They are calling it "the greatest shmup ever made", they don't make Ten Desires like i do...

They are calling it "the greatest shmup ever made", they don't make Ten Desires like i do, the crazed Buddhists will tell you they made a better game but they clearly only play on normal modo, with all those illegal aliens roaming around the screen you cant even see anything, sad!

Not Video Games.

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This shit is NOT going to last

I wish i could hug Futo

This is not normal!!

buddhistkeks lost

You're gonna cry yourself to sleep tonight.


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isnt the point of AF is aya is kinda exaggerating most things

Lies and slander, Aya is a honest reporter

That's disinformation

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How many candidates are on the gensokyo ballot?

AF is Aya's attempt at tabloid and trolling with fake news, pointless manga, and boober clickbait
In the end she gives up on the idea, because her style is more of choosing what to report/what not to report, instead of confusing the masses with fake articles

She has information regarding miko's flights on jeffry epstein's plane, but is sitting on it because she's part of TOG (taoist occupied gensokyo)

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The point was to start a paid Tengu escort service but her market research turned up human men aren't willing to pay for dried up stinky cloaca and she want back to writing fake news.

aya is loyal to me

Maybe she should've gotten young adult Tengu instead

500 is still young

it's a fundamentally sound business model

no, she gives up because Hecatia spooks her by saying that she's doing the lunarian's bidding

The Anon Babble thread is better

I keep opening the image...


(((tengu))) control the media

Nobody likes ugly birbs. Sexo doggo tengu on the other hand...



These threads are a continual cesspit, but Futo is wonderful. Thank you for posting her.

Kogasa's just trying to get human male dick but there are no relationships in Touhou so the laws of reality hold her down.

You are welcome

utopia my ass, these little cunts are always doing some weird glowie shit at each other in desperate need for power
and none of the population from human village will never be able to know any of this shit, because knowing too much will lead to Reimu silencing you

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These threads are a continual cesspit, but Genji is wonderful. Thank you for posting him

These threads are very cool
Chimata loves you

(((reimu hakurei))) once you learn a cognito level hazard (how to become a youkai)

is it called red magic or scarlet gensokyo?

Which touhou has the cleanest cloaca?

Chimata why do you love me

trump lost
taoist lost

Mystia gets no dick but is always prepared to get dick anyway.

Because you are wonderful
Chimata loves you very much

Not true she has sex all the time (with me)

Jayniggers I will rape your board

Thanks Chimata I don't deserve your love

bitch your gay


Moon rabbits have two cloaca on their head.


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Reimu literally started glowie stalking Kosuzu because she was coming close to knowing the truth
If Yukari didn't stop Reimu would've beat her to death with her Reimo stick

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I want Sariel to hurt me...

Touhous having a good time


Hey guys what video games are you playing right now?

That's just Reimu and Marisa fighting over precious precious oxygen.


did ZUN forget Alice was a thing


she died onscreen in CDS



What's up touhou fans? I'm new here

Th-the strongest human...


Mayumi is massively overrated. Go fucking die right now.

You need to get up to speed on the lore ASAP. For example, this rabbit will have sex with you for money. That's important.

Do the kikoho thing

my friendanon!

we say tri beam cannon yatsuchud

2hu for this feel?

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kill yourself dragonshitternigger

Just had sex with Narumi

just farted on brapumi

i love sariel

i love matenshi

I love Genji

I love Unzan

I'll draw a pregnant touhou if a president is elected

anon you're supposed to be doing sports betting

Sports betting is illegal in my state
But not horse betting!

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God you're painfully unfunny, some how more unfunny than diapey toddlers

Asking for more? You got it!

Slutty lunarian nails wrote this post

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You only got 3 images that you spam daily in every thread tho

Oh in that case just use a fantasy app.

i heard that reisen's got her asshole fucked so many times that she's now completely incontinent... she has to wear a diaper!
it hasn't stopped her, though!


Autistic women...

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I ate too many yatsubeans
I'm going to yatsufart

And she's wheelchair bound because she ruined all the veins in her legs from drug injections and can't walk anymore.

This thread was moved to