Factorio Space Age looks like it's right up my alley. But I get bored of games that are longer than 4 hours...

Factorio Space Age looks like it's right up my alley. But I get bored of games that are longer than 4 hours. Do you think it's still good to play?

Thanks for the new thread, this took too long to type.
Tesla Gun is actually fairly bad.
Especially versus Demolishers.
Tesla turrets are 120 damage every 2 seconds baseline.
This can be multiplied by the jump count for 1200 damage, but Demolishers have nutty resistances.
But let's say you invest another thousand Electromagnetic Science Packs (the Tesla itself is 1500) into it for a 70% damage buff (prior to electric 3, you receive 0 damage bonuses).
Demolishers have a flat 20 resist, dropping it to 184. Then they take 20% less, bringing it to 147.2 damage. Multiplied by 10 since it can jump between their segments, which have the same electric res (they have 99% explosive res, lol) as the head, 1472 every 2 seconds.
A small Demolisher has 30k HP and heals 2.4k per-second. So you pretty much have to kill it in 1 shot, which means you need 21 Tesla Guns. Assuming they all shoot at once.
For a Medium, you'll need 68.
And a Big? 204.
But obviously, those numbers are assuming they all shoot instantly, which won't happen on the bigger fuckers, so you actually need significantly more, some of which WILL die in the crossfire.
And mind you, each one costs you 10 Holmium plates, 60 superconductors, 10 supercapacitors, AND you can only send 10 at a time via rocket.

4 hours

we both know that isn't true you autist. no need to bait like that for a fagtorio thread

get bored of games that are longer than 4 hours

How fast are you playing the game?

screw that. i'd rather keep my already too scarce holmium solution

the new clouds suck ass. i tried doing simple edits of the cloud textures and the code that calls the texture but it still renders at the tiny original resolution. anyone know how I would go about making these ugly cloud shadows render much larger

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How can factorio interest you if you have only a four hour attention span?

How can I efficiently load and dump ore from cargo wagons? All my attempts get bottlenecked. I don't understand belts at all.

[Wagon]->stack inserter -> steel chest -> fast inserter -> belt

From there you can choose a belt combination that takes all the stuff and puts it onto 1, 2, or more belts.

Oh, and then reverse for loading.

You can use circuits make the stop allow a train to go to it if there is enough to fill all the wagons. Don't use "enable/disable", but "train limit".

How can I consolidate 6 belts into 2 without one side getting backed up?

If it's backing up because downstream it's backed up, then don't worry about it.

Otherwise, combining the belts like so is one way.

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most Anon Babble users only respond ot rage bait, so Im guessing they thought this game of all games needed such enticement

cant get requester chests until you launch shit into space


Just reposting, stopped here for the night, very fresh and blind, I pirated it the first week it existed, and let it cook. Games really fucking awesome.

Doing Railworld but lowered the mineral richness, and added on enemy evolution, it seems integral to gameplay but id probably just be really fucking pissed off by it because this games rather complex and dont want a bunch of faggot bugs deleting my shit.

Gotta start automating shit. Its really comfy, took out all the close by hives, and producing what I need, but im carrying too much by hand into chests. Dont wanna use guides or blueprints. I dont even understand some of the blueprints I imported because I dont really know the game yet. I do like how as long as you produce shit and go forward, it doesnt matter how retarded you are, its still going somewhere, I just gotta automate this shit lol.

It's a belt balancer. Downstream each belt could potentially be backed up because it's not consuming the items at 100% the belt's capacity. When one belt gets backed up, it will cause that one car to unload slower. If the cars are unloaded unevenly, it could cause the other belts to not be full of ore, reducing the amount.

The balancer ensures that all the 3 belts coming in put 1/3 of their contents on the belts going out, so all train cars unload exactly evenly. If the belts get backed up, then all train cars unload slower together.

I do the same with putting ore in the train.

You can use balancers anywhere in your base, but I only use it on trains since that's the more susceptible to this problem.

same reason the made cliff explosives space ex required, to get you to do the fucking dlc stuff

you have the right mindset to fully enjoy this game. I'll say this, going into each new planet blind and starting from scratch has been the most fun I've had in years. Find out what works for you, and maybe on your second or third runthrough it'll be fun to look at blueprints

But I get bored of games that are longer than 4 hours.

bruh, know this is bait, but for anyone reading, you're looking at 100 hours minimum, more like 400 hours

Launching shit into space is something you do a few hours into the game anon. You don't have to go to another planet or anything, you just pop a couple solar panels onto the platform and start making millions of space science to dump back down for free. You don't have to plan out anything regarding it and it's self-sustentive with very little resources. Hell YOU don't even have to go to space since you can do all of the building remotely.

It's insane how simple they made an extremely complex system. Just shows how ingenious the Factorio devs are.

cliffs - off

time evolution - 0

world gen - railworld

yep, it's gaming time

I thought whole system for dealing with space platforms and getting stuff to and from them was very awkward

time evolution - 0

Why? Killing one biter nest is equivalent to waiting 15 minutes or something. 95% of your evo is going to be pollution+kills.

Shouldn't you be able to remove bits of it without any issue?

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No, specifically just the platform that hovers over Nauvis is very simple. You can make more than one platform and you will need to make more platforms because they are also your spaceship to travel to other planets. The one you use for space science though is braindead. It has 0 threats, infinite power, nothing to worry about. You can build it however big you want it to be since you don't care about managing weight:thrusters etc. It just sits there indefinitely.

looks good, just a heads up, gonna want to point those miners the other way and have another row of them on the other side, iron is the lifeblood of your early game factory and you'll be wanting to shit out as much ore as humanly possible, same with your copper.

Computing Navigation

Why isn't it collecting space rocks?

Go in game, make that belt without the belts with the blue Xs, and make it extend several belts out. Then place items on an input belt with z, and see how they're distributed.

I don't know exactly the math behind it, but basically each splitter splits each belt into half and places each half on each output belt. This can be complicated with a 3 way splitter.

of you want the pelts to move at a similar rate, no

looks like it's right up my alley

get bored of games that are longer than 4 hours

Then it's not right up your alley, you retarded troglodyte

At least against small demolishers, gun turret spam with uranium ammo works great. Make sure the damage is actually upgraded though.

Nevermind, I adjusted it slightly and it works again.

you would end up with a 1.5, 0,75, 0.75 out of 3 split

Oh wait, they're called balancers. Not splitters.

It's a bug. Building platforms seems to fix it.

belt balancer. balancers take inputs from x lanes and outputs them evenly on y lanes. In this examples it takes 4 lanes and outputs them evenly onto 3 lanes. very useful for ensuring an even distribution of materials throughout your factory which helps immensely with production throughput. ever see someone's factory and one iron furnace stack is running full bore, with its ore belts chock full, but the stack next to it is bone dry? they're not using belt balancers.

how are you supposed to get plastic on fulgora?
any other way than shipping it in from elsewhere?

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removing and rebuilding fixed it for me but then it somehow disappeared and left me with a missing collector i had to replace

Belt balancers don't have fat to trim- the idea is to make everything contained in the design travel through then exit at the exact same rate.

It's a 3 to 3 balancer.

FYI solar panels on space platforms have 200%+ electric generation

If I played Total Annihilation religiously would I like this?

