When will Western devs accept that most male gamers don't want to play as women in most single player games?
When will Western devs accept that most male gamers don't want to play as women in most single player games?
This game flopped but nobody remembers it. Not even the flopslop collages here include it.
Never, this is an ideological battle for them that transcends entertainment.
But I like women
when poor people start making art again. now its a coporate checkbox
When will you learn that this is exactly why they do it?
When they correlate the actual sales numbers to normal years instead of Covid19.
I just checked ranking amounts on a bunch of Steam and PS games from years ago, and it's crazy how exponentially popular games were in 2020 and 2021, versus since, but also how insanely popular gaming was on PS4 for a while in the Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us 1 days.
Investors are only now starting to react to the fact that gaming is stagnating and they're flagellating what's causing that, while trying to let down DEI departments easy (by laying them off over time)
The problem is the consulting companies. They tell the devs "The protag should be an ugly woman. The side characters should be gay minorities. This is what gamers want. Our consulting fee will be 100k, thanks". And the companies just keep listening to the consultants no matter what.
Woman or black man those are your choices for western games. Choose wisely
After the massive flop that is Stellar Blade, they might just listen
They know that.
Those games aren't made for males anymore
They're for women - women don't like attractive females in their content because it makes them subconsciously threatened/jealous.
Western devs would rather go bankrupt than make something enjoyable. For them it's just the cost of war.
most male gamers don't want to play as women
This has never been true, Tomb Raider is one of the longest lived franchises in videogames, and Nier Automata became such a hit it's still talked about today.
It's simple, make them hot and write them in a cool way.
Without even leaving Star Wars, you really think people wouldn't love a game starring Darth Talon?
They have to lay them off slowly so journalists don't notice and put a spot light on it. Begins with getting rid of DEI divisions, folding them into to HR, and trimming it down into non existence, person by person, a little bit at a time. It's a delicate balance. Push too hard and progressives will start to notice. Push too slow and your profits will continue to dwindle.
Star Wars used to have cool female characters before the EU.
Darth Talon
Mara Jade
Vestara Khai
Jan Ors
Then Disney arrived and did what they do best: make it all lame, boring and safe.
Even the cunt in OP, who is supposed to be a criminal, has the personality of a "nice girl" and even has a "designated cute pet" for the millennial pet parents to understand that she's actually "hecking wholesome".
I hate Disney so much.
me too, how do you feel about that thing in op's pic though?
Cute mutt.
Indifferent. From what I've heard she's a fairly bland character from a fairly bland game.
What I would give to have Abeloth in actual media and represented exactly like in the novels, just to see all the fucked up porn she'd get and see an entire generation become monster fuckers. The japanese specially would be all over her.
is not that we don't want to play using girls, what type of girl is the problem and they always choose the bossy ugly bitch that can lecture you about social issues...
Male gamers don't want to play as fuck ugly self-insert girlbosses. If we gave a fuck about playing as women Tomb Raider would have died in the 90s.
most male gamers don't give a shit and will often choose to play female protags if they seem interesting or have reviewed highly (e.g. Kassandra), or to just experience content that might be gender locked.
you're working yourself into a shoot over kike funded culture war bullshit fed to you by shills or useful idiots to distract you from what they are up to
Ugly women
I would both
match made in heaven
Franchise that got popular because of tits
A single game in a franchise that got popular because of the character's ass
All you're doing is confirming men only tolerate it when they can lust after the female, and don't actually want to play as them
Tawna and Fink? lmao faaaaaaaaag
Tolerate? Lara Croft became an icon of videogames to the point where she got several movies starring Angelina Jolie, and Nier Automata made Nier go from a super obscure franchise to making Triple A numbers.
That's way more than tolerating.
No idea why autists here are so insistent on pretending people's opinion here reflects the majority, as if we haven't had years of Anon Babble having mental breakdowns because it refuses to accept RDR2 or Doom Eternal sold well.
RPG thread with character customization is posted in Anon Babble
90% of the characters are female
Are you telling me this place is mostly chicks?
I'd be a lot more ok with it, if it were hot lesbians that were badass in a "male" power fantasy way and not an obnoxious girlboss way.
the problem is not women
the problem is ugly dei women
first big budget Star Wars game since the Battlefields
literally no one remembers it a month later
I'd be fucking worried.
it just merged with the other ubislop in peoples minds
I can play as a woman in a single player game, but I don't want to play a game where the main character looks like that... thing
The Jedi games weren’t big budget?
get Yoji Shinkawa for character design and cover
make her a genuine merciless psychopath instead of yet another "criminal with a heart of gold"
With those two they could have at least tripled the sales.
No way to get more waifufags than "I can fix her" bait.
We should shame men who play female characters, it's fucking weird and we need to put a stop to it. The only way I accept female characters is if the people who play them accept the fact that they're handicapping themselves, in playing a weaker character who's restrictive in social, physical, and gender norms. The same logic applied with those who play as Non-Human Races. They got to accept debuffs and penalties in social, economic, and racial stats for the sake of realism. Just how things are.
