Lets let the amoral, monstrous, cruel, genocidal undead abominations join our faction of supposedly "honorable" clans looking to make peace with the rest of the world. Surely this won't bite us in the ass in the future, to allow rotting flesh aberrations into our ranks, especially when they constantly talk about murder, subterfuge, poisoning our food supply or have an aversion to everything good and pure in the world.
Lets let the amoral, monstrous, cruel...
The Horde is in grave need of sexy girls, so that will have to do
belfs are gay and i dont want em reeeeee
how do they reproduce?
You're not an anticorpseist are you, chud?
how do they reproduce?
I help them
By relentless plapping
Be consistent, janny
But enough about Night Elves
hottest loading screen girl is a zombie
yeah this was the biggest mistake in wow. Second biggest was blood elves.
Sex with Undead females
this was a plotline in one of the expansions, they resurrected killed enemies with the lich king's valkyries
imagine the smell
Cool and refreshing pussy.
rotting undussy is extra gooey
isn't that morrigan from darkstalkers?
The undead are the proud people of lordaeron merely defending their homeland. I do not know why blizz insisted on trying to make them some kind of moustache twirling monster race but it fucking sucks
Girly humie hands types this.
Wasn't like that in Vanilla. They are simply people resurrected by the lich king but not under his influence. They are cast out from human society because of human racism, and the horde accepts them.
I’d fuck that corpse.
i need to fuck a hot self-aware zombie so bad Anon Babble jkesus christ i want to know what that cold undead pussy feels like clamped around my dick
Undeath isn't supposed to be a simple emogoth texture pack but a soul-twisting experience that lets you feel nothing but negative emotions, or so it was in the old lore.
That doesn't contradict what I wrote though. They are twisted by undeath but still literally living in and defending their ancestral home from invaders.
The first thing the undead did was massacre the still living people of Lordaeron, they're all traitors
in grave need
the undead are the proud people of Lordaeron defending their homeland
Shadowlands took such a fucking collosal steaming diarrhea shit on the concept of death that it completely undercut any reason remaining to care about the story. It's one thing to do alternate timeline stuff and time travel but they completely ruined undead, death knights and it should have universal wide reaching consequences to have the afterlife laid bare.
Undead do the brunt of the heavy lifting in retaking the city, with heavy losses
The first thing the living does is tell them to get bent, or they will be massacred
Pull an Uno-reverse
Don't start fights you can't win.
Replay Warcraft 3 and Classic, they've always been amoral to say the least. If anything since then things have been toned down and all the bad stuff has been blamed on Sylvanas.
Gnome builds machine that can pull your anus out through your throat
Aw he's so cute :)
Undead invents poison that can kill his enemies
Oh my god, call the paladins!
faction of supposedly "honorable" clans looking to make peace with the rest of the world
Orcs instantly go back to logging in Ashenvale the second the night elves finish saving them at Hyjal
The lol
And the lmao
The undead had it coming
Those were the southerners who did that
it is however canon that the forsaken massacred all the civilians that were around, and were outnumbered by the still living people from Lordaeron
The very first thing the Forsaken do in WC3 is betray Garithos and side with one of the Dreadlords that was responsible for Lordaeron getting reamed in the first place. That behavior just gets worse in Vanilla WoW. They've always been dishonorable, monstrous assholes.
... poison aimed at both at the living and the scourge and that they tested on an candid tauren looking for a cure to her illness
So many of the races of Azeroth have religion integral to their society, being able to actually see the afterlife itself is bad enough but there's even more shit to shake the foundations.
How the fuck do the Night Elves reconcile the fact that their goddess Elune was willing to sacrifice almost their entire population just to help her sister out with her lack of soul juice? How has the entire NE faith not been upended by this? It's so fucking retarded.
Old Tyrande would have started an anti-Elune crusade herself.