Recycle red chips and low density structures.

Can you pump the oilshale or whatever for heavy oil?

Probably. I play it like a WW1 simulator instead of a nerd beancounter. Expanding the base until you feel secure is satisfying

*Around Nauvis

then you fly to fulgora or further away, run out of power and your inserters stop working and you get pummeled to death by asteroids

it's ok it was just to supplement my turrets. but yeah it did not do all that much damage, although I was surprised at how little ammo it used, similar to shotgun
anyway now I got enough tungsten for like 25 foundries, can start making more foundries and big miners automatically now, on the way to science
on the plus side I just got my mech armor delivered from fulgora so good riddance to these stupid cliffs and rocks blocking my movement constantly

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didn't even cross my mind i could recycle items even further, now i feel like a dumdum. thanks anon.

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You can make gas but there's no way to get coal. Maybe you can if you recycle plastic but that defeats the purpose.

how are you supposed to get plastic on fulgora

recycle red chips, blue chips, or lds

but I don't want to recycle those

pump heavy oil, crack it down to petroleum (get the water from all that ice from recycling scrap) and ship in coal from somewhere else. if you went to gleba first you can have a space platform above fulgura make carbon and then either turn turn it into coal on the platform or ship it down and turn it into coal on the surface.

yeah ive noticed, im gonna expand it tomorrow and be more efficient. Learning to auto red and green science will be huge for me. I even have some autominers and furnaces on the side specifically to just focus on making iron and copper.

Right now in that pic, the copper and iron+coal fueling is in a perfect spot, but I gotta expand it. Game REALLY needs its first base resources im finding out. Lots of my automaters have chests with iron/copper just to keep producing but its done by hand.

Ship isn't anywhere near good enough

Uses too much ammo

Doesn't restore ammo fast enough

Doesn't have extra cargo

Isn't even fast

But I dunno how to actually optimize this kind of thing.

Ships are pretty hard.

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yeah you're gonna want to make a nice line of copper/iron moving away from your smelters, and expand automated production of shit from either side of that line of iron/copper, using splitters to move off resources towards said main belts to the production lines, then back to the main line for major products like steel or circuits of all colors. make sure to always have room to increase production of an item, or at least room to make a new assembly line for something

please explain main belt theory because everytime i commit to it it just ends up like this anyways

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a big ugly blob is the way to go. fly like a brick, just keep your width relatively low

6 solar panels

Are you even getting enough power to everything?
Besides that there is damage upgrades to get

You have one furnace. Add more furnances, and add some speed modules and solar panels.

its gonna get wrecked the moment you park it in orbit of any other planet

Also you don't need so many fast inserters. Replace as many as you can with normal inserters.

you're supposed to have a line of iron belts of copper, iron, steel, circuits, and other useful products that you can use a splitter to move resources off onto either side to start production lines, its for convenience so you always have access to the basics to EXPAND

You gotta have some of that g i r t h for more buildings

Check out the ratios of iron to ammo production. Replacing one of ammo assemblers with a forge would be a start.
Double or quadruple fuel and coolant production.

this. no need to intentionally triple your inserter power usage when power is scarce. the last thing you want is to you inserters filling the turrets to stop working

Raw resources flow in straight line. Production grows perpendicular to that line.

yellow is belts, blue is assemblers. the point isn't about the belts, it's about unlimited expansion of assemblers

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That's enough power currently and it has two furnaces, and I know this design isn't good already. Cmon.

Assembler3s need FIVE plates/s

Furnaces make 0.62/s at normal rarity

Whaddahell. That's fucked.

Think I'll just tear it down. Borg cube design seems to be easier.

enough power

compared to vulcanus and nauvis it will drop sharply in gleba and especially fulgora. then aquilo orbit it is like a fifth of nauvis

on fulgora your power output will be like 40% of that

That's fair, but I'm looking to make a transport ship that would only hang around Nauvis to refuel. So wouldn't it not matter much? Does solar power decay as you are traveling or does it just set itself to 50%/20% when you reach orbit?

decay. as long as your inserters don't stop working to fuel your assemblers and furnaces you should be fine but if they start stalling you are in trouble

Turret cube is better, line the top with solar panels, fast inserters going up the wall of turrets, I use about 90 something, boxes at the bottom with power poles powering up inserters. Make a blueprint, put a deconstruction planner in your hotbar with turrets blacklisted. Drop the BP, load from the bottom, takes about ten seconds. Then use the deconstruction plan. Then you can go drop poison like bread crumbs leading mediums into the turret cube. I lose about 4-8 turrets each time. Better than nukes or the tank in my experience.

How do I make my science platform send in full stacks? As far as I can tell, the drops are free, BUT they are annoying.

This belt design came to me while I was trying to fall asleep yesterday. Does it have any practical applications?

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for other than your sleep depraved drunken mind? no unless you want to create some very hard to predict pelt sushi

nta, if I knew what I was getting into with space age I would of toned down the enemy settings. Base Factorio was pretty cozy, space age is a fucking savage with outpost juggling, space platform management, and fucking space australia.

Toning the enemies back for the game to a bit more cozy is smart with the amount of plate juggling in space age.

what module do you put on mining outpost drills? efficiency seems to make the most sense over productivity or speed since if you need more ore you just add more drills and less electricity usage and pollution seems good.

I don't follow. You're liable to max out your evolution before you ever leave Nauvis. Usually by the time you have access to tanks. Biters are already pretty much a nonthreat on vanilla settings considering you get 8 different tools to stomp them into the dust. Once you have nuclear and lasers you literally cannot be raided by biters unless you intentionally don't build turrets.

Whats the red areas?

Members of the Homeowner's Association.

No building allowed areas. Current residents don't like it.

How does one evict those residents?

okay i am FINALLY fucking ready to start making my way to a planet
Fulgora or Vulcanus?

Your only restriction is space. Everything else can be dealt with through concentrated power of will.

the one that produces extra ore obviously, who the fuck actually cares about pollution? just put up laser turrets and some flamethrowers and bitters are a joke

vulva, infinite iron is nice and you can reenact dune

With gentle persuasion backed up by a lot of dakka.

here you go

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Its simple, just reducing bullshit to deal with regardless of how arbitrary it is.

study this successful shoe that has never taken any damage ever and apply what you learned to your own build.
If you treat asteroids as if they are biters and you haven't left the danger of nauvis than it all becomes easy. I never used a single circuit in my life. youtube.com/watch?v=zynTWAUK5mc

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I prefer effeciency on anything away from the main base

r8 my spaghet, it's time to do it even worse on Vulcanus.

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Italian/10, that said increase your green chip production, i promise you you'll need it

I will on vulcanus, the most valuable thing left on Nauvis for me is uranium enrichment. I averaged around 60 SPM there going to try to quadruple it on Vulcanus and let my miners run dry on Nauvis. I can ship over some quality precursors if I want but I have most of what I need now.

elven beacons

wait, does that work?

malmö no-go zones

fulgora can be a really short visit and then you back in orbit and on your way to vulcanus.
just bring some electric engines for a silo and pop down some roboports and a railroad or two to scrap

nta , but I like going in raw and cave manning my way through with shit I find. Will still drop asteroid materials and that's it.

