Game has difficult choices

game has difficult choices

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yeah very tough choice, retard

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Fire Emblem Conquest or Fire Emblem Heritage?

The idea here is that Nohr is clearly evil so do you side with the good guys and betray the only family you’ve ever known or do you stay with the bad guys because they’re essentially your family and love you? I feel like that’s a pretty tough choice despite all the retarded meming

What makes them "clearly evil"?

Their king is a goo monster that sends his children on suicide missions intentionally and they invade the neighboring country with giant zombies. Did you also forget they murdered every dancer in a foreign nation just because of Azura?

a sane human being wouldn't join Nohr after they nuked your hometown and killed your mother just a day ago.

Why didn't Corrin kill himself in that very moment?

I know nothing about this game but I'll pick top because I'm not a Japanese pedophile.


Hiboko is supposed to be an older sister right?

Takumi is best fate's character.
Just pretend he is sane at the end of Conquest.

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It would have made Camilla sad.

The person that made that image is obviously some twittertard from 10 years ago mocking weeaboos at the time, you seriously think they gave a shit enough to know the difference, weeb?

Have you ever thought those zombies mean they don't need to spend the lives of thier actual citizens in a war?

This image is retarded because the cutest girl is in Nohr.

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That's an extremely easy choice though

lmao and that's suppose to make it better?

difficult choice

the best little sister and the best big sister are on the same side

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your hometown that you were barely in for your lifetime

your mother who you only reunited with for a few minutes so you have no bond with her

This was ruined by the Hoshido characters not even being your siblings. Like you could make a nature vs. nurture argument or something if it's adopted siblings vs. blood siblings, but when they're ALL adopted but you spent 90% of your life with one pair, it suddenly becomes ridiculously lopsided.

ninja elise >>>

Sending monsters to go kill people is unethical no matter how you spin it. Name one other fictional work where the good guys do such a thing.

when they're all not blood related to (you)*
Except your cousin, Azura.

every game should have a cunny and hag option

Not just that but Elise isn't in on the lie, she grew up alongside you thinking you were genuine siblings.

why did the author portray elise as having tits

Shut up, you autistic sperg. You ramble off the same schizo made up shit every Fates thread. Fuck off to the other FE thread instead of incessantly screeching about Fates like you always do.

The context of my post is obvious bro.

Except your cousin, Azura

And Lilith iirc, not that you get to do anything with her. That said they're not relevant to the SIDE you pick, so their blood relation doesn't add or subtract to the context. I'm 100% certain the Hoshido siblings becoming step-siblings was entirely a retcon made to please censors during development because it ruins the whole thing.

To try and make that retarded point about Nohr
Elise does have a pretty good ass though.

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she grew up alongside you thinking you were genuine siblings

This isn’t even true. Elise knows Corrin isn’t her real sibling but doesn’t care since her other siblings are only half-siblings anyways, retard.

Wrong she didn't know until around the time Corrin found out.

It was literally never about blood vs adopted family, moron. It was always justice vs loyalty.

made up shit

The fuck are you talking about, anon? The Hoshido siblings don't share any blood relation with you, they're from the king's previous wife.

Okay, just continue to make up shit and believe it. There really isn’t much I can do to convince you otherwise.

Stories and choices cannot have multiple themes and elements

Anon, are you perhaps a little stupid? Your choice is meant to be motivated by blood vs. nurture as much as it is "the moral thing" and "your love for your family." That's the entire reason the Hoshido characters are depicted as SIBLINGS for you when they end up not being that at all.

hoshido's aren't actually actually corrin's siblings so corrin could S Support them.

Yes, I think it was censorship during development and they were originally written as blood siblings.

That's retarded because they don't even shy away from incest in FE

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Fates had a really fucked up development.

I love how disingenuous little shits like you always take the one thing the person you’re arguing with said and twist it in a way where you can continue to intentionally digress from the argument. The story was never about blood vs adopted family and you fucking know this. You keep repeating it because you know other retards take it and brainlessly parrot you. I literally never said anything about the Hoshidians not being related because it’s irrelevant when the entire basis of your braindead rambling is inherently wrong.

Veyle is special since she's the first time a blood related sibling gets canonically boinked

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You’re a stupid faggot and you know better. I’m not wasting anymore time arguing with you because it is a literal waste of time.

I thought FE4 had that already.

It didn’t actually but okay.

always take the one thing the person you’re arguing with said

You literally only said one thing in the quoted post. Are you okay? Are you even sure what conversation you're having?

They're dragon Gods, so that makes it alright

Join Farghus.

