your guns do less damage.
Either way this is not a weapon thing this is something arising from monster infighting and the placement of items in this map.

DE is repetitive because it is the same shit regardless of what map you are on the same weapons have the same advantages on the same demons regardless of what map you are on.

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Doom is reddit


Do you think you are cool for posting this webm?
You realize this is gay and retarded shit every baby can do?

Oh look I will kill these imps who are a squishy enemy with the SSG!

LEt me set them all on fire by shaking my mouse

And shoot

WOW I feel so proud!

AHAHAHA You are a no skill trash a rocket would do the same thing, shaking your mouse to set them all on fire is not a skill.

If the demons die faster then it is the better option.

The demons die faster if you don't destroy their weak points.

You can literally win this fight by never picking up the invulnerability

And you can literally complete DE using only Combat Shotgun.

So every game ever made?

AHAHAHAH Except DOOM 1 and 2...
And Quake 1
And Quake 2
And Quake 3
And Quake 4
And Quake Champions
And Unreal Tournament 99
And Unreal Tournament 2003/2004
And Unreal Tournament 3

Do we continue you absolute retard?!

I find grouping trash demons and blowing them up to be satisfying. None of my webms ITT is an example of skillful play.

Can kill an imp with just one rocket vs 5 pistol shots? Sorry liberal, it's Pokemon

can you do that in Doom 2

You can do it in Quake 3!!!!!!!!!

b-b-b- DOOM 2

Was made whne we where figuring out these 3D controls so NO.

can you do that in Doom 2

YES in a WAD with this in mind made for a modern source port.

Want to talk more?

Rocket is better.

The topic was Doom 2, not Quake 3, honestly i'm getting bored of you talking in circles

So is Doom(2016) still good?

It is OK better then DE.

yet but it's on sale for $4 right now.

Get it for the multiplayer only. You should pirate it otherwise.

And Quake 1

A game where you literally can't kill zombies with half of your guns? Where Shambler takes twice less damage from explosives because he just does, okay? Stellar example.

Why? Frags are super good at wiping clouds of trash because each demon killed by frags drops more bombs. Honestly I only use RL for Lock-On Burst.

The answer is literally YES and NO.

The topic was

The topic was DE sucks ass and is a disgrace to games that did come before it.


DOOM 2016 is better then DE.

DOOM 2016 is better then DE.

I understand liking classic Doom better than DE, but 2016 is so bland.

nice way to expose yourself as a shitter

skill issue

Literally everyone agrees nuDoom uplifts and elevates the FPS genre in a way that's an objective improvement from its roots


Why is Anon Babble so contrarian?

You are a payed shill or bot.

nuDoom uplifts and elevates the FPS genre in a way that's an objective improvement from its roots

Sounds like advertising made by a corporation.

erm what are these words you're using?? I'm too stupid to understand them???? You must be a corporation!

embarrassing post

gets his pokemon argument dismantled with video evidence

uhhhh shills shills

Here, have a Q2 webm to soothe your buttache.

I've seen a guy on twitter call it a MOBA because it has cooldowns

>gets his pokemon argument dismantled

All you have proven is that you are to retarded to understand the argument.


Doom Eternal

gameplay focused

gameplay is challenging

90% of the gay marvel story is regulated to skippable cutscenes and lore tablets

puts new spins on old concepts without completely fucking them up

dev genuinely likes vidya and doesn't shit on his fans

contains zero dei/esg/lgbbq faggotry and even makes fun of sjws in one level


When did you realize Anon Babble is tumblr?

frodo smug.jpg - 411x418, 43.3K

>gameplay is challenging

It literally is not.
Very easy and stupid.

Nothing more cringe than the jumping puzzles. I would play Super Mario if I wanted to hop around giant flaming fan blades...

proven that you don't need to destroy weakpoints

proven that there are mulitple weapons are strong and allow diverse strategies on the battlefield

Webmrelated: (You)

i agree op, luckily there are mods for ammo pool, ammo obtaining and weaknesses/weak points that turn eternal in a regular doom game instead of weapon switcheroo 2000

the screaming and crying about the marauder says otherwise.

Nah, you're just special needs. Game's great, the DLC is even better.

the screaming and crying about the marauder

Will never not be funny to me.

More like Doom: Filternal

mods will fix it

publisher: bethesda

slow children still crying about the marauder almost 5 years later

lol, with a faint scent of lmao

never, its just Anon Babbletard seethe. it actually mocks that stuff with the whole "mortally challenged" bit

Shitty fan games that look like they were made in the 80s don't count, you can't fool me. Doom didn't exist until 2016.