Nu-Blizzard isn't canon
Warming up Forsaken girls through repeated sexual acts with my BHC
Gnomes build devices that backfire on them or are experiments at best, ones that could be labeled as cruel are a rarity. Undead chain the corpses of their victims, experiment on those corpses, mesh them up into abominations or cannibalize them, then gleefully comment on how much they fucking enjoy it. Then make posion, blight bombs, elixirs, or gaseous material that could turn an entire WW1 platoon into primordial soup.
Yeah but they were willing to do anything to defend it and a lot of them became jaded due to the initial reaction. Of still living humans
Malfurion killed some Light chime and uncucked that palading guy that was missing
I thought Elune was a Void Lord.
Sylvanas is a nigger
If we removed her and installed the rightful ruler of the land, things would've been different.
Undeads have no rights. Undeads have no homeland. Undeads have no pride. They all deserve the pyre. Simple as.
All the lore surrounding Calia is dogass but that undead whore can fucking get it.
defending their homeland
against their still living countrymen
while joining forces with monstrous outsiders who tried to destroy it
cool but unrealistic idea: undead should have been a third faction that is hostile to both the alliance and horde
Calia tries to take steps towards peace between the forsaken and the alliance
Sylvanas chimps out and slaughters everyone
Unironically the most complex race in the game, which also makes them the best.
did turtle wow 1.17.2 come out yet? if so, is it worth playing?
No undead abomination can be a rightful ruler of a human nation. Any claim to the throne extinguished with her dead. Royal inheritance has no precedence for undead heirs. If anything its now up to the remaining Lordaeron nobility to elect a new monarch from among their own ranks.
Yeah, it came out on Saturday.
I play Prot Paladin, Bear Druid, Deep Prot Warrior, and BM Hunter, so I think the changes and updates are based. People that play some other specs think they suck. You know, usual balance change shit. The new stuff (new bosses to old dungeons, new profession) and QoL changes they added are cool. I like a lot of the new character customization options. Human girls got a haircut that's pure sex with the playful little strand of hair over one eye and undead dudes got a Peter Steele haircut which kicks ass.
Dude that's Morrigan from Darkstalkers
Who cares about gay ass trees?
Turtle 2.0 when?
Should have kept them as undead type.
Do you think those cali-cucks could have predicted the lasting legacy of their work in 2001 would be ORCED porn?
I do not know why blizz insisted on trying to make them some kind of moustache twirling monster race but it fucking sucks
Because Sylvanas. Even before Danuser was around Blizzard laid plenty of foundation to show that Sylvanas wasn't mentally sound and that she was clearly going to become a problem later on.
There's a parallel to be seen between her attempts to get revenge on Arthas and Maiev's hunt for Illidan.
After Maiev finally got her revenge (somewhat by proxy) she ended up feeling hollow inside over it, but still had her own duty and people to tend to which led to her returning to the Wardens and the Night Elves.
After Arthas, Sylvanas had nothing. She couldn't return to Silvermoon to be with her previous life, and her new people were widely despised for being Undead. Thus she tossed herself off Icecrown and died, but because of her being a colossal cunt she ended up in the Maw, and mistakenly believed that's where ALL Undead would go.
So now you have Sylvanas going fully insane trying to keep herself out of Super Hell, and in the process she turned the Forsaken from being tragic victims into being her personal meat shields. The ones who worked best for HER specifically were rewarded, and when her efforts became focused on creating new Forsaken to defend herself, the more evil the better.
Yeah MOST Forsaken are still just victims of the Scourge, but Sylvanas intentionally uplifted the ones who were willing to be evil for her.
If women had penises they would constantly rape.
Yeah, Horde is objectively the wrong side because they let leftists in.
The actual scenario after reading its description is fucked up:
Undead were actually being accepted by their living relatives, regardless of how they looked or sounded or the passage of time
they even embraced one another in an open field
she just massacres them all and enjoys it
try to be a peon during warcraft 1-2 era and tell me if you still like old horde as much
no one in 2001 thought india would get mass access to the internet or electricity
I'm not a peon though, I'm the hand that clicks on them.