People meme about that but it's a bug, not intentional.
Eirika and Ephraim is more believable given how Sieglinde and Siegmund are literally named after incestuous twin lovers in Norse mythology.

side with the only family you've ever known over the guys you've known for five minutes

ryoma still spergs out

Celice and Yuria is a glitch.



Where choice?

i have amnesia, so, its okay if i murder my whole genetical family.

you seem to forget that at that point the MC knows his Nohr father kidnapped him and is actively trying to kill him. you're retarded for siding with Nohr.

my whole genetical family

Except they're not, your genetic family is Azura and Lilith.

See anon, we rather regurgitate the same trite 10 year old shitposts here than actually use our atrophied brains for more than two minutes.

Hanako is now a clumsy, ditzy, kind hearted big breasted woman, how does this affect Hoshido's popularity?

The MC doesn’t know that yet. Are you willfully retarded or is it something you proudly work at?



The MC doesn’t know that yet

I know it, and it ruins the themes of the game retroactively.

Is Fates autism back on the table? Nice.

But your siblings didn't do that.

Someone seems obsessed with defending the game's honor for some reason.

IS have spent the last 10 years seething about how the honoraburu Japanese family could be less popular than THIS

Fates thread

samefag starts spamming the thread with literal bullshit and tries spamming Engage

Like clockwork.

As long as it's incest it's on topic

The theme you made up and never actually existed? Yeah, I guess that would ruin it for you.

your siblings know their father tried to kill the MC and still call the MC a traitor for not wanting to side with them, if anything, they're all still fucked up for this.

Yeah, just like they “hate” Marianne, right schizo-kun?

Sorry, Hinoka. She so boring that her name just slipped my mind entirely.

Flat tomboy RUINED

The theme you made up

Anon, it was presented as incredibly important in making your choice in that moment. Why else do the Hoshido characters try and treat you like family when they should know you're not?

Still not as crazy as the one anon that shitposts about fates literally every thread

If 3dcg anime were made like awakening and fates cutscenes then they would be more tolerable.

The anon you imagined in your head?

Nta, but the hoshido path is literally called Birthright, implying your blood family are the Hoshido royals. Once you learn that they're not actually blood related, it ruins all credibility of choosing that route. Hell, blood relation is what Birthright was heavily advertised on.

Yeah and revelations and the ending throws that into the shitter

That’s the English localization name. It’s called White Night Kingdom in Japan.

should've given honoka some tits so hoshido could have a single redeeming quality.

Then why are we calling the game Fates, and not If? Either way, it doesn't change how the game was advertised.

You are like little baby

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Nohr has my mentally ill wife so I have to go with them.

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Flat bros...

Okay, you dumb nigger. It’s not like Anon Babble hasn’t shit on Fates for its localization for the better part of a decade now. Might as well conveniently use the localization as an argument when it aligns with your incredibly retarded shitposting.

It's actually kind of amazing how pretty much everyone only cared about Nohr characters(With the exception of memes about Ryoma and Takumi), even on release.

Elise was made for big bro's cock

She’s supposed to be the opposite of Camilla in every way. Camilla is maternally doting while Hinoka is more like a dutiful mother, Camilla is confident while Hinoka is easily flustered, Camilla is voluptuous while Hinoka has a modest figure, even small things like Camilla having long flowing hair while Hinoka has short hair and the dichotomy of one riding a black wyvern and wielding an ax while the other rides a white pegasus and has a spear

Based clussybro

The Hoshidans have few personal faults so they tend to have boring personalities as a result. Also Western fantasy tends to be more visually unique and stands out character design-wise given how divorced it is from reality as opposed to Japanese mythicism given how most people are less familiar with it and how similar it appears to real life feudal Japan.

Name one other fictional work where the good guys do such a thing.

I know a faction that send robot controlled by humans to kill people
USA with flying droids

I said “good guys”, anon

and thats why Nohr is based

i suppose someone has to like peri, thanks for taking the bullet for everyone else

More games should have armors like this.

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But that armor fucking sucks. Some goblin can stab her in the buttcheeck and boom she's bleeding out and possibly infected with something. Doesn't even have leather to possibly offer some resistance.

But dude what about realism


Peri's character in the english release versus the japanese release is the first time I've ever been mad at localizers. That's fucking stupid.

Takumi's makes me laugh every time

Honestly, I wish there were more new games with bikini armors, I'm glad P3 reload kept them.

Anon she's in a saddle.

And I'm the horse. It's a tough job

Yes her english localization is fuck awful. They also took this and the head patting minigame from us. God bless emulation.

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But Ryoma does.