You can stack them right next to each other for diminishing returns. My base is a hot mess of shoving quality modules in everything to piecemeal rare gear and stuff. I had my steam power on a S/R latch that kept triggering so it was a quick fix before I went overkill on solar.

there is no cavemanning. you start from processor chips and work your way down from there

bring some electric engines for a silo

Waste of cargo space. Lube is absolutely free on fulgora, and you get tons of iron from scrap processing to make engine units

if you have autism, enjoy ADHD medication or stimulants then you will enjoy this game

elven beacons

Fuck the Noldor.

cargo space and rocket launches are cheap. silo is easy to build but still the most complex part of getting off fulgora. rocket parts are practically free. just need a pump, a chemical plant, an assembler and a recycler and you are producing rocket launches on fulgora

is there a good factorio tutorial vid for retards such as myself

You call that spaghetti?

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before i leave nauvis, I'm automating:

assemblers, inserters, belts

robots & robo ports, chests

radars, electric poles

anything else obvious?

*for full remote construction

make some tanks with personal roboports in the equipment grid, for general remote problem solving.

I'd hardly call that spaghetti, honestly looks more like a circuit board than anything

Rocket parts.
solar panels

I love watching bots move around and drop stuff off

that's very, very far from spaghetti


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Al dente

I'm going Fulgora first when I'm finally ready on Nauvis. Which will take at least 15 more hours.
Is it a good idea? I'll do it anyway, Fulgora looks soulful.

manually moving products between chests

those ratios

no defenses


This shit makes me feel so much better about all the underground belts I use, I figured I was going overboard with them but nah

How does it work?


Demolishers have a flat 20 resist, dropping it to 184. Then they take 20% less

I thought resists were applied before flat reductions.

Convince me to use fluid wagons instead of just piping oil directly to my factory

Vulcanus is pretty comfy.
Demolishers are peaceful and mind their own business unless you poke them unlike those nigger biters who sperg out and attack your peaceful factory for no reason.

I'm not, if you can, just pipe it in, using a train for it is just train autism, there's a reason people irl use oil pipelines

I went to fulgora first, it was fine. I don't think having extra techs would have really helped at all.

If you already have a rail system set up it's probably actually faster to just copy/paste an existing depot than it is to build the pipes+pumps

Do you use more ammo if you move faster in space? Like, do more asteroids spawn if you move faster, or if you move particularly fast can you spawn fewer and use less ammo?

oil pipelines are actually terribly, and only uaed in places where moving the oil by any other method is infeasible (from oil rigs to the shore, crossing bodies of water to small to warrant the loading/unloading times of a tanker, remote oil fields on land that would need a dedicated rail line to reach or an army of truckers)

Pretty sure it's the same amount but they come at you much faster. The route you take also might matter for density but I'm not 100% sure on that.

still not using trains

What's the right ratio of green-red-chips to have spares to craft stuff and pump yellow bottles comfortable?

I have 30 green chip assemblers and Im doing fine

$70 indie game


Just pirate it if you want to join the fun too

Just add more until you're comfortable?
Ratiofags are too funny man

poor cunt too stupid to pirate

I got 20 greens and 15 red and still slow as fuck. I boost the greens and red but still too slow.

add speed modules and increase the number of red/ green assemblers till happy, red and blue are SLOWWWWW

especially because you can just hover over an assembler and it tells you exactly how many it takes and produces each second

it's just not the same

that's even stupider, there's no hope for you.

easy way to provide robots without overloading? and not using logic? i was hoping i could use logic bots to move logic bots but that did not seem to work

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not using logic gates* and wires* i guess

I think the requests on the roboports just distribute bots across the network, they don't introduce new ones. The answer is to use logic. If you connect a wire to a roboport it provides some signals which tell you how many bots are in the network and how many are available (idle). You can use those to set up whatever limit you want quite easily.

I'll get to space one day lads

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okay i figured, time to learn logic

you don't need purples nor yellows to get to space, but it's nice to have them

My first ship. Are there any glaring issues with this or will this be fine to go to Vulcanus and park in orbit?

you have way more ammo assemblers than you can support with those smelters but it might be enough anyway as long as you have some stockpiled before leaving. you can probably add a few more thrusters too

just stuffing modules into any machine that can take them

this is suffering

It doesn't require any logic really. Or any combinators at all. Just hook up the inserter that is meant to put robots into the roboport with a wire to the roboport itself, and have it check for the # of robots then make it stop when the # is reached.
What I did is this. The only thing preventing this from working is if the roboport fills up, so you can either have multiple roboports feeding each other, or just have the bots actually work, so they fly out.

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So when are they adding KSP style space flight? I want to be forced to wait for an ideal flight trajectory before sending interplanetary rockets.

I bet starboard turrets will be ammo starved. And i can't see any eff modules so you will be electricity starved, although that may not matter.

easy way to provide robots without overloading?


and not using logic?

Stop being stupid.

cool, thanks

Ok. Looks like I'll be making it a little bigger to fit a few more smelters and maybe another thruster or two. I feel like I'm on the right track, though.

finish purple and yellow science

ha ha, time for space!

start disliking something about my factory layout

feel like starting all over again

Fugg :DD

You'll want to rework your factory a lot after getting foundries and electromagnetic plants anyway. Might as well go to space now.

Supposedly poison capsules are good but I keep getting rekt every time I try to use those. Guess the next best option is turret spam.

What an absolute junker.

asymmetrical silhouette

it's shit

rush space science and get logistics network first, then just have drones build your dream factory on Nauvis while you derp around on a different planer

Asteroids come in from the side while you're parked, you need either guns or walls for the bottom half.

gonna work on nauvis tomorrow, set up more uranium mining and prepare my artillery there. Going to make a new space platform to research tech on. I need to make a better platform the refuels quickly and ferries from planet to planet. going. to upgrade from yellow belts to green on space platforms.

Fine I'll squeeze couple more turrets somewhere. Extra smelter wouldn't hurt either.

Man, I keep playing this game for hours then closing the game thinking I'm done for the day only to start it up again 10 minutes later

I genuinely have to stop myself form playing on days I work, Ill tell myself Ill play for 30 minutes just to build one thing and then its 2 hours later and I NEED to sleep

What's the ratio of yellow ammo production to turrets for ships?

Way too many factors to give a clear answer to that. Depends on your research, your route, your speed. I wouldn't recommend trying to produce all your ammo on the fly, just make sure you're stockpiling it while docked, and then observe how much ammo you're using per trip. I know I need about 300 bullets to go from Nauvis to any of the early 3 planets for example.

Just make more than you need

Since 2016 I usually just play a new factory for a month and then call it quits. Definitely in the long run for Space Age though. Can't ever see myself starting from scratch ever again, I just need to work on this save until the end of time. Frankly there's many things that added tedium but in a way that's fun just once.

doesn't matter if you keep a big ammo buffer in the central storage

Same. Every time I open up these threads just to see where everyone is at, I immediately get the urge to start working on my factory and fixing everything.

The only thing that's helping me is the fact I'm a brainlet and need a lot of thinking to figure basic shit out. I'm on hour 3 trying to understand what the fuck am I supposed to do with a space platform. I try not to just copy blueprints, lane balancers being the only exception.

