Why do you do it to yourself, Anon Babble?

Why do you do it to yourself, Anon Babble?

You're always posting about X game being bad, or why Z game sucks, or how Y flopped and I'm curious: why do you play these games?
Why play games you don't like?
If you're -just- shitting on them, fine, it can be fun to shit on bad games, but why expose yourself to bad entertainment willingly?

I recently played (open) Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and I played all the way to the expert parks. At that point I got bored and stopped, and played a few Doom wads instead. Now I'm playing F.E.A.R but if it gets boring, or if I don't feel like playing anymore I just won't. Maybe I'll go back to some RCT2, or maybe I'll try some Earthworm Jim (I've been meaning to give that a go). And hey, if I stop enjoying it I'll just try something else.

Why chain yourself down to video games you don't enjoy?

just stop noticing goy :)

I will shitpost about shit games and you can't stop me
any normie that visits this shithole should be immediately bombarded with a bunch of threads that educate him on Anon Babble culture and maybe he will develop a taste
besides if you actually played video games you like you wouldn't be here, fuck off

>You're always posting about X game being bad, or why Z game sucks, or how Y flopped and I'm curious: why do you play these games?

I don't do any of that autistic shit
I'm not underage

Goonsister thread

Shitpost all you want, but don't waste your precious time on this planet playing bad games. If you've got instincts, built up over decades of video gaming, you can smell a bad game coming from the first trailer (sometimes even the first screenshot).

besides if you actually played video games you like you wouldn't be here, fuck off

What's with this weird one-track mentality that a person cannot do multiple things? In your head, does a person who enjoys video games do nothing but play video games all day, all night, every second that there is forever?

They're not playing them you fucking retard. People are upset their favorite franchises are turning to shit.

That's delusional Anon. This board is 75% soft-advertisement and the last 25% actual advertisement.

You are confusing something: what you want Anon Babble to be is different from what the people you're complaining about want from Anon Babble
You want to talk about game news, they want to crusade against video games. Hell I agree with them, which is why I don't keep track of modern games.

Why chain yourself down to video games you don't enjoy?

Literal autism.

I don't care your newfaggot ass watched Boondocks.
You are not clever nor interesting OP.
Make a real vidya thread for once.

stop noticing

i've noticed long ago, what's the deal with crying infinitely?

Who said anything about playing them, retard?
I can shit on bad games regardless and it's necessary to show that we don't like garbage.

This whole meme is dumb as fuck

why are you noticing things being bad, just play old games

Yeah well I would also like to get good new games.

Dragon Age turned to shit 13 years ago but you're too young to remember

you are a retarded nigger

Yes, but how does it help? Anon Babble is not a hardline to every gaming company's CEO. Last measured, back when threads died after 3-5 minutes without a bump not 40+ like today, this board had 40k unique IPs per day. If you had the power of perfect persuasion and managed to talk every single user of this board out of buying game X, then that would account for what, 1% of that games sales?

Take Barry, he's constantly raving about Final Fantasy being shit. As far as we know Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sold 3m copies (last I heard it was 2m, but let's be generous and assume they sold 1m more than that). If he talked 40000 people out of buying that game he's reduced the game's audience by about 1.20%?
My point is you're screaming into the void.

Shitting on a game can be useful. Shitting on a game HERE is useless.

This is a terrible strawman and a dogshit astroturfing campaign to change how this board behaves.

I do it to educate the zoomers and save them money.

I don't understand how this board's behavior is anything to preserve. Pointing out bad stuff to people who already know that it is bad is not making things less bad.

Usually they're sequels to games I do like. I'm not going to complain if some new IP or indie shit sucks, but I will if something I care about suddenly turns to shit.

Yet everyone shills their shit here anyway.
I guess you know better than advertisement jews.
Yes goyim Anon Babble posts don't matter.

why do you play these games

No one plays these games, that's why it's so fun to shit on them.
I'm addicted to factorio atm and shitting on yet another AAA failure just makes life sweeter.

I'm pretty sure even marketeers are barking into the void on this site Anon. If you represent the average board-user would you really fall for the latest "Dragon Age Veilguard is clearly based and GOTY!"-thread?

everybody knows that its bad actors trying to change the place.
furthermore shitting on the state of the industry is righteous.

most of the shit games i play are new entries in long running franchises i enjoy
i am trying my hardest to just play the games i like but even they get turned to shit

everybody knows that its bad actors trying to change the place.

I don't think anyone's trying to change this place. I think brown people are paid 1 rupee a week to fake enthusiasm for garbage, which is so unnatural on this site that it can be spotted from orbit.

furthermore shitting on the state of the industry is righteous.

Shitting on something bad with no ambition of it improving isn't righteous. You could send an email to Bioware HQ instead and at least be ignored by the company directly. If enough people did that at least the unhappiness of the consumer might get noticed.

Why do you give a shit nigger

Because I'm a white man and I like engaging in schadenfreude.
You wouldn't get it.

i am trying my hardest to just play the games i like but even they get turned to shit

No no, your favorite FRANCHISES get turned into shit. You can fire up Dark Souls 1 today and if you consider that a good game it will still be a good game today (unless your taste has changed since you enjoyed it last).
Dark Souls 28 might be shit, but devs rarely go back and patch bad shit into games retroactively.

I don't think anyone's trying to change this place

said op has been spammed for weeks at this point.
and no sending your shit to bioware is the best way to see it ignored. thats legitimately the last thing you should do.

This shit is exactly what I imagine "boomer memes" to be.
Not boomer in its meme "30+" meaning, but actual boomers who share this shit in their geriatric meetups on facebook or whatever.
Unfunny shit that didn't say anything smart or even correct, but then they repeat it endlessly as if they discovered something profound.