Corrin and Azura are cousins, whom you can boink and have incest kids with.

is there no option to kill them both?
I haven't played this yet


head patting minigame

Ok I gotta ask, is head patting REALLY that common over there?

The short version they turned her from juvenile into a psychotic killer.

She has the mind of a child in the Japanese version of the game and the Japanese believe children are especially cruel because they have no superego developed yet, which is why she mercilessly kills people. In the localized version she’s a ditzy airhead serial killer that loves blood.

Fates is notoriously butchered, so badly that one conversation was replaced with just ellipses and characters personalities got changed too. Some stuff was cut like swimsuits and touching minigame and so on. As far as Fire Emblem games go conquest is one of the better ones, if only the localization wasn't dogshit.

What an absolute babe

Why don’t you just post the same webm again like you have a hundred times before so everyone can know for certain it’s you

runny mascara


I know which webm you're talking about but I don't have it, so have this one from Brandish 3 instead.

Orcs and brownoids aren’t people

remember when angry American feminists removed a head patting minigame and dating sim from this video game? And now they're out there voting for Kamala.

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now post the bad ending version

I love Camilla so much. I wish big sisters were real

Nohr's sisters beat the fuck out of Hoshido's, I'm afraid.

does this game has 3 versions or something. Never understood it lol.

This game is actually three different games sharing the same setting, time period, and characters.

and all of them suck

Hoshido was such shit. I hate the Japs for trying to force them on you

force them on you

Literally never happens

I skipped this one, what exactly is the plot? Why the fuck wouldn't you side with Nohr, again?

their father did and none of your siblings do anything meaningful to stop him through the course of the game even though they know what he's doing is wrong.

Your mom fucked a dragon and had a baby (you.) Your dad also had a kid from another girl (Lilith) and you have a cousin (Azura.) Anyway, the king of Hoshido's wife died, and he married your mom and adopted you. So all the people in Hoshido are your step-siblings. But as a baby you got kidnapped by the evil kind of Nohr, and raised as his child, so all the people in Nohr are your adopted siblings. You are asked to side with your step-siblings who you do not know and spend zero time with and also your mom just died so you're not related to anyone here, or your adopted family who you spent your entire life with, but their dad is evil.

I hate the Japs

Then stop playing their games. There's plenty of western slop for you to enjoy. Especially in the fantasy genre.

nohr siblings have lied to you your entire life and your dad tou looked up to you sent you as a suicide bomb to kill your actual mom you were kidnapped from


even Garon basically calls you retarded for returning

Birthright sucks because it has shit gameplay.
Conquest sucks because it has one of the worst plots ever released in a major game.
Revelations is never mentioned, and for good reason.
3DS FE in general sucks, they couldn't make a decently well rounded game if their lives depended on it. Fuck, I still don't get why they let the Gaidenfag just port over the fucking awful maps from Gaiden.


Oh no they didn't tell you that you were kidnapped but loved you


Oh no they lie and tell you that they're your siblings but actually they're not and they don't know you at all

What's the difference?

all of this because they wouldn't prevent you from marrying the hoshido royalty and westerners would blow blood vessel in their brain if you could marry and breed a family member in a game set in period where that was common.

One side loves you because you spent your life with them, the other side doesn't know you at all and you really don't have anything to do with them in a familiar or social sense.


Yeah, siding with Hoshido just seems like absolute fucking lunacy and objectively wrong. Then again, Japanese people ARE autistic and they actually care about that kind of stuff.

We're supposed to believe precious Nippon is perfect and can do no wrong, and we're obligated to hate the characters we actually enjoy and go with the shitty Japwank characters just because we're apparently morally obligated to suck Japan's cock and worship them no matter what

Oh no they lie

It's a lie if it's something you were told your whole life and believe. Neat.

admittedly garon did basically send you to kill your own mother. if mikoto was still alive at least then there'd be an actual reason to go back to hoshito

Even Japanese players preferred Nohr

they love you

that's why they attempt to kill you for not wanting to come home after their father attempted to kill you

If Mikoto was alive

That's the operative, isn't it? Mikoto is the only thing you have in common with the Hoshido characters but she is immediately killed, do you don't know her either even if she is blood. Garon is basically the only reason you wouldn't pick Nohr.

he says this after whining about the Nohrians being too doting

I joined an enemy nation, why do my siblings have to fight me even if they beg me to stop and cry about it?

They both lie, but one side cares about you.

They do the same thing for siding with no one. Nice try though.

I can't believe there are people arguing that Corrin joining Nohr isn't retarded. Am I being trolled?