I love Eternal's gameplay. Beat it three times on Nightmare on Xbox with a controller so I can't relate to you there
But the story and aesthetic is some of the worst, most cringe shit I've ever seen. I was genuinely embarrassed playing the game in front of my fiance she actually asked "why does the game look like that" and I had the fucking gritty filter turned on too

man i really miss grappling hook shotgun and how fun that game was, wish my ssd wasnt microscopic 250gb so i have to download 80gb DE everytime i feel like playing.

w*men hate Doom Eternal

All the more reasons to love it.

It runs fine from HDD, so that's an option if you have one.

she actually asked "why does the game look like that" and I had the fucking gritty filter turned on too

holy kek

the graphics look fine, the story is cringe but not even in the same universe as bad as dragon age failgard and that game was written by women for women.

seeing all this seething about DOOM makes me realize people don't actually like shooters that actually make you shoot and move. Niggers would rather have a military fantasy where you hold W+M1 and the game auto-aims, auto-shoots, auto-plays.

people don't actually like shooters that actually make you shoot and move

Yeah, one of the big complains about DE is that it "forces you to move constantly". I mean, yeah? Obviously?

Man I got filtered at the shitty mouse acceleration I couldn't get rid of LMAO how did you faggots actually get into the game beyond that is beyond me

metadoom is epic

mouse acceleration I couldn't get rid of

its a miracle people like you managed to install that game

What's your favorite level?

So how do I get rid of the shitty mouse acceleration?


Bro play if you wanted an FPS with a good story go play the Metro games or Bioshock or FEAR, when the fuck was Doom ever upheld for it's story?
Environments are cool, story serviceable, gameplay was fun and I enjoyed my time and the DLC, but it was more of a time waster game then anything high-art and

Who cares?

I had no problems on PC but you have to re-map the buttons until you get something that works for you. I remap many games just for convenience, namely weapon switching all the time.

I'm convinced people that hate Doom Eternal have never beaten Doom 2.


And that's a good thing.
Story in a game is like story in a porn movie.

Does anybody here think Anon Babble is that important enough for paid shills and bots? Bethesda probably doesn't even know this site exists.

(You) posted it, king. Peak aesthetics, peak encounters.

It's the Call of Duty fanbase clashing with the "Boomer Shooter" fanbase. Honestly grouping every single FPS as one genre was a mistake. It's like getting mad every single 2d action platformer doesn't play like Mario Bros, or Megaman, or Castlevania. They're all different games doing different things.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

do you?

Why outright lie that Quake 2 is somehow similar when they're so unlike?

dunno, but anyways, go to bed.

you're trying too hard, shill.

theres no need for zoom eternal anymore, we have picrel

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why in gods name would you care about removing the turret from anything of these enemies you mentioned in 3/4 the situations
you just burst them down super fast with M1->swap->m1->swap anyway

i just dont get most eternal discussions. people fixate on things that just didnt matter at all in my experience, and people say its biggest flaw is the polar opposite of what actually is its biggest flaw

not an argument
arrest yourself and go to bed.

I hated ZOOM '16 so didn't bother with Eternal.

Threadly reminder that Lord Carmack walked that statement back

the screaming and crying about the marauder says otherwise.

Muh marauder

Is shit.


If I wanted to play a fucken stepping back and forward game with a retarded NPC I would not be playing a shooter!
This type of dancing game doese not belong in doom same is true for the dark lord.


I swear the precise point where he gets to blink his eyes gets glitched sometimes or it did in the old versions (no idea if they fixed it with patches) either way he would not flash his eyes making it extra annoying.


Dancing games like this do not belong in a first person SHOOTER!

the story is cringe

Agree however the color scheme of the game is bland as fuck
The doom slayer since 2016 looks like he is wrapped in garbage the mud green and shit browns are and the design look retarded as fuck.

The demons also are uninteresting mostly the same brownish and red the environments (this was even more true for 2016) are bland gray brown rocks for hell. Some meh green and rocks for sentinels and earth looks like wrecked crap. Hell is OK interesting however these are the same schemes for all locations on these planets.

It literally pales to how arena shooter maps look in unreal tournament .

DE fanboys are the worst.

seeing all this seething about DOOM makes me realize people don't actually like shooters that actually make you shoot and move.