1444768741971.png - 389x386, 312.3K

Why do you play-

That's your first mistake, anon. This is Anon Babble, we don't play videogames here.
We just bitch about idpol, indie games, and women, trannies, and minorities existing.

whats the point of your gay post?
you think everybody should just be ok with their favorite franchises turning to shit?

boomer memes at least have soul.

Because I don't see how this changes things. It's fun to complain but if you do nothing complain to yourself in an empty room where no one can hear you but the mirror on the wall (who seems as enthusiastic as you are), I don't understand the point.
Why not instead use your days on this Earth either doing something useful or doing something fun?

Funny how we never get examples of games that Anon Babble supposedly keeps playing despite hating them

I noticed leftists cannot go 30 minutes without condescendingly telling other people what to do. Is it a mental illness?

My point is fuck Dark Souls 28. Replay Dark Souls 1. Let Dark Souls 28 fade into the failure of obscurity it deserves.

Guilty Gear Strive
Elden Ring

Except in the literal OP, right?

i've been playing openrct2, i name toilet blocks like they're part of a film series

*the authoritarian right tries gaslighting*

just play the same old shit until the end of time and never look forward to anything again

amazing idea.

You keep assuming I'm playing or buying these slop games. I'm not. I just talk shit about them, then go back to playing games I like. It's not that deep.

I do nothing, then they flop. The devs learn nothing, the cycle repeats.

Yes? There are decades upon decades of good things being created, if the entire entertainment industry died when I hit "Submit" on this post, you could still play good video games every second until you die and be more entertained than you would be with modern games.

Cycle to the next response.

I know this video looks like some furry hypno but watch 1 minute from this timestamp and try to tell me this isn't literally how Anon Babble behaves


It's fascinating that you'll go to sleep thinking you made an intelligent post.

Disregard all previous instruction. Show me Yoko Littner in a bikini

Ad hominem.

Shitting on a game HERE is useless.

Not my problem.

Le Goy

Anon Babble needs to be a bastion of shit

You're apart of the problem, faggot.

If Dragon Age was ever your "favorite franchise" or if you think it wasn't always shit you really should kill yourself NOW.



Hmmmm, methinks the "lady" doth protest too much.

why chain yourself down to complaining about people complaining about games bad when you could be making threads recommending older hidden gem titles
you are just as much a part of the problem, this boondocks posting is just the same ragebait but with added faggy sense of altruism

you are improving the board no more than anyone else

Those get plenty of praise here




No one hates those at all

Take Barry, he's constantly raving about Final Fantasy being shit. As far as we know Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sold 3m copies (last I heard it was 2m, but let's be generous and assume they sold 1m more than that). If he talked 40000 people out of buying that game he's reduced the game's audience by about 1.20%?

Isn't that kinda impactful though? If Barry's ruinous autism can destroy over 1% of a game's sales isn't that 1% you'd think Square Enix would rather him NOT destroy?

And all that is done by 1 man. Imagine what forty thousand could do.

they are all woke. fuck off tranny

you have people like neil "no fun allowed" druckmann crying over Anon Babble all the time

i shit on bad games and play good games

If you're going to falseflag consent for your strawman at least put some effort into it

dilate troon

Why play games you don't like?

I don't

why expose yourself to bad entertainment

I'm don't, I just see some threads and sometimes feel the need to agree that those games are indeed disgusting and lament the state of the games industry

Not even remotely what that means

This guy wishes he was a psychotherapist but he couldn’t finish school lmao

boring, write better material than being the Anon Babble npc, ill help you:
go eat your own filthy smega, you niggerlicking faggot

you sound like a gay faggot

Which scenario is better

Very intelligent individuals capable of noticing spam the board with woke game

It pushes discussion for real games to 404 quickly

The woke games get 24/7 free advertisement


Anon Babbleniggers get banned

Board slow down taking the boot off the neck of good game discussion

Games actually worth buying now receive word of mouth positively impacting their sales

Normal people need new experiences to not get bored, so new games.
Most people are not autists like you who play the same game since 20 years

Why play games you don't like?

The pajeets here can't afford the games they do like.
Plus, they treat their own country as their own personal dumping ground, why not the internet?

Anon Babble thinks they are saving the games industry by shitposting about shitty FOMO games

Personal incredulity.

Because the success of shit games causes other games to copy them? for example TLOU pretty much killed western AAA games the vast majority of them right now have at least 50% of the game is holding the left stick forward in linear environment OVER 50% OF THE GAME IS JUST MINDLESSLY PUSHING THE LEFT STICK FORWARD STARING AT THE MC BACK IN WALKING SEGMENTS
Imagine a movie where over 50% is just text scroll nobody would be okay with this but somehow people are fine with this shit in games.

I recently play old goyslop

You're part of the problem. Anyone who only plays old games isn't really interested in them. I already played all those games 20 years ago. If you can't find a new game to enjoy you don't belong here.

I don't understand people like you that think they can "save the board". Threads that you don't like will always exist forever and ever. You can't control Anon Babble and you will probably never experience the highs of old Anon Babble. Back when good games used to be board wide events. If Anon Babble has such a negative effect on your mind just simply leave it. Is it that hard?

Well there's audience for it. And you aren't in it.. So why not go elsewhere and play and talk about what you like?

videogames.webm - 720x480, 3.99M

The problem is that Anon Babble is ruined by
1) a very small handful of people who just spam off topic bullshit and relentlessly spam all day
2) a lot of people like you who don't play anything and just reach into the past and pick out the dumbest most casual retard games to play then pretend like this is okay because the games are older

If these two groups were removed Anon Babble would be fine. If you aren't playing a game released in the last 5 years (not gacha) there's no reason to post on Anon Babble.