Yes, I would kill my sisters because some random Japanese man asked me to

Which side would that be? One side had you kidnapped from them before they could develop a relationship and his children defend this.

Basically. Hoshido is shit in every way

Get over your impotent autistic obsession, nobody cares you fucking faggot.

The one you were actually raised with your entire life and with two doting sisters who'd give the world for you.

seriously pretending the shitty Nipwank characters aren't awful and unlikeable

Fuck off, contrarian

Got stones in your ears? I asked what route you're playing, Fire Emblem Conquest or Fire Emblem Birthright?!

Your mom fucked a dragon and had a baby (you.) Your dad also had a kid from another girl (Lilith)

Wrong. Anankos split into two when he was going insane and his good human half went to go fuck Mikoto, your mom. His evil dragon half created Lilith from his mind. She’s not really Corrin’s sister. With how many loser autists there are in this fandom it’s amazing how I feel like the only person that actually played Fates and its DLCs

raised with your entire life

Because you were kidnapped. Also not your entire life. Garon sends you away at somepoint. They also do nothing about that either. They don't really do anything for you if it means standing up to garon. The hoshidans are willing to stand up to him for you. Weird even though they weren't raised with you.

Congrats on remembering an obscure detail about a character who dies halfway into the story and barely had any characterization in the first place.

You're supposed to like Hoshido because uh... NIPPON STRONG JAPAN BEST COUNTRY IN WORLD

I mean from a lore perspective. As a player Nohr is objectively the correct choice.

Because you were kidnapped.

That's Garon's fault.

The Hoshidans are willing to stand up to him for you

They're not standing up to Garon because they care about you, they don't care. They're standing up to him because he's an evil overlord who is invading their country and doing fucked up evil shit.

Elise literally dies for Corrin

Fates and its DLCs

it was split into two games for forty dollars each.

Notice how the Hoshido fanboy never bothers to defend the 'siblings' from that side, or even talk about them.

Well this is a daily fucking general for Fire Emblem. Fuck me for actually playing the games, I guess.

Fuck off and kill yourself already Mariannefag, you schizo piece of shit.

Anon, just because you take part in every single Fire Emblem thread you see every day doesn't mean we all do.

That's Garon's fault.

All my evil actions are my daddy's fault

Pathetic Nohrian fags actually say and believe

They're standing up to him because he's an evil overlord who is invading their country and doing fucked up evil shit.

That's incidental. If they were at peace and garon was trying to do something to corrin they would stand up to him

Elise literally dies for Corrin

Who kills her for daddy? Remind me? That character certainly loved corrin.

All my evil actions

The evil action of... not being the one to kidnap you?

That's incidental.

It's literally not, the Hoshidans wouldn't do shit for you if Garon wasn't making it their problem. None of them have any attachment to Corrin from his, what, like 3 months with them before the kidnapping?

This fag seriously pretends to like the shitty nipwank characters to be contrarian

It really is him, isn’t it

Ryoma kills himself so corrin doesn't have to suffer the pain of killing him or potentially be killed by garon for defying him. Elise dies because Xander can't stop himself from trying to kill corrin even in front of his own little sister. The nohrians look like shit when they are your enemy.

He doesn't like the characters or he'd be actually talking about/defending them and their interactions with Corrin. He just hates the Nohr siblings.

Why would Corrin feel any pain at all for killing a guy he's not related to and never knew in his life?

Unlike you I actually have a degree, a registration, prior military service, and a 40 hour a week job.

Are you going to post the Navy Seal copypasta at me next?


Of course. To be expected.

get fucked >It's literally not, the Hoshidans wouldn't do shit for you if Garon wasn't making it their problem. None of them have any attachment to Corrin from his, what, like 3 months with them before the kidnapping?
The last thing ryoma does before he dies is for corrin.

defending dogshit Ryoma of all characters

Why does he hesitate knowing garon is gonna kill him if he doesn't?

Because the original game script was written assuming the Hoshidans were your blood siblings and they didn't change that part when it was rewritten to make them step-siblings.

Everyone including yourself is acting on the knowledge you are their blood sibling. The only time anyone reveals you are not related is if you s rank them. Did you play these games?

I accept that the Japs tried way too hard to make the Jap self-insert country who always look good and are always pure and can never ever ever ever do anything wrong because Nippon is the best country in the world compared to the evil gaijin who are always evil.

But in the end the Japwank writers failed, and not even Japanese players fell for their nationalistic Japwank bullshit. They didn't feel an obligation just because of Jap worship. In the end Nohr won because these people had the ability to make a choice without being intimidated by the obvious coercion attempts by the Japwank writing, so in the end the writers had no choice but to concede and write the Nohrians, the evil filthy gaijin Western foreigners, a little more favorably because people loved them.