I just take my time, I enjoy building shit and reconfiguring things into more efficent designs, not to mention I keep forgetting what I planned on doing every damn time

Ill start up shell prodction for my tank, and get napalm started

two hours later and I;ve started making all the things needed for building rockets, got a silo and landing pad made, and created a whole new outpost for Uranium, with accompanying refinery and basic Nuke pant


I think that's a big part of why Factorio is so addicting. As you're doing something, you'll inevitably come up with several more things that you want to do, sometimes to the point where you forget to do the original thing you planned to do.

I have planned to claim 3 more batches of iron ore 20h ago. Still haven't gotten around to it.

I wonder how railworld affects the other planets, to be safe I started SA on default settings

Finally make my mech suit and give myself seven vaganias

Holy shit I'm zooming.

Animation is pretty janky, but I do like how it looks like skipping sometimes.

What is the foundry to assembler ratio for copper wire to green chips?

Where to first?

it's not bait, it's a friend's first few hours

Roll a dice

Vulcanus if you want to improve your Nauvis base with the tech you get there. Gleba if you hate yourself. I haven't been to Fulgora yet.

Vulcanus > Fulgora >>> Gl*ba

they look like they are having fun

I guess my first kind of looked like that but there are clear flaws like building on the ore patch and it doesn't look like he's automating the coal for the furnaces yet. But obviously if he's just trying to research a little then pack up and move the labs, it's not a big deal to be on the ore patches. At least he's trying to automate science instead of making it by hand and dropping it into the labs, good start there.

Deranged, but pretty typical for anyone who doesn't just look shit up.

I feel like Fulgora is easier to upgrade your Nauvis base. Foundries are great, but you need a steady supply of calcite shipped between planets, which can be tough to set up early. Fulgora gives you Electro plants which is just +50% productivity on cables, all tiers of circuits, and modules, which are some of your biggest consumers. I guess the cliff explosives are nice.

I did Fulgora Vulcanus Gleba. And I would say Vulcanus = Fulgora > Gleba.
Unless you don't mind going a little robot heavy on gleba, then its fine.

Yea, its pretty much what you want. Cliff explosives and foundries are grea. But so are Electro plants and recyclers. Honestly, between those two, you can't go wrong either way.

If you're using an Electromagnetic plant for the greens it'll be 1 to 1. If not I think it might be close to 3:2?

Apparently you're supposed to use a personal nuclear thingie.

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put all the solar panels on the top of the grid
they get more sunlight that way

im not the only person to do this


You can use more legs if you use the Reactors.

Asteroid reprocessing is on Vulcanus and it might be the most important shit ever.

What should be the proportion of gun coverage for an interplanetary platform? Forward focus, or sides should get the equal amount of firepower? Does it need guns on an aft?

Half your guns straight in front. In travel they're almost all from the front. And you'll need complete coverage if you're going to idle in orbit because eventually some asteroid will try to flank your shit.

Guns on all sides just to be careful

If I use a speaker in Nauvis, can I hear an alarm of I'm all the way in Volcanus?

babby's first factory
nothing wrong with that, but he should clean that biter nest above his coal patch before they REEEE at the pollution generated by mining coal

no because sound doesn't travel in the vacuum of space
yes, you can set it up to be a global alert

My ship is a bit on the long side but I use 6 on the front, and 4 on each side in pairs of two. I haven't had an alert of an asteroid crashing as I idle in a while.

And you'll need complete coverage if you're going to idle in orbit because eventually some asteroid will try to flank your shit.

Thanks. The game doesn't show it anywhere, and I supposed it's intentional for an unsuspecting player who made a forward focused platform to end up stranded lol.

more than one set of legs

wait why didnt i think of this

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who made a forward focused platform to end up stranded lol.

It's me. I did that. Though my ship wasn't long for this world when I first got there anyway so it wasn't a big loss.

The BIG issue was trying to make a new platform, asteroids kept crashing as I was trying to set it up.

My mech suit currently runs faster than my trains.

Apparently it's possible to start from scratch in any planet, I'm currently finishing my base in Vulcanus but i don't remember being able to mine iron ore there, I had it shipped from the platforms, how would iron ore mining be possible without dropping it? Since you can't make foundries without the steel

Will a platform drop a cargo on land if landing pad is not present?
If yes, where will it land?

I think you'd just be running around collecting big rocks until you could make a foundry.

You don't need iron ore for anything. You're presumably thinking of concrete, but you can make that from molten iron in the foundry.

How bad were lasers nerfed? I have heard they were nerfed but I used to enjoy grabbing like 10 person laser defenses and walking at biter nests for giggles.

I imagine you can always have Nauvis build a new platform for you, then have it come over to another planet when you're done to un-strand yourself.

It'll drop it roughly where you initially dropped.
They can land on your head watch out.

Massively nerfed. And also a lot of shit is specifically resistant to lasers. Vulcanus worms are immune to them for instance.

Drop carbon from orbit?

I think their damage was halved? It seems kind of fair because you can put about twice as many lasers in the same armor.

Is dropping ice from orbit the only way to make water on Vulcanus? Lame.

Uhh... nope

Look for the recipe that lets you turn steam to water.

You make calcite+acid into steam and steam into water.

you get it by mining rocks, they give iron, copper, tungsten and stone

You don't need iron ore for anything.

how are you going to make the foundries? where do you get the steel to make oil pumps to extract acid? how do you make the pipes to funnel this acid onto refineries? how do you build these refineries? And so on
you need a fuckton of iron ore and you only get it by mining it by hand. I know because my ship blew up and had to start from scratch, it's a fucking chore, having a ship mining asteroids and 'beaming' down iron is a godsend before you have foundries

First time I took down one of these fucks it took me ~20 uranium tank rounds

Man Tesla turrets seem to be really good.
But i don't even wanna think about the sheer amount of scrap i'd need to process to be able to build them in bulk

They already do REEEE, they ate 75% of his railway. He fears going in.

I have side guns straight up set to only enable when velocity = 0 so they dont waste ammo in orbit

tfw I briefly tried to turn the sulfuric acid into steam, to then condensense it into water, to then feed a boiler and steam engine

At least finding the flaw in my thinking let me discover that the Vulcanus steam is 500C and can power nuclear turbines without nuclear reactors

I've only tried them on Gleba and was pretty underwhelmed. But they're competing with my wall of mines + gun turrets + rocket turrets

tfw unironically too stupid for this game

played for 3 hours, barely made it to the green bottles

I didn't need more confirmation that I'm a dumbfuck

Scrap is virtually unlimited bro.
I had a 90m pile of scrap in my game. I only used 2m by the end of it.

Damn that's a good idea, i've just had my guns down the spine of my ships so they only fire on objects that get very close

What's the issue? You made it, didn't you.

Less than you think and depends on how many you were thinking of making. I had an array of around 20 scrappers and I managed to make a handful to cover anywhere I thought needed the help.

Meh. I just have two assemblers that feed into a box which feeds into a roboport. If bots are ever needed anywhere, they move out.

They are basically Laser replacements. Don't need ammo and everything is resistant to lasers anyway. Plus the stun on top
But they're not that good against singular big targets like the stompers

you're only a dumbfuck if you think that making it to green science in 3 hours is a bad thing

It is, he should have at least chemical science done in that time.