The best part about it is
loyal Forsaken do not try to join the Alliance
they return to the horde side
get slaughtered anyways because sending a message and stuff
This is what staying loyal to the horde gets you
it's a rhetorical question, dumbass. the point is that you lack empathy
The lead-up to BFA was the funniest fucking thing
Blizzard shows Alliance attacking Undercity
Then shows Teldrassil burning
Tries to then make a mystery about which happened first and if Sylvanas waa really behind it
Pre-patch comes out
Sylvanas is cartoonishly evil, has plot armor thicker than ever before, and everything is specifically her fault.
I don't think ranjeesh has the means or ability to create the stuff that's been pushed for at least ten years. Pretty funny the only porn artist blizz bothered to shut down was the one that started all this shit.
Towards fictional characters? Correct.
Pretty funny the only porn artist blizz bothered to shut down was the one that started all this shit.
Rexx wasn't all that good anyways.
You literally pick up a quest in Brill at level 6 that tells you under no uncertain terms that they are developing a plgue to kill Arthas and quote "Bring Azeroth to its knees", and off you go to get Plaguehound blood to kickstart the endeavour.
They have you delivering that same strain of plague back and forth between Undercity, Silverpine, Hillsbrad, and Barrens for like 25 levels.
leftists claim the Horde as their diverse wholesome chungus faction despite the Horde being a literal textbook example of a fascist nation
alt-right claims the Alliance as their Deus Vult faction despite it being a federated group of states like the EU or UN
woman moment
Sylvanas was mad that her own sisters rejected her so she decided no one gets to be happy
>alt-right claims the Alliance as their Deus Vult faction despite it being a federated group of states like the EU or UN
I just want a NElf wife
All of the Forsaken's woes can ultimately be boiled down to Sylvanas having women moments
Modern wow absolute ruined undead. They look so bulky and stupid. They used to have a legitimate charm. At least I don't play that game anymore.
nationalists like the federated group of nation states that don't actually step on each others' toes
leftists like the violent "oppressed" race that casually engage in genocide and make excuses for it
how is this a surprise
Post the part off to the side where they have mindraped some humans and are forcing them to breed so they can expiriment on them.
It was so dark Blizzard removed it during the great fruit purge because of the mind slave forced sex breeeding program they had going on.
All these niggers in the thread pretending they've read a single quest or stopped and watched a minute of roleplay and didn't just follow their big fuck off retard arrow to the next destination for 20 silver and some shitty cloth strength gloves.
you said 'leftists' in your post, clearly comparing fictional characters to real individuals
Doesn't Sylvie have like 3 sisters? They all despised her?
War Crimes
Sylvanas tries to gaslight her sister into assassinating Garrosh and starting an international incident in neutral soil
All while plotting to kill her (and thus orphan her kids, Sylvanas' nephews), so that Sylvanas wouldn't be as lonely in Undercity
Vereesa sees Anduin and has to run home to change her panties, foiling the plan
Sylvanas proceeds to run around Silverpine 1-shotting level 12 Wolves in a rage
That book fucking sucked but Sylvanas was unintentjonally hilarious in it.
Alleria hates her because she sided with the Horde
Vereesa hates her because she helped get her husband killed
Sylvanas' brother died to the Horde
It's not, I just find it funny because leftists rail against fascists and the other side rails against globohomo. It's just that the Alliance is a fantasy version of globohomo that keeps the states distinct. And people fall for memes and think orcs are black people instead of fascist Mongols.
he can fix her
The only semi-redeeming thing about BFA was all the Anduin/Sylvanas porn popping up. Nice digits btw.
Blood Elves were only added to balance the player numbers. Since majority of players were playing humans and night elves, they needed a "pretty" race.
Ogres were going to be the 5th horde race. That's why they have a dance animation.
I would have preferred this ending instead of Anduin's queen being that crippled dyke mary sue nigger living in a cave.