Based fellow Peri enjoyer.

Anon proving my point that making them NBR was a retcon by pointing out how it only comes out during the romance scene

Thanks, anon.

I don't know much about Fire Emblem
But I like Camilla and Peri

Isn't it sad how nobody cares about the Hoshido little sister?

She was competing with this cinnamon bun. She had no chance.

It was never a retcon, retard. How can you be so confident about the retarded shit you make up? How do you manage to shitpost in every single one of these threads everyday for literal years?

Nohrians are so superior it's ridiculous

I'm saying it doesn't matter retard. You're saying corrin couldn't give a shit about ryoma so his sacrifice doesn't matter. But he believes as well as ryoma that they are brothers. What does it being a retcon matter. They marketed that choice as choosing what family means. People you're raised with or blood.

muh honarabru ryoma

will occupy a medical facility to use corrin's sick sister as leverage to get him to come back

traps corrin to try and get him while he's alone, is fighting with intent to kill

only kills himself once he realizes it's all over

lies to corrin the entire time saying he's family to corrin when he's the only hoshidan sibling to actually know corrin isn't blood related

Drills can't be beat

Glorious nippon can never be the aggressor, it's in the lore!!

Why is there a faggot in this thread that hates japanese theming but also wants to play japanese games? What level of cuckoldry is that?

My niggas

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She's a cutie, I based one of my character's hairstyles off of hers

why not have both on rev?

Why did Arminius pick Birthright?

I liked the headcanoned hoshidan brainwashing.

I'm supposed to hate the characters I like because NIPPON STRONG?

God sending angels to destroy people on behalf of the faithful is always depicted as a good thing and "supernatural being destroys the enemy so our people don't have to lose their lives in battle" is rightfully acknowledged as a major positive. Fighting wars sucks even if you win.

he says, while not even Japanese players like Hoshido

Propaganda failed lol

The Nohr route is the only one where the maps are actually fun rather than insultingly easy, but the writing is the absolute worst.

God is above man and angels are not monsters.

Probably the shittiest written conflict in a videogame, no wonder why people brushed it off

I like Sakura. She’s just too pure to waifu

I guess that's part of the Nip propaganda. LOOK HOW PURE AND PERFECT JAPAN YAMATO NADESHIKO IS

I've never played fates (and never will), but Elise is the cutest!!

No dude they always intended to undermine the entire emotional investment of your character in Hoshido

Yes it does. There's three types of sibling relationship being discussed in this thread, to illustrate this to you:

NBR adopted siblings you were raised with

You have a reason to be emotionally invested in them because you spent your whole life with them as family, forming emotional bonds of siblinghood.

BR siblings you weren't raised with

You have a reason to be emotionally invested in them because of your ties of blood, even though you didn't spend time with them.

NBR 'siblings' you weren't raise with

You have zero reason to be emotionally invested in them because not only did you never form emotional attachments of siblinghood, but you don't share the same blood at all. They are indistinguishable from strangers.

Do you not see how the Hoshido character falling into the last group makes the whole 'sibling' talk fall completely flat?

You're obligated to like Hoshido and hate the characters you actually like because NIPPON STRONG, NIPPON PERFECT AND GOOD

had Zander marry the shy farm girl Mozu

it was very cute

Jeez sisters why are you having such a heated discussion for a game that you genuinely revile for all those broken promises

I can’t tell the resident FE shitposter is going overboard in this thread because the pathetic nigger necro bumped the other shit engage thread with one of his stock images he always spams

Jeez sisters

Why do you people do this
It's not funny, please seek help

Because the writers are fucking faggots

The thing that strikes me as strange is that Oboro is symbolically "punished" for being racist against Nohrians, despite the writers being extremely anti-Nohr and anti-gaijin

I think the point of his character is Ryoma exclusively employs tactics as sneaky and underhanded as he accuses Nohr of being.

Whereas Xander is unironically the more straight forward and honorable person as Ryoma tries to pretend he is.

Can she be a Yamato nadeshiko without a himecut?

the whole game is japanese. nigger.

Elise has a personality and the better design. Sakura is just outright bland and boring in every way imaginable.

But Japanese players do not like Hoshido, despite the propaganda

You are never beating those media illiteracy allegations

She's cute, but that's about it. Elise is the whole package, cute AND fun.