The mod is better

Im about to head to fulgoga boys, what are some items i should take with me but not too much to ruin it, im thinking some miners and assemblers, how does wood work on this planet?

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Take enough mats to immediately build a rocket silo there and one rocket to bail out.

wouldn't this eventually cause an issue where there arent any spots for robots to land

i want to go in raw, but skip hand mining, how do you even make power here, is there water? is it possible to lock yourself out of the game if you dont take enough?

Fulgora's the easiest one to land naked on. As long as you notice you can unwrap scrap by hand.

take a few acumulators, substations, miners and belts. that's all you need.
you collect power from lightning storms. you get water (ice) from recycling scrap and you get heavy oil with offshore pumps.

Build a logistics network on Nauvis that can request anything and a ship that can complete requests on round trips. Then it doesn't matter what you bring with you when you immediately drop because if you need something you can just put it on the ship request list and get it Fedex'd to you same day delivery.

As long as you notice you can unwrap scrap by hand.

Haha yeah, imagine if you didn't for the first half an hour or so... haha


If you can mash 3 things together you can build everything. Except the things where you need to mash 4 ingredients together.

My ship was also on a state where it would not be possible to return to Nauvis, after checking the iron ore situation I just reloaded a save and travelled with an improved ship, much better, dropping iron, carbon and ice is a godsend

Forgot image
Because the factory continuously expands, I haven't seen it happen. There are constantly new roboports to inhabit.

i need to redesign my piece of shit fuck heap oohhh my god

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How smart is requesting from space?
What if you have 2 platforms on orbit requesting different things, but only 1 silo on the planet? Will it load only for one platform, launch, and then load for another platform? Or will it cram both requests into one rocket?

Don't use "enable/disable", but "train limit".


its over, im going down with this piece of shit, godspeed

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How smart is requesting from space?

dumb as fuck
one request per rocket, items are never mixed

tell him to make a shotgun, shells, get fishes ready and put on the Doom soundtrack for a nice cleanup day

why would you want to make science on a platform that's not parked on nauvis orbit? you have 4 assemblers that could be crafting ammo instead, and with that ammo you could feed a dozen turrets that'd help you make it out alive


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A train, some fuel, rails and elevated rails.

You should take speed

while my ship was getting fucked i unironically forgot to drop any supplies, so, i guess im doing this with nothing

want to make 1 purple science per second

need 21 Assembler 3's making red circuits

I need to go to Fulgora soon this is getting out of hand.

Even after a week I still don't know how to fix this

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You make all of your train tracks one-way only. If you want them to go both directions you need a second set of tracks, like a two lane highway. Trains only ever run on the right hand side of the "road" (or left hand if you live in one of those countries, you get the idea).

whats the red shit on the ship starboard side of my ship

Chain in, regular out. You have 2 chains on the left and regular going in on the bottom right. Don't use 2-way tracks with multiple trains, build a proper train network with 1-way lines.

you can make 2-way tracks work, just signal correctly

Just save and reload I think it's a bug. There's still some weird bugs with platforms, sometimes the grabbers go into "Computing Navigation" mode with a little wifi icon and you can't fix it until you create/delete some foundation blocks anywhere to reset the system.

What do you think this signal is doing?

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You can't make 2-way tracks work and you can't learn Japanese.

my N1 exam is next month, I'll finally show her

Wait, so if I request one iron ore the rocket will launch with one iron ore?

The way the Lord intended!

No it will launch one entire rocket inventory full of rocket ore because it doesn't want to "waste" the launch. If you want it to not do that you have to override the launch size in your request.

Two way rail is a noob trap, it's significantly harder than one way to get right
Start with one way with separate lane for each direction and once you master that only then start using two way rail

since another anon spoonfed you here's a thought
why don't you try it out before asking this trivial shit? saving rockets for factorio 2?

Because I'm at work and can't play now, and to keep the thread alive. Come on, don't need to be a dick.

I love asserting dominance over the native wildlife.

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Comfy aftermath shot there anon

Get back to work faggot

The forests are surprisingly beautiful in this game.

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Man I don't know how to build anything but spaghetti. I've even beaten the base game before. Oh well, on to Vulcanus

now burn it down and pave over it with concrete like God intended

God intended you to pave over it with concrete without removing the trees first.

based natural order preserver

don't you "only" need 16?
1 red circuit in an assembler 3 takes 4.8 seconds (6/1.25), you need 10 chips for 3 purple science so 200 chips per minute for 60 spm, that's 200*4.8/60=16

Yea this but then you remove the trees afterwards and leave the little holes in the concrete to remind you of what you've done

How do I calculate how many science per second one research lab consumes?

what's the info say when you're hovering over it on the right hand side of the screen

Look at seconds value in tech tree, this is how long it takes for a lab with speed = 1 to process one pack.
So if you have tech with 30 seconds and 10 labs with speed of 4 then your SPM will be 4*10*(30/60) = 80.
If you also have productivity of 10% percent on top of that then your SPM will be 80*1.1 = 88

Nothing useful in terms of rate of consumption like regular crafting buildings. It just gives you research speed and contents.

Man I don't know how to build anything but spaghetti.

You avoid spaghetti by leaving space between things.

My method is to just build more labs like a caveman until things start stalling.
If you're an enlightened caveman you'll also realize that different techs have slightly different research speeds.

I've heard that vulcanus is a complete ass logistics wise, should I take few hundreds of logi bots with me?

only flesh automatons barely able to form a coherent thought do a main bus instead of spaghetti

Flesh automatons download blueprints from reddit and then complain about game being boring

I'm 50 hours in and haven't gotten to space because I keep dismantling and rebuilding my factory because it's not designed efficiently enough.
Please kill me and end my autism.

That's Gleba. Vulcanus is fine, just a ton of cliffs.

rush space ASAP and get to Fulgora and Vulcanus, the buildings you unlock there will invalidate almost all of your currently built factories

I'm ~15 hours in and I can't go to other planet because a starter factory is very weak, it will shit itself it I try to research anything past blue science. However, I can't plan a new factory without taking shit from other planets into account - I need green belts, at least. As a result I'm in a fucking stupor and have no idea what to do. You have it easy.

Yes, it really helped me there

got to 70 hours before making it to volcanus
was fucking around with trains in nauvis for the longest time

fuuck do I need to switch over to red ammo or something? The illegal immigrants aren't dying fast enough.

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is coal not available on fulgora?

I would never do that in my play through but going through my first few hours screenshots, it honestly looks pretty similar, pic related
Glad your friend is having fun kek

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you need to build walls

Why do you dismantle it?
Leave it and let it slowly chug stuff out for you while you build new factory a few hundred meters away
Only deconstruct if it's not useful for anything anymore

he didn't barrel the molten iron and run a massive logi bot mall

I did but then I ended up with that mess anyways

you should have switched to red ammo as soon as you unlocked it

Why do you dismantle it?

I'm autistic.

First time pumping oil. Planning on how I'm going to incorporate this into my base is a bit overwhelming. I think I'll have to space my stuff out even further. Time to build trains.