20 years later and Ogres still aren't in.
Furaffinity dragons are.
What a load of shit.
so many options and Blizzard gives him the fucking baboon
Dislikes Sylvanas for joining the Horde, and also the rampant war crines.
Dislikes Sylvanas for joining the Horde, attempting to kill her, threatening her kids, and likely being involved in the death of her husband
Died in the Second War.
I think the way they handled the forsaken should've tipped people off that blizzard had no idea what they wanted to do from the beginning
Faeren isn't his love interest. She's a walking pep talk for him to get his head on straight.
Lordaeron becoming some hybrid light/shadow human/undead kingdom would be cool
I'm unable to find any info on this
Blizzard is too lazy to do simple shit like:
add Naga, then claim they can't code a way for them to ride mounts
add Ogres but then claim they're too big for doors or find it IMPOSSIBLE to design a female version
add Vrykul then state they are again, too big for doors
Anduin can fix anything, but I don't want him fixing her.
shouldered with increasing amounts of bullshit since the age of 6
needs some literally who sheboon to give him moral support
I miss fighting Forsaken, bros. This whole working together schmuck sucks.
If anything she would make him worse
Allying with one of the ogre clans in Outland was the perfect way to add ogres.
After missing that opportunity WoD would have been the perfect time to give Horde a Draenor Ogre clan and give the Alliance the Arakkoa
Trips for my queen
I'd fuck Arthas' undead sister
That's the thing, anon. He's had to deal with this bullshit since he was a kid, then as soon as he was forced to be a bad guy he's afraid he liked it for how liberating it was.
Ironically Faerin isn't really the one to snap him out of it, he does it himself when he decides he's going to save the Spider People from the Void whether they like it or not.
The mind slave was in vanilla, not the breeding. You're mixing up Alexstrasza in wc2 with the lobotomised human in vanilla.
Alexstrasza literally fucked all of her consorts to death except the youngest one
naga and ogres were supposed to be in from the start
I hate this timeline.
thankfully horde death knights put these clowns in their place
Sounds based and appropriate for a game universe with war in the name.I'm sorry the alliance are faggots that cry over trampling flowerbeds.
Blizzard is lazy and doesn't want to write two scenarios for the factions so they do this shit and people defend it.
I'll never understand why WoW does this whole George Lucas level of introducing characters to tie back old ones and then wondering why people find them boring or inorganic. Whats next? Thrall had a brother who found a Legion spaceship and traveled the universe as a Flash Gordon level hero? Varian has a clone?
It should have been me!
Also, rip Tyranostrasz.
Calia had existed since 2007 when Blizz released a book about Arthas, where she treated him like a caring and supportive sibling who was proud of him becoming a Paladin. Her showing up in WoW was somewhat of a 'big' deal, but not something absurd.
People forget she was originally going to fuck deathwing.
The fact you'd defend the writing of this garbage with a "well actualllyyyy" Hope you pay to play this garbage for the rest of your life.
When the righteous light-enveloped living says something so holy you have to hit them with that mutilated necrotic stare
like the gays, by touching
I just want troll gf.
A lot of the Forsaken quests involved murdering the humans for various reasons -- Scarlet Crusade members were a given, but then you get to Hillsbrad and just go apeshit on the farmers and townsfolk. Plus, you got to help concoct new plague strains along the way. Once you broke out beyond the 20-30 range, you saw other factions more often and may not have gotten some of the late-game "yes, we're still planning to murder everyone" quests that were offered.
I mean anon they quite literally are victims. like they've been subjected to one of the worst possible fates against their will.
That doesn't excuse their actions of course but lets not pretend they arent victims.
Just go to Stranglethorn, bro.
Finding decent troll female art is next to impossible.
They're victims in the same way Serial Killers are victims of their enviroment/childhood aka not victims at all.
Most of them are literally murder victims you retard.
Better than those wolf aberrations the Alliance has.