I'm literally telling you outright that the game is heavy handed Jap worship. But player feedback inevitably forced the developers to change their approach

most people like Nohr way more than Hoshido

IS is still seething about this even now

Based. Japwank propaganda failed

Don't talk shit about Ryoma or he'll come to your house and OUGI all over your dead body

I honestly think Fates holds Xander above Ryoma because he’s clearly a very honorable man in every route and is loyal to Garron even until the end showing loyalty is a quality he prizes most. It’s only after killing Elise with his own hand does he lose the will to live and challenges Corrin knowing he can at least die with some dignity.

I don't believe the Japwank writers believe the Hoshidans can have even one negative trait

i like peri because she has the big boobies

even femcels get the superior husbando with Nohr

Jesus Christ what a blow out.

>IS is still seething about this even now

You got anything showing this?
Not doubting, I just want to have a laugh.


I think Takumi is ok, honestly. But that's about it

People only like him because he’s the only Hoshidan that isn’t pleasant and seems to have his own beliefs and personal hang ups that actively affect the story. He’s a little insecure jerk but at least it’s something.

Yeah but religion, especially Abrahamic religion, has a long history of bloody crusades and cutural imperialism for the sole sake of asserting itself as the highest power.

I'm not of an Abrahamic religion

means your life has no value

I'm of an Abrahamic religion

means your life has value

I'm of an Abrahamic religion and I helped slaughter millions of people who aren't part of the same tribe

means your life has value and you're a hero
Selflessness is entirely relative.


the Elise side is the only correct one

Peak stockholm syndrome jesus christ

Anybody saying Ryoma is worse or even in the same tier as Xander is deluding themselves

beats up his own sibling on fathers behalf because they refused to kill POWs

leads the charge invading an innocent kingdom in a war of aggression

hand-picked an open serial killer as his retainer

kills about two dozen of his own soldiers because they won the war in a way he personally doesn't like

does everything in his power to defend the dictator terrorizing his own country

Look, it's very simple.
Camilla has big boobs and hugs me a lot.



Maybe if you stupid face stayed in 2018

be male corrin

marry one of the girls would leave would leave one of the other females childless resulting in one less child in Fates.

female corrin

any male plus rhajat

Imagine being this much of a contrarian attention whore

You don't need to imagine

Are you gonna pretend that you care about hisame or percy you stupid fuck?

I love my cotton candy wife

married takumi to camilla

regret my choice later since keaton would be better.

speaking of marriage, if any of the awakening trio marries nohr royalties, how can the kingdom run without them? also sakura can lose both retainers to laslow and selena if they're married to them.

too small for me

Selena is implied to stay if she marries and there’s still four siblings in the line of succession

Honestly all the girls in Fates are pretty shit
I blame the (((localization))), Effie at least was way better in japanese

Garbage thread

can't believe the switch decade feels lackluster compared to the 3DS decade of fire emblem.

I think takumi is perfect for camilla.

yea, the thing is, everyone should be honest and say this shit instead of pretending like siding with Nohr is the morally correct choice when it fucking isn't.

still remember early previews of fates were really shilling hoshido. IS had to walk that back after launch

I'm not morally obligated to like the shitty Hoshidans.

Always is when you’re here.
Posted the same exact shit in the other thread like the autist he is

Pretty based. Japwank propaganda utterly failed even with Japanese players

Well, Ryoma lied about you being his sibling too

Why did they never explain what happened to Garon? How did he get corrupted? Did he die and get resurrected as a puppet? Was the original Garon really a perfectly pleasant fellow?

the only option close to "morally correct" is shitvelations.


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True. Even in that regard, Hoshido cucks eat shit and lose

her support with ryouma is just awkward as hell.

Gaijin bad, gaijin evil and always wrong. Nippon strong and perfect and can do no wrong. There's your reason

do nintendo ninjas not allow Fates doujins to exist anymore?

And yet the latest FEH banner is hoshitdo garbage you giga retard

They did. He was originally like Xander in both personality and appearance. After his first three kids were born the concubine wars really started getting heated which led to him excluding himself more and more. This left him vulnerable to possession by Anankos like it did Takumi and slowly over time he became less and less human. That’s why Xander still loves him because he remembers the man he used to be.

I love my wi- wait? Who is this?

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It's weird how the only way the timeline works is for Sumeragi to have fallen in love with Mikoto while he was married to his first wife. How does everyone in Hoshido except Ryoma believe Corrin is Sumeragi's kid, if Mikoto brought a newborn Corrin to Hoshido? Was Mikoto Sumeragi's mistress or what?