Ugly women
Anon Babble now cares about realism
Can confirm, people started watching the awful Ahsoka show just because of the blonde sith girl that's always looking psychotic.
Because neither Ubisoft as developer or Star Wars for license are positives these days. Star Wars Jedi games were largely good because they're very designed by committee I also liked Survivor less than the first one.
but kay looked normal at one point. why the change?
Why do they keep adding DEI stuff? Everything a company does is for the end goal of profit, so it has me confused.
Only hot women should be protags or major characters, no uggos. In fact just have no men and make them all bizarro world where the lack of men and penis is never acknowledged. Just have hot chicks shooting each other, beating on each other and sexually harassing each other.
Because you can't let CHUDS win.
When will Western devs accept that most male gamers don't want to play as women in most single player games?
They knew and they didnt care because they're trying to push propaganda of the (ugly) strong mulatto lesbian woman being the main hero in the story
made merrin a stand-offish lesbian
yeah fuck em
I wonder how will Disney ruin her character.
They're for women
Women don't play action games.
See Wukong game developer comment about men's and women's games that send Western trannies jannies into overdrive.
Men play kill-destroy games.
Women play dolls games.
If you are making combat based game "for women" you are making it for nobody
What? Two of the games played by chicks the most are Overwatch and Mass Effect, and those are just about killing.
Two of the games played by chicks the most are Overwatch
joke about putting lipstick on before picking support uwu
Also female playerbase is 25% there.
Mass Effect
15% female playerbase and it's skip combat if you want game.
Elden ring has 10% female playerbase
joke about putting lipstick on before picking support uwu
I guess that makes it not about killing then.
it's skip combat if you want game.
The fuck are you talking about?
Women play games with tons of character customization and ones that have character driven plots, action is irrelevant.
Shut up tranny i love women but no one wants to be a fugly bitch not even women unless theyre mentally ill (or really ugly)
If they really wanted to ruin her character, they would have done it already.
Women play games with tons of character customization and ones that have character driven plots, action is irrelevant.
because we'd be fine with it if they weren't fucking hideous.
Game with tons of character customization and have character driven plot, action is irrelevant.
I mean male gamers don't have a problem playing Eve in Stellar Blade, or Samus Aran in Metroid
we just have a problem playing a fucking grotesquery like Kay.
All the chicks I met in vidya were in Call of Duty, though they tend to be pretty unhinged.
She can be ugly if she is based.
Yes, thats what I said.
Women gamers also don’t want to play as whatever the fuck that thing is
Is this a game where they will defeat a evil main sith (most likely an inquisitor) through the power of friendship since they're not force sensitive? And then Vader says ''hi'' at the ending and they all escape epicly?
They don't care about men. They desperately want women to be their new core demographic because on average women spend more money on recreational products than men do. The MBA brained executives think that it makes no sense to aim AAA games at men anymore because aiming them at women might unlock new hypothetical billions. The executives (so far) also really believe market analysts and diversity consultants and their promises.
The suits running Western industry are out of touch with their own product, they think video game industry is interchangeable like something like something like shoe industry is. They think they can just start marketing AAA action-adventure games to women like they can switch a production line in a shoe factory to make women's shoes.
stop lying
interchangeable like something like something like shoe industry is.
But shoe industry is not interchangeable.
Men's and women's shoes are vastly different. Yes you can make them in the same factory but product is completely for the specific market. Curious enough suits in shoe industry completely understand that and don't try to sell high heels to men or just straight up cancel high heels, while it's completely hecking patriarchal gender stereotype.
Its not hard to do, but dont get your feedback from Anon Babble, this place is full of schizophrenics who really thought RDR2 would flop and Metal Gear Survive would sell.
Pander to normal people, period.
But the vast majority of people played Alexios you retard.
most male gamers will often choose to play female protags
In what universe you porn addicted AGP tranny?
SW is a dead franchise artificially kept alive by Disney, which is pumping endless amounts of money in it.
When will Western devs accept that most male gamers don't want to play as ugly, safehorny, unlikeable, unfeminine, written-by-leftists women in most single player games?
Cry more about your delusions
Classic Lara only. Not the reboot one
That's not true. As long as the girl. Not everyone are insecure assholes like you.
It really is just ugly female main characters that are being avoided like the plague.
They pley overwhatch for the dolls and ME for the dating sim
Aloy looks okay in motion. Almost all of Horizon's character - men and women - modes look kinda bad in screenshots because the faces have uncanny weirdness and proportions are a little bit (but enough to notice) off.
Aloy looks awful
This. I feel like devs bought into the kool-aid tranny threads here. No actual male wants to play a girl in a videogame, even if she looks like the Stellar Blade one. Playing female is a huge ick.
wants to play with men
wants to pretend he's a cool guy
Beta fag
wants to fuck hot chicks in vidya
I can go on, anon
Look at a girl's butt for hours > look at a dude's butt for hours
You don't like women's butts? I hate to tell you this, but that means you're the fag. Female butts are literally designed to entice males to mate. The sight of a female bending over is biologically supposed to make you want to yeet dick. If you don't feel that way, you're queer at a minimum if not fully gay.