Victims of genocide perpetuate genocide
Really makes you think
Vulpera exist.
Where was An'she in all of this?
I don't reckon most serial killers experience death then undeath
I don't know man sounds like a good way to catch AIDS or something
where was a beastman fairy tale
It's a mystery.
This is actually extremely realistic, countries make alliances of convenience with eventual disastrous consequences all the time. In the case of the Forsaken, Thrall probably understood the importance of having an ally in the Eastern Kingdoms, plus the tauren were supportive of the idea and the tauren are usually trustworthy. Of course, half that tauren support was from Magatha Grimtotem who wanted access to Forsaken alchemists to make poisons for her clan, but I don't think anyone knew that at the time.
I like the characterization of the Forsaken falling into evil, the specific events just suck and don't make any sense for a player faction that is supposed to be on par with the opposing side.
Nta. I think the point is a victim loses that status once they perpetuate the same crimes that made them victims, more so when they commit worse crimes. Technically they are still victims according to the original crime, but it exists only as a technicality, not as a meaningful categorization.
Need ally in the East
Whoops! Our support of them means we're funding genocide
It just keeps happening
I was being pedantic and this is more reasonable of a response than I deserved
Yeah, it was reasonable at the time, if barely, but after the Horde got burned many times thanks to forsaken going off the rails, it's also reasonable to cut ties. The Horde would lose nothing ending their alliance with the forsaken.
I would just like to remind everyone that every-fucking-thing was the Alliance's fault and Theramore deserved it.
Other than guaranteeing themselves a new enemy. Maybe the Alliance and Horde can raid the Undercity together again, this time with a different purpose.
The Forsaken should've been killed, full genocide. Replace them with Ogres.
Crazy to think demons are more honest than orcs.
Lillian Voss was a cool character. On related note, in the revamped Scholomance that boss in the cellar with corridors full of undeads, that boss casts those mirages of herself, her voice actor is pure sex. Now that i think of it, scholomance has great voice acting in it
The Horde would rather self-destruct than imagine a world where the Alliance gets back Lordaeron. With Lordaeron back they can work to healing and restoring it to its former glory, slowly over time. Alliance Druids healing the land and so on, priests and paladins purging the lingering undead. Remember, this is the same faction that chose to live in a desert hellhole and not use magic to grow anything there and turn it into an oasis. They would rather kill pigs and starve than do the logical thing.
I'm still not sure if I like release ogres more than the dire maul update.
The Alliance started every war in WoW's history, the Orcs are like 99% blameless.
dire maul ogres looked more fleshed out but more generic. release ogres have that flare and charm (and most likely are wc3 uprez)
only comparison i can make to that is vanilla worgen models looked more monstrous compared to the modern day.
Undead were actually being accepted by their living relatives
most of the humans turned back at the last minute and never met them
I wish I was undead bros...
Hordies are not beating the third worlder allegations
vanilla worgen models looked more monstrous compared to the modern day.
I get the model was all sorts of messed up, but it looks better than both versions players got. There's just something about vanilla textures and model design that really sells WarCraft. Ditching the harsh shadows completely destroyed the aesthetic.
Someone made the argument to me that if Sylvanas wasn't under the sway of the Jailor, she wouldn't have done all the reprehensible shit she did from Cataclysm onwards. How true or false is this?
its hard to find the right words, but I agree. Almost all the models in vanilla have this rustic and harsh look to it yet retards say >muh cartoonish style
modern day WoW looks like disney compared to old WoW
False as fuck, because jailer didn't exist as a concept until well after she screwed up.
patently false
sylvanas has been a nigger since TFT
Do you think Arthas would've raised her as a banshee if he knew the damage she'd do to the franchise?
Citing Shadowlands in any argument about the lore is an automatic loss. It's like citing bathroom graffiti.
Shes always been evil.
she didn't start helping him until after legion
Sylvanas only fell under his influence between Wrath and Cata. She was still full "DEATH TO THE LIVING" before then.