Resident Evil 1

Billions of Zombies but you have like 7 bullets the entire game

You gotta remember all the Emblems for the gazillion of doors

"Just avoid Zombies bro" cant avoid them cause they Grab you if rng aint on your side

Dogs lol. Unavoidable damage or waste thousands of bullets that you dont have

No wonder they dropped this shit after 3 games wtf Was wrong with 90s gamers were you all Stockholm Syndrom riddin idiots?

play the director's cut, stoopid

>Billions of Zombies but you have like 7 bullets the entire game

Only difficult part is the early section, where you have low ammo. Finding the two magazines from your headless STARS member is make it or break it for the early game.


Shotgun. Shotgun. Shotgun.

>You gotta remember all the Emblems for the gazillion of doors

It's a huanted mansion adventure game, that's par for course.

yet another zoomie gets filtered by tank controls


Literal 4 year olds were beating the original RE before you even left your father's ballsack. What's your excuse?

Never mentioned the controls. You forgot to read with that Dementia of yours old man?


The only Shotgun I found Was the one you couldnt take with you cause the ceiling trap thing

Then solve the ceiling trap. It's a puzzle game .Solve the puzzles. Close the thread and go back and solve the puzzles.

"Just avoid Zombies bro" cant avoid them cause they Grab you if rng aint on your side

Sounds like you're complaining about controls to me.

The hell am I supossed to do Genius? Im already trying to run past most of the Zombies but then theres Rooms where there are 3 accid spitting shitheads in a tight corridor.

There's enough ammo in the game to kill literally every enemy.

Im still trying to find out where the fuck the shield key goes. Like EVERY Door has either an armor or helmet emblem FUCK im so mad rn

The hell am I supossed to do Genius?

Stop being a shitter.

One zombie takes like 7 shots no way what youre saying is true

I beat this when I was like 16. Just see it as a big puzzle box, with one puzzle solving another and leading to new areas and ammo and weapons.

Shotgun pointed at a zombie's head one shots them.

Youre just like those GID GUD morons from the Dark Souls Fans. Wow arent you a hardcore gamer.

Anon I was born in 1984. I was 14 when I bought and played RE1. Are you dumber than a 14 year old?

Dogs lol. Unavoidable damage or waste thousands of bullets that you dont have

If you know what you're doing, you can literally knife the dogs to death since they get staggered each hit

It's really not a hard game, especially if you play as Jill. Just don't be impatient and be aware of your surroundings.

No I just dont have the resistance to bullshit a 14 year old has. The only reason you bruteforced yourself through that game cause you couldnt afford to get better games at that time

What do you mean play as Jill. I just picked Chris cause hes a guy. Dont tell me theres a difference

Chris is hard mode
Jill is easy mode

Jill literally has her partner solve every single problem for her.

I like games about exploring a big location, unlocking more of the map over time and solving puzzles. I like adventure games, as long as they're not too cryptic.

RE2 makes the game more steramlined and more cinematic. It's basically just a big straight line to the end. It was my first RE game, so I bought director's cut after wards. Then got RE3.

Wow thanks Anon I didnt know that actually. I think ill have to restard the game anyway cause im half dead and have no bullets of ink left. Jesus I just hope the later games get easier. I never played the Re series So I wanted to start at the beginning but this game is killing me man

Chris is basically normal, and Jill is literally Game Journalist mode. You get an extra weapon and everything.

Each subsequent game gets more action focused with less focus on adventure and puzzle solving.

I wouldn't call Jill that easy since she dies in like two bites.

And has a higher tendency of losing her head to hunters.

it's not uncommon to have to restart RE1 Chris on a first playthrough, and then to play more efficiently the next time. Once you get handgun ammo and the shotgun with enough rounds you're good. Headshot zombies, take out dogs, nothing can stop you at that point. The extra 30 rounds from your dead companion in the beginning is the difference between easy and a hard time.

Barry solves all the problems for her if she bludners into them like a dumbass.

woah Jill. you're about to die in this trap? Better help you.

Woah Jill, this looks like a tough boss. Better beat it for you.

Game journalism mode.

The bosses aren't even the biggest threat, the biggest threat are the enemies between them.

OP here sry I was being a shitter. This thread was made purely out of Salt. Thanks anons for trying to give Tips even though im a moron. Ill try again with a Clearer mind

Shotgunning zombies in the head by aiming up is a life saving strat. One shot takes off their heads and is akin to "shooting for the head" rather than trying to dump loads of rounds into their bodies.

Thank God maybe I can actually beat this. Seemed impossible desu. Thanks anon.

That's not always the case. There are some instances where Jill never encounters Barry at all depending on which route through the mansion you take.

I apreciate the hint anon but im yet to actually get the shotgun (without dying to the ceiling trap) Dont tell me how. I want to beat this without a guide

I want to beat this without a guide

Then get off Anon Babble. Consider this game a rubix cube.

It doesn't sound like this series is for you. Have you played any PS1 games before? Or any games from that era? Anything on N64 or Saturn?

When you're done you can watch Arino go through RE1-3.

He basically has zero problems with RE1.

he is, he's a loser

I'm about halfway through the RE3 playthrough.

He has major problems with the difficulty and action focus and keeps dying.

I agree, I don't understand how anybody in their right mind can have fun with a 1st run of Resident Evil 1.
But once you know the game by heart and you know what to do and you don't need to revisit the entire mansion at every single step, then the game becomes fun.
They understood that this was not acceptable and made RE2 and 3 more linear and more action. And then they understood it even better with 4. 5 is just 4 with coop, but 6 is undescribably horrible.
Also RE (1996) > RE (2002) and don't you dare @ at me.

I was 15 when these started coming out, the main demographic it was aimed at, and I never got it. All my friends were obsessed with it and it played like absolutely shit, was 80% backtracking and getting lost, and it was peak PS1 graphics, so it looked like shit basically throwing out any chance that someone legitimately thought it was scary.

Metal Gear sucked too.

was 80% backtracking and getting lost,


I killed every zombie in 1 and had bullets to spare.

In 2 I dodged the street zombies and killed everything else.

In 3 I killed everything except crows and still had ammo.

Watch a knife only run and hang your head in shame at how bad you are.

Have you considered not sucking?

Have you ever considered that the game just wasn't made for you and it was for a different audience entirely?

he thinks re1-3 uses RNG

If you're getting grabbed because of 'rng' you're struggling with the controls

Using shotguns

On the dogs


Getting grabbed by Zombies


Holy shit, stop posting anytime. You faggots suck ass at Biohazard.

The only time you should start using guns is against the fucking Hunters.

It's understandable to struggle with a game that's older than you are, but you should want to get better. If a bunch of boomers can do it and you can't maybe there's a problem on your end

games easy as shit. do jill then chris for ease of enjoyment, do chris then jill for maximum swag

The only time you should start using guns is against the fucking Hunters.

I'm sure I could manage that but it sounds extremely tedious

it was peak PS1 graphics so it looked like shit

If you though at the time I have doubts about you being alive then

I shoot all the monsters I see because shooting monsters is cool and fun.

There's enough ammo to shoot everything tho

zoomer filtered by moderate IQ gameplay.