FE doujin really took a nosedive after we got so many awakening and fates doujin

Sets you up for nature Vs nurture

winds up being first dibs Vs nurture

God can you shut the fuck up already you autistic spamming nigger? Holy shit

More like fire emblem doesn't get doujin anymore unless you are a frog boar otomeshit you newfaggot

Still better than Awakening at least. Weird how Awakening is supposed to be more of a waifu game than a husbando game but it has shittier waifus.

Honestly, Xander does seek to be placed above Ryoma even by the Japwank writers. Corrin is unable to defeat Xander on Birthright, Xander holds back. Xander has the Raimbow Sage's power, not Ryoma.

No it's all just

characters people actually like vs bland characters you're supposed to like because they're Japanese stand-ins

IS is really obsessed with the concubine war thing , it's been present in Fates, Echoes, Three Houses, and Engage. But it's weird because they never really go into detail on it, it's just a backstory element.

Based on the timeline, isn't it possible Elise was born after Garon was already corrupted? Is elise part goo girl?

Funny how Engage also has the "evil filthy gaijin Westerner" nation

"Sorry, Ryoma. After all, this was the family that raised me. I feel no real connection to you guys. I'm going home, and that's that."


Sorry, Xander. I don't care for these guys, but I kinda just met my mom for the first time only to watch her the hands of Garon. I think he may have been the problem the whole time."

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, oh hold on a moment excuse me [dicksucking sounds intensify], DIE!"

Both Ryoma and Xander are massive cunts. Admittedly, Ryoma is slightly less of a giant butthole as it's implied that the Hoshidan royal fanily was deliberately kept in the dark regarding the dire state of the country of Nohr. However, nobody cares because of a dumb stupid letter that's only revealed in S supports. YOU BOUGHT THIS GAME KNOWING DAMN WELL THERE WOULD BE AN EXCUSE FOR YOU TO BANG THE HOSHIDAN ROYAL FAMILY. IT'S A LAZY PLOT DEVICE THAT SERVES NO OTHER PURPOSE OUTSIDE OF THE SUPPORTS.

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I find it unlikely older Hoshidans like Reina or Yukimura wouldn't know that Corrin wasn't Sumeragi's kid, wouldn't it have been obvious?

You are putting more though on that garbage more than komuro and synthese themselves, moron.

There's literally a plot point saying "Hoshido literally cannot ever be the aggressor, they're bound to be the most peaceful pure noble country ever because NIPPON STRONG"

Funnier comic courtesy of Katie Tiedrich.

I like the scene where Ryoma somehow had no idea that Nohr struggles with famine. What were they teaching him?

She was. He was still human then though.

However, nobody cares because of a dumb stupid letter that's only revealed in S supports.

Anon, when the full context of a story is revealed it impacts everything that came before. That letter ruins the (specific aspect of this) plot in retrospect.

Azura mentions hearing rumors about Elise's birth after she got kidnapped to Hoshido, so yeah

Nohr struggles with famine

Only another point to say they're filthy evil, greedy, envious gaijin scum

I think Iago was the mastermind behid Garon's corruption

100% fabricated propaganda by the Hoshidan Intelligence Agency.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

Doesn't Iago get baffled when Garon mentions Anankos?

i'm surprised they never mention Valla. hell this was originally a 500 paged draft for the game crammed into three routes.

only kills himself once he realizes it's all over

I don't get this one. Like yeah no shit? Why the fuck would he kill himself if there was still a chance he could turn the tables?
She's so great, I would kill for her to be in a better-written game that could meaningfully explore her.

You can't have fairly written characters when one side is a blatant Jap stand-in

Fates would've been a better game if Corrin didn't exist and Ryoma/Xander were the main characters instead. Avatarfaggotry dragged down what could have been a decent story.

I sane heterosexual would figuratively die to flood Elise with his genes. I would have at least 10 children with her now fertile body.

Trying to have a choice is silly, when the writers obviously mean to intimidate and coerce you into picking their obvious favorite

Lilith should have been the main character. also the hyperbolic baby chamber was a stupid concept.

I like you spent the first portion of Birthright searching for Ryoma who turns out to have just ditched everyone to go undercover in a foreign country. I also like how for the entirety of the route, the Hoshidan capital is holding out under siege by the Nohrian army, with neither of them having their leaders present. Yukimura literally ditches the capital to join you somehow.

I love Fates but I agree. Xander and Ryoma should have been their respective game’s main characters

Post female Corrin's feet!!!

your opinion on fire emblem warriors? i think Fates should have been a musou.

