I apologize, MHW

looks better than Wilds

feels better than Wilds

plays better than Wilds

optimized better than Wilds

I can't believe Wilds made me look back at World and think that maybe the game wasn't that bad after all. Even Tri and its barebones content was actually good compared to the slop Capcom has been producing lately. It had still a sense of identity and soul as far as MH games go.

Still, World is a shitty cinematic game but at least mods helped to (somewhat) lessen the corporate damage. Will Wilds get the same treatment, considering Crapcom's attitude towards mods nowadays? Would suits enjoy modders working against the carefully crafted always-online game as a service experience of Monster Hunter Wilds™?

ack.webm - 1280x720, 3.95M

this game looks great I better add 7 reshade filters to make it look like everything else!

why are PC fags like this?

I always liked Worlds but I'm not gonna pretend it didn't have a plethora of problems.

I have no plans to play Wilds.

Monster COUNTER Wilds is shit

That means Monster COUNTER World is now retroacrively good

Not how it works kid

reading comprehension

why the fuck are you crying about color

blood on impact

no damage numbers

actual colors


PC vegans don't like playing games

I don't understand how DD2 looks good but wilds is a blurry mess

Milds made me want to pick up both World and Rise again

If World looked like that on day 1 and allowed people to skip cutscenes it would have been based

do you think they will reverse the GS changes in wilds before release? TCS was so weak in the beta

Nah fuck Worlds and Fuck Rise and Fuck you, too.
Wilds is dogshit they undercooked thanks to the retarded board of directors at crapcom not understanding what the fuck they're doing.
Worlds is a sellout cashgrab easy mode meant to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. It did that. It still sucks dick and not a real MH game. You're too much of a dumbass to wrap your head around it
Your stupid ass equates popular = good
Literal nigger logic.

world without clutch claw and everything would be fine

reading comprehension

looks better than wilds

lol, lmao

World is still irredeemable and the game that led to Monster Hunter becoming soulless

Can feel the strength of each hit from these webms meanwhile even a TCS in Wilds felt like a wet fart. It's over

Just wait for the g rank expansion and buy it then. Everything should be sorted out by that point.

looks better than Wilds

yeah, the desert in World looks much better than the one in Wilds, it's just smaller

>looks better than Wilds

worlds looks dogshit compared to wilds

>feels better than Wilds

>plays better than Wilds

no it fucking doesn't lmao

>optimized better than Wilds


I constantly see old mh vets saying how nu-MH should be called Monster FIGHTER instead of HUNTER...
Where exactly is the HUNTING in this webm?

It helps when rock formations don't look like amorphous blobs

New bad

monster does literally nothing

takes a hit, gets staggered, stands there for 2 seconds before slowly attempting another attack



We could say same about rise, hope they make weapons feels like swinging bat made with paper but I don't have hope for that.

Shit, meant for

No one with taste even bothered with that 360p anime shit

what the fuck are you talking about? MH doesn't have hitstun, it only has hitlag for your character and MHGU has plenty of hitlag, inbred monkey.

I like your skill but


ofc GS users like tigrex

head snipes.webm - 680x286, 2.94M

This is a bigger blunder than Saarfield

mh wilds npc.jpg - 1920x1080, 258.31K

All of this but Rise instead.

catch clew


worlds looks dogshit compared to wilds

hello blind person

How did they get the blood so right on such a small ass screen?

There was that meme 1 hour video of MH2 about the guy liking his MH as a sort of hunting simulator.

started all the bullshit we're going through

Nah, fuck off and fuck you m8.

old mh vets

Anyone who played older game always knew MH was a glorified bossrush game

kys bingtoddler

why can't we have this perfomance for every game? can't wait for MH Portable Wilds I guess.

file.png - 639x538, 570.55K

i think i saw you have a meltdown yesterday about tigrex not being hard in FU
if not, don't call people worldsperms, you're throwing off my fag-o-meter

World was a damn fine game
The only issue really is that it spelled the death of the franchise
But on its own was a great game, one of the best from 8th gen

Its my personal favorite monster hunter. Before World, it was Tri.
But thats how shit ALWAYS fucking goes.
Resident Evil 4? Best one. Also spelled the ruination of the series. They do something thats a fantastic balance of new and old ideas. It takes off, and then they just take off full speed into the "new direction".
I don't know if I can say for sure Wilds will do that, but I just know that it happens a fucking lot.

monster attacks twice in 50 seconds

this is hardcore according to larping oldfags

It never was. It tried minimally with MH1 and MH3, and partially with Dos. Limited technology and lukewarm sales compared to the portable titles cock-blocked the idea from being developed further
World's prototype was basically a hollywood version of that concept... But in the final game you just follow the green GPS and wail onto some lethargic animal to get loot. They didn't do anything meaningful there either
Issue is, at least preparation and knowledge were important and rewarded in pre-5th gen titles. As well as utilizing your limited resources in a smart way.
That was SOMETHING, at least. Now even that is gone

Tigrex in 2nd gen is a huge pain in the ass with GS unless your CS timing is on point
It genuinely requires skill, otherwise you have to draw spam - prolonging the fight considerably

that's an arena quest. the goal is to win the fight in an arena.

I better add 7 reshade filters

there are no reshades on the webm
why are you having a schizophrenic attack?
just calm down and think before posting, ok?

no focus?
that charge took a while
not that he needed speed there

at least preparation and knowledge were important and rewarded in pre-5th gen titles. As well as utilizing your limited resources in a smart way

How so and why do you think it's not a thing post-5th gen?

let's see you do it lol

Only con is that you have to actually PLAY the game MHW


MH literally does not have hitstun except when the player is hit. It has hitSTOP.

RE6's gameplay was peak, fuck you

Different developers, Capcom has a lot of developers working for them it is as simple as that


Tri, P3rd, 3U, World

not worth playing it's because obsolete or bad:

every other MH

Wilds isn't looking good desu.

sold 20 millions units

death of the franchise

I miss times when some animeposter keep spamming his calculations about how world will sell 60k copies. Then we saw spam of dead dogs and children in world threads.

Shit I was wrong but still it's funny.

4se4fy3e4lhd1.jpg - 1080x1011, 123.84K