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all those turrets

all that ammo

not a single stone to spare for a wall

The hell are you doing, anon?

gl anon-kun

When making green chips is it best to have two gears be fed directly into the chip assembly or have them on a belt and be fed to them that way?

he didn't run around cliffs with a bucket of molten iron himself



miles of pipes and belts


Why does everyone put walls on their ship?

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I see absolutely nothing wrong with laser turrets nerf. They are supposed to be "lmao fuck logistics" quick solution.
I remember doing a death world run where I used no lasers to get an achievement, and I thought that I will be rewarded for solving all gun turrets logistics, however, gun turrets turned out to be absolute shit, and their damage with green ammo didn't help due to atrocious range - they had to be constantly repaired or replaced because larger spitters fucked them up, there was no such issue with lasers.

For me it was just for peace of mind. Didn't need it in the end though


best green circuits setup is like this

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he cheats by using the "zero energy cost yet it moves" eldritch abomination that are conveyor belts and pipes

You did not beat the game.

rebuilding factory with half the research locked

what do you think is gonna happen once you do go to space and research everything

Is there any reason not to do prod modules in research labs with speed modules in a nearby beacon?

Rebuild it again

You should be building a 2nd and third factory instead of dismantling the old ones.
Sounds like you'd benefit a lot from bots, which you will need a lot of stuff for, namely nuclear to power them and space science to get requester chests.
Then you can get away with using trains to bring in resources to your base and then just having most of your crafts done via bots moving stuff to requester chests, which are then put in a passive provider to either be moved to another chest or placed in a rocket to be sent to you.

that seems like a lot of wasted wires

nuclear to power them

Man I researched nuclear power and then got confused on how to build a reactor properly.
Doesn't help that the only uranium I've found is a billion miles away and not near any other useful resources

Fuck I meant copper wires.

How do I load a train with oil? The pumps aren't connecting.

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Imagine fluids as regular items that go on belts but instead of belts they go in pipes.

Damn. Those are bussin'.
On god, no cap on a stack.

Let the train stop at the station on its own, its kinda fucky when you drive/stop it manually

each green circuit assembler needs 1.5 wire assemblers to support it, it's perfectly balanced anon

Put it into automatic mode

Step 1: Centrifuge all of your Uranium.
Step 2: Kovarex (you have it loop back in via a splitter with a priority output which will only let excess out when the priority output is full).
Step 3: Craft into fuel cells.
Step 4: Throw in reactors.
Step 5: Heat pipes to nearby heat exchangers to turn water into hot steam.
Step 6: Pipe the steam to turbines (distance doesn't matter for this part).

Does this setup really need two blue belts of iron and 6 of copper?

4 hours feel like mere minutes while playing this game
Steer clear off it can be legit life ruining


I'm guessing I need to go into space to see that

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no, 1 belt of copper on each side and 1 iron belt in the middle is enough, there are a lot of ways to modify this design
use kirkmcdonald.github.io/ if you want to precisely calculate the ratios by the way

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Oh I'm apparently dyslexic and do need to go into space.


You can take a few hundred logi bots to any planet if you want to completely skip that planet's unique gimmick like a faggot

It's very cheap though.
You don't need a huge, fancy platform or even circuits, just need something like 10-15 rockets worth of materials.


research nuclear

find uranium

"Ok I'll built a nuclear reactor to solve my energy shortage"

"Ok it doesn't actually build energy, I need steam buildings and then engines connecting to that"

"Ok I need uranium fuel cell, not uranium ore"

"Ok uranium fuel cell are made in centrifuge buildings"

"Ok not exactly they just make two types of uranium which then can be made into fuel cells in a factory"

"Ok now I'm ready to go nuclear let's gather ore"

"Ok you can't mine uranium with burner mining drills, so I need electricity first"

"Ok now that I got electricity, it says it can't mine without sulfuric acid"

"Ok now to get sulfuric acid I need sulfur and iron sheets"

"Ok now to get sulfur I need petroleum gasses and water"

"Ok now to get petroleum gasses I need to extract crude oil, then transform it into gasses"

"Ok all these buildings uses 0.5 megawatts, tons of energy

Home Base : "Warning low energy". Me in the oil fields : "What do you think I'm doing!?"

>"Ok you can't mine uranium with burner mining drills, so I need electricity first"

please don't tell me you're still using burner drills when you're already researching nuclear power

Vulcanus now producing exactly 60 science per second for red/green/blue/purple

can research steel and mining productivity with infinite resources at a decent speed


>research nuclear

>"Ok you can't mine uranium with burner mining drills, so I need electricity first"

you've researched nucular just using burner drills?

He does posts like this occasionally. He's just some autistic frogposting doomspammer trying to drag people down.

It could but I've never seen it happen myself. Roboport circuits now also give the number of roboports in a network so you can use combinators to limit the amount of bots made for a network to something like 150 of each per roboport.

Building things shoulder to shoulder is not leaving space. You did not.

Just got my proper iron production and reliable way to not run out of seeds
Shits fun

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You don't plan on using biolabs down the line? You can only place them on Nauvis and the -50% science drain is pretty buff.

You can get 200% mining productivity from just researching exclusively on Vulcanus.

And it's piss easy to automate everything. You even get free stone from producing molten iron and copper to use for rails on purple science and you can dump the rest in lava.

As far as logistical nightmares go, this is a fucking logistical blessing.

I think in my future playthroughs I will always go to Fulgora first. It's literally just a sorting puzzle with no real danger/challenge and afterwards you have a base that can launch endless FREE rockets and ships full of FREE blue and red circuits to any other planet. You can also move your space platform production over there since most intermediaries needed for that are also FREE.

this seems overly complicated and not optimised for beacons

why would I show a noob a setup optimized for beacons if they're obviously still struggling in the early game?

I didn't even know beacons existed

why would you show a noob a setup with a ridiculous number of unnecessary underground belts?

I mean I didn't tear down Nauvis to do this. The Nauvis factory is still there. I shut off research on it to test the Vulcanus factory's throughput, but if I flip the bit Nauvis starts contributing to the same research too. Even if I do biolabs later, the Vulcanus factory will be contributing 60 science per second to the productivity research to supplement it.

I actually plan on doing this on every planet now. Vulcanus has the shitty starter factory producing orange science for export, and the sleek sexy ratio factory producing orange science for domestic use. Gleba and Fulgora will do the same I think.

AND splitters, this is an extravagant build holy shit

because I'm grabbing the images from the internet

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Is it worth it to ship shit from planets? I've finally got Vulcanus up to speed and I want to know if it's worth it to ship intermediates back home like the metric ton of free LDS I'm getting

see, this one is better but also wrong because its placing too many circuit producing buildings
And using bulk inserters for some reason

I'm not going into the game to build it for him, I'm sure he gets the idea how it works at this point

always use bulk inserters for everything

They're pretty bad for sushi belts because they slow down trying to get a stack of the same item, vs just grabbing one and one and one.

idk what a sushi belt is


lel i just empty my uranium-238 chest every few hours into another one to free up my buffer

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Lol you're gonna have fun on Fulgora.