They do however retarded swinging around a circle because the game locks you in some mini micro arena where all you do is run in a circle is boring as fuck.

you hold W+M1 and the game auto-aims, auto-shoots, auto-plays.

One of my fav other games is halo. The landing on the beach in the silent cartographer is iconic as fuck.

Tell me how this is even the same as your straw man?
In a lot of halo maps you have full freedom to run around and do whatever you want.


Walk in map

Get locked in a claustrophobic arena

Run around in circles shooting demons while chainsawing zombies for ammunition and glory kills/flame beach for HP.

Repeat this shit for the rest of the game

Where is the verity?
I swear DE was made by aliens who only heard what a arena shooter is from second hand accounts.

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why am I out of ammo

Because it was designed to make you out of ammo so that you would use chainsaw. The problem was designed to sell you a solution, so to speak.
Dash and double jump are actually fine by themselves, but again the game is designed in such a way that you cannot live without using those things. Another forced design.
And entire game is like that - completely inside the very limited design boundaries. You can deal with that one enemy only with that one certain way. You can beat this other enemy only with that other certain way. There's no freedom, no options. You are supposed to play how designers envisioned. And if you've ever seen a "high skilled" player play this game you'll know what I'm talking about.

you have to re-map the buttons

FUN FACT you can not assign a button for the blood punch alone because this option dose not exist. ON PC!

IT is always combined with glory kill/use.
And this is retarded.
On a epic level!

Because I know moments when I pres E and wanted to do a glory kill for HP and got the blood punch out. SO I wasted this resource.

i have extra buttons on my mouse however the game literally prevents me from assigning the blood punch to any button it is always blood punch/glory kill and can never be separated.

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have never beaten Doom 2

I did multiple times. The games are fundamentally different.


Halo is a better doom 2 sequel then DE!


Doom 1 + 2 = massive open maps run around everywhere
DE = lock you into one segment arena, now run in circles until all demons are dead.

why in gods name would you care about removing the turret from anything of these enemies you mentioned in 3/4 the situations

I'm currently playing the campaign (it is even more shit then I remember).


Because I'm in the sentinel planet or whatever and all I have is

combat shotgun

machine gun

Plasma gun


Show you playing on this part of the story and then talk.


Because the game literally tells you to do it!


Because it makes the fights easier.


WTF are you talking about? No seriously do you expect everyone to understand your discord lingo? The fuck is M1? And to what do you swap? Is this the weapon swap glitch that lets you get more damage that the """"pro""" DOOM Eternal players are talking about?

i just dont get most eternal discussions.

DE fanboys like you are magical in the level of zoomer brain damage they have.

is its biggest flaw

What is its biggest flaw?

people fixate on things that just didnt matter at all in my experience


Lets see DE
1) Story is shit and cringe absolute cringe failed fanfiction

AHAHAHAHA No one cares about the story

So admit it is shit

[zoomer shitposting]

2)Game play is garbage

[zoomer shitposting]

3) With 1 and 2 you literally made 100% of the game bad and there is nothing to like.

One of my fav other games is halo.

Cnonsoleniggers opnions on shooters are irrelevant

I play it on PC only.


name when halo locks you into a claustrophobic area to fight. This never happens or it is made so precisely that you do not notice it.

Get stuck in one part

Die over and over to enemies due to bad positioning

Try new approaches, different weapons, keep dying

Close to giving up from frustration do something that ends up killing all the enemies out of my control.

Move on to next area and repeat.

That's been my experience with the game so far.

What is its biggest flaw?

the fact all guns feel the fucking same
you can use most of the arsenal against most enemies, but it doesnt matter when youre just shooting -> swapping -> shooting to burst down everything really fast. theres difference in shit like damage or tiny aoe or draw speed or whether or not its hitscan, but it just feels the same to play
when i kill a spider with rocket -> precision bol -> repeat, or i kill a cubus with super shotgun -> ballista -> super shotgun -> repeat, or kill something else with super shotgun -> punch -> shotgun -> repeat, it all feels the fucking same

also holy fucking reddit spacing faggot

the fact all guns feel the fucking same

Not really.

youre just shooting -> swapping -> shooting

You retards have to explain what glitches you are using since this is not what normal people do.

also holy fucking reddit spacing faggot

I see. You are a zoomer who is new. Nice one reveling yourself.

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press buttan

thing happan

Wow, this has to be the worst game in the history of gamerkind!