No one cares about lilith retard

Kill yourself musou slurper

Nevermind the choice. Removing Corrin would've been a huge boon to the crown princes themselves. It would've been great to see the conquest of Hoshido through Xander's perspective as he wrestles with morals the whole game and would give the base Conquest story a lot of much needed context considering he's much more likeable in his supports. For all I care, Ryoma's story could've just been a basic bitchbabby unga bunga revenge story while he comes to accept that his own country isn't perfect and needs reform, which is also fine.

Birthright's plot is worse than Conquest's, though they're both shit of course.

But she is supposed to attract the lowest level of dysgenic species to become a breeding sow. That is what being a female is all about.

i want to post lewds of elise but it's not worth the ban. and again i should do something else

Oh nah, it doesn't get any worse than single use mirror and "Chairquest".

Anna of Engage is sisters with Anna of Awakening and Fates

They're the best game FE has. Haven't played the og in a while tho been playing 3 Hopes

no love for the tomboy big sister

Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was Anon Babble

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Would you guys rather have a proper 3house sequal or a completely new story for the first switch2 game?

Well, first of all, the issue is that she's not your sister. Second of all, she has no chemistry with you.

Big sister Hinoka was my first and she'll always be my pick if I ever go back to play Fates

a completely new story. 3House was rushed. maybe a sequel to any existing FE titles like Jugdral or Elibe. Hell Magvel should have been remade for the 3DS, but got shelved whatever it was.

married takumi to camilla

Ew, why?

who is the Zygard of Fire Emblem? in fact, which fire emblem got robbed of the most?

I wonder what a Three Houses 2 would be. I'm honestly just expecting another alternate story where another brand new mc gets to choose a house but this time it plays like a traditional rpg

The Nohr family is hotter so I pick them

his own country isn't perfect and needs reform

Grorious Nippon literally IS perfect though

fates lets you marry, fuck, and impregnate your little sister who by the game timeline information we have is somewhere between 10-14 years old

unlike awakening, where you fuck and impregnate them at some unspecified point in the future and your time paradox baby travels back in time to see you instead you do so during the course of the game itself, a period at which characters do not visibly age, implying the entire events of the game occur within the period of about a year.

How the FUCK did they get away with this in fucking 2014 in a mainstream nintendo game?

your opinion on fire emblem warriors?

i just bought the tiki amiibo. never the game

I really wish Fates would have gotten its own Warriors game like 3 Houses did. Or at least compromise and have it split between Awakening and Fates.

Okay, I love my wife, Annette.
I want to move on from 3 Houses. Its story has been told.

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We never got to see the other countries or continents really so maybe they could have their own evil mystery niggas

3 Houses is ruined for me too

i was doinig a nohr/hoshido run, only to figure our nohrians outnumber hoshidans.

you can do that in the end of the thread like most do

The single use mirror is actually in Birthright too, Azura uses it to convince Leo. Who then teleports everyone to the Rainbow Sage somehow. I just find the war in Birthright to be so nonsensical

I want SoulCalibur, but with Fire Emblem characters.

She’s cute but that’s just it. She isn’t sexy like Camilla or endearing like Elise.

Peri's puffy vulva

Bring Link back as a playable character


no more 3H
just move on the something original

She's not my biological big sister? Splendid

she has no chemistry with you

Speak for yourself motherfucker

takumi and elise hair tangling sex. why camilla of all girls to get in Engage. why not the whole royal family? also is tellius now the only game in the series unavailable to players/.

I still love 3 Houses and 3 Hopes, I just don't need to know what happens after. Let the story stand on its own.

Because Nohrchads fucking won

No they don’t. Silas is Nohrian and Azura is considered Hoshidan in the game’s logic. Felicia and Jakob are also Nohrian while Kaze and Mozu are Hoshidan also. All the other units equally pair off if you pair them off correctly in two separate pools. Why not marry Camilla yourself or at least have her marry Ryoma?

Is there anyway to filter retards that type in all caps?

nintendo servers go down

can no longer update my castle

can no longer get exclusive my castle items or units

They were too busy taking out the headpatting to realize there was canonical loli impregnation

I choose Generics.

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If you’re f!Robin you can get knocked up by Chrom.

You mean the seemingly asspull teleport that sounds bad until you realize that it has no meaning in the context of an SRPG? It could be removed entirely and nothing would change.

She needed thicker thighs and a fatter ass to compete with Camilla's breasts. As she is she's just "ok" in that department

no official mode where you use only generics

no Advance Wars gameplay FE game where lords take forts to pump out waves of generics

Her retainers are better.

They needed to hit the Rainbow Sage to upgrade the Yato at a specific point in both routes. It was prioritizing gameplay over story, you autistic nigger.