Sushi belt is when you have more than 1 or 2 types of items coming in on a belt
you want a belt to either contain 1 type of item, or have 1 type of item on one side and a different type on another

you need to use the solid fuel i think, you get it from recycling

On Gleba it feels like I'm under too much alien pressure. Can't keep my farms set up since they'll be attacked, which means it's harder to experiment. Like I can't see if things are running properly if there's no inputs.
I got a bunch of seeds before backtracking and trying to figure out how to smoothly generate power. Definitely feels like doing solar or nuclear would be best, but it also feels like there's some simple power solution I haven't found yet.

i used to to this until i unlocked vulcanus, now i dump it into the lava. Nauvis > vulcanus with a cargo full of u-238, vulcanus > nauvis with a cargo full of orange science

No, but you have infinite heavy oil and you can recycle various things to get plastics

can i make it so the asteroid collector only takes metallic, ice or carbonic asteroids if there are "x", "y" and "z" ammount of them? like i want just 20 of each asteroid hanging around the belt, without having to filter each collector to just one type of asteroid

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Oh, I don't get why it's called a sushi belt but I know what you're talking about

Japanese Sushi restaurants that put everything onto a belt and you take what you want

Recycle plastics.

Scrap>Processing Units, Advanced circuits, and Low-density structures>(PUs get recycled an extra step into more Advanced circuits) recycle them down to get plastic>recycle plastic to get coal

I hate this faggot's stupid face so much

How do I make my space science platform only send down science when I have a full stack to send? The constant stream of pods is annoying.

m00t Thats Christopher Poole

You might need to use three combinators to get three separate signals, and set the collector's filter to the signal value. I do this for my trash inserters.

Each decider says if [condition] true, output [asteroid I don't want]. The inserter then checks the "Set filters" box. If all three combinators are true, the inserter receives three asteroid signals, and properly uses all three filters at the same time to eject them from the platform.

I don't know if there's a way to do this without three separate decider combinators.

unless im missing something i havent unlocked yet i dont see the point, i can either set up a crazy system to recycle the uranium or just dump it and mine more.

Drop pods are much smaller than rocket launches, you're sending them down stack by stack.

You can, but it's easier to dump the excess.

Recycling plastic deletes it

The constant stream of pods is annoying.

This is heresy.

stack by stack

They're coming down like 14 at a time, not 200 at a time.

hmm, i might just do it in a ghetto way and make 3 different inserters to dispose of each different asteroid
the asteroids go around the space sation, where i have 1 crusher of each type to take the asteroid and process it

Idk, but you can set an inserter to drop asteroids into open space from belt.

just pirate it. they'll never price it correctly since they hate sales

Why not just have the inserter next to the belt and pull items off? You can have a signal reading the entire belt contents.

bulk inserters are not overkill for copper cables

for a new player, double yellow inserter will be enough

there's my solution, fuck it, good enough

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Because I'm not doing the same thing that anon is. These are my 1k per minute iron ore platforms, they do a full asteroid recycling setup using the platform hub as a buffer. The recyclers push and pull their asteroids into the hub, the grinders pull them out of the hub too, and everything pulls off the belts. I don't want the hub to fill up with asteroids so I tell it to only eject when there's >10 of a certain kind.

This lets me deal with the RNG recycle percentages, and at full tilt I never eject anything because 100% of my collected asteroids gets converted into iron ore and sent to the surface. I have a second platform that's backed up only because the hub inventory is totally full of iron ore that the surface isn't able to consume it fast enough.

practical applications

the result is literally in the picture, the last row is heavily bottlenecked in the left side.
Even if thats not a problem, you have multiple type of item in the same side of the belt, that's fucked

Ah, nice solution. There's so many ways to solve this game it's awesome.

I use this circular belt as the buffer, and if any item goes above 50 on the belt, it sends 1 to that inserter which throws it off. It also tells the grabbers to only grab items when there's less than 40 on that belt.

I don't know which one is better.

when is space exploration going to take this DLC to its true form? need my space trains niggers

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iron ore platforms

Seems shrewd as fuck.

It's pretty cool, you can set up an infinite amount of them in lieu of mines.

Anyone mess with pipe sushi? good for doing solid fuel dynamically on all 3 possible inputs.

There is no way SE will be integrated with the DLC faster than in a couple of years, the amount of work to do is insane. And yes, I do agree that the absence of cool shit like space elevators, advanced space travel means and orbital weapons to target surface was disappointing.

there needs to be two empty spaces between each belt like in

This feels illegal

It is kinda illegal in the sense that pulse oscillation becomes an issue. i needed machine output for rocket fuel to "break" the tie between light/petro long enough to let the min/max values collapse back together. sucks that you cant smooth out pulses.

im actually wrong about that. you can use chained combinators to delay pulse reuptake.

Nauvis is only my small shitty starter factory, however it no longer pulls ANY iron ore from surface mines. The last expansion I made on the surface before I left for Vulcanus is totally idle because priority input comes from space. When I look at the stats it only shows iron ore consumed, zero iron ore "produced" on Nauvis.

Thinking about it, really and logically
There should be a hidden achievement for Remote controlling a Car or Tank and running yourself over

Damn I really hate the state of affairs then. The DLC is good but not $35 good especially and definitely when free things did it better and now cant be done anymore. It is effectively an anti-dlc in lieu of a few planets where previously it was many different planets. Don't know how to feel about this retarded shit.

Many different planets of "Mine this resource, send it somewhere else"
4 tailored planets with different mechanics that fundamentally change the game

I had the unused burner drills that I got when I replaced them with electric ones, I was about to load them with solid fuel so that I can skip connecting that faraway place to the electric grid so that I can see what uranium does without doing a whole mining operation first, why would that be a problem?

Based on their blogs, I assume anything that wasn't implemented was not because of time constraints, but because they couldn't make the gameplay interesting, complex, fun, and balanced.

Maybe space trains will be added if we complain about it

How the fuck are space platforms with routes between planets NOT "space trains"?

because it doesnt have rails and a station that goes choooo at the end

and now cant be done anymore

what do you mean by that? You can still rollback to 1.1 and play all the old mods, and now that 2.0 and SA are out SE's dev will slowly overhaul his mod to be bigger and better than ever. Also I'm sure that in the meantime other cool modpacks will be released that do things that weren't possible before

the great 1.1 schism

the result is literally in the picture, the last row is heavily bottlenecked in the left side.

Actually, once the inserters run out of room, the items go along the other lane. As for the items, I just put some stuff I had on me into the chest for demonstration.

somebody didnt put in chain

Whats the point of this game

Start on planet a
Grind until you can go to space
Now grind until you can land

feels good

The game is
Destroy everything in your path with automation to get home

Should I continue playing the game or should I start watching youtube videos and downloading blueprints? Does it remain fun if you start copying other people who figured out everything?

he bought the game on Steam and thus doesn't own it and now can't disable updates that breaks his mods


asymmetrical silhouette


No, it doesn't remain fun if you don't do anything
Copy Pasta goes here
You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn't grow.

You didn't improve.

You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad you don't know the difference.
Copy Pasta Ends Here ------------------------

Does it remain fun if you start copying other people who figured out everything?

do you enjoy solving puzzles or you just like pressing a button to finish the game?

just like in Minecraft, a return to the game's roots

You should watch Kaneko Lumi play it on twitch

Same, but not because of dismantling. I've just made robot North Korea instead and have locked down EVERYTHING. Walls and turrets everywhere. Good luck expanding into my territory now, insects!
Every now and then I get the briefest of alerts a wall or laser is damaged. I don't care. the hundreds of drones with their hundreds of repair kits will fix it and I won't have to care for the rest of the game.

because electricity is literally the easiest thing to transport
feeding burner drills with solid fuel is madness

steam literally lets you set the game version

Played this game for over a year

Never launched the rocket

Always start new game when train network becomes a mess

Now requester chest locked behind rocket

Kill me

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Just do it, rocket is not endgame anymore, they made it mid game and it's easier to launch.

Rocket science is easier than purple. Good change for bot enjoyers.

It's WAY easier to launch a rocket now.
I was the same way and I managed to do it.

Once you figure that out you'll be locked behind spoilage.

I didn't want to build miles of pylons, which in the end I didn't do anyway, I built another boiler near the water where I'll need to make sulfur from as well.

spliter with filter

spoilage now handled


jealousy because society accepts lesbians but not fags This. Also lesbian relationships usually work out better and last longer than gay relationships (which rarely are a thing lol)

Steam is so kind to let me do what owning the game would have by default.

he thinks spoilage just rots away

Fuck it im rushing rocket for those requester chests wont care about pasta anymore

can you show some screenshots of your factories? I want to see what other unhinged horrors you have built

rushing rocket

I think you mean rockets.

haha you cant do x

yea i can

haha you can do x by default

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but why

Not really, if you own a physical copy of a game and don't have Internet, you're stuck with whatever version of the game is on the disc.

It feels so good having four bases. Like if you're struggling with one, go off and optimize another one for a few hours.

just burn it

oh you will need to burn it. with weapons of destruction.

I don't see anything wrong with some endgame technology which costs a fuckton but replaces gay puny blue science rockets.

"I'll just quickly do gleba first so I can get the spidertron to clear space on nauvis for my megabase."

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Do you produce yellow and purple science packs on nauvis, or do you ship them? I feel like it makes more sense to make them on vulcanus because of how much easier available resources are, and you need to ship vulcanus science anyway.

What is so weird about wanting just a few hundred ore of a new unknown mineral to bring back to base to experiment on and see what it's supposed to do and doing so with burner drills that don't need any setup and are already built and unused and would not be a loss if they got destroyed by bugs?
You think it's weird because it implies I'm not using top voted blueprints that play the game for me?

you could just click on the Factoripedia button in top right and check what you can do with the uranium ore instead of doing this weird shit with burner drills

you didnt beat the game from what i can smell

Yeah, my point, by default it doesn't forces updates unlike Steam. Steam's version of some PS2 era Grand Theft Auto got some songs removed because the contract with the artist ended and you as a user is forced to download the updates that removes it in order to play.

who cares? just mod it back in

>steam literally lets you set the game version

Steam is so kind to let me do (this action) that owning the game would permit me to do by default

Point out that's not right



As someone who played both Space Exploration and almost finished Space Age I like both


wheres my space trains wube





What items should I take on my first trip to Vulcanus?

are you larping as a raider in Rimworld?

refined concrete

at least 400 wood


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So, my friend, what's the difference between owning this software license via steam or via the Factorio website?
Having to downgrade manually vs Having to upgrade manually?
What is the difference when they both let you do the same thing?

Rocket silo, cargo landing pad, enough materials for at least 1 but preferably 2 rocket launches from the surface. A bunch of bots, logistics ports, and a fat pile of assemblers, inserters, and belts. Uranium tank shells to kill small worms for lebensraum.

I 2nd refined concrete, just so you can speed walk.

1 burner drill
10 iron plate

poison capsules

i'm writting this down arigatou

What is so weird about wanting just a few hundred ore of a new unknown mineral to bring back to base to experiment on and see what it's supposed to do

everything, there's never a logical reason to do this odd "researcher roleplay" shit in Factorio, to the point that the devs integrated an extensive wiki that you can pull up instantly at any time. By all means you do you, your approach seems fun, but don't pretend that you are playing in a normal, sane way

Don't even bother

get autistic when games cant be owned

everyone else happy with piracy as a backup

how else would I own a digital product. having insurance is all you can get for such a vague concept as binary.

I get bored if I have to play games for more than 30 minutes, should I play this game

i even had a train i built on the station refuse to accept fluids until i backed it up and let it path to the station from a foot away

you didnt write down my 1 burner drill and 10 iron plate suggestion?

you'd have more fun endlessly refreshing Anon Babble I think

pomodoro technique. that would either make it longer or shorter depending on if you like messing with circuits or trains.

barely make it to Vulcanus

ship gets 90% destroyed on the trip over

didn't bring anything but my power armor

hand crafting on the surface with empty pockets

W-what now

I sure did anon

you didnt have a platform automated on the side with all your shit ready? reload save

Roleplay? I bring the ore back to base because that's where the iron and copper plates and all other items are made so that I can build the buildings that are needed, I can't do that at the uranium field. I never used uranium, I don't know what's needed yet.

Build A Rocket 2: Electric Boogaloo

so change their stack size
i'm not carrying around a pride parade of inserters

is that possible on all the planets? even aquilo? even the shattered planet?

No, not aqulio or shattered planet. It's possible on the others because when you start a new game you can actually choose to start on any of those. They had to make sure it was possible in some way.

Rocket silo

It's too heavy.

Oh sorry, materials* for rocket silo. I actually packed 1000 concrete and 1000 steel plate, etc, on my trip to Vulcanus.

how do i choose to start on a different planet? from the beginning?


okay, but your point is being undercut by how you are stuck with a particular old version or the new updated version, and steam lets you pick any version you want.
a handful of games with music licensing issues are not the big deal that you think they are

when you start a new game you can actually choose to start on any of those

i dont see this option

it's fantastic

Huh, I could have sworn I saw that in a dropdown when I started the DLC. It has been like 60 hours now though. Sorry I guess I was wrong.

its just a map preview

that was actually one of my wishes this DLC would allow. an alt start with the new shit straight up. not that I would shun nauvis or anything.

Vulcanus start so you can bring artillery wagons to Nauvis immediately

That does sound kind of fun.

im about to learn modding so i can just do an alt start mod if it doesnt exist yet. is it some code modding also I imagine or is there only a mechanical barrier to breaking sequence?

Imagine trying to get enough stone for military science on Gleba.

easy. change recipes to produce stone as a byproduct. maybe clay can be added as a resource.

Doubleheaded trains are overpowered. You could have that entire thing automated in your video easily. Just have a "dummy" station as an interim stop.

fucking finally

This would be cooler if Nauvis also had a special science for it.

You're in luck, Nauvis has the most important part of the science project, Biolabs.

Keep wanting to progress

Keep shoving things in boxes like I'm in some twisted engineering ARPG

I fucking love it

Okay now which one

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Gleba for the memes.
Vulcanus might be surprisingly hard fresh since you'll have a hard time killing a demolisher for a few hours, and limited space.

Nauvis is also the only planet with uranium I'm pretty sure

You'd definitely have to change the progression, you can't make wooden power poles on Vulcanus for example.


just building everything around steam engines until you research steel power poles